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New list of mosses in the Cusian woods (Orta Lake. Piedmont). — The author draws up a list of new entities and new places in the Cusian region, in addition to the entities already listed in his previous works, about wood mosses in the region, mentioned in the bibliography. The distinctive characters with reference to the known species and formes are emphasized. The boundaries of the considered region, the different kinds of woods as well as some geomorphologic, geologic and climatic notes have been explained in the previous works, together with a short account about the previous bryological researches that have been carried out in the region, from DE NOTARIS (1805-1877) onwards. New entities listed in the present and in the previous author's works: Pleuridium subulatum (Hedw.) Lindb. var. nurautianum; Oreoweisia Bruntoni (Smith) Milde var. cusiana; Anisothecium rufescens (Smith) Lindb. var. Vertacomorum; Dicranella subulata (Hedw.) Schimp, var. curvata (Hedw.) Rabenh. f. sculerensis; Gyroweisia tenuis (Hedw.) Schimp, var. amenensis; Trichostomum mutabile Bruch De Not. subsp. cuspidatum (Schimp.) Herzog, var. silvaticum; Tortula muralis Hedw. f. incana Sapegin oec. parviseta; Mnium affine Blandow var. minus; Mnium hymenophylloides Hueb. f. ovata; Hedwigia ciliata B.S.G. f. insignis; Plasteurhynchium striatum (Spruce) Fleisch, f. cavernarum Podp. oec. Scalettae; Hygroamblystegium sculerense; Amblystegiella confervoides (Brid.) Loeske var. ciliata; Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) B.S.G. f. roncherensis; Brachythecium Starkei B.S.G. var. nemorosum; Brachythecium collinum (Schleich.) B.S.G. f. Cusionis; Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) B.S.G. f. minor et f. protilica; Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) Fleisch, f. integra; Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.) C. Mueller f. delicatula; Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) B.S.G. var. majus (Boulay) Limpr. f. eubinervia; Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) B.S.G. ssp. laetum (B.S.G.) Meylan var. densum (B.S.G.) Moenk. f. plicata; Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) B.S.G. f. cultrifolia; Platygyrium repens B.S.G. f. binervia et f. brachyphylla; Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. ssp. eu-cupressiforme Giac. var. lacunosum Brid. f. denticulata; Loeskeobryum brevirostre (Schwaegr.) Fleisch, f. eudentata.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):423-424

Investigation of European Ulola bruchii Hornsch. ex Brid., U. crispa (Hedw.) Brid. and U. crispula Brid. shows that U. crispula is merely a small form of U. crispa and cannot be maintained as a distinct taxon. Intergradation between U. bruchii and U. crispa is such that U. bruchii is reduced to a variety, U. crispa var. norvegica (Grönv.) A. J. E. Smith &; M. O. Hill.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):203-220

The check-list includes a list of genera, species, subspecies and varieties of Turkish mosses. It is composed of 726 species, subspecies and varieties representing 164 genera and 42 families. Accompanying the lists are a systematic arrangement of the genera, species and varieties and lists of synonyms, excluded species and of annotations. Three mosses, Pseudoleskeella rupestris (Berggr.) Hedenäs & L. Söderstr., Isothecium myosuroides Brid. var. brachythecioides (Dixon) C.E.O. Jensen, Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande. Lac. var. rigidum (Boulay) J.-P. Frahm are recorded as new for the moss flora of Turkey.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):177-178

Evidence is presented contradicting claims that tubers occur on the rhizoids of Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. These claims are believed to have arisen through confusion with other plants, particularly Dicranella staphylina Whiteh., Barbula arcuata Griff. and Ditrichum pusillum (Hedw.) Britt. An account is given of the tubers of B. arcuata.  相似文献   

Summary Frost resistance, measured via the photosynthetic capacity after freeze-thaw treatment, and concentrations of sucrose, glucose and fructose of thalli of seven species of Bryidae and one species of Marchantiidae were determined from January to March and June to September, respectively. A distinct increase in cold tolerance from summer to winter was found in Polytrichum formosum Hedw., Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv., Plagiomnium undulatum (Hedw.) Kop., Plagiomnium affine (Funck) Kop., Mnium hornum Hedw. and Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda. While the frost resistance of the musci differed in summer and winter by 15° to more than 25° C, the hardening capacity of the thalloid liverwort was comparably low. Except in Mnium hornum, the increase in frost hardiness was accompanied by rise of the sucrose concentration in the cells, but insignificant changes in glucose and fructose contents. In contrast, Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) B.S.G. and Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. already exhibited high frost tolerances in summer, which coincided with high sucrose levels in the tissue, comparable to those found in other musci during the winter. Highly frost-resistant musci had total sugar concentrations around 90–140 mM, of which at least 80% and often more than 90% was sucrose. Artificial degradation of sucrose during exposure of mosses to higher temperatures resulted in a decline in cold hardiness. The results signify that the concentration of sugars, mainly of sucrose, may be important for the frost tolerance of bryophytes.  相似文献   

The occurrence on the Pollino massif (southern Italy) of several remarkable mosses, which are rare or very rare in Italy, is reported. They are Orthotrichum acuminatum H. Philib., Distichium inclinatum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. and Grimmia longirostris Hook., new to the southern part of the Italian peninsula, and Schistidium dupretii (Thér.) W.A. Weber, new to South Italy. Moreover, Orthotrichum cupulatum Hoffm. ex Brid. var. fuscum (Venturi) Boulay, a very rare taxon in Europe and up to now considered vanished in Italy, is rediscovered in Italy after about one century from its single previous report.  相似文献   

采用经典分类学研究方法,对河北师范大学植物标本馆(HBNU)等国内多个标本馆保存的中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组(Pohlia Hedw.section Cacodon Lindb.ex Broth.)及其近缘类群植物标本共计130余号进行了分类学分析鉴定,并对所确定的中国产直蒴组物种的芽胞大小、形状及叶原基数量和长度等形态学特征进行比较分析,以期为中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组的分类学研究提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)经鉴定中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组植物共有8种——夭命丝瓜藓[Pohlia annotina(Hedw.)Lindb.]、糙枝丝瓜藓[P.camptotrachela(Ren.Card.)Broth.]、林地丝瓜藓[P.drummondii(Müll.Hal.)Andr.]、疣齿丝瓜藓[P.flexuosa Harv.]、纤毛丝瓜藓[P.hisae T.J.Kop.et J.X.Luo]、异芽丝瓜藓[P.leucostoma(BoschSande Lac.)M.Fleisch.]、念珠丝瓜藓[P.lutescens(Limpr.)H.Lindb.]和卵蒴丝瓜藓[P.proligera(Kindb.ex Breidl.)Lindb.ex Arnell]。(2)中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组植物的重要鉴别特征是在假根或叶腋处生有芽胞,而且芽胞形状以及叶原基形状和数量在直蒴组中存在差异,如念珠丝瓜藓具有假根生芽胞,而疣齿丝瓜藓具有两型芽胞。(3)对所鉴定的中国丝瓜藓属直蒴组8种植物的识别特征、生境及其与相近种的关系进行了详细描述,并绘制了形态特征墨线图。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):108-109

Bryophytes usually have anti-feeding properties to defend against microbial and herbivore attack; however, the consumption of Haplocladium microphyllum (Hedw.) Broth. capsules by Agrotis sp. larvae is rather common in Shanghai in the spring. To test whether H. microphyllum is the only moss eaten, and why the gametophytes of H. microphyllum are not eaten, a series of quantitative experiments were carried out to understand the feeding habits of Agrotis larvae on the given moss materials at three growth stages of larval life. The results show that the larvae can feed on the capsules of six moss species to different degrees: Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., H. microphyllum, Physcomitrium sphaericum (C.F.Ludw. ex Schkuhr) Brid., Trematodon longicollis Michx., Ditrichum pallidum (Hedw.) Hampe, and Pogonatum inflexum (Lindb.) Sande Lac. The capsules of the first four species were grazed heavily by the larvae, compared with limited consumption of the latter two (D. pallidum and P. inflexum), which even induced a high mortality rate among the larvae. With the growth of the larval instar, the daily demand for moss capsules by the larvae increases gradually. The lipid content of the capsules may play an important role when the larva selects its feeding target.  相似文献   

During our recent study of the Chinese Amblystegiaceae, we found that Calliergon megalophyllum Mikut., Drepanocladus trichophyllus (Warnst.) Podp. and Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce var. atro-virens (Brid.) Ochyra are new to China. The occurrance of Hygroumblystegium noterophilum (Sull. et Lesq. ) Warnst. in China as previously recorded represents only a misidentification. All the Chinese specimens referred to this species should be identified as Crato-neuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce var. atro-virens (Brid.) Ochyra.  相似文献   

The spores of Syntrichia ruralis (Hedw.) F. Weber and D. Mohr., S. princeps (De Not.) Mitt., S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. subulata, S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. angustata (Schimp.) J.J. Amann and S. subulata (Hedw.) F.Weber and D.Mohr var. graeffii Warnst. were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy for the first time. The apertural region consists of a leptoma in all spores. All taxa of the family are uniform in their spore morphology. The spores of the five taxa are of granuloid type. The spore wall of the Pottiaceae family includes sclerine (the distinction between exine and perine may be difficult to define) and intine. The taxonomy of the genus Syntrichia is discussed on the basis of its spore morphology.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):99-104

The relationships among western Eurasian and Macaronesian Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce var. filicinum, C. filicinum var. atrovirens (Brid.) Ochyra, and C. curvicaule (Jur.) G.Roth were explored by ITS and the chloroplast markers rpl16 and tRNA-Gly. Haplotype networks, Jacknife, and Neighbour joining trees all provide high support for the recognition of C. curvicaule as distinct from C. filicinum, whereas the two varieties of the latter could not be distinguished. It is concluded that C. filicinum var. atrovirens most likely represents a phenotypic modification of C. filicinum that occurs especially in certain submerged environments or under heavily dripping water. The maximal support for the Cratoneuron clade and the small and quantitative morphological differences between its two species are arguments for not splitting this genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):305-309

The discovery of Paludella squarrosa (Hedw.) Brid., new to Ireland, is reported. This Boreo-arctic Montane species has a relic distribution in western and central Europe and was formerly more widespread. The reasons for its decline and its documented extinction from Britain and the Netherlands in recent times are discussed. The vegetation and ecology of the Irish locality are described. The associated species include Leiocolea rutheana, another Boreal relic species and a second record for Ireland.  相似文献   

柳叶藓科2种1变种在中国的新记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者在编研(中国苔藓志》第七卷的过程中,发现柳叶藓科中的圆叶湿原藓Calliergon megalophyl- lum Mikut.、毛叶镰刀藓 Drepanocladus trichophyllus (Warnst.)Podp.和牛角藓宽肋变种Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.)Spruce var.atro-virens (Brid.)Ochyra为中国首次记录,而沼生湿柳藓 Hygroamblystegium noterophi-lum (Sull.et Lesq.)Warnst.属错误鉴定,所有以前被定为该种的中国标本应改为牛角藓宽肋变种。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):190-193

The moss Hypnum cupressiforme var. heseleri is reported new to the British Isles and its status is discussed. Line drawings and a photographic illustration are provided. It was found growing on an apple tree on the Royal Estate, at Flitcham in West Norfolk. It differs from other species of Hypnum in its distinctive rounded-concave leaf form and julaceous branches. The habitat and ecology are broadly similar to those in the other European sites from which this moss has been reported.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):291-292

Trichostomum saxatile Tayl. and T. microcarpon var. oblongum Tay1. are synonyms of Racomitrium obtusum (Brid.) Brid.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eight taxa of bryophytes, including two hundred and seven species, are reported from extreme northern Yukon. Five hepatic and eighteen moss taxa represent new records for the Yukon, which areAnastrophyllum hellerianum (Nees) Schust.,Scapania degenii Schiffn. in K. Müll.,Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth.,Mannia sibirica (K. Müll.) Frye & Clark,Sauteria alpina (Nees) Nees,Sphagnum orientale Savich,Dicranum spadiceum Zett.,Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt.,Barbula coreensis (Card.) Saito,B. platyneura C. Müll. & Kindb.,Pottia obtusifolia C. Müll.,Splachnum vasculosum Hedw.,Bryum acutiforme Limpr. ex Hag.,B. bimum (Brid.) Turn.,B. intermedium (Brid.) Bland.,B. neodamense Itzigs.,Cinclidium latifolium Lindb.,Timmia comata Lindb. & Arn.,Orthothecium acuminatum Bryhn,Cratoneuron arcticum Steere,Drepanocladus brevifolius (Lindb.) Warnst.,D. intermedius (Lindb.) Warnst., andD. lycopodioides (Brid.) Warnst. Many of the other collections represent significant extensions of ranges to the arctic sector of the Yukon Territory.  相似文献   

Taxonomic arrangement of Hypnum species has been controversial since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The molecular pattern and phylogenetic relationships within the Hypnum cupressiforme complex, in relation to other pleurocarps species, were investigated by study of nuclear ribosomal ITS1/ITS2 and chloroplast trnLUAA intron sequences. Seven Hypnum species from different continents were sequenced and analysed, with a relatively large set of pleurocarpous mosses. Sequences indicate a low level of genetic differentiation within the complex. Both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses indicate that Hypnum s.l. is distributed in several clades of pleurocarps; in addition, H. cupressiforme sensu strictu, and the complex, are not monophyletic. Our results clearly circumscribe only two species, H. jutlandicum and H. imponens; phylogenetic analyses, in particular, highlight the isolation of the latter from the complex. Genetic lineages with a clear geographic structure were found in Eurasia; these probably originated during the last glaciations. The presence of H. cupressiforme in some related clades flanking the other species examined supports the occurrence of an ongoing speciation within the complex.  相似文献   

Meesia kenyae P. Varde, a species originally described in 1955 from the altimontane elevation on Mt. Kenya in tropical East Africa, is briefly assessed taxonomically and some details of the type material are illustrated. This species is considered to be conspecific with Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., a weedy, cosmopolitan and highly protean species. Because M. kenyae is the only representative of the Meesiaceae in Africa, this taxonomic conclusion results in the exclusion of this small family from the bryoflora of this continent. Accordingly, the Meesiaceae are represented in the tropics only by three species, namely Meesia triquetra (Jolycl.) Ångstr. in Papua New Guinea, M. longiseta Hedw. in Colombia and M. ulei Müll. Hal. in Brazil.  相似文献   

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