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Although CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells are known to suppress Th1 cell-mediated immune responses, their effect on Th2-type immune responses remains unclear. In this study we examined the role of Treg cells in Th2-type airway inflammation in mice. Depletion and reconstitution experiments demonstrated that the Treg cells of naive mice effectively suppressed the initiation and development of Th2-driven airway inflammation. Despite effective suppression of Th2-type airway inflammation in naive mice, adoptively transferred, allergen-specific Treg cells were unable to suppress airway inflammation in allergen-presensitized mice. Preactivated allergen-specific Treg cells, however, could suppress airway inflammation even in allergen-presensitized mice by accumulating in the lung, where they reduced the accumulation and proliferation of Th2 cells. Upon activation, allergen-specific Treg cells up-regulated CCR4, exhibited enhanced chemotactic responses to CCR4 ligands, and suppressed the proliferation of and cytokine production by polarized Th2 cells. Collectively, these results demonstrated that Treg cells are capable of suppressing Th2-driven airway inflammation even in allergen-presensitized mice in a manner dependent on their efficient migration into the inflammatory site and their regulation of Th2 cell activation and proliferation.  相似文献   

The T lymphocytes that accumulate in vast numbers in the lymphoid tissues of lpr/lpr (lpr) mice express a TCR-alpha beta that is polyclonally rearranged, and yet is devoid of surface CD4 or CD8 (CD4-8-) as well as CD2. lpr CD2- alpha beta + CD4-8- T cells exhibit an apparent block in signal transduction, in that when activated they produce little or no IL-2 and proliferate minimally in the absence of exogenous IL-2. In contrast to the predominant hyporesponsive alpha beta + CD4-8- T cells, we observe that a minor subset (1 to 2%) of lpr lymph node CD4-8- cells expresses a TCR-gamma delta and can proliferate upon activation with PMA and ionomycin in the absence of exogenous IL-2. Furthermore, these responsive gamma delta T cells express surface CD2. The functional and phenotypic distinctions of lpr gamma delta T cells led us to identify an analogous minor (4 to 10%) subset of alpha beta + CD4-8- cells in lpr thymus and lymph nodes that does express CD2. Similar to the gamma delta subset, these CD2+ alpha beta + CD4-8- cells are also capable of proliferation and IL-2 production. Thus the capacity for IL-2 production and proliferation by a small proportion of lpr CD4-8- T cells, either alpha beta + or gamma delta +, correlates with their expression of surface CD2. This correlation is supported by the observation that the lpr liver contains actively cycling alpha beta + CD4-8- lymphocytes that are strikingly enriched for CD2 expression. Consequently, unlike the vast proportion of abnormal lpr CD2- CD3+ CD4-8- cells, the CD2+ CD3+ CD4-8- T cells may not express the basic lpr defect, or else are not affected by its presence. These studies suggest that expression of the lpr abnormality may be restricted to a particular T cell lineage. This functional correlation with CD2 expression may be more broadly applicable to phenotypically similar subsets of normal thymocytes, and possibly peripheral tolerized T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination is an effective approach in inducing the switch of murine immune responses from a Th2 to a Th1 profile of cytokine production that has been related to the activity of unmethylated CpG motifs present in bacterial, but not mammalian, DNA. We report here that some synthetic phosphorothioate, but not phosphodiester, oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) were able to induce B cell proliferation and to shift the in vitro differentiation of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus group 1-specific human CD4+ T cells from atopic donors into Th cell effectors showing a prevalent Th1, instead of Th2, cytokine profile. This latter effect was completely blocked by the neutralization of IL-12 and IFN (alpha and gamma) in bulk culture, suggesting that the Th1-inducing activity of phosphorothioate ODNs was mediated by their ability to stimulate the production of these cytokines by monocytes, dendritic, and NK cells. Cytosine methylation abolished the Th1-inducing activity of ODNs; however, CpG dinucleotide-containing ODNs exhibited the Th1-shifting effect independently of the presence or the absence of CpG motifs (5'-pur-pur-CpG-pyr-pyr-3'). Moreover, the inversion of CpG to GpC resulted only in a partial reduction of this activity, suggesting that the motif responsible for the Th1-skewing effect in humans is at least partially different from that previously defined in mice. These results support the concept that the injection of allergens mixed to, or conjugated with, appropriate ODNs may provide a novel allergen-specific immunotherapeutic regimen for the treatment of allergic disorders.  相似文献   

mAb directed against the TCR/CD3 complex activate resting T cells. However, TCR/CD3 signaling induces death by apoptosis in immature (CD4+CD8+) murine thymocytes and certain transformed leukemic T cell lines. Here we show that anti-TCR and anti-CD3 mAb induce growth arrest of cloned TCR-gamma delta + T cells in the presence of IL-2. In the absence of exogenous IL-2, however, the very same anti-TCR/CD3 mAb stimulated gamma delta (+)-clones to proliferation and IL-2 production. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, anti-TCR/CD3 mAb induced the degradation of DNA into oligosomal bands of approximately 200 bp length in cloned gamma delta + T cells. This pattern of DNA fragmentation is characteristic for the programmed cell death termed apoptosis. These results demonstrate that TCR/CD3 signaling can induce cell death in cloned gamma delta + T cells. In addition, this report is the first to show that apoptosis triggered by TCR/CD3 signaling is not restricted to CD4+CD8+ immature thymocytes and transformed leukemic T cell lines but can be also observed with IL-2-dependent normal (i.e., TCR-gamma delta +) T cells.  相似文献   

Innate and adaptive immune responses induced by leptospirosis have not been well characterized. In this study we show that in vitro exposure of naive human PBMC to Leptospira interrogans results in cell proliferation and the production of IFN-gamma, IL-12, and TNF-alpha. Cell proliferation was highest when using high numbers of Leptospira. Optimal cell proliferation occurred at 6-8 days, and the majority of cells contained in these cultures were gamma/delta T cells. These cultures showed a 10- to 50-fold expansion of gamma/delta T cells compared with the initial cellular input. Additionally, these cultures contained elevated numbers of NK cells. In contrast, exposure of PBMC to low numbers of Leptospira failed to induce gammadelta T cell or NK cell expansion, but induced significant alphabeta T cell expansion. Vgamma9/Vdelta2 were expressed on all gamma/delta T cells expanded by exposure of PBMC to Leptorspira: Leptospira stimulation of purified TCRgammadelta(+) T cells, obtained from 8-day cultures of Leptospira-stimulated PBMC, induced high levels of IFN-gamma production, but no cell proliferation, suggesting that such stimulation of gammadelta T cells did not depend on specialized accessory cells or Ag processing. Finally, in patients with acute leptospirosis, there was a significant (4- to 5-fold) increase in the number of peripheral blood TCRgammadelta(+) T cells. These results indicate that Leptospira can activate gammadelta T cells and alphabeta T cells and will guide further investigations into the roles of these T cell populations in host defense and/or the pathology of leptospirosis.  相似文献   

CD4+T细胞对病原微生物可产生有效免疫应答,依据其产生细胞因子不同分为辅助Ⅰ型T细胞(Th1)和辅助Ⅱ型T细胞(Th2),目前其他亚型已被鉴定,包括Th17、调节性T细胞(Treg),滤泡型T细胞和Th9细胞等.调节性T细胞既抑制Th1,也抑制Th2发育.最近研究报道,在过敏性疾病和哮喘患者中Treg细胞数量减少,并认为是通过下调Th1和Th2细胞以外的其他亚类细胞而抑制过敏和哮喘发作的.在这篇综述中,我们将进一步探讨Th1、Th2、Th17、Th9以及Treg在过敏性和哮喘疾病中的作用.  相似文献   

A deficiency of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (CD25+ Tregs) in lymphopenic mice can result in the onset of autoimmune gastritis. The gastric H/K ATPase alpha (H/Kalpha) and beta (H/Kbeta) subunits are the immunodominant autoantigens recognized by effector CD4+ T cells in autoimmune gastritis. The mechanism by which CD25+ Tregs suppress autoimmune gastritis in lymphopenic mice is poorly understood. To investigate the antigenic requirements for the genesis and survival of gastritis-protecting CD25+ Tregs, we analyzed mice deficient in H/Kbeta and H/Kalpha, as well as a transgenic mouse line (H/Kbeta-tsA58 Tg line 224) that lacks differentiated gastric epithelial cells. By adoptive transfer of purified T cell populations to athymic mice, we show that the CD25+ Treg population from mice deficient in either one or both of H/Kalpha and H/Kbeta, or from the H/Kbeta-tsA58 Tg line 224 mice, is equally effective in suppressing the ability of polyclonal populations of effector CD4+ T cells to induce autoimmune gastritis. Furthermore, CD25+ Tregs, from either wild-type or H/Kalpha-deficient mice, dramatically reduced the expansion of pathogenic H/Kalpha-specific TCR transgenic T cells and the induction of autoimmune gastritis in athymic recipient mice. Proliferation of H/Kalpha-specific T cells in lymphopenic hosts occurs predominantly in the paragastric lymph node and was dependent on the presence of the cognate H/Kalpha Ag. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that the gastritis-protecting CD25+ Tregs do not depend on the major gastric Ags for their thymic development or their survival in the periphery, and that CD25+ Tregs inhibit the Ag-specific expansion of pathogenic T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

We previously reported that resident gammadelta T cells in the peritoneal cavity rapidly produced IL-17 in response to Escherichia coli infection to mobilize neutrophils. We found in this study that the IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells did not produce IFN-gamma or IL-4, similar to Th17 cells. IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells specifically express CD25 but not CD122, whereas CD122(+) gammadelta T cells produced IFN-gamma. IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells were decreased but still present in IL-2- or CD25-deficient mice, suggesting a role of IL-2 for their maintenance. IFN-gamma-producing CD122(+) gammadelta T cells were selectively decreased in IL-15-deficient mice. Surprisingly, IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells were already detected in the thymus, although CD25 was not expressed on the intrathymic IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells. The number of thymic IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells was peaked at perinatal period and decreased thereafter, coincided with the developmental kinetics of Vgamma6(+) Vdelta1(+) gammadelta T cells. The number of IL-17-producing gammadelta T cells was decreased in fetal thymus of Vdelta1-deficient mice, whereas Vgamma5(+) fetal thymocytes in normal mice did not produce IL-17. Thus, it was revealed that the fetal thymus-derived Vgamma6(+) Vdelta1(+) T cells functionally differentiate to produce IL-17 within thymus and thereafter express CD25 to be maintained in the periphery.  相似文献   

CD25- T cells generate CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells by peripheral expansion   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Naturally occurring CD4(+) regulatory T cells are generally identified through their expression of CD25. However, in several experimental systems considerable T(reg) activity has been observed in the CD4(+)CD25(-) fraction. Upon adoptive transfer, the expression of CD25 in donor-derived cells is not stable, with CD4(+)CD25(+) cells appearing in CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell-injected animals and vice versa. We show in this study that CD25(+) cells arising from donor CD25(-) cells upon homeostatic proliferation in recipient mice express markers of freshly isolated T(reg) cells, display an anergic state, and suppress the proliferation of other cells in vitro. The maintenance of CD25 expression by CD4(+)CD25(+) cells depends on IL-2 secreted by cotransferred CD4(+)CD25(-) or by Ag-stimulated T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Human CD8(+) regulatory T cells, particularly the CD8(+)CD28(-) T suppressor cells, have emerged as an important modulator of alloimmunity. Understanding the conditions under which these cells are induced and/or expanded would greatly facilitate their application in future clinical trials. In the current study, we develop a novel strategy that combines common gamma chain (γc) cytokines IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 and donor antigen presenting cells (APCs) to stimulate full HLA-mismatched allogeneic human CD8(+) T cells which results in significant expansions of donor-specific CD8(+)CD28(-) T suppressor cells in vitro. The expanded CD8(+)CD28(-) T cells exhibit increased expressions of CTLA-4, FoxP3, and CD25, while down-regulate expressions of CD56, CD57, CD127, and perforin. Furthermore, these cells suppress proliferation of CD4(+) T cells in a contact-dependent and cytokine-independent manner. Interestingly, the specificity of suppression is restricted by the donor HLA class I antigens but promiscuous to HLA class II antigens, providing a potential mechanism for linked suppression. Taken together, our results demonstrate a novel role for common γc cytokines in combination with donor APCs in the expansion of donor-specific CD8(+)CD28(-) T suppressor cells, and represent a robust strategy for in vitro generation of such cells for adoptive cellular immunotherapy in transplantation.  相似文献   

After Ag and/or mitogen stimulation, cloned mouse Th1 and Th2 cells produce different cytokines that contribute to induction of particular B cell isotype responses. In this regard, IL-5 produced by Th2 cells has been shown to enhance IgA synthesis in LPS-triggered splenic (SP) B cell or in unstimulated Peyer's patch (PP) B cell cultures. This raises the possibility that Th2 cells may occur in higher frequency in gut-associated tissues, because B cells in these areas are committed to IgA synthesis. We have used an ELISPOT assay to detect individual T cells producing IFN-gamma or IL-5. For the IL-5 assay, the mAb TRFK-5 and biotinylated TRFK-4 were used in coating and detection, respectively, whereas the mAb R4-6A2 and biotinylated XMG 1.2 were similarly used for enumeration of IFN-gamma-specific spot forming cells (SFC). Specificity of each assay was tested by using Con A-activated, cloned Th1 (H66-61) or Th2 (CDC-25) cells, where the Th1 cells only produced IFN-gamma SFC and the Th2 cells only gave IL-5-specific spots. Further, preincubation of biotinylated TRFK-4 or XMG 1.2 with rIL-5 or IFN-gamma, respectively, abrogated the formation of specific spots when tested with Con A-activated SP CD4+ T cells. Both IFN-gamma and IL-5 were produced de novo, because treatment of T cells with cycloheximide inhibited both IFN-gamma and IL-5 SFC. We have assessed the numbers of T cells spontaneously secreting these cytokines in PP and in lamina propria and intraepithelial lymphocyte (LPL and IEL) populations. Moderate levels of IL-5 SFC occurred in the IEL subset, whereas higher levels existed in the LPL population. Although significant numbers of IFN-gamma SFC (Th1-type) were also seen in LPLs, the frequency of IL-5 SFC was always higher (Th1:Th2 in LPL = 1:3). In IELs, equal numbers of IFN-gamma and IL-5 SFC were seen. Interestingly, CD8+ IEL T cells produced these two cytokines. In contrast, T cells freshly isolated from PP, an IgA inductive site, contained smaller numbers of IL-5- or IFN-gamma-secreting cells and SP T cells had essentially no SFC. When PP or SP T cells were stimulated with Con A, significant and approximately equal numbers of IFN-gamma- and IL-5-producing cells appeared.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

T cell receptors consist either of an alpha-chain combined with a beta-chain or a gamma-chain combined with a delta-chain. alphabeta T cells constitute the majority of T cells in human blood throughout life. Flow cytometric analyses presented in this study, which focus on the representation of the developmental (naive and memory) subsets of gammadelta T cells, show by function and phenotype that this lineage contains both naive and memory cells. In addition, we show that the representation of naive T cells is higher among alphabeta than gammadelta T cells in adults and that the low frequency of naive gammadelta T cells in adults reflects ontological differences between the two major gammadelta subsets, which are distinguished by expression of Vdelta1 vs Vdelta2 delta-chains. Vdelta1 cells, which mirror alphabeta cells with respect to naive representation, predominate during fetal and early life, but represent the minority of gammadelta cells in healthy adults. In contrast, Vdelta2 cells, which constitute the majority of adult gammadelta cells, show lower frequencies of naive cells than Vdelta1 early in life and show vanishingly small naive frequencies in adults. In essence, nearly all naive Vdelta2 cells disappear from blood by 1 year of life. Importantly, even in children less than 1 year old, most of the nonnaive Vdelta2 cells stain for perforin and produce IFN-gamma after short-term in vitro stimulation. This represents the earliest immunological maturation of any lymphocyte compartment in humans and most likely indicates the importance of these cells in controlling pathology due to common environmental challenges.  相似文献   

The relative ability of Th1 and Th2 T cells to help B cells remains controversial as do the mechanisms by which both T cell subsets provide help in vivo. Whether this help affects the clonal expansion and/or differentiation of B cells has been difficult to assess due to the low frequency of Ag-specific T and B lymphocytes. We have employed a novel technique to directly monitor the clonal expansion of Ag-specific T and B lymphocytes in vivo. OVA-specific TCR transgenic T lymphocytes were polarized toward a Th1 or Th2 phenotype in vitro. These cells were then transferred into syngeneic recipients, along with B cell receptor transgenic hen egg lysozyme-specific B lymphocytes. Our results indicate that Th1 and Th2 cells support B cell responses to a similar extent in vivo and that they achieve this in the same manner by migrating into B cell follicles to promote CD154-dependent B cell clonal expansion and Ab production.  相似文献   

Brief treatment with alphaCD154 Ab has been shown to prevent acute graft versus host disease (aGvHD). We extend these data to show that in the absence of CD154 function, donor T cells are unable to expand or generate high level anti-host CTL activity. Using transgenic (Tg) alloreactive CD8+ T cells adoptively transferred into allogeneic recipients, we show that short-term expansion of the CD8+ Tg T cells occurred in the absence of Th cells, and this short-term expansion could be facilitated with an agonistic alphaCD40. While CD40 agonism could enhance short-term expansion, sustained expansion of CD8+ Tg T cells required bona fide CD154-expressing CD4+ alloreactive Th cells. While CD154 was necessary for CD8+ Tg T cell sustained expansion, IL-2 was also implicated as essential. These observations suggest alphaCD154 therapy in GvHD is effective because the treatment causes an abortive CD8 alloresponse leading to the exhaustion or deletion of alloreactive CD8+ clones preventing the development of disease.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the requirements for the induction of proliferative responses by thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells. Enriched populations of CD4-CD8- thymocytes from newborn mice, purified by negative selection with anti-CD4, anti-CD8, and anti-TCR alpha beta mAbs were found to contain approximately 20% gamma delta T cells that were p55IL-2R-. When these cells were cultured with a panel of lymphokines (IL-1, -2, -4, and -7), a small response was observed to some of the cytokines tested individually; however, combinations of certain lymphokines (IL-1 + 2, IL-1 + 7, and IL-2 + 7) were found to induce significant proliferation and the selective outgrowth (75-90%) of gamma delta T cells. These cells were IL-2R+, remained CD4-, yet expressed variable levels of CD8. A limited analysis with specific anti-V gamma and V delta mAb suggested that there had not been a selective expansion of preexisting V gamma 2, V gamma 3, or V delta 4 populations in response to the stimulatory lymphokine combinations. Thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells were unresponsive to stimulation with immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb alone. However, in the presence of immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb and IL-1, IL-2, or IL-7, but not IL-4, a vigorous proliferative response was observed. Phenotypic analysis showed that 80 to 95% of the proliferating cells were polyclonally expanded gamma delta T cells, expressed the p55IL-2R, and the majority remained CD4-CD8-. Blocking studies with anti-IL-2R mAb showed that stimulation with anti-pan gamma delta + IL-1, but not anti-pan gamma delta + IL-7 was dependent on endogenously produced IL-2. Collectively, these studies suggest that the activation requirements of newborn thymic gamma delta T cells differ markedly from alpha beta T cells in that gamma delta T cells 1) respond to combinations of cytokines in the absence of TCR cross-linking, 2) can respond to TCR cross-linking in the presence of exogenous cytokines, 3) but are unable to activate endogenous cytokine production solely in the presence of TCR cross-linking.  相似文献   

We used a TCR-transgenic mouse to investigate whether Th2-mediated airway inflammation is influenced by Ag-specific CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells. CD4+CD25+ T cells from DO11.10 mice expressed the transgenic TCR and mediated regulatory activity. Unexpectedly, depletion of CD4+CD25+ T cells before Th2 differentiation markedly reduced the expression of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 mRNA and protein when compared with unfractionated (total) CD4+ Th2 cells. The CD4+CD25--derived Th2 cells also expressed decreased levels of IL-10 but were clearly Th2 polarized since they did not produce any IFN-gamma. Paradoxically, adoptive transfer of CD4+CD25--derived Th2 cells into BALB/c mice induced an elevated airway eosinophilic inflammation in response to OVA inhalation compared with recipients of total CD4+ Th2 cells. The pronounced eosinophilia was associated with reduced levels of IL-10 and increased amounts of eotaxin in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. This Th2 phenotype characterized by reduced Th2 cytokine expression appeared to remain stable in vivo, even after repeated exposure of the animals to OVA aerosols. Our results demonstrate that the immunoregulatory properties of CD4+CD25+ T cells do extend to Th2 responses. Specifically, CD4+CD25+ T cells play a key role in modulating Th2-mediated pulmonary inflammation by suppressing the development of a Th2 phenotype that is highly effective in vivo at promoting airway eosinophilia. Conceivably, this is partly a consequence of regulatory T cells facilitating the production of IL-10.  相似文献   

Allergic airway inflammation and hyperreactivity are modulated by gammadelta T cells, but different experimental parameters can influence the effects observed. For example, in sensitized C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, transient depletion of all TCR-delta(+) cells just before airway challenge resulted in airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), but caused hyporesponsiveness when initiated before i.p. sensitization. Vgamma4(+) gammadelta T cells strongly suppressed AHR; their depletion relieved suppression when initiated before challenge, but not before sensitization, and they suppressed AHR when transferred before challenge into sensitized TCR-Vgamma4(-/-)/6(-/-) mice. In contrast, Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells enhanced AHR and airway inflammation. In normal mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c), enhancement of AHR was abrogated only when these cells were depleted before sensitization, but not before challenge, and with regard to airway inflammation, this effect was limited to C57BL/6 mice. However, Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells enhanced AHR when transferred before challenge into sensitized B6.TCR-delta(-/-) mice. In this study Vgamma1(+) cells also increased levels of Th2 cytokines in the airways and, to a lesser extent, lung eosinophil numbers. Thus, Vgamma4(+) cells suppress AHR, and Vgamma1(+) cells enhance AHR and airway inflammation under defined experimental conditions. These findings show how gammadelta T cells can be both inhibitors and enhancers of AHR and airway inflammation, and they provide further support for the hypothesis that TCR expression and function cosegregate in gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

CCL21 (SLC/6Ckine) is constitutively expressed by secondary lymphoid tissue and attracts CCR7-expressing mature dendritic cells and naive T cells. Recent studies demonstrated that intra-tumoral delivery of CCL21 induces tumor regression in a T cell dependent manner. CCL21 is known to mediate T cell trafficking but little is known about its function as a costimulatory molecule. Herein, we demonstrate that CCL21 costimulates expansion of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and induces Th1 polarization. These effects were specific for naive T cells, and we show that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells were hyporesponsive to CCL21 induced migration, and unresponsive to CCL21 costimulation. These unique functions of CCL21 to both attract naive T cells as well as costimulate their proliferation and differentiation, suggests that CCL21 is a pivotal molecule for priming T cell responses and has therapeutic implications for local delivery of CCL21. The coordinated effects of CCL21 on T cell migration and activation may also represent a more comprehensive paradigm for the activity of other chemokines as well.  相似文献   

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