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none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):443-447

Background, reference, and instructional information is provided to enable the best possible photographic recording of mosses and similar plants, using equipment that is generally available from High Street outlets; specialist techniques rely more on improvisation than on specialist equipment. About half of the paper consists of straight forward instructions and hints for photography ranging from habitat shots to extreme macro, and dealing with special categories including luminous mosses, time sequence, and capsules. A step-by-step basic example of procedure is provided for a simple macro setup for field work. The paper presumes a basic photographic understanding, but elaborates on those aspects that are particularly relevant to moss photography. Sections deal with determining image magnification, and recording procedures. A close-up flash calculator dial (original) is provided, with instructions to help with flash exposure for all natural history work. Also an appendix of relevant formulas (some original) is provided, as are graphs (both original) for depth of field and resolution at all apertures and magnifications up to × 10, for all subjects.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):469-478

Leiocolea fitzgeraldiae sp. nov. from Wales, Scotland and Ireland is described and illustrated. Comparisons between it and the related species L. bantriensis and L. alpestris are outlined. Its cytology and habitat preferences are discussed and a distribution map is given.  相似文献   

吴玉环  高谦 《植物研究》2004,24(3):269-270
在对中国吉林长白山产苔类全萼苔科无齿全萼苔(Gynmomitrium uncrenulatum C.Gaoet K.C.Chang)和锐裂钱袋苔小叶变种(Marsupella commutata var.microfolia K.C.Chang)的模式标本进行了研究,对比发现无齿全萼苔和锐裂钱袋苔小叶变种与锐裂钱袋苔特征相一致,将其处理为锐裂钱袋苔的异名。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):475-478

Desmatodon bogosicus C.Muell. hal. (1872) is shown to provide an earlier name for the recently described Tortula khartoumensis Pettet (1967). A new record of the species is supplied, from northern Kenya, and its generic position discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):265-268

The widespread occurrence of a number of bryophytes on British saltmarshes is reported. The communities in which bryophytes are most frequently found are discussed. These communities are more common on marshes on the west coast of Britain. Differences between moss assemblages on salt marshes in England and Wales and in Scotland are emphasised and the greater range of habitat preference demonstrated by Grimmia maritima in Scotland is commented upon.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):533-540

Pohlia pulehella and P. luteseens have tubers of characteristic appearance which enable these species to be readily distinguished. Many of the plants collected in Britain before 1966 were wrongly identified. A clearer picture has emerged of the distribution and habitats of the two plants. The occurrence of P. lutescens in Scandinavia, and of male plants in Britain, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Sphagnum magellanicum has been viewed as being a predominantly circumpolar species in the northern hemisphere, but it occurs in the southern hemisphere and was originally described from the southern parts of Chile. It is an ecologically important species in mire ecosystems and has been extensively used as a model to study processes of growth, carbon sequestration and peat decomposition. Molecular and experimental studies have, however, revealed genetic structure within S. magellanicum, and morphological differences associated with these genetic groups. Here we describe Sphagnum divinum in Sphagnum subgenus Sphagnum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) as a new species, based on molecular and morphological evidence. Sphagnum medium is reinstated as a distinct species and is epitypified. Consequently, a new species concept of S. magellanicum is presented including an epitypification. Important morphological characters to separate these three species in the field and under the microscope are presented. Ecology and distribution differ among the species; S. divinium has a wide habitat range including mire margin, forested peatlands and moist heaths, and a circumpolar distribution around the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum medium seems to be more restricted to ombrotrophic mire expanse habitats and shows an amphi-Atlantic distribution in the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum magellanicum has a very broad ecological niche in peatlands and is found in most mire habitats in Tierra del Fuego on the southern tip of South America.  相似文献   

Summary The yield of pollen embryoids from cultured Hevea anthers was increased 4 fold by optimizing the proportion of ammonium nitrate to potassium nitrate in the dedifferentiation medium. For optimal differentiation of pollen embryoids, kinetin, 2,4-D and -naphtalene acetic acid are required. Anther culture for 50 days on the dedifferentiation medium is a prerequisite for the selective development of calli and embryoids from microspores.The determination of chromosome numbers in embryoids, plantlets and regenerated trees reveals that they originate from (poly)haploid pollen grains (n=2x=18). Aneuploid, triploid (3x=27) and tetraploid (4x=36) cells were encountered in increasing frequencies as the embryoids and plants developed. A few haploid cells with 9 chromosomes were consistently observed. Buds from shoots with mixoploid chromosome numbers can be grafted and the change in the chromosome constitution of the developing new shoots followed.  相似文献   

橡胶树是中国重要的热带经济作物,橡胶种植的副产物橡胶木是我国木材供应的重要来源。我们以不同发育阶段的橡胶树幼茎木材为材料,借助扫描电子显微镜技术,对木质部细胞的超微结构进行了观察。结果表明,在橡胶树幼茎木材中,导管和木纤维细胞壁随着木质部发育成熟会发生明显的次生加厚,加厚方式主要为螺纹加厚;木质部各类型细胞均存在大量纹孔,纹孔排列方式主要有散生、网状、梯状和单串状等类型;在木质部发育过程中,木射线和部分薄壁细胞中会逐渐积累大量淀粉粒;木质部细胞内壁及其填充物表面存在不同类型的附着物。研究结果将为橡胶木材材性及其形成机制的研究提供一定理论参考。  相似文献   

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - Hybanthus enneaspermus is an ethanobotanical plant extensively used in Indian traditional medicine. Quick and efficient in vitro mass propagation of...  相似文献   

The occurrence of intraxylary phloem in Hevea brasiliensis isreported. The phloem elements were observed as strands associatedwith the protoxylem group in the pericentral region. The natureand importance of such tissue in this species are discussed. Hevea brasiliensis, intraxylary phloem, laticifers, tapping  相似文献   

O'Connell, A. M. and Grove, T. S. 1985. Acid phosphatase activityin karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) in relation tosoil phosphate and nitrogen supply.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1359–1372 Soluble acid phosphatase activity was measured in tissues ofkarri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) seedlings and fiveyear old karri trees to which P and N fertilizer had been applied.Addition of P from 0 to 1250 mg P kg–1 soil with a basaltreatment of other nutrients produced significant increasesin growth, P content and P concentration of karri seedlings.In each of five plant components (shoot tips, partly expandedleaves, mature leaves, young stems and old stems) soluble acidphosphatase activity was greatest at low levels of added P anddecreased with increasing soil P supply. The range of acid phosphataseactivity (0·5-6·5 µmol NPP g–1 f.wt.min–1) was similar to that reported for a number of agriculturaland horticultural plants. Enzyme activity was highest for shoottips and lowest for old stems. However, the relative changein activity with decreasing soil P supply was greatest for stems(4·3 fold) and least for shoot tips (2·7 fold) Mature leaves of seedlings grown in ‘high P’ and‘low P’ soil at four levels of added N showed, inaddition to the effect of P, a significant N-P interaction onsoluble acid phosphatase activity. In leaf samples from fiveyear old karri trees there was a significant decrease in solubleacid phosphatase with increasing P fertilization. Addition ofN fertilizer had no significant effect on enzyme activity, probablybecause added N had little effect on foliar N concentrations Exponential models relating (1) plant growth to enzyme activityand (2) plant growth to P concentration in stems and matureleaves of plants grown in soil with a range of added P accountedfor 78–92% and 63–87%, respectively, of the variationin top dry weight. The results suggest that for the diagnosisof plant P status, (1) stem components may be the most appropriatetissue to sample, and (2) nutrient and enzyme assays may complementeach other, P concentration being most useful where P supplyis adequate and phosphatase activity where P supply limits growth Key words: Phosphatase activity, Eucalyptus diversicolor, nutrients, phosphorus, nitrogen, forests  相似文献   

Annual litter fall, nutrient concentrations in litter components and annual weight of nutrients in litter fall have been estimated for karri forest stands aged 2, 6, 9 and 40 years and in mature forest. The weight of litter falling annually increases with stand age, ranging from 1.13 t/ha in 2-year-otd regeneration to 9.45 t/ha in mature forest. This increase is due mainly to greater amounts of twigs, bark and fruit falling in older stands. Leaf fait is relatively independent of stand age once the canopy of regenerating stands closes and the understorey has developed. Concentrations of N, P, K, S and Mn in karri leaf litter differ significantly between sites and the differences appear to be related to stand age. Highest levels of these elements are found in karri leaf litter from the youngest stand and the concentrations decrease with increasing stand age. The amounts of annual litter fall and of nutrients cycling in litter are among the largest reported for Australian forests. In particular cycling of Ca, K and Mg in mature karri forest is greater than has been reported for any other eucalypt forest. Karri forest understorey plays a key rote in nutrient cycling in these ecosystems, contributing 30–70% of the weight of many of the nutrients in the leaf component of titter. Understorey leaf material is particularly important in the cycling of N, S and the micro-nutrients Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

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