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An ecological and biological investigation on the bryophyte communities of the Mediterranean temporary ponds was carried out in Italy. Here, the occurrence of a rich set of liverworts is very significant, as several species of Riccia characterize the communities from a physiognomical, ecological and syntaxonomical point of view. The moss component is represented only by acrocarpous mosses, e.g. Archidium alternifolium and Pleuridium acuminatum which play an important phytosociological role. In this study, the bryophyte communities are used to identify a pattern, corresponding to a “functional type” which reflects the correlated response of the bryophyte communities toward the prevalent ecological parameters of the habitat. The individuated functional type assembles life strategy, life form, lifespan, spore size, dispersal strategy, reproduction effort, independently from the taxonomical relationship of the species characterizing the communities. It represents an adaptative pattern of coevolved characters, adopted by the bryophyte communities for the habitat establishment and re-establishment following the seasonal water fluctuations typical of the investigated habitat.  相似文献   

none 《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):107-110

Seven species are reported here for the first time for South Georgia. Two of these were already known from Tierra del Fuego, Acrolophozia fuegiana Schust. and Marsupella sprucei (Limpr.) H. Bern., but Acrolophozia sulcata Hässel, Marsupella austrogeorgica Hässel, and Marsupella minutula Hässel are described as new. The additional two species which are described, Austrolembidium crassum Hässel and Greeneothallus gemmiparus Hässel, also required the creation of two new genera. The total number of liverwort species now known to be present on South Georgia is sixty-six.  相似文献   

Umbilicus rupestris (pennywort) switches from C3 photosynthesis to an incomplete form of crassulacean acid metabolism (referred to as 'CAM-idling') when exposed to water stress (drought). This switch is accompanied by an increase in the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. This enzyme also shows several changes in properties, including a marked decrease in sensitivity to acid pH, a lower Km for phosphoenolpyruvate, very much decreased sensitivity to the allosteric inhibitor malate, and increased responsiveness to the allosteric effector glucose 6-phosphate. The Mr of the enzyme remains unchanged, at approx. 185 000. These changes in properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase are discussed in relation to the roles of the enzyme in C3 and in CAM plants.  相似文献   


In this paper different water-holding and transport adaptations to face the uneven and intermittent distribution of water in the ectohydric moss Tortula ruralis are referred to.

The external conduction of water is operated by different and efficient systems (spaces between adjacent shoots, between leaves, leaves and stems, leaves and rhizoids, life form, etc.) which facilitate absorption and transport of solutions.

Also epi-organ capillary systems (bases and revoluted margin of leaves, a groove, a close network of capillary channels determined by the papillae), intra-organ capillary systems (hyalocysts) and certain amount of internal conduction (conducting parenchyma, stereoma) co-operante to absorb and distribute water to the whole gametophyte.

In addition, some adaptations to xerophytism and heliophytism (life form, disposition of phylloids, hair-points) are discussed.  相似文献   

A dense aggregation of the roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris was observed with a towed camera at a depth of 1500 m in the Rockall Trough during September. The density of fish was 100 times greater than other sites. Within the aggregation the fish showed directional alignment, rapid swimming actions, mid‐water swimming and social interactions similar to those associated with spawning in other Gadiformes.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism for proton conduction along hydrogen-bonded chains, or "proton wires," is studied with free energy simulations. The complete transport of a charge along a proton wire requires two complementary processes: 1) translocation of an excess proton (propagation of an ionic defect), and 2) reorientation of the hydrogen-bonded chain (propagation of a bonding defect). The potential of mean force profile for these two steps is computed in model systems comprising a single-file chain of nine dissociable and polarizable water molecules represented by the PM6 model of Stillinger and co-workers. Results of molecular dynamics simulations with umbrella sampling indicate that the unprotonated chain is preferably polarized, and that the inversion of its total dipole moment involves an activation free energy of 8 kcal/mol. In contrast, the rapid translocation of an excess H+ across a chain extending between two spherical solvent droplets is an activationless process. These results suggest that the propagation of a bonding defect constitutes a limiting step for the passage of several protons along single-file chains of water molecules, whereas the ionic translocation may be fast enough to occur within the lifetime of transient hydrogen-bonded water chains in biological membranes.  相似文献   

三峡库区特有植物荷叶铁线蕨种群分布格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过相邻格子样方法采集数据,应用点格局分析技术研究了荷叶铁线蕨(Adiantum reniforme var.sinense)种群空间格局,结果表明:荷叶铁线蕨的空间分布格局和空间关联性与空间尺度、植株大小密切相关.在较小的空间尺度上(4.5 m),荷叶铁线蕨种群趋向于聚集分布,个体间有较强的空间正关联;在较大的空间尺度上(>5 m),荷叶铁线蕨呈随机分布,空间关联性减弱.成熟植株具有更明显的聚集分布趋势.大小级差异越小,植株间的正关联关系越强.荷叶铁线蕨的更新较好,但更新苗分布不均匀.建议在该物种原生种群的就地保护和恢复重建中,在减少人为采挖的同时,适当加大灌木层密度、降低草本层的郁闭度.  相似文献   

The effects of different culture conditions, unpolluted and polluted substrates, on an antioxidative system – antioxidant enzymes, such as catalase, ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase, and ascorbic acid – were investigated to establish its relationship with the acclimatization success of Spartina densiflora. Plants of this species growing in the polluted Odiel marshes (Huelva, Spain) showed high levels of catalase, ascorbate and guaiacol peroxidase activities and ascorbate concentration (reduced and oxidized ascorbate). In addition, we found significant oxidation of the ascorbate pool, since only 40% of ascorbate was reduced, and low levels of photosynthetic pigments, suggesting that an oxidative stress was impairing S. densiflora. Transplantation to an unpolluted substrate in the laboratory led to a gradual change in all tested parameters: antioxidative activities and total ascorbate concentration decreased while the percentage of reduced ascorbate and pigment concentrations increased; these data agreed with the hypothesis that oxidative stress conditions in S. densiflora habitat were due to a polluted substrate. After 28 days, the plants were transplanted for a second time to polluted conditions, equivalent to those in their habitats, and a rapid alteration of the antioxidative system was observed. In the first 24 h, catalase and guaiacol peroxidase activities and ascorbate concentration increased greatly and the percentage of reduced ascorbate fell drastically. Regardless of this fact, ascorbate peroxidase activity did not change until the end of the first week, while photosynthetic pigments declined at a constant rate during the whole culture period. Subsequently, we found that the antioxidative system improved its reductive capacity gradually and slowly – over weeks – but this reductive power was rapidly lost within days or even hours. It may be concluded that S. densiflora undergoes oxidative stress in its natural environment and is able to modulate its antioxidative system, based on the degree of pollution, in order to acclimatize successfully to its fluctuating environment.  相似文献   

This study presents the effect of water content in moss turves from the Windmill Islands, Wilkes Land, continental Antarctica on the composition of associated filamentous fungi. The two most prevalent mosses were sampled: Grimmia antarctici and Bryum pseudotriquetrum. Results were expressed as dry weights. No relationship was found between water content of the mosses or the surrounding soil and fungal diversity. Ten species of fungi were recovered and all species belong to cosmopolitan taxa. Accepted: 21 June 1999  相似文献   

秦岭林区锐齿栎次生林种群空间分布格局   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
常伟  党坤良  武朋辉  李明雨 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1021-1029
以秦岭林区阳坡、阴坡2个典型地段上的锐齿栎次生林为研究对象,运用点格局分析方法 O-ring函数分析了不同坡向、不同发育阶段种群空间分布格局及不同坡向锐齿栎种群的种内与种间空间关联性,探讨锐齿栎空间格局形成和种群维持机制。结果表明:阴坡锐齿栎种群聚集程度高于阳坡;两种坡向种群各发育阶段空间分布格局相似,从幼树到大树均呈现出聚集到随机甚至均匀分布的规律;不同坡向种群各发育阶段间关联性不同,阳坡各发育阶段间呈一定的正相关,而阴坡呈一定的负相关;阳坡中,山杨与锐齿栎种群分布呈一定正相关,灯台树、鹅耳枥与其呈一定负相关,在阴坡,山杨、漆树与锐齿栎呈一定正相关,灯台树、青榨槭、鹅耳枥与其呈一定负相关。结果表明:目前,阳坡锐齿栎种群结构较好,种内、种间竞争不激烈,而阴坡种群不仅受种间竞争的影响,同样受到种内竞争的制约,最终导致其林分结构较差,更新不良,从长远上看,适当疏伐可以增加林内透光性,有益于促进种群的更新与稳定。  相似文献   

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