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The effect of anion binding to ceruloplasmin has been studied using absorption and cirbular dichroism spectral data. At anion to ceruloplasmin molar ratios approaching infinite, OCN-, N3- and SCN- bind to ceruloplasmin giving rise to similar alterations in circular dichroism and absorption spectra. The positive bands at 610 and 520 nm in circular dichroism spectra disappear, a negative one apperars at 600 nm and the peak at 450 nm is only slightly modified. There is a new negative band at 410 nm well-defined in OCN- ceruloplasmin spectra. The decrease in absorption at 610 nm is ascribed to the disruption of one type I Cu-S(cysteine) bond owing presumably to the changes induced by anions in the protein secondary structure. The new band at 410 nm is assigned to a charge transfer transition from the ligand replacing cysteine at its binding site. Both absorption and circular dichroism spectra show isobestic points indicating that anion binding to the enzyme, disruption of one of the two type I Cu-S bonds and coordination of this Cu to another protein residue take place simultaneously.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of a series of gastrin-related peptides in aqueous solution and in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) have been investigated by CD measurements. In aqueous solution the peptides Leu32-HG-34 (human big gastrin), Nle15-HG-17 (human little gastrin), and Nle11-HG-13 assume a random-coil structure in the pH range 3–7. In TFE the three hormones fold into partially ordered structures, consisting of mixtures of α-helix, β-form and random coil. Comparison with the CD properties of the shorter gastrin peptides HG-4 (tetragastrin), Nα-Boc-HG-5 (pentagastrin), and HG-7 (heptagastrin) indicates that the biologically important C-terminal sequence Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2 in TFE does not maintain the same geometry upon elongation of the chain at the N-terminus from 4 to 34 residues. Thus, the various conformations in solution of the gastrin peptides examined do not provide a structural explanation for their very similar biological activity. Therefore, we hypothesize that the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide folds into an “active” structure only upon interaction with the receptor.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism (CD) of the peptide hormone bradykinin and its analogues, [Phe(H4)5]-bradykinin, [Phe(H4)8]bradykinin, [Phe(H4)5,8]bradykinin, [TyrOMe5]bradykinin, [TyrOMe8]bradykinin and [TyrOMe5.8]bradykinin, is described. The comparison of the CD spectra of these analogues with each other, recorded under a variety of conditions (pH, solvent, temperature), allows the monitoring of the behaviour of the aromatic side-chains (phenylalanine, tyrosine) and an estimation of their respective spectral contributions in both spectral regions (320-250 nm, 250-190 nm) with good precision. Conformational non-equivalence of the residues Phe-5 and Phe-8 together with some overall conformational features of bradykinin are thus established.  相似文献   

The vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of metal-free phosvitin are presented as a function of pH and analyzed both qualitatively and by using a factor analysis approach referenced to a protein data set. The qualitative pattern of both the IR and VCD changes is consistent with a coil-to-sheet transition occurring as pH is progressively decreased to values lower than 3. A similar transition was seen in commercial preparation of phosvitin which still contained metal ions, but there the transition was more gradual and occurred at somewhat different pH values. Such a gradual change is also evident in the solution phase absorption band profile but is made clearer using Fourier deconvolution. Based on VCD results, the low pH transition appears to occur with two distinct manifestations of the beta-sheet form. However, at the lowest pH values the sample may precipitate. These two forms are not distinguishable with Fourier transform infrared alone and may be due to a twist of the beta-sheet form or to aggregation.  相似文献   

Structural variations of two parvalbumins, Whiting III and Pike III, in various denaturing conditions, have been studied by circular dichroism. CD signals are depressed from 4 urea. For Pike III, acidic pH, sodium dodecyl sulfate or complete removal of Ca2+ show little effect in the far ultraviolet region but rather strong effects in the near ultraviolet. For Whiting III similar results are obtained at acidic pH. Carboxymethylated Whiting III (0.15 Ca2+/mol) shows, on the contrary, decreased CD signals in the far and in the near ultraviolet spectra. Addition of Ca2+ fully restores the native CD spectra in both proteins. Ca2+ binding produces structural modifications which are found to vary according to parvalbumin and which seem in any case different from those described for troponin C.  相似文献   

Various complexes of myoglobin (Mb) with thiolate were studied by use of magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy. 1. MetMb-ethyl, n-propyl and isopropylmercaptan complexes offered MCD spectra similar to that of cytochrome P-450 (P-450) with respect to shape and intensity ratio of Soret MCD to Q0-0 MCD. The MCD spectra did not show any pH dependence. The complexes reduced by sodium dithionite exhibited the MCD spectrum of deoxyMb, indicative of release of thiolate anion from the heme iron. 2. Cysteine and cysteine methyl ester coordinated to the heme iron at pH 9.18 but not at pH 6.86 and 11.45. The complex formed at pH 9.18 gave an MCD spectrum similar to that of P-450, and an MCD spectrum of deoxy Mb on reduction with sodium dithionite. 3. The 2-mercaptoethanol complex exhibited three A terms associated with the Q0-0-1, and Soret transitions at pH 6.86 similar to those of Fe(II) cytochrome c, which indicates that Mb was reduced by this reagent at pH 6.86. At pH 9.18 2-mercaptoethanol gave an MCD spectrum similar to that of alkyl mercaptan just after the addition. With the time changed into deoxy Mb through some intermediate of reduced Mb-thiolate complex. At pH 11.45 2-mercaptoethanol formed complex which exhibited an MCD spectrum similar to those of other alkylmercaptans. 4. Sodium sulfide gave an MCD spectrum which resembled that of the normal thiol Mb complex just after addition at pH 6.86. The complex was gradually reduced to give 610 nm trough in addition to the MCD of deoxy Mb. The Mb-sulfur complex formed at pH 9.18 was gradually reduced to give an MCD spectrum which was fairly different from that of deoxy Mb. A similar MCD spectrum was observed at pH 11.45 just after the addition of Na2S. These results were considered to suggest the saturation of one of the conjugated double bonds of the porphyrin by sulfur.  相似文献   

Absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra are reported for chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b dissolved in nematic liquid crystal solvents. The spectra were measured with the dye molecules oriented uniaxially along the direction of. the magnetic field and measuring light beam. It is significant that under such conditions the MCD spectra recorded in the wavelength region of the Q and Soret bands of the chlorophyll are essentially unchanged with respect to rotation of the sample cell around this axis, even though there is almost complete orientation of the chlorophyll molecules by the liquid crystals. The MCD spectra of Chl a and b in the nematic liquid crystal solvents used in this study are surprisingly similar to the spectra obtained under isotropic conditions. These results illustrate an important technique with which to examine the optical spectra of dyes oriented in liquid crystal matrices in which the anisotropic effects can be reduced the negligible proportions by the application of a strong magnetic field parallel to the direction of the measuring light beam. The first deconvolution calculations are reported that describe the deconvolution of pairs of absorption and MCD spectra, in the Q and B band regions, for both Chl a and b. The spectral analysis to obtain quantitative estimates of transition energies was accomplished by carrying out detailed deconvolution calculations in which the both the absorption and MCD spectral envelopes were fitted with the same number of components; each pair of components had the same hand centres and bandwidth values. This procedure resulted in an assignment of each of the main transitions in the absorption spectra of both Chl a and b. Chl a is clearly monomeric, with Qy, Qx, By and Bx located at 671, 582, 439 and 431 nm, respectively. Analysis of the spectral data for Chl b located Qy, By and Bx, at 662, 476 and 464 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Since the enantiomers of the N‐methyl‐D ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptors antagonist ketamine have different pharmacological profiles, CD and UV spectroscopy were applied for the study of conformer equilibrium and pH dependence in ketamine solutions. The assignment of the configurations and conformations was performed on the basis of the “octant rule” and UV spectra. In accord with published data, it was established that, on protonation, the phenyl group of the ketamine molecule occupies an axial position, while for the base form, the ratio of conformers containing axial/equatorial aryl moieties is strongly solvent‐dependent. The CD and UV spectra indicate the presence of an intramolecular H‐bond C=O····H—N in the conformer with axial aryl moiety. Chirality 11:280–285, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of photosystem I (PSI) complexes of the cyanobacteria Thermosynechococcus elongatus, Arthrospira platensis and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 were studied. CD spectra of dark-adapted PSI trimers and monomers, measured at 77 K, show common bands at 669–670(+), 673(+), 680(−), 683–685(−), 696–697(−), 702(−) and 711(−) nm. The intensities of these bands are species specific. In addition, bands at 683–685(−) and 673(+) nm differ in intensity for trimeric and monomeric PSI complexes. CD difference spectra (P700+–P700) of PSI complexes at 283 K exhibit conservative bands at 701(−) and 691(+) nm due to changes in resonance interaction of chlorophylls in the reaction center upon oxidation of P700. Additional bands are observed at 671(−), 678(+), 685(−), 693(−) nm and in the region 720–725 nm those intensities correlate with intensities of analogous bands of antenna chlorophylls in dark-adapted CD spectra. It is suggested that the variability of CD difference spectra of PSI complexes is determined by changes in resonance interaction of reaction center chlorophylls with closely located antenna chlorophylls.  相似文献   

A Perczel  K Park  G D Fasman 《Proteins》1992,13(1):57-69
A recently developed algorithm, called Convex Constraint Analysis (CCA), was successfully applied to determine the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the pure beta-pleated sheet in globular proteins. On the basis of X-ray diffraction determined secondary structures, the original data set used (Perczel, A., Hollosi, M., Tusnady, G. Fasman, G.D. Convex constraint analysis: A natural deconvolution of circular dichroism curves of proteins, Prot. Eng., 4:669-679, 1991), was improved by the addition of proteins with high beta-pleated sheet content. The analysis yielded CD curves of the pure components of the main secondary structural elements (alpha-helix, antiparallel beta-pleated sheet, beta-turns, and unordered conformation), as well as a curve attributed to the "aromatic contribution" in the wavelength range of 195-240 nm. Upon deconvolution the curves obtained were assigned to various secondary structures. The calculated weights (percentages determining the contributions of each pure component curve in the measured CD spectra of a given protein) were correlated with the X-ray diffraction determined percentages in an assignment procedure and were evaluated. The Pearson product correlation coefficients (R) are significant for all five components. The new pure component curves, which were obtained through deconvolution of the protein CD spectra alone, are promising candidates for determining the percentages of the secondary structural components in globular proteins without the necessity of adopting an X-ray database. The CD spectrum of the CheY protein was interesting because it has the characteristic shape associated with the alpha-helical structure, but upon analysis yielded a considerable amount of beta-sheet in agreement with the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD) spectra of unblocked L-proline oligopeptides, (Pro)n n = 3 to 7, dissolved in D2O are reported. For these oligomers, the VCD spectra can be attributed to a conformational dominance of the trans amide conformation with subunits interrelated by a left-handed twist, particularly for the longer oligomers. As a function of oligomer length, formation of this conformation starts at n = 3; and by n = 5 a spectrum closely resembling that of the poly-L-proline II helix in shape and magnitude is seen. The VCD data are compared with previous (Pro)n results using IR, CD, Raman and NMR spectroscopies, and reasons for the variations in interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of salts on the experimental circular dichroism spectra of polypeptides is presented using poly-L-lysine as the main model. Salt effects are analyzed into: (a) shielding at low (less than 0.5 M) concentrations of all salts; (b) binding to positively charged and some neutrally charged side-chains by certain anions (e.g., CCl3COO-, CF3C00-, ClO4-), with induction of helicity; (c) binding of these same anions, at high concentration, to the backbone leading toward random structure; (d) binding of high concentration of denaturing cations (La+3, Ca++, Li+) to the backbone, with La+3 and Ca++ leading to collapsed random structure (R) while Li+ tends to leave the polypeptide somewhat extended; (e) indirect interaction of salting-out salts (NaH2PO4, (NH4)2SO4, NH4F), at high concentration, leading toward complete alpha helicity, probably by competition with the polypeptide and the anion for available water. Effects of changing the temperature from 5 degrees to 50 degrees on the circular dishroism spectra of different polypeptide-salt solutions throughout the region from extended (LES) to alpha helical conformation are analyzed in terms of introduction of randomness (R) at high temperature. Applications to effects of salt on protein structures are considered.  相似文献   

Induced circular dichroism of DNA-dye complexes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
C H Lee  C T Chang  J G Wetmur 《Biopolymers》1973,12(5):1098-1122
The binding of methylene blue, proflavine, and ethidium bromide with DNA has been studied by spectrophotometric titration. Methylene blue and proflavine or methylene blue and ethidium bromide were simultaneously titrated by DNA. The results indicate that all of these dyes compete for the same bindine sites. The binding properties are discussed in terms of symmetry. The optical properties of the dye–DNA complexes have been studied as a function of DNA/dye ratio. The induced circular dichriosm due to dye–dye interaction was measured at low dye/DNA ratios for cases involving both the same dye and different dyes. A positive Cotton effect for DNA–proflavine complex may be induced at 465 mμ by eithr proflavine or ethidium bromide, whereas a netgative Cotton effect at 465 mμ may be induced by methylene blue. The limiting circular dichroism, with no dye–dye interaction, and the induced circular dichroism spectra are discussed in terms of symmetry rules.  相似文献   

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