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Ubiquitous Pseudomonads have great potential to influence the speciation and mobility of actinides in the environment. This study explores the unknown interaction between curium(III) and cell-suspensions of Pseudomonas fluorescens (CCUG 32456) isolated from the Äspö site, Sweden. The interaction between curium(III) and P. fluorescens cells was studied at trace curium(III) concentrations (0.3 μM) using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Extraction studies have shown that the biosorption of curium(III) is a reversible process. Two Cm3+?P. fluorescens (CCUG 32456) species were identified, R?O?PO3H?Cm2+ and R?COO?Cm2+, having emission maxima at 599.6 and 601.9 nm, respectively. The corresponding surface complexation constants were determined to be log β111 = 12.7 ± 0.6 and log β110 = 6.1 ± 0.5, respectively.  相似文献   

The complex formation of curium(III) with adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) was determined by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). The interaction between soluble species of curium(III) with ATP was studied at trace Cm(III) concentrations (3 × 10−7 M). The concentrations of ATP were varied between 6.0 × 10−7 and 1.5 × 10−4 M in the pH range of 1.5-7.0 using 0.154 M NaCl as background electrolyte.Three Cm-ATP species, MpHqLr, could be identified from the fluorescence emission spectra: (i) CmH2ATP+ with a peak maximum at 598.6 nm, (ii) CmHATP with a peak maximum at 600.3 nm, and (iii) CmATP with a peak maximum at 601.0 nm. The formation constants of these complexes were calculated from TRLFS measurements to be log β121 = 16.86 ± 0.09, log β111 = 13.23 ± 0.10, and log β101 = 8.19 ± 0.16. The hydrated Cm-ATP species showed fluorescence lifetimes between 88 and 96 μs; whereas the CmATP complex has a significantly longer fluorescence lifetime of 187 ± 7 μs.  相似文献   

The complex formation of europium(III) and curium(III) with urea in aqueous solution has been studied at I = 0.1 M (NaClO4), room temperature and trace metal concentrations in the pH-range of 1-8 at various ligand concentrations using time-resolved laser-fluorescence spectroscopy. While for curium(III) the luminescence maximum is red shifted upon complexation, in case of europium(III) emission wavelengths remain unaltered but a significant change in peak splitting occurs. Both heavy metals form weak complexes of the formulae ML3+ and MLOH2+ with urea. Stability constants were determined to be log β110 = −0.12 ± 0.05 and log β11-1 = −6.86 ± 0.15 for europium(III) and log β110 = −0.28 ± 0.12 and log β11-1 = −7.01 ± 0.15 for curium(III).  相似文献   

Bacterial cell walls have great potential to influence the speciation and mobility of actinides and lanthanides in the environment. In this study we explored the unknown interaction between Cm(III)/Eu(III) and cell-suspensions of Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99, a novel isolate recovered from Opalinus Clay (Mont Terri, Switzerland). The Cm(III)/Eu(III) binding by the cell surface functional groups was studied by potentiometry combined with time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). This article provides stability constants of Cm(III)/Eu(III) complexed by cell surface functional groups. We could show that as a function of pH Cm(III)/Eu(III) binding occurred to hydrogen phosphoryl, carboxyl and deprotonated phosphoryl sites. Both metals showed a similar interaction process consisting of surface complexation (major) with high thermodynamic stability and an irreversible binding within the cell envelope (minor).  相似文献   

We present the complex formation of the uranyl ion (UO(2)(2+)) in the aqueous system with phosphocholine, O-phosphoethanolamine and O-phosphoserine. These phosphonates (R-O-PO(3)(2-)) represent the hydrophilic head groups of phospholipids. The complexation was investigated by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) at pH=2-6. An increase of the fluorescence intensity, connected with a strong red-shift of about 8 nm compared to the free uranyl ion, indicates a complex formation between UO(2)(2+) and the phosphonates already at pH=2. Even at pH=6 these complexes prevail over the uranyl hydroxide and carbonate species, which are generated naturally at this pH. At pH=4 and higher a 1:2 complex between uranyl and O-phosphoserine was found. Complexes with a metal-to-ligand ratio of 1:1 were observed for all other ligands. Fluorescence lifetimes, emission maxima and complex stability constants at T=22+/-1 degrees C are reported. The TRLFS spectra of uranyl complexes with two phosphatidic acids (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate), which represent the apolaric site of phospholipids, show in each case two different species.  相似文献   

The pattern of pyoverdin-type siderophoresproduced by Pseudomonas putida BTP16 in iron-limitedsuccinate medium supplemented or not with isoleucine wascharacterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.Two new compounds were observed in culture supernatantsfrom BTP16 grown in the presence of isoleucine. For bothmolecules, mass differences with pyoverdins originallysynthesized by the strain were only interpreted consideringthe incorporation of Ile into the peptide chain.Further evidence supporting this phenomenon was provided byradioactivity incorporation in pyoverdins produced in thepresence of 14C-labeled Ile. Our results are discussedin relation to the non-ribosomal mechanism supposedto be involved in the synthesis of these molecules.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of pyoverdin-type siderophores produced byPseudomonas putida BTP16 in iron-limited succinate medium supplemented or not with isoleucine was characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Two new compounds were observed in culture supernatants from BTP16 grown in the presence of isoleucine. For both molecules, mass differences with pyoverdins originally synthesized by the strain were only interpreted considering the incorporation of Ile into the peptide chain. Further evidence supporting this phenomenon was provided by radioactivity incorporation in pyoverdins produced in the presence of14C-labeled Ile. Our results are discussed in relation to the non-ribosomal mechanism supposed to be involved in the synthesis of these molecules.  相似文献   

The green alga Chlorella vulgaris has the ability to bind high amounts of uranium(VI) in the pH range from 3 to 6. At pH 3 up to 40% of the uranium are bound by the algal cells. The uranium removal is almost complete at pH 5 and 6 under the given experimental conditions. Scanning electron microscopy and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy were used to characterize uranyl species formed in the selected pH range. The micrographs show a regular distribution of U(VI) on the cell surface. Fluorescence spectroscopic investigations of formed algal uranyl complexes indicate that the binding of U(VI) to carboxyl groups plays a dominating role at pH 3, whereas a minor impact of organic phosphate compounds on the U(VI) sorption cannot be excluded. In contrast, at pH 5 and 6 the phosphate groups are mainly responsible for the removal and binding of U(VI) by formation of organic and/or inorganic uranyl phosphates.  相似文献   

Cells of P. fluorescens cultivated in iron-deficient media contain two types of constituents, one of which can activate and the other reduce the rate of oxidation of glucose and of the endogenous substrates. These factors, which are of non-protein nature, have been distinguished and characterized by their physiological activity on non-proliferating cells suspensions of these bacteria.  相似文献   

The complexation of trivalent lanthanides with aliphatic dicarboxylic acids (malonic, succinic, glutaric and adipic) were studied at 25°C and 0.1 M (NaClO4) ionic strength by luminescence and absorption spectroscopy and luminescence lifetime measurements. The luminescence spectra and decay constants indicate that ML and ML2 complexes were formed. The stability constants of Eu(III) complexes with the dicarboxylic acids were calculated from the changes of the 5D07F0 excitation spectra of Eu(III). For the four dicarboxylic acids studied, both the stability constant and the number of water molecules released from the inner sphere of Eu(III) upon complexation decrease from malonate to adipate for both the ML and ML2 complexes. The results are interpreted as reflecting an increasing tendency from chelation to monodentation as the carbon chain length increases between carboxylate groups. The trend in the oscillator strength in the hypersensitive transition of the Nd(III)and Ho(III) complexes is the same as that in the ligand basicity.  相似文献   

Exoenzyme S of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is secreted by a type III pathway   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
Exoenzyme S is an extracellular ADP-ribosyltransferase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Transposon mutagenesis of P. aeruginosa 388 was used to identify genes required for exoenzyme S production. Five Tn 5  Tc insertion mutants were isolated which exhibited an exoenzyme S-deficient phenotype (388::Tn 5  Tc 469, 550, 3453, 4885, and 5590). Mapping experiments demonstrated that 388::Tn 5  Tc 3453, 4885, and 5590 possessed insertions within a 5.0 kb Eco RI fragment that is not contiguous with the exoenzyme S trans -regulatory operon. 388::Tn 5  Tc 469 and 550 mapped to a region downstream of the trans -regulatory operon which has been previously shown to contain a promoter region that is co-ordinately regulated with exoenzyme S synthesis. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 7.2 kb region flanking the 388::Tn 5  Tc 469 and 550 insertions, identified 12 contiguous open reading frames (ORFs). Database searches indicated that the first ORF, ExsD, is unique. The other 11 ORFs demonstrated high homology to the YscB–L proteins of the yersiniae Yop type III export apparatus. RNase-protection analysis of wild-type and mutant strains indicated that exsD and pscB–L form an operon. To determine whether ExoS was exported by a type III mechanism, derivatives consisting of internal deletions or lacking amino- or carboxy-terminal residues were expressed in P. aeruginosa . Deletion analyses indicated that the amino-terminal nine residues are required for ExoS export. Combined data from mutagenesis, regulatory, expression, and sequence analyses provide strong evidence that P. aeruginosa possesses a type III secretion apparatus which is required for the export of exoenzyme S and potentially other co-ordinately regulated proteins.  相似文献   

The growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens 16N2 on naphthalene was accompanied with accumulation of salicylate in the culture medium and induction of gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase and catechol 1,2-dioxygenase. The transformation of anthracene by the cells growing on hexadecane led to the formation of 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate and salicylate. Pathways for naphthalene and anthracene degradation are proposed.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparation isolated from the bacterial mass of Pseudomonas fluorescens IMV 2366 (biovar III) by Westphal's method and purified by repeated ultracentrifugation contained S- and R-forms of molecules. The structural components of the LPS molecule—lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide—were obtained in the individual state and characterized. The main components of the lipid A hydrophobic moiety were 3-hydoxydecanoic, 2-hydroxydodecanoic, 3-hydroxydodecanoic, dodecanoic, and hexadecanoic fatty acids. Glucosamine, phosphoethanolamine, and phosphorus were identified as the components of the lipid A hydrophilic moiety. Rhamnose, glucose, galactose, glucosamine, galactosamine, alanine, phosphoethanolamine, phosphorus, and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid (KDO), as well as 2-amino-2,6-dideoxygalactose (FucN) and 3-amino-3,6-dideoxyglucose (Qui3N), were revealed in the composition of the core oligosaccharide fractions. O-specific polysaccharide chains were composed of repeating trisaccharide units consisting of residues of L-rhamnose (L-Rha), 2-acetamido-2,6-dideoxy-D-galactose (D-FucNAc), and 3-acylamido-3,6-dideoxy-D-glucose (D-Qui3NAcyl), where Acyl = 3-hydroxy-2,3-dimethyl-5-hydroxyprolyl. Neither double immunodiffusion in agar not the immunoenzymatic assay revealed serological relations between the strain studied and the P. fluorescens strains studied earlier.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) preparation isolated from the bacterial mass of Pseudomonas fluorescens IMV 2366 (biovar III) by Westphal's method and purified by repeated ultracentrifugation was characterized by the presence of the S- and R-forms of molecules. The following structural portions of the LPS molecule were obtained in the individual state and characterized: lipid A, core oligosaccharide, and O-specific polysaccharide. The main components of the lipid A hydrophobic moiety were 3-hydoxydecanoic, 2-hydroxydodecanoic, 3-hydroxydodecanoic, dodecanoic, and hexadecanoic fatty acids. Glucosamine, phosphoethanolamine, and phosphorus were identified as the components of the lipid A hydrophilic moiety. Rhamnose, glucose, galactose, glucosamine, galactosamine, alanine, phosphoethanolamine, phosphorus, 2-keto-3-desoxyoctulosonic acid (KDO), as well as 2-amino-2,6-didesoxygalactose (FucN) and 3-amino-3,6-didesoxyglucose (Qui3N), were revealed in the composition of the core oligosaccharide fractions. O-specific polysaccharide chains were established to be composed of repeating trisaccharide units consisting of residues of L-rhamnose (L-Rha), 2-acetamido-2,6-didesoxy-D-galactose (D-FucNAc), and 3-acylamido-3,6-didesoxy-D-glucose (D-Qui3NAcyl), where Acyl = 3-hydroxy-2,3-dimethyl-5-hydroxyprolyl. Neither double immunodiffusion in agar not the immunoenzyme assay revealed serological relations between the strain studied and the P. fluorescens strains studied earlier.  相似文献   

A bacterium which utilizes benzylpenicillin as carbon, nitrogen and energy source was isolated from a lake sediment. The organism was identified as a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens with a GC content of 59.71 Mol %. After growth of the organism on a mineral salts medium containing benzylpenicillin, the derivatives benzylpenicilloic acid, benzylpenilloic acid and benzylpenicillenic acid were found in culture media. There was no indication that the phenylacetate side chain of benzylpenicillin is decomposed. In uninoculated culture media benzylpenicillin, benzylpenicilloic acid and benzylpenicillenic acid were demonstrable. The following compounds were found to be absent from inoculated or uninoculated culture fluids: d-penicillamine, l-valine, l-cysteine, benzylpenillic acid and 6-aminopenicillanic acid. The organism possesses penicillinase. Penicillin acylase was not demonstrable. The reaction product of penicillinase, benzylpenicilloic acid, supports only little growth. There is no growth on 6-aminopenicillanic acid with or without NH4Cl. Relatively little growth occurs on 6-aminopenicillanic acid in the presence of phenylacetic acid.The data indicate that the nucleus of the benzylpenicillin molecule is utilized as carbon, nitrogen and energy source. During growth a part of the substrate is destroyed into scarcely usable benzylpenicilloic acid; hereby the antibiotic is detoxified.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography - DNPH 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine  相似文献   

Factors associated with the production of extracellular lipase and proteinase by Pseudomonas fluorescens B52 during the late-log, early-stationary phase of grown were examined. Active lipase production by resting cell suspensions was observed when cells were harvested during the log phase (A600 of 0.3–0.9) Resting suspensions of younger cells (A600<0.1) synthesized lipase after a significant lag. Addition of cells of the proteinase-and lipasedeficient mutant P. fluorescens RM14 to B52 cells at low density resulted in stimulation of lipase and proteinase production. Similar results were found using cell-free culture fluid of RM14. Gel filtration on Biogel P2 revealed that the stimulatory factor co-chromatographed with the iron(III) siderophore, pyoverdine. Partially purified pyoverdine stimulated enzyme synthesis at a concentration of 6 M while having no effect on activity of preformed enzyme. Production of pyoverdine and extracellular enzymes was also stimulated by transferrin, a strong iron(III) binding protein. Growth of B52 in deferrated media was limited to 27% of that found with untreated media. Maximum pyoverdine, proteinase and lipase synthesis was obtained at a final iron(III) concentration of 5.75 M. Growth was maximal in 8.75 M iron(III) while synthesis of pyoverdine, proteinase and lipase was reduced to 3.6, 6.6 and 30% respectively in 23.75 M iron(III). Lipase activity in cell-free culture fluid was slightly inhibited by the addition of up to 400 M iron(III) while proteinase activity was unaffected. In dilute cell suspensions, lipase synthesis was more sensitive to iron(III) than was proteinase (50% inhibition at 1.6 M and a maximum of 40% inhibition at 5.0 M, respectively). In the case of lipase, added pyoverdine was able to partially protect enzyme production from the effects of iron(III). The results are consistent with a role for iron(III) in the regulation of extracellular lipase and proteinase synthesis by P. fluorescens.Contribution No. 677 from the Food Research Centre  相似文献   

Aerobic respiration and dissimilative iron reduction were studied in pure, batch cultures of Pseudomonas sp. strain 200 ("Pseudomonas ferrireductans"). Specific respiratory inhibitors were used to identify elements of electron transport chains involved in the reduction of molecular oxygen and Fe(III). When cells were grown at a high oxygen concentration, dissimilative iron reduction occurred via an abbreviated electron transport chain. The induction of alternative respiratory pathways resulted from growth at low oxygen tension (less than 0.01 atm [1 atm = 101.29 kPa]). Induced cells were capable of O2 utilization at moderately increased rates; dissimilative iron reduction was accelerated by a factor of 6 to 8. In cells grown at low oxygen tension, dissimilative iron reduction appeared to be uncoupled from oxidative phosphorylation. Models of induced and uninduced electron transport chains, including a mathematical treatment of chemical inhibition within the uninduced, aerobic electron transport system, are presented. In uninduced cells respiring anaerobically, electron transport was limited by ferrireductase activity. This limitation may disappear among induced cells.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy combined with three-dimensional olive root tissue sectioning was used to provide evidence of the endophytic behaviour of Pseudomonas fluorescens PICF7, an effective biocontrol strain against Verticillium wilt of olive. Two derivatives of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), the enhanced green and the red fluorescent proteins, have been used to visualize simultaneously two differently fluorescently tagged populations of P. fluorescens PICF7 within olive root tissues at the single cell level. The time-course of colonization events of olive roots cv. Arbequina by strain PICF7 and the localization of tagged bacteria within olive root tissues are described. First, bacteria rapidly colonized root surfaces and were predominantly found in the differentiation zone. Thereafter, microscopy observations showed that PICF7-tagged populations eventually disappeared from the root surface, and increasingly colonized inner root tissues. Localized and limited endophytic colonization by the introduced bacteria was observed over time. Fluorescent-tagged bacteria were always visualized in the intercellular spaces of the cortex region, and no colonization of the root xylem vessels was detected at any time. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this approach has been used to demonstrate endophytism of a biocontrol Pseudomonas spp. strain in a woody host such as olive using a nongnotobiotic system.  相似文献   

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