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Feld H  Hertewich UM  Zapp J  Becker H 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(10):1094-1099
Five new sacculatane diterpenoids, 17,18-epoxy-7-sacculaten-12,11-olide, 7,17-sacculatadien-11,12-olide, 11beta,12-epoxy-7,17-sacculatadien-11alpha-ol, 1beta-acetoxy-11beta,12-epoxy-7,17-sacculatadien-11alpha-ol and 1beta,15xi-diacetoxy-11,12-epoxy-8(12),9(11),17-sacculatatriene along with sacculatal and sacculatanolide have been isolated from axenic cultures of the liverwort Fossombronia wondraczekii and their structures assigned on the basis of their spectroscopical properties.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the triterpene 22-(30)-hopene-29-acid and the diterpenes 7,17-sacculatadiene-11,12-dial (sacculatal), trans-phytol and a new neoverrucosane-type diterpenoid (5-oxo-neoverrucos-(13)-ene) was studied by incorporation of [1-13C]-labelled glucose into axenic cultures of the artic liverwort Fossombronia alaskana. Quantitative 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis of the resulting labelling patterns showed that the isoprene units of the triterpene are derived from the mevalonic acid pathway, whereas the isoprene units of the diterpenes are built up via the methylerythritol phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of the diterpene 8alpha-acetoxy-13alpha-hydroxy-5-oxo-13-epi- neoverrucosane in the arctic liverwort Fossombronia alaskana was studied by incorporation experiments using [1-(13)C]- and [U-(13)C(6)]glucose as precursors. The (13)C-labeling patterns of acetyl-CoA, pyruvate, and phosphoenolpyruvate in intermediary metabolism were reconstructed from the (13)C NMR data of biosynthetic amino acids (leucine, alanine, phenylalanine) and were used to predict hypothetical labeling patterns for isopentenyl pyrophosphate formed via the mevalonate pathway and the deoxyxylulose pathway. The labeling patterns observed for the neoverrucosane diterpene were consistent with the intermediate formation of geranyllinaloyl pyrophosphate assembled from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and three molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate generated predominantly or entirely via 1-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate. The experimental data can be integrated into a detailed biosynthetic scheme involving a 1,5-hydride shift. The postulated involvement of the 1,5-hydride shift was confirmed by an incorporation experiment with [6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose.  相似文献   

Trachypteris is a small genus consisting of four species native to America and Madagascar: Trachypteris induta, T.?pinnata, T.?gilliana, and T.?drakeana. The spores of the genus were studied using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. They are trilete, triangular to globose, with equatorial diameter of 29?C58???m and polar diameter of 26?C53???m. The exospore is 0.5?C1.1???m thick, plane, and two-layered. The perispore is 0.3?C6.8???m thick and two-layered. Depending on the species, two different ornamentations were observed: cristated with partially fused cristae, and ridged with partially fused ridges, forming an incomplete reticulum. Globules immersed in the perispore were occasionally observed. The systematic value of the Trachypteris spores is discussed, and their morphology and ultrastructure are compared with those of other related cheilanthoid ferns. The palynological characteristics presented here may be useful for phylogenetic studies within the Pteridaceae, and particularly within the cheilanthoid ferns.  相似文献   

The family Hymenophyllaceae is represented in the study area by six species in two genera, Hymenophyllum J. E. Smith and Trichomanes L. The study was based on herbarium material and spores were studied under light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Both genera have trilete spores, 23 to 45 μm in equatorial diameter, with an ornamentation of echinulae and cones in Hymenophyllum and of verrucae, gemmae and granules in Trichomanes. Mature spores have a sporoderm composed of a perispore, an exospore and a fibrillar endospore; the exospore is 0.5 to 2.5 μm thick, compact and with an irregular margin. In some cases radial channels and other channels associated with the middle and inner parts of the laesurae were evident. A series of cavities filled with an opaque content line the inner margin of the exospore. The perispore is 20 to 400 nm thick and unevenly differentiated along the surface of a same spore. Under TEM, two main differentially contrasted portions could be distinguished: a dark massive portion with structural components could not be distinguished, and a light portion with several plates arranged in piles. The inner surface of the perispore exhibit short scales. Globules are immersed within the perispore at some depth from the perispore surface and others connected to it by structural threads. The spore characters observed including shape, ornamentation, laesurae length and wall structure are useful in distinguishing the two genera studied, but less useful in differentiation at the species level.  相似文献   

广西蕨类植物孢子形态的研究Ⅰ.水龙骨科   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
该文是广西蕨类植物孢子形态研究的第一部分。首次利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对广西产水龙骨科6属9种植物的孢子形态进行了观察研究。对每个种的孢子形态特征及表面纹饰进行了描述。水龙骨科6属9种植物孢子都为单裂缝类型孢子,孢子外壁表面具有皱状、细孔状、蠕虫状、瘤状、光滑、索状条纹和颗粒状纹饰7种纹饰类型。讨论了各属、种问的差异,为水龙骨科系统分类及孢粉学研究提供资料。  相似文献   

中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究V. 铁角蕨科   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用扫描电镜对国产铁角蕨科Aspleniaceae 8属59种植物的孢子形态进行了观察。铁角蕨科植物孢子为单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形、宽椭圆形或近圆形;赤道面观为肾形、半圆形、宽椭圆形、椭圆形或近圆形。极轴长17-41 μm,赤道轴长23-60 μm。外壁光滑。周壁较厚,由周壁形成孢子的表面纹饰。主要纹饰类型有6种: (1)窗孔状纹饰。铁角蕨属Asplenium的厚叶铁角蕨A. griffithianum、北京铁角蕨A. pekinense、肾羽铁角蕨A. humistratum属于此种类型。(2)脊状纹饰。铁角蕨属的假大羽铁角蕨A. pseudolaserpitiifolium、毛轴铁角蕨A. crinicaule等7种属于此种类型。(3)翅状纹饰。铁角蕨属有14种属于此种类型,如江南铁角蕨A. loxogrammioides、齿果铁角蕨A. cheilesorum等;细辛蕨Boniniella cardiophylla、过山蕨Camptosorus sibiricus、水鳖蕨Sinephropteris delavayi、对开蕨Phyllitis scolopendrium、疏脉苍山蕨Ceterachopsis paucivenosa和药蕨Ceterach officinarum也属于此种类型。(4)翅脊状纹饰。有铁角蕨属的21种和巢蕨属Neottopteris的6种属于此种类型。(5)角状纹饰。阔足巢蕨N. latibasis属此类型。(6)丝毛状纹饰。只有阔基苍山蕨Ceterachopsis latibasis属此类型。从孢粉学的角度对该科的分类和系统演化进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Spore morphology of the Korean members of the genus Dryopteris was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In particular, spores of D. hangchowensis, D. woodsiisora, D. saxifragivaria, and D. subexaltata were examined here for the first time. Three perispore types were recognized on the basis of the shape of macro-ornamentations on perispore: these include rugate, echinate, and spinose. The rugate perispore type appeared to be the most common in the genus, and probably represents plesiomorphic condition in the genus Dryopteris. The echinate perispore type is found in D. expansa, and spinose perispore type in D. formosana. The results of this study demonstrate that the perispore characteristics, particularly the shape of macro-ornamentation and surface texture, have diagnostic value at the species level. Indeed, most of the Dryopteris taxa in Korea could be distinguished by their perispore characters. In addition, spores of sexual diploid individuals of D. saxifraga were much smaller than those of agamosporous triploid individuals, supporting the contention that the size of spores in ferns is generally related to ploidy levels.  相似文献   

中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究IV. 金星蕨科2   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用扫描电镜对中国产金星蕨科Thelypteridaceae 14属50种植物孢子形态进行了研究。孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形、阔椭圆形或近圆形,赤道面观为肾形或圆形。极轴长为16.8-40.5 um,赤道轴长为12.8-58 um。根据表面纹饰,孢子可分为7种类型。(1)平滑:周壁表面光滑,少纹饰,如延羽卵果蕨Phegopteris decursive-pinnata。(2)网状纹饰:周壁外层形成绳索状条纹交织成网,如紫柄蕨属Pseudophegopteris。(3)环状纹饰:周壁外层形成由绳索状丝构成的环,排列在周壁表面呈网状、不规则网状或分散的网状。如方秆蕨属Glaphyropteridopsis和针毛蕨属Macrothelypteris的针毛蕨M. oligophlebia。(4)具流苏的翅状纹饰:周壁向外形成薄片状翅,翅的边缘流苏状或具齿,片连接成网状或拟网状。如金星蕨属Parathelypteris的海南金星蕨P. subimmersa、光脚金星蕨P. japonica、钝角金星蕨P. angulariloba,钩毛蕨属Cyclogramma的耳羽钩毛蕨C. auriculata,针毛蕨属Macrothelypteris的大部分种类和毛蕨属Cyclosorus的部分种类。(5)具穿孔的脊状纹饰:周壁向外形成高或低、窄或宽的脊状纹饰连接成网状或拟网状,脊上具大小不一的穿孔。如金星蕨属、龙津蕨属Mesopteris、凸轴蕨属Metathelypteris和卵果蕨P. connectilis。(6)鸡冠状纹饰:周壁形成的短翅或短的片状脊,呈鸡冠状。如毛蕨属Cyclosorus的大部分种类。(7)刺状纹饰:周壁表面形成各种刺状纹饰,如茯蕨属Leptogramma、圣蕨属Dictyocline、沼泽蕨属Thelypteris、普通假毛蕨Pseudocyclosorus subochthodes、钩毛蕨属的大部分种类和毛蕨属Cyclosorus的部分种类。根据孢子形态特征,对本科的一些属的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Spores of Cystopteridaceae from northern Asia were examined using scanning electron microscopy. To evaluate the utility of spore morphology in the taxonomy of each genus, we examined spores of 14 species: seven species each of Gymnocarpium and Cystopteris. Among these are 12 species occurring in northern Asia and two species from other regions for comparative studies. The study focused particularly on perispore characters and spore size. Spores of all species examined are monolete, bean-shaped, with a range in spore size of 26–56 × 18–37 μm for Cystopteris and 25–48 × 16–34 μm for Gymnocarpium. The perispore is morphologically diverse within Cystopteris, but less so within Gymnocarpium. The perispore of the Cystopteris spores is characterised by folds and spines that are separate or form complex sculptural elements. Sacci, ridges and flanges, sometimes on the same spore, are characteristic of the perispore of Gymnocarpium. Spores have straight laesura over which the perispore forms a crest. The crest represents a high and flat fold, which is entire, foveolate or reticulate.  相似文献   

《Nordic Journal of Botany》2007,25(3-4):194-198
The spores of Homalothecium sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp., Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp., B. velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. var. salicinum (Schimp.) Mönk., B. velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp. var. validum C. Jens. and Eurhynchium hians (Hedw.) Sande Lac. were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy for the first time. The apertural region consists of a leptoma in all spores. Two spore types, characterized by their surface ornamentation, are established, reflecting the species taxonomic relationships. While the surface ornamentation is of the insuloid type in Eurhynchium hians, it consists of a granuloid type in Homalothecium sericeum , Brachythecium populeum , B. velutinum . var. salicinum, B. velutinum var. validum. The spore wall of the family Brachyteciaceae includes sclerine (the dinstinction between exine and perine may be difficult to define) and intine. The taxonomy of the genera Brachytecium and are discussed on the basis of their spore morphology.  相似文献   

In an attempt to ascertain whether the lichen Ramalina duriaei could be employed to biomonitor atmospheric lead pollution, specimens of this lichen were exposed to Pb (NO3)2 solutions and a buffered solution (tartaric acid/sodium bitartrate, pH 2.8) of sodium rhodizonate (C6O6Na2) was used to locate lead in their thalli. The procedure entailed exposure of the lichen to 0, 5, 50 and 100 ppm Pb for 5 min and 1 h and the subsequent determination of the lead contents from photographs of the thalli. Distribution of lead in different parts of the thallus was assessed after exposure of the lichens to 2 ppm Pb (9 h or three d), 50 ppm (45 min) or 200 ppm (4d). Cross sections of vegetative parts of the thallus and of the apothecia revealed that lead penetrated into the cortical cells of the thallus but not into the algal cells of the phycobiont nor the ascospores or medullary cells. The observed massive penetration of lead into cortical cells supports the notion that Ramalina duriaei is sensitive to atmospheric lead pollution.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):491-500

Goniomitrium enerve, G. acuminatum and G. africanum are distinguished mainly on costal features. There are some problems with the Australian species because of intergradation of characters but no name changes have been suggested and a key to species is provided. The spores of the three species, which are monolete and have a large reticulate ornamentation, are distinctive amongst moss spores and appear to be diagnostic for the genus.  相似文献   

The epiphytic fern genus Serpocaulon (Polypodiaceae) comprises 42 species nested within the neotropical clade of the family together with genera such as Campyloneurum, Grammitis, Microgramma, Niphidium, Pleopeltis, Pecluma, Polypodium and Terpsichore. Although Serpocaulon is a well-supported genus, its intra-specific relationships are still not completely resolved. The morphological dataset for Serpocaulon and related genera is therefore expanded here with information on spore morphology to provide additional information for phylogenetic consideration. Spores have been collected from herbarium vouchers and acetolysed for light and scanning electron microscopy. All members of the neotropical clade have monolete spores, except for Grammitis and Terpsichore, which have trilete spores. Both verrucate and papillate ornamentation types are recognised. The palynological analysis shows close similarity between spores of Serpocaulon, Campyloneurum, Pleopeltis and Polypodium and supports close phylogenetic relationships between these taxa. Species of the grammitid clade, although nested within the Polypodiaceae, have spore morphology that supports a separate position.  相似文献   

Fossombronia crozalsii Corb. (Codoniaceae) was recently found on the island of Linosa (Pelagian Islands, Sicily). The species is new for the Italian bryological flora, enlarging the area of distribution of this species in the Mediterranean basin. Fossombronia crozalsii was found on volcanic soil associated with other interesting and rare hepatics, in particular Exormotheca pustulosa Mitt. Finally, for both species some ecological and phytogeographical considerations related to their presence in the Mediterranean basin are discussed.  相似文献   

细胞壁是酵母细胞区别于哺乳动物细胞的重要特征结构。酵母细胞壁的结构组成、合成、再生等与酵母自身繁殖及环境胁迫压力密切相关。目前,酵母孢子壁的形成机理、调控过程机制及孢子壁合成相关基因的功能尚未研究清楚。本文以酿酒酵母为例,简要描述酵母孢子壁的形成过程,重点阐述孢子壁甘露糖层、葡聚糖层、壳聚糖层和二酪氨酸层的结构组成及其合成相关基因的国内外研究进展,以期为抗真菌药物的新靶点研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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