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Along with the development of nanotechnology, an increase in production and application of nanosized magnetite (Fe3O4) is expected. Though magnetite is considered relatively safe, information concerning potential hazards of synthetic magnetite nanoparticles with unique physico-chemical characteristics to aquatic organisms is still limited. In this study, we evaluated the toxicity of nanosized (27.2 ± 9.8 nm) and bulk (144.2 ± 67.7 nm) magnetite particles to different life stages of the aquatic crustacean Daphnia magna. In addition, phytotoxicity of the magnetite was evaluated using duckweed Lemna minor. The study did not reveal any statistically significant differences between the biological effects of nanosized and bulk magnetite particles. Both forms of magnetite induced very low toxicity (EC50 > 100 ppm) to D. magna and L. minor in the standard acute assays. However, it was demonstrated that at acutely subtoxic magnetite concentrations (10 and 100 ppm), the number of neonates hatched from D. magna ephippia was decreased. Moreover, short-term (48 h) exposure of neonate daphnids to these concentrations may significantly affect the long-term survival and reproductive potential of daphnids. These results indicate that substantial contamination of aquatic ecosystems by magnetite may disrupt the stability of cladoceran populations.  相似文献   

Wirtz KW 《Oecologia》2012,169(4):879-894
Central to theoretical studies of trophic interactions is the formulation of the consumer response to varying food availability. Response functions, however, are only rarely derived in mechanistic ways. As a consequence, the uncertainty in the functional representation of feeding remains large, as, e.g., evident from the ongoing debate on the usage of Ivlev, or Holling type I, II, and III functions in aquatic ecosystem models. Here, I refer to the work of Sj?berg in Ecol Model 10:215-225 (1980) who proposed to apply elements of the queuing theory developed in operational research to plankton-plankton interactions. Within this frame, food item processing is subdivided into two major stages which may operate with variable synchronicity. Asynchronous phasing of the two stages enhances the probability of long total processing times. This phenomenon is here termed feeding intermittency. Intermittency is assumed to determine the functional form of grazing kinetics, for which a novel grazing function containing a "shape" parameter is derived. Using this function, I evaluate the hypotheses that intermittency is influenced by (1) patchiness in the prey field (e.g., related to turbulence), and (2) the ratio of actual prey size to optimal prey size. Evidence for the first hypothesis arises from explaining reported variations in clearance rates of Acartia tonsa under different turbulence regimes. Further model applications to ingestion data for rotifers, copepods, and ciliates support the view that an increasing food size enhances intermittency and, this way, affects functional grazing responses. In the application to ciliate grazing, a possible prey density effect appears, possibly due to an intermittent activation of a feeding sub-stage. Queueing theory offers mechanistic explanations for transitions between Holling I-, II-, and Ivlev-type grazing. In doing so for variable prey size ratios, it may also refine size-based ecosystem models which are increasingly emerging in plankton ecology.  相似文献   

Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition rates are predicted to drastically increase in the coming decades. The ecosystem level consequences of these increases will depend on how plant tissue nutrient concentrations, stoichiometry and investment in nutrient uptake mechanisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) change in response to increased nutrient availability, and how responses differ between plant functional types. Using a factorial nutrient addition experiment with seedlings of multiple N-fixing and non-N-fixing tree species, we examined whether leaf chemistry and AMF responses differ between these dominant woody plant functional groups of tropical savanna and dry forest ecosystems. We found that N-fixers have remarkably stable foliar chemistry that stays constant with external input of nutrients. Non-N-fixers responded to N and N + P addition by increasing both concentrations and total amounts of foliar N, but showed a corresponding decrease in P concentrations while total amounts of foliar P stayed constant, suggesting a ‘dilution’ of tissue P with increased N availability. Non-N-fixers also showed an increase in N:P ratios with N and N + P addition, probably driven by both an increase in N and a decrease in P concentrations. AMF colonization decreased with N + P addition in non-N-fixers and increased with N and N + P addition in N-fixers, suggesting differences in their nutrient acquisition roles in the two plant functional groups. Our results suggest that N-fixers and non-N-fixers can differ significantly in their responses to N and P deposition, with potential consequences for future nutrient and carbon cycling in savanna and dry forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a key biomarker of automatic deviance detection thought to emerge from 2 cortical sources. First, the auditory cortex (AC) encodes spectral regularities and reports frequency-specific deviances. Then, more abstract representations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) allow to detect contextual changes of potential behavioral relevance. However, the precise location and time asynchronies between neuronal correlates underlying this frontotemporal network remain unclear and elusive. Our study presented auditory oddball paradigms along with “no-repetition” controls to record mismatch responses in neuronal spiking activity and local field potentials at the rat medial PFC. Whereas mismatch responses in the auditory system are mainly induced by stimulus-dependent effects, we found that auditory responsiveness in the PFC was driven by unpredictability, yielding context-dependent, comparatively delayed, more robust and longer-lasting mismatch responses mostly comprised of prediction error signaling activity. This characteristically different composition discarded that mismatch responses in the PFC could be simply inherited or amplified downstream from the auditory system. Conversely, it is more plausible for the PFC to exert top-down influences on the AC, since the PFC exhibited flexible and potent predictive processing, capable of suppressing redundant input more efficiently than the AC. Remarkably, the time course of the mismatch responses we observed in the spiking activity and local field potentials of the AC and the PFC combined coincided with the time course of the large-scale MMN-like signals reported in the rat brain, thereby linking the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic levels of automatic deviance detection.

Neuronal recordings in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat demonstrate that auditory mismatch responses are purely composed of prediction error signaling activity, independent from the spectral effects that drive the auditory system.  相似文献   

Outdoor recreation is increasing in intensity and space. Areas previously inaccessible are now being visited by ever‐growing numbers of people, which increases human–wildlife encounters across habitats. This has raised concern among researchers and conservationists as, even in non‐aggressive encounters, animals often perceive humans as predators and mount physiological and behavioural responses that can have negative consequences. However, despite all the research in recent decades, not many general patterns have emerged, especially at the level of populations, and many studies have yielded seemingly contradictory or inconclusive results. We argue that this is partly due to incomplete knowledge of the number and complexity of factors that may modulate the responses of animals. Thus, we aim to provide a conceptual approach intended to highlight the reasons that make it difficult to detect general patterns. We present a comprehensive compilation of factors modulating animal responses to humans at increasing levels (from sensory detection and immediate behavioural and physiological reactions, to changes in fitness and population trends), which may help understanding the uncertainty in the patterns. We observed that there are many modulating factors, which can be categorized as reflecting characteristics of the recreational activity itself (e.g. intensity of human presence), of the animals concerned (e.g. age or antipredatory strategy), and of the spatio‐temporal context (e.g. habitat or timing of the encounter). Some factors appear to have non‐linear and complex effects, which, if not considered, may lead to erroneous conclusions. Finally, we conclude that the difficulty in finding general patterns will be amplified at higher levels (i.e. at the level of populations), since as we proceed from one level to the next, the number of potential modulating factors accumulates, adding noise and obscuring direct associations between recreation and wildlife. More comprehensive knowledge about which (and how) factors affect animal responses across levels will certainly improve future research design and interpretation, and thus, our understanding of human recreational impacts on wildlife.  相似文献   

Predicting cellular responses to perturbations is an important task in systems biology. We report a new approach, RELATCH, which uses flux and gene expression data from a reference state to predict metabolic responses in a genetically or environmentally perturbed state. Using the concept of relative optimality, which considers relative flux changes from a reference state, we hypothesize a relative metabolic flux pattern is maintained from one state to another, and that cells adapt to perturbations using metabolic and regulatory reprogramming to preserve this relative flux pattern. This constraint-based approach will have broad utility where predictions of metabolic responses are needed.  相似文献   

Animals switch between inactive and active states, simultaneously impacting their energy intake, energy expenditure and predation risk, and collectively defining how they engage with environmental variation and trophic interactions. We assess daily activity responses to long‐term variation in temperature, resources and mating opportunities to examine whether individuals choose to be active or inactive according to an optimisation of the relative energetic and reproductive gains each state offers. We show that this simplified behavioural decision approach predicts most activity variation (R2 = 0.83) expressed by free‐ranging red squirrels over 4 years, as quantified through accelerometer recordings (489 deployments; 5066 squirrel‐days). Recognising activity as a determinant of energetic status, the predictability of activity variation aggregated at a daily scale, and the clear signal that behaviour is environmentally forced through optimisation of gain, provides an integrated approach to examine behavioural variation as an intermediary between environmental variation and energetic, life‐history and ecological outcomes.  相似文献   

Isolated elytra of polynoid worms emit a flash of bioluminescence when stimulated by an electric shock. With repeated stimulation, hundreds of flashes can be elicited which, in typical series, exhibit large and progressive variations. The amount of luminescence emitted by each flash first increases during a period of facilitation and then decreases exponentially during a longer period of decay. Through a microscope and image intensifier, the activity of individual microsources or photosomes was observed, using their fluorescence as a natural probe, in that its intensity is a function of the amount of luminescence previously emitted. Sequential observation showed a progressive and basically intracellular recruitment that correlated with facilitation. Facilitation and/or recruitment depended on the frequency of the stimulation. Recruitment proceeded among the photosomes of each photocyte, beginning with those of the cell periphery and progressing to those of the center. When the repetitive stimulation was interrupted and then resumed, the refacilitation was a function of the duration of the pause, and the pathway of recruitment duplicated that of the preceding sequence. It therefore appears that, within a given cell, individual photosomes can be either coupled and respond to stimulation or uncoupled and quiescent, that the coupled state has a basic lifetime of about 1 s which can be lengthened by reinforcement, and that this state must be established in a matter of milliseconds as a result of the stimulation. In preparing an increased response to a forthcoming stimulation, coupling acts as a short-term memory.  相似文献   

Responses of 116 neurons of the second auditory area to clicks were recorded extracellularly in experiments on unanesthetized cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Neurons with and without (54.6%) took part in the response to clicks. The unit response to a click consisted of 1 or 2 spikes or a short volley. Different neurons responded to clicks at different times. The latent period of 25.8% of all neurons recorded was 6.5–13 msec, of 70% it was 14–25 msec, and of 4.2% it was over 25 msec. Long-latency responses to clicks (40, 50, and 100 msec) also were recorded. The responding neurons were found throughout the thickness of the cortex, but more frequently in layers III and IV. No relationship was found between the depth of the neuron and its latest period. Responses consisting of EPSP, EPSP-spike, EPSP-spike-IPSP, EPSP-IPSP, and primary IPSP were recorded intracellularly from the neurons of this area. It was concluded from the results that neurons of the second auditory area can be activated by the arrival of an afferent volley along the geniculo-cortical pathway and also by the arrival of impulses from the first auditory area.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different durations of rest between two bouts of exercise on immunoendocrine responses during and after the second bout of exercise. Nine endurance athletes participated in three 25-h trials: 1) complete bed rest (REST), 2) two bouts of exercise separated by 3 h of rest (SHORT), and 3) two bouts of exercise separated by 6 h of rest (LONG). Each cycle ergometer exercise bout lasted 75 min at 75% of maximal O(2) uptake. We observed a more pronounced increase in epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol, but not in growth hormone, and a larger neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia in connection with the second bout of exercise in trial SHORT compared with trial LONG. Lymphocyte activation was unaltered by the difference in rest protocol. In conclusion, a second bout of exercise elicited more pronounced change in neuroendocrine factors and leukocyte counts when preceded by 3 h of rest as opposed to 6 h of rest after the first bout of exercise.  相似文献   

Virulence is often equated with pathogen-induced mortality, even though loss of fecundity is also common. But while the former may be understood as a simple consequence of lost host resources for the purposes of pathogen transmission, pathogen-induced sterility is often not associated with changes in host mortality. As a result, a separate literature has emerged to explain fecundity effects of parasitism that has not been integrated into general theories of the evolution of virulence. Here, I present a model of pathogen-induced sterility that is based on the assumption that hosts and pathogens vie for the same host resources for both reproduction and maintenance. Loss of host fecundity can then be explained by the host compensating for its future loss of resources, before infection. Such preinfection ;;fecundity compensation" may often cause preinfection investment in maintenance to be as low as postinfection levels, despite a loss of total host resources after infection. Thus, sterility is simply explained as a host life-history strategy in a system where the pathogen necessarily steals host resources for its own transmission. In certain circumstances, the pathogen may even be able to manipulate the host to redirect resources away from reproduction and toward maintenance through castration, causing gigantism.  相似文献   

Mortality rates of human populations in developed countries are declining with time. We show that this effect can be explained via a 'lifesaving' methodology. Our approach is based on considering a non-homogeneous Poisson process of potentially harmful events. Each of these events can be 'cured' with a given probability or can result in a termination of the Poisson process (death) with a complementary probability. A lifesaving ratio, defining the corresponding relative increase in life expectancy for homogeneous and heterogeneous populations is analyzed. Some generalizations are discussed. Several simple examples are considered.  相似文献   

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