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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):453-464

The generic name Sciaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. that was originally used as a sectional epithet in Leskea is synonymous with Echinodium Jul E. madeirense Jur. [= E. spinosum (Mitt.) Jur.] is selected as the lectotype of the genus Echinodium. A historical review of taxonomic and nomenclatural problems in Sciaromium is provided and taxa that had previously been excluded from this genus are briefly discussed. Sciaromium flavidulum Dusén is a Eurhynchium and the combination E. flavidulum (Dusén) Ochyra is made. Sciaromium sect. Aloma Dusén is synonymous with Eurhynchium since E. flavidulum serves as the type species of this section. The taxonomic position of S. gracile Dusén is discussed and this species is considered synonymous with Amblystegium chilense Lor., which is transferred to Pseudoleskea and the appropriate new combination P. chilensis (Lor.) Ochyra made. Type specimens of S. bellii Broth., S. elimbatum Broth. & Watts and S. forsythii Broth. in Broth. & Watts are briefly described and illustrated; these species are reduced to synonymy with the polymorphic Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. in Broth.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):196-200

Schlotheimia grevilleana Mitt., Schlotheimia rigescens Broth., Schlotheimia laetevirens Broth., Schlotheimia bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and Schlotheimia brachypodia Thér. & Naveau are placed in synonymy with Schlotheimia ferruginea (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid. The typification of Schlotheimia percuspidata Müll.Hal. is discussed and a neotype is proposed.  相似文献   

Syrrhopodon spuriodisciformis Dusén is removed from synonymy with Syrrhopodon africanus (Mitt.) Paris and reinstated as a distinct species. Syrrhopodon guineensis Broth. & Paris is recognised as a synonym of S. spuriodisciformis. Syrrhopodon africanus ssp. graminicola (R.S.Williams) W.D.Reese and S. africanus ssp. mandrakensis (Tixier) W.D.Reese are reconsidered as species, and the status of Syrrhopodon obuduensis Egunyomi & Olar. is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):181-185

Forty moss taxa are listed from the Kaghan Valley, N.W. Himalaya with ecological data; of these nine appear to be unrecorded for Pakistan. Cryptoleptodon rigidulus (Mitt.) Broth. is regarded as an ecotype of C.pluvinii (Brid.) Broth. and is relegated to synonymy under the latter.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):601-605

Entodon dregeanus (Hornsch.) C.M., from Africa arid E. plicatus C.M., from southern India and Ceylon, are reduced to the synonymy of E. macropodus (Hedw.) C.M., an American species.  相似文献   

New synonymy and distribution records for the genus Macromitrium Brid. in sub-Saharan Africa are presented. Seven names are placed in synonymy, reducing the number of accepted taxa for Macromitrium in sub-Saharan Africa to 33. Macromitrium anomodictyon Cardot was found to be conspecific with M. serpens (Bruch ex Hook. & Grev.) Brid.; M. mauritianum Schwägr. and M. sanctae-mariae Renauld & Cardot are placed in synonymy with M. subtortum (Hook. & Grev.) Schwägr. and M. belangeri Müll.Hal., M. seriatum Paris & Broth., M. bequaertii Thér. & Naveau and M. trollii Dixon in Herz. are all placed in synonymy with M. sulcatum (Hook.) Brid. subsp. sulcatum. The precise lectotypification is implemented for six species within the genus. Macromitrium chloromitrium (Besch.) Wilbraham and M. orthostichum Nees ex Schwägr. are reported new to Tanzania and M. chloromitrium new to continental Africa.  相似文献   

Introduction. Heterophyllium albicans Thér., H. henryi Tixier, H. micro-alare (Broth. & Paris) Broth. and H. tonkinense (Broth. & Paris) Broth. were all either poorly known species or known only from the type collections since their inception.

Methods. Examination of the type material confirmed that the alar cell structure in these species do not conform to the generic concept of Heterophyllium (Schimp.) Kindb. The study also revealed some new features previously unreported in these species, i.e., the filamentous pseudoparaphyllia, one of the characteristic features of the genus Isopterygium Mitt.

Key Results & Conclusions. Three new combinations, Isopterygium albicans (Thér.) Y.Jia & S.He, I. micro-alare (Broth. & Paris) Y.Jia & S.He, and I. tonkinense (Broth. & Paris) Y.Jia & S.He are proposed. Heterophyllium henryi Tixier is treated as a new synonym of Brotherella henonii (Duby) M.Fleisch.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):106-116

Note VII: Fissidens ah-pengae and F. aristifer spp. nov. are described and figured. The first is known from La Réunion, the second from Madagascar and La Réunion. Both belong to subgenus Aloma.

Note VIII: Fifteen new synonyms are proposed: Fissidens bryoides Hedw. var. glaucus Brid. is subsumed under F. crassipes Wilson ex Bruch & Schimp., F. comorensis Müll.Hal. under F. crispulus Brid., F. sigmocarpoides P.de la Varde under Fissidens erosulus (Müll.Hal.) Paris, F. atroviridis Besch., and F. luridus Renauld & Cardot under F. flaccidus Mitt., Moenkemeyera rarotongae Dixon and Fissidens jonesii Bizot ex Pócs under F. lagenarius Mitt. var. lagenarius, F. onraedtii Bizot nom. nud. under F. madecassus Schimp. ex Müll.Hal., F. bryum var. terrestris P.de la Varde under F. metzgeria (Müll.Hal.) Broth., F. edamensis M. Fleisch. under F. pallidinervis Mitt., F. brunnthaleri var. filipes Dixon & P.de la Varde under F. ramulosus Mitt., F. desertorum (Müll.Hal.) Paris and F. bambariensis Broth. & P.de la Varde under F. reflexus Hampe, F. usambaricus var. acutifolius P.de la Varde under F. usambaricus Broth. and F. glauculus var. circinicaulis (Cardot) P.de la Varde under F. weirii Mitt. Fissidens gedehensis M. Fleisch. is re-instated as a good species.

Note IX: Fifty-five new country and state records including F. anguste-limbatus Mitt. new to Africa. Fissidens pocsii Bizot & Dury ex Pócs is the first record of an epiphyllous species of this genus. The African distributions of F. flaccidus and F. pallidinervis are amended.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):369-375

T. bealeyensis R. Br. ter, is reduced to synonymy with T. anderssonii Ångstr. and T. paehyneura Dix. to synonymy with Barbula ealobolax C. Müll.B. calobolax and B. calobolax var. angustinervia C. Müll. are transferred to the genus Willia. T. petriei Broth. is reduced to a subspecies of T. arenae (Besch.) Broth. Differences between this taxon and the ssp. arenae are outlined and T. arenae ssp. arenae is reported for the first time from the Auckland Islands. A lectotype is chosen for T. rubra Mitt, and T. subantaretiea Sainsb. is reduced to a variety of T. rubra. New Zealand plants referred to T. serrulata Hook. et Grev. are more correctly assigned to T. serrata Dix., which is endemic to New Zealand.  相似文献   

Ditrichum austrogeorgicum (Card.) Seppelt, a species originally described in 1906 from South Georgia as Pseudodistichium austrogeorgicum Card., is considered to be conspecific with Ditrichum hyalinum (Mitt.) O. Kuntze. The latter had been first described in 1859 as Leptotrichum hyalinum Mitt. from material collected on the Falkland Islands and Hermite Island near Cape Horn, but it had been first recognized as a separate taxon, Didymodon longifolius (Brid.) Hook. f. & Wils. var. tenuifolius Hook. f. & Wils., in 1847. Pseudodistichium austrogeorgicum f. brevifolium Card. and P. austrogeorgicum var. longifolium Broth. in Card. & Broth. are reduced to synonymy with Ditrichum hyalinum. Some details of the type material of the last are illustrated.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):671-678

Forty mosses are recorded for Pakistan, of which six appear to be new records for that country. Timmiella subintegra Dix. is reduced to synonymy under T. barbuloides (Brid.) Moenk., and there are notes on the typification of Pilotrichum pluvinii Brid. (Cryptoleptodon pluvinii (Brid.) Broth.).  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):163-165

A survey of the species of Campylopus Brid. reported from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is presented. Of the 34 species that have been reported from this Island 16 are accepted at present. Campylopus nilghiriensis (Mitt.) Jaeg. is identical partly with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., partly with C. zollingerianus (C. Müll.) Bosch &; Lac., C. pseudogracilis Card. &; Dix. with C. goughii (Mitt.) Jaeg., C. caudatus (C. Müll.) Mont., C. reduncus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac. and C. trachythecius (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. comosus (Reinw. &; Hornsch.) Bosch &; Lac., C. herzogii Broth., C. subtricolor Lor. and probably also C. nodijlorus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. aureus Bosch &; Lac., C nietneri (C. Müll.) Jaeg. with C. involutusz (C. Müll.) Jaeg., C. subgracilis Ren. &; Card. ex Gangulee and C. latinervis (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. gracilis (Mitt.) Jaeg., and C. laetus (Mitt.) Jaeg. with C. savannarum (C. Müll.) Mitt. C. pterotoneuron (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reduced to a variety of C. umbellatus (Arn.) Par. The occurrence of C. exasperatus Brid. on Sri Lanka could not be confirmed. Campylopus flagelliferus (C. Müll.) Jaeg. is reported as new to Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Introduction. The Philippine moss flora is updated and this shows that its richness and diversity is far from fully understood.

Methods. The status of 15 new records has been verified through recent publications. Type specimens of these new records were also examined to confirm their identity. Voucher specimens have been deposited in PNH. The taxa are listed in alphabetical order for ease of referencing.

Key Results. Fifteen new records for Luzon and Mindanao Islands are reported, derived from recent and older collections held in the Philippine National Herbarium (PNH).: Breutelia pendula (Sm.) Mitt., Chaetomitrium cucullatum Dixon, Ectropothecium filicaule M.Fleisch., Ectropothecium pseudocyperoides M.Fleisch., Entodon scariosus Renauld & Cardot, Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson, Leptodontium flexifolium (Dicks.) Hampe, Leucobryum sumatranum Broth. ex M.Fleisch., Oxyrrhynchium savatieri (Schimp. ex Besch.) Broth., Pelekium minusculum (Mitt.) Touw, Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindb.) Paris, Rhizogonium hattorii Nog., Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske, Schlotheimia emarginatopilosa Herzog and Wijkia surcularis (Mitt.) H.A.Crum.

Chaetomitrium cucullatum and Ectropothecium filicaule are reinstated as species. Leptodontium flexifolium and Sanionia uncinata are new generic and species records for the Philippines.

Conclusions. These reported updates in Philippine moss flora indicate the importance of continued studies of unidentified bryological collections at PNH and elsewhere. Likewise, the necessity of field collecting to improve knowledge of the Philippine flora is also highlighted.  相似文献   

Introduction. The present study investigates the taxonomy of European members of Weissia Hedw. subgenus Astomum Hampe., a group considered taxonomically difficult and including species of high conservation concern.

Methods. A broad set of samples were subject to DNA sequencing and morphological analysis, plus a review of type material was undertaken.

Key Results and Conclusions. Three taxonomic additions and changes are supported. (1) Weissia longifolia var. angustifolia (Baumgartner) Crundw. & Nyholm is raised to species rank, W. angustifolia (Baumgartner) D.A.Callaghan, comb. et. stat. nov. (2) The type of W. multicapsularis (Sm.) Mitt. comprises an intermix of Phascum cuspidatum Hedw. and W. longifolia Mitt., and the protologue refers to unique features of P. cuspidatum but no such features of W. longifolia. Weissia multicapsularis is therefore described as a new synonym of P. cuspidatum. (3) Plants that have been named as W. multicapsularis by modern authors comprise an undescribed species, here named W. wilsonii D.A.Callaghan, sp. nov. An illustrated key to European species of Weissia subgenus Astomum is provided.  相似文献   

African members of the moss genus Sauloma (Hook. f. & Wils.) Mitt are evaluated. Sauloma tisserantii P. Varde from Oubangui, Sauloma humblotii (Ren. & Card.) Card. (= Lepidopilum humblotii Ren. & Card.) from the Comoros and S. africana Dix. & Thér. from Central Africa are all conspecific with Leucomium strumosum (Hornsch.) Mitt. (Hookeriales, Leucomiaceae), the first two names being synonymized with the latter for the first time. S. julacea C. Müll. in Par. nom. nud. correctly belongs within Meiothecium (Sematophyllaceae) and S. chloroclada C. Müll. in Broth. nom. nud. is Meiothecium chlorocladum (Broth.) Broth. Accordingly, the genus Sauloma has to be excluded from the bryoflora of mainland Africa and adjacent islands.  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   

报道了香港17种植物新记录:无配膜叶铁角蕨[Hymenasplenium apogamum(N.Murak.&Hatan.)Nakaike]、似薄唇蕨(Leptochilus decurrens Blume)、穿心藤[Amydrium hainanense(H.Li,Y.Shiao&S.L.Tseng)H.Li]、毛背...  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):325-330

Leptobryum Wilson (Bryaceae) consists of two species, viz., Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson and L. wilsonii (Mitt.) Broth. Pohlia integra (Cardot) A.J.Shaw and three other species of Leptobryum, viz., L. escomelii Thér., L. pottiaceum Dusén, L. stellatum (Herzog) Broth. are reduced to synonomy under L. wilsonii. L. sericeum Kindb. is considered a doubtful species because no specimen could be located.  相似文献   

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