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Subsocial burrower bugs (Heteroptera: Cydnidae) provide unique opportunities to investigate evolutionary ecological questions regarding parental provisioning and family dynamics. Observations and marked nutlet‐setting experiments in the field showed that Adomerus triguttulus females progressively delivered mint nutlets into nests harbouring nymphs under the litter. More than one female often attended nymphs, but not eggs, in a nest in the field. The number of nymphs aggregating in a nest with a single female was usually smaller than that in a nest with two females, suggesting the joining of different families and facultative joint parental care. There was a positive correlation between the number of nutlets delivered and the number of nymphs in a nest. The number of attendant females also affected the amount of provisioning; more nutlets were found for second‐instar broods with more females. The effect of brood size on provisioning was confirmed for families under laboratory rearing. Maternal provisioning also varied with the developmental stage of offspring; second‐instar broods received more nutlets than first‐instar broods, with a temporal decrease in provisioning during the moulting of nymphs. Considering the growing evidence of food solicitation signals of young in subsocial insects, the observed finely tuned supply of food by the female could be induced by begging signals from the nymphs.  相似文献   

Parenting strategies can be flexible within a species and may have varying fitness effects. Understanding this flexibility and its fitness consequences is important for understanding why parenting strategies evolve. In the present study, we investigate the fitness consequences of flexible parenting in the burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis, a species known for its advanced provisioning behaviour of regurgitated vertebrate carrion to offspring by both sexes. We show that, even when a parent is freely allowed to abandon the carcass at any point in time, biparental post‐hatching care is the most common pattern of care adopted in N. orbicollis. Furthermore, two parents together raised more offspring than single parents of either sex, showing that the presence of the male can directly influence parental fitness even in the absence of competitors. This contrasts with studies in other species of burying beetle, where biparental families do not differ in offspring number. This may explain why biparental care is more common in N. orbicollis than in other burying beetles. We suggest how the fitness benefits of two parents may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of flexible biparental care in N. orbicollis.  相似文献   

The marine piscicolid leech Calliobdella knightjonesi sp. nov. from the Oregon coast is described and illustrated. Mature individuals do not exceed 10 mm in length, have faint reddish-brown segmental pigment bands, small pulsatile vesicles, six pairs of testisacs and a well-developed seminal receptacle connected to the posterior portion of the bursa by paired tissue strands. The leech lacks eyes and ocelli.  相似文献   

Y-axis orientation, a movement perpendicular to the shore or coastline, enables aquatic animals to stay in a preferred zone in generally unstable habitats. Such behaviour is a widespread phenomenon in many freshwater and intertidal animal taxa. In the present study, an arena approach was used to test the orientation response of pulmonate freshwater snails. Using this experimental design, Y-axis orientation was shown for the first time in a freshwater snail species, the riverine Chilina patagonica. Some cues, potentially mediating Y-axis orientation, appeared to play no role in the shown orientation behaviour, such as chemical, gravity and humidity cues or a sun compass. Magnetic cues, however, could not be excluded. Since no significant differences in orientation were detected between different size classes in C. patagonica, orientation behaviour may not vary substantially throughout the snail's life history. In contrast to C. patagonica, no consistent orientation response was seen in the related lacustrine species Chilina llanquihuensis. The adaptation of C. patagonica to exhibit orientation along the Y-axis may be driven by the avoidance of high velocities in deeper water.  相似文献   

Abstract Factors affecting the foraging of mobile native fauna in highly fragmented urban landscapes have seldom been quantified at large spatial scales. We investigated factors affecting foraging by Grey‐headed Flying‐foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus; ‘flying‐foxes’) in the greater Melbourne metropolitan area. Flying‐foxes established a continuously occupied colony site in the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne in 1986, and the size of the colony has subsequently increased greatly. We used a stratified‐random sampling design to examine the importance of six variables on the detection of foraging flying‐foxes: (i) distance from the colony site (0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 km); (ii) distance from the Yarra River (0–5 and 5–20 km); (iii) the relative tree density of the municipality; (iv) whether the site was a park or street; (v) whether there was a relatively high or low density of trees at the site; and (vi) whether food was or was not detected at the site. We surveyed 240 sites within a 30‐km radius of the colony site for foraging flying‐foxes in both May and October 2002. The probability of detecting a foraging flying‐fox declined with increasing distance from the colony site, but increased with increasing tree cover, and was higher for parks compared with streets and when food was present. Flying‐foxes were observed foraging in a number of plant genera that have no species that naturally occur in the Melbourne area. Flying‐foxes in Melbourne thus forage on planted resources that are widely distributed within a fragmented landscape, and are an example of a positive response by a native species to the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

The myctophid Diaphus adenomus is recorded for the first time in the South Atlantic Ocean based on 139 specimens (83–203 mm standard length) collected from eight trawl stations off eastern Brazil, between 13 and 16° S at 38 and 39° W, at depths from 233 to 1275 m.  相似文献   

The presence of the dog biting louse, Trichodectes canis (De Geer, 1778; Ischnocera: Trichodectidae), is reported for the first time in the critically endangered Pseudalopex fulvipes (Martin, 1837) in Chiloé Island, south Chile.  相似文献   

蓝狐消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝狐又名北极狐(Alopex lagopus),属于食肉目(Carnivora),犬科(Canidae),北极狐属(Alopex).  相似文献   

Larva of the fruit beetle Dicronocephalus wallichi bourgoini Pouillaude 1914 is described and illustrated. The following unique morphological characters within Cetoniinae are discussed: shape of claw, spindle-shaped last antennomera, general body shape. The presence of metathoracic egg-bursters in the first instar larva has been found. Its significance for distinguishing the first instar larvae of Cetoniinae is discussed. The nesting behaviours of D. wallichi bourgoini and D. adamsi(Pascoe 1863) are described. The course of the life cycle of both species under laboratory condition is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Males of the giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrolli, care for egg masses on vegetation above the water surface. They supply the developing eggs with water and guard them against predators. In the present study, mechanisms by which paternal care is extended were found. Males were found situated just below the water on the natal substrate (usually a stick), and the first instar nymphs were aggregated around the substrate. When disturbed, the males showed aggressive behavior, threatening the intruder with their forelegs. Nymphs up to 12 h old did not attack the offered sibling nymphs or anuran larvae, which are common prey in the field. The 24 h‐old nymphs attacked both prey animals; however, they preferred anuran larvae. Cannibalistic behavior in the nymphs was well developed 72 h after hatching, when the nymphs had already dispersed from the natal substrate. The suppression of sibling cannibalism in younger nymphs would promote the maintenance of tight nymphal aggregations and consequently extend male care in this predatory species.  相似文献   

Cohorts of Branchiura sowerbyi were reared at different temperatures and initial population densities in order to obtain data suitable for the interpretation of population dynamics in field populations. Percent hatching from cocoons reaches its maximum at 25 °C and decreases towards lower and higher temperatures. Embryonic development time, TE, was measured and the relative threshold temperature, 10 °C, calculated by extrapolation. The degree day requirement for embryo development is 195 °C d. The time of first cocoon laying (Tgm) was observed and the ratio TE/Tgm was seen to fit with that of other tubificid species cultured so far. Embryo mortality is rather high, while worm mortality is low or very low. Fecundity increases from 15 to 20 °C but decreases at 25 °C. A mathematical model for the simulation of population densities with four size-stage compartments is suggested. It could be used for the optimization of worm uptake (simulated as stage specific mortality) in mass cultures reared for the production of Branchiura, to be used as food for fish fingerlings.  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of parental resources is an important life history trait. However, it has been rarely investigated empirically. We tested aspects of optimal allocation theory in a digger wasp, the European beewolf. Investment allocation theory assumes (1) a trade‐off between investment per offspring and offspring number and (2) a convex relationship between investment per offspring and fitness returns. From mis relationship an optimum amount of investment per offspring can be derived and parents are predicted to provide each offspring with this optimum amount of investment. We used the number of bees in a brood cell as a measure of parental investment. Offspring fitness was quantified as both survival until emergence and success as adults. There is evidence for a trade‐off between current and future reproduction, suggesting that the first assumption is met. In contradiction to the second assumption, one mortality factor, parasitism, increased proportionally with the number of bees in a brood cell. However, overall mortality until emergence significantly decreased with the number of bees in a brood cell as assumed by the theory. The determination of the optimum amount of investment per offspring is complicated because the sexes possibly differ in their relationship between amount of investment and fitness. Individual males received considerably fewer bees (2.2 ± 0.8) than females (3.8 ± 0.5). Two independent estimates of the investment specific survival suggested that sons with two bees had the highest fitness returns per single bee and, consistent with the prediction, most sons were provisioned with two bees. For daughters, four bees is probably the optimum amount and most daughters were provisioned with this number. In both sexes the variation of investment per offspring was less than expected by a Poisson distribution with the same mean. These findings support the view that parental investment is allocated in a way that optimizes the trade‐off between offspring number and investment per offspring. However, variation contradicting the hypothesis still occurred. This might be explained either by adaptive variation in the amount of investment per offspring, constraints in the adjustment of the optimum amount of investment, or problems in measuring parental investment.  相似文献   

Abstract The insecticidal effects of Lantana camara L. (flowers, leaves, stems and roots) and the soil where lantana had been growing, on foraging activity and survival of the subterranean termites Coptotermes formosanus and Reticulitermes flavipes were examined in a 3-week experiment. The soil in which lantana had been growing had no effect on termite tunneling and survival. Incorporation of chipped fresh lantana leaves and stems into soil had no effect on mortality but caused significant reduction in tunneling. The 5-cm wide barrier of soil with lantana tissue incorporated effectively repelled groups of both species from penetrating the barrier and thus prevented infestation of a piece of wood on the other side of the barrier. C. formosanus was more sensitive in avoiding the barrier than R. flavipes. Leaves, stems and flowers were more repellent than roots. These results provide preliminary evidence that fresh-cut lantana leaves, stems and flowers may have use as additives to garden mulches against termites.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that small birds at their nest sites avoid areas around dens of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, Linneaus 1758) in an intensively used farmland. Birds were counted at 18 points (radius 100m) located near dens, as well as at 18 control points that were located at least 600m away from the nearest den. These two types of points did not differ with respect to the number of recorded bird species. However, a negative effect of the proximity of fox dens on the total density of the bird community was observed. This effect was also recorded for the most abundant bird species, the skylark (Alauda arvensis, Linneaus 1758). In agreement with our expectations, these results indicate a negative impact of fox presence on a breeding bird community in an open farmland.  相似文献   

Summary Termite mound densities in typical guinea savanna, Detarium, and grassland (boval) habitats in northern guinea savanna were determined by random quadratting of 2–3 sites in each habitat (100, 10x10 m quadrats per habitat). Dominant species in guinea savanna were T. geminatus (46 mounds ha-1) and T. oeconomus (21 mounds ha-1), in Detarium T. geminatus (59 mounds ha-1) and C. curtatus (45 mounds ha-1) and in boval C. curtatus (72 mounds ha-1) and T. geminatus (22 mounds ha-1). Only C. curtatus densities and total densities differed significantly between sites within habitats, but all species differed significantly in abundance between habitats. The composition of each community was related to general environment but no particular environmental variable was shown to be a major determinant of termite distribution. Evidence for the limitation of termite populations was obtained from indirect evidence of competition between colonies in Detarium, and by experimental manipulation of fire regimes in the typical guinea savanna habitat. Harvester termites increased four-five fold over two years in fire-protected plots as a result of increased food supplies. Total termite densities in the fire-protected community equilibrated to the new population density (100 mounds ha-1) after only two-three years.  相似文献   

The genus Gryllus includes 82 described species that occur in America from Canada to Argentina as well as in several areas of Africa, Europe and Asia. There are 12 species in South America, which were described in the nineteenth century based on a small number of samples and inconsistent characters such as body coloration and external morphology. The aim of this article is to redescribe Gryllus argentinus Saussure, 1874 collected in the urban areas of Pelotas, Capão do Leão and Rio Grande, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, highlighting phallic sclerites, calling song and body morphometry. We designate the lectotype male, provide a combination of diagnostic characteristics and discuss the taxonomic situation of South American Gryllus species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ciliate Trichodina was recorded on the calanoid Notodiaptomus deitersi in a shallow, eutrophic reservoir, located in the centre‐west of Brazil. The species was confirmed as Trichodina diaptomi, a species widely distributed in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. It was observed moving freely over the carapace of the copepod, and using its adhesive disc. This is the first record for the species in the Americas.  相似文献   

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