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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):64-65

Syrrhopodon spiculosus Hook. &; Grev. and some associated taxa are revised. Syrrhopodon elimbatus Dixon and Syrrhopodon patens Dixon are confirmed as synonymous with S. spiculosus; Syrrhopodon hispidissimus Dixon and Syrrhopodon scalariformis Dixon are recognized as distinct species; S. spiculosus ssp. bokorenis Tixier is recognized as a synonym of S. mammillosus Müll.Hal. and Syrrhopodon perarmatus Broth. in Broth &; Watts is placed in synonymy with Syrrhopodon subciliatus Müll. Hal. Two new species are described from Borneo: Syrrhopodon teniolatus L.T.Ellis, sp. nov., which resembles S. hispidissimus but has a differentiated rib (teniola) within the margin of the distal hyaline leaf base, and Syrrhopodon multipapillosus L.T.Ellis, sp. nov. This resembles a miniature version of Syrrhopodon kilauae Müll.Hal. but has cells in the chlorophyllose lamina exserted dorsally and/or ventrally as tall, papillose projections.  相似文献   


Trichostomum schlimii Müll.Hal., a neglected Colombian taxon, is transferred to the genus Pseudosymblepharis Broth. as Pseudosymblepharis schlimii (Müll.Hal.) comb. nov. The species, known only from the type locality in Santa Marta, Colombia, is newly reported for the moss floras of Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guiana, Peru, and Venezuela. It is described, lectotypified, illustrated, and mapped. Diagnostic characters, and distinction from one closely related American species within the genus are discussed. Trichostomum mollissimum (Broth. ex E.B.Bartram) H.A.Crum and Pseudosymblepharis guatemalensis (E.B.Bartram) B.H.Allen are reduced to the synonymy of Pseudosymblepharis schlimii.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):255-264

The differences between Thysanomitrium Schwaegr. and Campylopus Brid. are discussed and regarded as insignificant. Therefore the six Thysanomitrium species reported from South America in the Index Muscorum are critically revised. T. yunqueanum C. Müll. and T. miserum Broth. are synonyms of Campylopus richardii Brid., and T. schiffneri Broth. and T. arenaceum Broth. are placed in the genus Campylopus as new combinations. Also T. arenaceum is reported from a new locality in Brazil. No material could be found in herbaria of T. wainoi Broth. and T. gastrotis C. Müll.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):163-165

A survey of the species of Campylopus Brid. reported from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is presented. Of the 34 species that have been reported from this Island 16 are accepted at present. Campylopus nilghiriensis (Mitt.) Jaeg. is identical partly with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., partly with C. zollingerianus (C. Müll.) Bosch &; Lac., C. pseudogracilis Card. &; Dix. with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., C. caudatus (C. Müll.) Mont., C. reduncus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac. and C. trachythecius (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. comosus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac., C. herzogii Broth., C. subtricolor Lor. and probably also C. nodijlorus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. aureus Bosch &; Lac., C nietneri (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. involutusz (C. Müll.) Jaeg., C. subgracilis Ren. &; Card. ex Gangulee and C. latinervis (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. gracilis (Mitt.) Jaeg., and C. laetus (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. savannarum (C. Müll.) Mitt. C. pterotoneuron (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reduced to a variety of C. umbellatus (Arn.) Par. The occurrence of C. exasperatus Brid. on Sri Lanka could not be confirmed. Campylopus flagelliferus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reported as new to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):671-678

Forty mosses are recorded for Pakistan, of which six appear to be new records for that country. Timmiella subintegra Dix. is reduced to synonymy under T. barbuloides (Brid.) Moenk., and there are notes on the typification of Pilotrichum pluvinii Brid. (Cryptoleptodon pluvinii (Brid.) Broth.).  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):196-200

Schlotheimia grevilleana Mitt., Schlotheimia rigescens Broth., Schlotheimia laetevirens Broth., Schlotheimia bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and Schlotheimia brachypodia Thér. & Naveau are placed in synonymy with Schlotheimia ferruginea (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid. The typification of Schlotheimia percuspidata Müll.Hal. is discussed and a neotype is proposed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):411-427

A taxonomic revision of the moss genus Gymnostomiella Fleisch. recognizes five species and one variety, viz. G. burmensis Bartr., G. erosulum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts, G. longinervis Broth., G. monodii P. Yarde, G. vernicosa (Harv.) Fleisch. var. vernicosa and G. vernicosa var. tenerum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts. Gymnostomiella tenerum (C. Müll. ex Dus.) Arts is reduced to a variety of G. vernicosa and G. tanganyikae De Sloover is reduced to synonomy with G. erosulum.  相似文献   

Lepidopilum grevilleanum Mitt., long considered a synonym ofL. affine C. Müll., is a distinct and rare species of western Ecuador.Lepidopilum affine is widespread, presently known from the western and northern Amazon basin, Atlantic region of northern South America, and the Pacific coastal region of Central America. Several new synonyms are proposed forLepidopilum affine: L. allionii Broth.,L. ambiguum Broth.,L. antisanense Bartr.,L. mittenii C. Müll.,L. obtusulum C. Müll., andL. subobtusulum Broth.Lepidopilum pulcherrimum Steere is a synonym ofL. grevilleanum.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):81-94

A collection of epiphyllous bryophytes from Bioko Island was investigated. It contained 57 epiphyllous bryophytes, comprising 55 hepatics and two mosses. Three taxa, Cololejeunea eustacei Pócs, Colura calderae Pócs and Lejeunea halei Robinson subsp. africana Pócs, are new to science. Cololejeunea papilliloba Steph. is new to Africa, five species of hepatics are new to West Africa, and an additional 31 species of hepatics are newly reported from Bioko Island. The second part of the paper deals with records of non-epiphyllous collections. Fourteen species are reported for the first time for Bioko Island. Actinodontium dusenii Broth. is made a synonym of Actinodontium streptopogoneum Broth. The following new combination is proposed: Wijkia rigidicaule (Müll.Hal. ex Broth.) Frank Müll., comb. nov. (Basionym: Acanthocladium rigidicaule Müll.Hal. ex Broth.).  相似文献   

The lectotype for Calymperes erosum Müll.Hal. is re-established, and lectotypes are designated for three West African taxa: Calymperes asterigerum Müll.Hal. ex Besch., C. leucomitrium Müll.Hal. and C. proligerum Dusén. Calymperes asterigerum and C. leucomitrium are placed in synonymy with C. erosum, and C. proligerum with C. palisotii Schwägr. A revised key to the seven species of Calymperes occurring in West Africa is provided.  相似文献   

African members of the moss genus Sauloma (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt are evaluated. Sauloma tisserantii P. Varde from Oubangui, Sauloma humblotii (Ren. & Card.) Card. (= Lepidopilum humblotii Ren. & Card.) from the Comoros and S. africana Dix. & Thér. from Central Africa are all conspecific with Leucomium strumosum (Hornsch.) Mitt. (Hookeriales, Leucomiaceae), the first two names being synonymized with the latter for the first time. S. julacea C. Müll. in Par. nom. nud. correctly belongs within Meiothecium (Sematophyllaceae) and S. chloroclada C. Müll. in Broth. nom. nud. is Meiothecium chlorocladum (Broth.) Broth. Accordingly, the genus Sauloma has to be excluded from the bryoflora of mainland Africa and adjacent islands.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):245-255

A new species, Bucklandiella allanfifei Bednarek-Ochyra, is described from New Zealand. The new species belongs to Bucklandiella Roiv. sect. Marginatae (Bednarek-Ochyra) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra and is allied to southern South American B. striatipila (Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra. Bucklandiella allanfifei is characterized by the smaller stature of the plants, mostly prostrate and profusely branched stems, most often with short, erect-ascending branchlets, shorter leaves, 1.5–2.1 mm long (without a hair-point) and anatomy of the costa which is reniform to crescent-shaped in cross-section and 3(–4)-layered in the proximal part. Additionally, the laminal cells are short-rectangular in the distal and median parts, (15–)20–30(–40) μm long, the basal marginal border is composed of 3–4 rows of hyaline, translucent, esinuose and rectangular cells, the innermost perichaetial leaves are longly pilose, the capsules are ellipsoid to short-cylindrical, 1.5–2.0 mm long and the setae are short, (2.2–)3.0–4.5(–6.0) mm. Bucklandiella striatipila is briefly assessed taxonomically and it is considered to be definitely distinct from B. crispipila (Taylor) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra, a pan-tropical oreophyte, with which it was prematurely considered conspecific. Racomitrium integripilum Dusén, R. gemminatum Roiv. and R. substriatipilum Roiv. are reduced to synonymy with B. striatipila. Two new combinations are made: Buckladiella elegans (Müll. Hal.) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra and B. pycnotricha (Müll. Hal.) Bednarek-Ochyra, Ochyra & Seppelt.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):221-223

The Asian genus Struckia Müll.Hal. is reduced to a synonym of Plagiothecium Bruch &; Schimp. according to a phylogenetic analysis involving S. argentata (Mitt.) Müll.Hal., S. enervis (Broth.) Ignatov, T.J.Kop. &; D.G.Long and 13 representative boreal species of Plagiothecium. Two nuclear regions, ITS and partial gapC, and five chloroplast regions, rbcL, rps4-trnS, psaB, trnG and trnL-F, were utilized to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship between Struckia and Plagiothecium. Bayesian, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses resulted in a strongly supported clade including Struckia and Plagiothecium. Plagiothecium handelii Broth. and P. paleaceum (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, which share similar geographical ranges with Struckia and intermediate morphological traits between Struckia and Plagiothecium, grouped with the Chinese Struckia, and all of them appeared as sister to the ‘core’ of Plagiothecium. The accurate position of P. piliferum (Sw.) Schimp. remains unclear due to moderate support from all analyses, and we suggest that it is retained in Plagiothecium until further evidence is available.  相似文献   

Five species previously included inForsstroemia Lindb. are excluded:F. leptodontoidea Buck is a synonym ofMiyabea fruticella (Mitt.) Broth. (Thuidiaceae);F. rigida Dix. becomesNeolindbergia plicata Stark & Buck, nom. nov. (Prionodontaceae);F. dixonii Tosco & Piovano is a synonym ofLevierella fabroniacea C. Müll. (Fabroniaceae);F. filiformis M. X. Zhang becomesLeptopterigynandrum filiforme (M. X. Zhang) Stark & Buck, comb. nov. (Leskeaceae); andF. secunda Dix. & Badhw. is placed in a new genus,Bryonorrisia Stark & Buck, asB. secunda (Dix. & Badhw.) Stark & Buck, comb. nov. (Anomodontaceae).  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):559-566

Trichostomum bombayense C.M. is typified and T. cylindrotheca Mitt. reduced to synonymy under it. The records of Trichostomum species from Ceylon are critically examined and T. tenuirostre (Hook. & Tayl.) Lindb. removed from the Ceylon moss flora. Records of T. orthodontum (C.M.) Broth. and T. cuspidatum (D. & M.) D. & M. hitherto published are based on misidentifications, but new records are given of both. Differences between T. cuspidatum and T. stenophyllum (Mitt.) Broth., which latter binomial is not a homonym as Index Muscorum states, are dealt with and illustrated by S.E.M. photographs. T. stenophyllum is a good species which has been relegated to extraordinary synonymy in the past.  相似文献   

Several taxa erroneously regarded as conspecific with Syrrhopodon trachyphyllus Mont. are reinstated. These include Syrrhopodon cavifolius Sande Lac., S. planifolius P. de la Varde, S. semperi Müll. Hal., S. tosaensis Cardot and Calymperopsis katemensis Zanten (=Syrrhopodon katemensis (Zanten) L.T. Ellis, comb. nov.). Syrrhopodon ludovicae Broth. & Paris is recognized as a synonym of S. mammillosus Müll. Hal., Syrrhopodon orientalis W. D. Reese & P. J. Lin as conspecific with S. cavifolius Sande Lac., Syrrhopodon cambodiensis Tixier as synonymous with S. semperi, S. calymperoides Cardot & P. de la Varde as conspecific with Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägr., and S. prolifer var. mossmanensis W. D. Reese is placed in synonymy with S. katemensis (Zanten) L.T. Ellis. Varieties of Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwägr. occurring in the palaeotropics are discussed.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):397-406

Eight epithets of Rigodium (R. araucarieti C. Müll., R. argentinicum C. Müll., R. brachypodium (C. Müll.) Par., R. nano-fasciculatum C. Müll. ex Thér., R. pendulum Herz. &; Thér., R. pseudo-thuidium Dus., R. solutum (Tayl.) Par., and R. tamarix C. Müll), lectotypified here, are listed with their nomenclature and pertinent details involving the careful identification of type specimens and original material. For Rigodium solutum (Tayl.) Par., a specimen from Taylor's original herbarium may likely be the holotype but had not been indicated as such by Taylor, the original author. A conservative approach for this situation is taken here by designating this specimen as a lectotype.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1981,33(3):473-481
Anacamptodon is shown by SEM to have a typically formed diplolepideous exostome.Fabronidium is transferred to the Leskeaceae nearSchwetschkea, with a single species,F. guatemaliensis (C. Müll.) comb. nov.Mamillariella is redescribed and illustrated from authentic material and is placed in the Leskeaceae nearLindbergia. The monotypicHelicodontiadelphus is described and illustrated from the type and only known collection.Helicodontiadelphus australiensis Dix. is synonymized withEriodon cylindritheca (Dix.) Dix. & Sainsb. of the Brachytheciaceae.Bryobartlettia costata gen. et sp. nov. is described from New Zealand and is placed in the Leskeaceae nearIwatsukiella. A summary of the generic changes in the Fabroniaceae is provided in chart form.  相似文献   

New synonymy and distribution records for the genus Macromitrium Brid. in sub-Saharan Africa are presented. Seven names are placed in synonymy, reducing the number of accepted taxa for Macromitrium in sub-Saharan Africa to 33. Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot was found to be conspecific with M. serpens (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid.; M. mauritianum Schwägr. and M. sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot are placed in synonymy with M. subtortum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. and M. belangeri Müll.Hal., M. seriatum Paris & Broth., M. bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and M. trollii Dixon in Herz. are all placed in synonymy with M. sulcatum (Hook.) Brid. subsp. sulcatum. The precise lectotypification is implemented for six species within the genus. Macromitrium chloromitrium (Besch.) Wilbraham and M. orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr. are reported new to Tanzania and M. chloromitrium new to continental Africa.  相似文献   

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