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We investigated the ability of western equine encephalitis virus envelope glycoproteins (WEEV GP) to pseudotype lentiviral vectors. The titers of WEEV GP-pseudotyped human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) ranged as high as 8.0 × 104 IU/ml on permissive cells. Sera from WEEV-infected mice specifically neutralized these pseudotypes; cell transduction was also sensitive to changes in pH. The host range of the pseudotyped particles in vitro was somewhat limited, which is atypical for most alphaviruses. HIV vectors pseudotyped by WEEV GP may be a useful tool for characterizing WEEV cell binding and entry and screening for small-molecule inhibitors.  相似文献   

We describe bicistronic single-exon Tat (72-amino-acid Tat [Tat72])- and full-length Tat (Tat86)-encoding gene transfer vectors based on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We created versions of these vectors that were rendered Rev independent by using the constitutive transport element (CTE) from Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV). Tat72-encoding vectors performed better than Tat86-expressing vectors in gene transfer experiments. CTE-containing vectors, produced in a Rev-independent packaging system, had gene transfer efficiencies nearly equivalent to those produced using a combination RNA transport (CTE and Rev-Rev response element)-based packaging system. The Tat72-encoding vectors could be efficiently transduced into a variety of cell types, showed higher levels of transgene expression than vectors with the simian cytomegalovirus immediate-early or the simian virus 40 early promoter, and provide an alternative to HIV-1 vectors with internal promoters.  相似文献   



Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) is a rodent gammaretrovirus that serves as the backbone for common gene delivery tools designed for experimental and therapeutic applications. Recently, an infectious gammaretrovirus designated XMRV has been identified in prostate cancer patients. The similarity between the MLV and XMRV genomes suggests a possibility that the two viruses may interact when present in the same cell.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested the ability of XMRV to complement replication-deficient MLV vectors upon co-infection of cultured human cells. We observed that XMRV can facilitate the spread of these vectors from infected to uninfected cells. This functional complementation occurred without any gross rearrangements in the vector structure, and the co-infected cells produced as many as 104 infectious vector particles per milliliter of culture medium.


The possibility of encountering a helper virus when delivering MLV-based vectors to human cells in vitro and in vivo needs to be considered to ensure the safety of such procedures.  相似文献   

Packaging of retroviral RNA is attained through the specific recognition of a cis-acting encapsidation site (located near the 5' end of the viral RNA) by components of the Gag precursor protein. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are two lentiviruses that lack apparent sequence similarity in their putative encapsidation regions. We used SIV vectors to determine whether HIV-1 particles can recognize the SIV encapsidation site and functionally propagate SIV nucleic acid. SIV nucleic acid was replicated by HIV-1 proteins. Thus, efficient lentivirus pseudotyping can take place at the RNA level. Direct examination of the RNA contents of virus particles indicated that encapsidation of this heterologous RNA is efficient. Characterization of deletion mutants in the untranslated leader region of SIV RNA indicates that only a very short region at the 5' end of the SIV RNA is needed for packaging. Comparison of this region with the corresponding region of HIV-1 reveals that both are marked by secondary structures that are likely to be similar. Thus, it is likely that a similar higher-order RNA structure is required for encapsidation.  相似文献   

We recently described a sequence similarity between the small ruminant lentivirus surface unit glycoprotein (SU) gp135 and the second conserved region (C2) of the primate lentivirus gp120 which indicates a structural similarity between gp135 and the inner proximal domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 (I. Hötzel and W. P. Cheevers, Virus Res. 69:47–54, 2000). Here we found that the seven-amino-acid sequence of the gp120 strand β25 in the C5 region, which is also part of the inner proximal domain, was conserved in the SU of all lentiviruses in similar or identical positions relative to the carboxy terminus of SU. Sequences conforming to the gp135-gp120 consensus for β-strand 5 in the C2 region, which is antiparallel to β25, were then sought in the SU of other lentiviruses and retroviruses. Except for the feline immunodeficiency virus, sequences similar to the gp120-gp135 consensus for β5 and part of the preceding strand β4 were present in the SU of all lentiviruses. This motif was highly conserved among strains of each lentivirus and included a strictly conserved cysteine residue in β4. In addition, the β4/β5 consensus motif was also present in the conserved carboxy-terminal region of all type A and B retroviral envelope surface glycoproteins analyzed. Thus, the antiparallel β-strands 5 and 25 of gp120 form an SU surface highly conserved among the lentiviruses and at least partially conserved in the type A and B retroviral envelope glycoproteins.Lentiviruses are a group of strictly exogenous retroviruses that infect a range of mammalian hosts. One characteristic of this group of retroviruses is the rapid sequence divergence observed between virus strains as well as different lentiviruses, which resulted in the evolution of viruses with large differences in genome organization and sequence (20). Most of the sequence homology between highly divergent lentiviruses is present in the gag and pol gene products (8, 21). Sequence homology between the envelope glycoproteins of different lentiviruses has previously been shown to occur only in the ectodomain of the transmembrane subunit (TM) but not in the surface unit (SU) glycoprotein (3, 8, 2123). Due to this apparent lack of sequence conservation in lentiviral SU, it has been unclear how the SU of different lentiviruses are structurally related to each other. To address this question, we recently compared SU sequences from the gp120 from primate lentiviruses and the gp135 of small ruminant lentiviruses and found a statistically significant sequence similarity between the second conserved region (C2) of gp120 and a 99-amino-acid region from gp135 (10). Analysis of this gp120-gp135 sequence similarity in the context of the gp120 structure revealed a partial structural similarity between gp120 and gp135.The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp120 core bound to CD4 is composed of two major domains, the inner and outer domains, and a minidomain composed of four antiparallel β-strands, the bridging sheet (13). Sequences from the C2 region form most of the β-strands of a two-helix, two-strand bundle and a five-stranded β-sandwich in the inner domain as well as some β-strands of the outer domain of gp120 (13). Most of the similarity motifs between gp135 and the C2 region of gp120 coincide with sequences corresponding to β-strands 4 through 8 in the HIV-1 gp120 inner domain and β-strands 11 and 12 in the outer domain (10). Significantly, all four cysteines that form two disulfide bonds in the proximal region of the gp120 inner domain as well as the first cysteine of the gp120 V3 loop in β12 (13, 15) are conserved in gp135, indicating a partial similarity between the tertiary structures of gp120 and gp135 (10).The most conserved sequences between gp120 and gp135 correspond to strands β4 and β5 in the five-stranded β-sandwich structure of the proximal region of the inner proximal domain of HIV-1 gp120. Two additional β-strands in this five-stranded β-sandwich are derived from C1 and C5 sequences of HIV-1 gp120 (13). We hypothesized that C1 and C5 sequences, which are part of a structurally conserved SU inner proximal domain, should also be conserved between gp120 and gp135 and possibly in the SU of other lentiviruses. Here we show that two short motifs located in the gp120 C2 and C5 regions which are part of an antiparallel β-sheet in the gp120 inner proximal domain are conserved in the lentiviruses, indicating that a surface of the inner domain of HIV-1 gp120 is conserved in the SU of other lentiviruses. In addition, the C2 motif is also present in the envelope glycoproteins encoded by A-type endogenous retroviral elements and type B retroviruses (type A and B retroviruses), suggesting a local structural similarity between the SU of lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses.

Sequence motif of the C5 region of HIV-1 gp120 is present in the SU of all lentiviruses.

As the sequences of three of the five β-strands of the gp120 inner proximal domain β-sandwich are conserved in gp135, we first tried to determine whether the gp120-gp135 sequence similarity extends to the other two β-strands which are part of this structure. One of these strands is β1, located in the C1 region of gp120 (13). Although the sequence of β1 is relatively well conserved among the primate lentiviruses, it is only 3 amino acids long, and a reliable assignation of similar sequences in gp135 could not be done. The other strand of this β-sandwich structure is the 7-amino-acid long β25. This strand is antiparallel to β5, which is the most conserved sequence between gp120 and gp135 (10, 13). Strand β25 is located about 20 amino acid residues upstream from the carboxy terminus of HIV-1 gp120 in the C5 region, and its sequence is highly conserved among strains of primate lentiviruses (sequence KYKVVKI in HIV-1HXB2; residues conserved between HIV-1 strains are underlined) (12, 24). The last residue of this motif has been shown to be important for anchoring of gp120 on gp41 (9), suggesting that β25 is a functionally important structure of the inner proximal domain of gp120 likely to be conserved in other lentiviral glycoproteins. Sequences similar to the HIV-1 gp120 β25 motif (C5 motif) were visually sought in the gp135 carboxy-terminal region. A similar sequence was found in the caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) and visna virus gp135 between 33 and 34 amino acid residues upstream from the carboxy terminus of gp135 (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). Similar to the C5 motif sequence of primate lentiviruses, the gp135 C5 motif is highly conserved in the gp135 of small ruminant lentiviruses (4, 27, 31, 35, 36). The sequence similarity also included the strictly conserved residue L483 of HIV-1 gp120 in the preceding α-helix 5, which is part of the two-helix, two-strand bundle of the inner domain. Flanking regions of gp120 and gp135 did not show any sequence similarity (not shown). Due to its short length, the significance of the conservation of the C5 motif in gp120 and gp135 was unclear. If this motif is indeed part of a structurally or functionally important domain of SU and not due only to chance, it should also be conserved in the SU of other lentiviruses. Therefore, to establish the relevance of this sequence similarity, we determined whether the C5 motif was also present in the carboxy terminus of the SU of other lentiviruses. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Alignment of the C2 (A) and C5 (B) motifs of the SU from lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses. Numbers at the right of the alignments indicate the position of the last residue of the motif from the initiation codon. Letters above the alignment indicate residue positions within each motif. Black backgrounds represent identical amino acids or conservative variations between the lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses for each position of the motifs. Gray backgrounds represent identical amino acids or conservative variations between the lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses (but which are nonconservative with the residues in black background) for each position. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of amino acids between the last position of the C5 motif and the carboxy terminus of SU for each lentivirus. Thick lines indicate sequences which are part of HIV-1 gp120 strands β4, β5, and β25 and helix α5 (13). HIV-1 and HIV-2, human immunodeficiency virus types 1 (strain HXB2, GenBank accession number K03455) and 2 (strain ROD, X05291); CAEV, caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (M33677); Visna, visna virus (M10608); JSRV, jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (M80216); EIAV, equine infectious anemia virus (AF033820); FIV, feline immunodeficiency virus (M73965); BIV, bovine immunodeficiency virus (M32690); JDV, jembrana disease lentivirus (U21603); HERV-K, human endogenous retrovirus K, type 2 genome (X82272); MMTV, mouse mammary tumor virus (X01811); MIAE, mouse intracisternal A-type element (M73818).Sequences conforming to the C5 motif consensus were also found in the SU of the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), and the bovine jembrana disease lentivirus (JDV), 19 to 23 amino acid residues from the carboxy terminus of SU, the same relative position as the C5 motif from the carboxy terminus of gp120 in primate lentiviruses (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). This sequence similarity was clear when considering the chemical similarities of amino acid side chains (Gln/Glu, Tyr/Trp, Lys/Arg/Gln, Val/Leu, or Val/Ile). A survey of lentiviral SU sequences present in GenBank revealed that the C5 motif was also highly conserved between EIAV, FIV, and BIV strains. For example, the C5 motif was found to be strictly conserved in 64 of 69 EIAV gp90 sequences in GenBank and is also stable during in vivo persistent infection (16, 39). However, the little variation that is observed between strains of a given lentivirus follows the same pattern as variation between different lentiviruses, suggesting a common constraint on sequence variation in different lentiviruses. For example, position h of the C5 motif of HIV-1 gp120 can be either of the conservative variations Lys/Arg or Gln/Glu, the same amino acids present at position h in other lentiviruses. Similarly, position h of the C5 motif of CAEV in different strains is either Lys or Arg (35), two of the residues allowed at position h in HIV-1 gp120. In addition, position b in the C5 motif of most FIV gp100 sequences in GenBank is the conservative variation Gln or Glu, the same amino acids present at position b of the C5 motif in EIAV and the small ruminant lentiviruses, respectively. Although the C5 motif is present in all lentiviruses, the flanking sequences were not consistently conserved except for a few amino acids in some pairwise alignments (not shown). Therefore, although conservation of the C5 motif may not be statistically significant in some SU pairwise alignments, the presence of this motif in the same position relative to the carboxy terminus of SU in all lentiviruses indicates that strand β25 of gp120 is an important structural or functional domain conserved in all lentiviruses.

Sequences similar to an HIV-1 gp120 C2 motif are present in the SU of most lentiviruses.

Using computer-assisted searches, we were previously unable to find in EIAV, BIV, or FIV the same extensive region of similarity that is observed between the C2 region of gp120 and gp135 (10). However, the presence of the C5 (β25) motif in all lentiviruses suggests that sequences similar to gp120 β5, which is antiparallel to β25 and conserved between gp120 and gp135, are also present in degenerate form in other lentiviruses. Visual examination of SU sequences from different lentiviruses revealed the presence of a similar motif (C2 motif) in EIAV, BIV, and JDV although not in FIV (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). This 12-amino-acid C2 motif encompasses most of gp120 β-strands 4 and 5 and includes a strictly conserved cysteine residue in the β4 region. The C2 motif is highly conserved between strains of EIAV and BIV. In EIAV, the C2 motif is stable during persistent infection, with few conservative changes observed (16, 39). In addition, the C2 motif was found to be strictly conserved in 176 of 179 EIAV gp90 sequences present in GenBank, despite considerable sequence variation in other regions.Although some positions of the C2 motif were not absolutely conserved, we found a common pattern of variation between distantly related lentiviruses. For example, position f of the C2 motif is either Pro in EIAV, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus or aromatic (Tyr or Trp) in the small ruminant lentiviruses BIV and JDV. Also, position h can be either Phe or Tyr even in closely related lentiviruses (HIV-1/HIV-2, visna virus/CAEV, or BIV/JDV), and position l can be either Arg or Lys in the primate and small ruminant lentiviruses or Gln, which is a common conservative substitution for Arg and Lys, in EIAV, BIV, and JDV. Therefore, the C2 motifs of different lentiviruses appear to have a common constraint on sequence variation, suggesting a structural or functional similarity between the HIV-1 gp120 C2 domain and the SU of EIAV, BIV, and JDV.The other previously described gp120-gp135 conserved motifs outside the β4/β5 region could not be identified in the SU of other lentiviruses, including the sequence of gp120 β8, which has a cysteine forming a disulfide bond with the conserved β4 cysteine. Although the C2 motif was not present in FIV gp100, a similar motif was identified in a location upstream from the FIV gp100 V3 region (sequence SYCTDPLQIPLI, amino acids 318 to 329; conserved residues are underlined), in a similar relative position from gp100 V3 as the C2 motif from the V3 region of HIV-1 gp120. However, some of the highly conserved positions of the motif (positions g, h, and j) were not conserved in FIV gp100, and the significance of this FIV gp100 motif is unclear.

C2 motif is present in type A and B retroviral envelope surface glycoproteins.

The conservation of two short motifs in distant regions of SU that are located close to each other in the tertiary structure of HIV-1 gp120 suggests that this region represents a domain of SU that is of structural or functional importance. The TM ectodomains from lentiviruses and type B retroviruses have been shown to have some sequence similarity (19, 34, 38). Therefore, we asked whether sequence similarity between the Env of lentiviruses and type B retroviruses extends to the C2 and C5 motifs of SU.The type A and B retroviruses have some sequence homology in SU, and most of the sequence homology is located in the carboxy-terminal region of SU (18, 38). Visual examination of SU sequences from the human endogenous retrovirus K (18), mouse intracisternal A-type element (26), the exogenous/endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (25), and the exogenous/endogenous type B/D jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) and the closely related ovine enzootic nasal tumor virus (which encode type B retroviral envelopes) (6, 38) revealed a sequence closely related to the C2 motif in their conserved carboxy-terminal region (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). This sequence represents one of the most conserved sequences in the SU of this group of retroviruses and is also conserved among different strains or members of endogenous families (not shown). Some positions of the C2 motif, such as positions c, d, and g, are strictly or almost completely conserved between the lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses. However, more informative than the sequence similarity between lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses is the lack of distinction between the patterns of sequence variation for each position of the motif within and between retrovirus groups, even between closely related viruses. For example, position e of the C2 motif within both the lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses can be either Pro or basic/Gln; the “dimorphic” position f encodes only Tyr/Trp or Pro (except in HIV-1); position h encodes either Phe or Tyr in all sequences; position i encodes either Ala or a hydrophobic residue in most sequences; position j encodes either Ile, Leu, or Phe in all sequences; position k encodes either Leu, Ile, or Val in all sequences; and position l is preferentially Lys, Arg, or Gln in the lentiviruses and JSRV. Most of these degenerate positions represent very conservative variations (positions a and h through l) or a restricted number of nonconservative variations (positions e and f, in the turn between β4 and β5). The sequence conservation and common pattern of variation between the C2 motifs of lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses indicate a similar structural or functional constraint on sequence variation in the SU of these two groups of viruses.In contrast to the type A and B retroviruses, sequences similar to the C2 or C5 motifs could not be found in the SU of the Moloney murine leukemia virus, bovine leukemia virus, human T-cell leukemia virus types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2), Rous sarcoma virus, feline RD114 endogenous retrovirus, baboon endogenous retrovirus, feline leukemia virus type A, the Mason-Pfizer monkey retrovirus, or any spumaretrovirus even when using the Findpatterns program of the GCG package (7).Here we show that two short SU motifs are highly conserved in the lentiviruses and that one of these motifs is also conserved in the type A and B retroviruses. Many of the pairwise alignments were not statistically significant when tested by the Monte Carlo simulation of the Bestfit program of the GCG package and could therefore be attributed to chance. However, when all lentiviral sequences are included in the analysis and the multiple alignment is interpreted in the context of the X-ray structure of HIV-1 gp120, the conserved C2 and C5 motifs have a clear structural significance. The conservation of these motifs indicates that the region of the HIV-1 gp120 inner proximal domain centered on the antiparallel β-strands 5 and 25 forms a highly conserved lentiviral SU surface and suggests a possible structural similarity between the SU of lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses in that domain. Although the C2 motif is too short to rule out convergent evolution between the SU of lentiviruses and type A and B retroviruses, their sequence similarity in TM (19, 34, 38) supports a common origin for most or the entire env genes of these two retroviral groups.The reason for the disagreement between the different degrees of sequence similarity in the SU of lentiviruses and the phylogenetic analyses of the pol gene products is unclear but probably reflects differences in evolutionary rates in different lentiviruses or recombination events (19, 20). Precedents for recombination events between env genes of closely or distantly related retroviruses, deduced from phylogenetic analyses, have been described. An exchange of env sequences probably occurred between HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 (19) and between a type C retrovirus closely related to the avian reticuloendotheliosis virus and a type B retrovirus which originated the type D retroviruses (19, 38).Modeling of the trimeric SU complex on the virion surface indicates that strands β5 and β25 form part of the most virion-proximal surface of the gp120 core (14, 37). While none of the residues of the C2 motif was directly tested for interactions with TM, at least one of the residues of β25 in the C5 region of HIV-1 gp120, I491, is important for stable SU-TM interactions (9). Therefore, the conserved lentiviral SU surface may represent a common structure among lentiviruses and possibly type A and B retroviruses for anchoring SU on TM in the envelope glycoprotein complex. It is interesting that the C5 motif region, which forms a β-strand in the CD4-bound gp120 core, is included in a computer-modeled pocket structure postulated to be important in SU-TM interactions (28), suggesting a structural basis for SU shedding upon receptor-induced conformational change.The sequence of the HIV-1 gp120 outer domain, shown as a cross-hatched box in Fig. Fig.2,2, is included entirely between the C2 and C5 motifs (13). Our previous sequence analysis indicates that the gp135s of small ruminant lentiviruses have a similar inner/outer domain organization: most strands of the inner domain β-sandwich as well as β12, located in the outer domain immediately upstream from the gp120 V3 loop, are conserved between gp135 and the gp120 of primate lentiviruses (10). The identification of a homologue of gp120 β25 in gp135 about 290 amino acid residues downstream from the C2 motif provides further support for a similar domain organization in the SU of primate and small ruminant lentiviruses. Consistent with this interpretation, the putative outer domain of gp135, located between the C2 and C5 motifs, is highly glycosylated and contains more than 80% of the potential N-linked glycosylation sites of gp135 (11), similar to the heavy glycosylation of the gp120 outer domain (37). In this gp135 domain model, the distance between the C2 and C5 motifs in the primary structure of SU would indicate a larger relative size of the putative outer domain of gp135 than gp120 outer domain. The presence of the C2 and C5 motifs in EIAV, BIV, and JDV would also suggest an analogous inner/outer domain organization for the SU of these lentiviruses. However, the shorter sequence between the C2 and C5 motifs in EIAV, BIV, and JDV may indicate either a much smaller or absent outer domain in the SU of these viruses (Fig. (Fig.2).2). The conserved C2 motif of EIAV gp90 was shown to be part of a minor neutralization epitope recognized by a murine monoclonal antibody (1), suggesting that the EIAV C2 motif is better exposed on the virion surface than the C2 motif of gp120, compatible with a smaller or absent outer domain in gp90. Interestingly, the C2 motif of type A and B retroviruses is located in the carboxy terminus of SU (Fig. (Fig.2)2) and C5 appears to be absent, indicating that the surface glycoproteins of type A and B retroviruses, although possibly structurally related to the SU of lentiviruses, probably lack an outer domain homologue and have a different domain organization than the SU of lentiviruses. Open in a separate windowFIG. 2Location of the C2 and C5 motifs in retrovirus envelope glycoproteins. The Env glycoproteins (excluding the amino-terminal leader peptide) are drawn to scale and aligned by the SU-TM cleavage sites conserved in all retroviruses (dotted line). The SU and TM domains of Env are indicated by double arrows. The boundaries of the C2, V3, and C5 regions of HIV-1 gp120 are indicated by thick lines above the alignment, and the location of the HIV-1 gp120 outer domain sequence is shown by a cross-hatched box. The black and gray boxes in the SU domain indicate the positions of the C2 and C5 motifs, respectively. Asterisks represent the described PNDs of EIAV (1), visna virus (29), FIV (17), and T-cell-adapted strains of HIV-1 (33) and HIV-2 (2).The two conserved colinear motifs of lentivirus SU could be useful as structural points of reference for comparative structural studies of SU from different lentiviruses. Variable domains of SU are important in the mechanisms of host cell invasion, tropism determination, and immune evasion. In HIV-1, the third variable loop V3 of gp120 is the main target of neutralizing antibodies in tissue culture-adapted strains and also determines coreceptor usage and tropism (5, 30, 32, 33). Whether sequences in variable regions of SU in other lentiviruses that are functionally equivalent to the gp120 V3 loop are also structurally related to the gp120 V3 loop is not clear. The position of variable domains relative to the C2 and C5 motifs could therefore indicate their structural relationship. For example, the principal neutralization domain (PND) of EIAV gp90, postulated to be functionally equivalent to the gp120 V3 loop (1, 16), is located upstream from the C2 motif instead of downstream, as the V3 loop in gp120 is (Fig. (Fig.2),2), suggesting that the gp90 PND and the gp120 V3 loop, while having similar roles in evasion of humoral immune responses, may not be structurally related to each other. A similar situation also occurs in visna virus, whose PND, located in the carboxy-terminal region of gp135 (29), was previously shown to be structurally unrelated to the HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop (10). This would indicate that different lentiviruses may have evolved different regions of a primordial lentivirus surface glycoprotein to perform similar functions important in virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

Heterologous lentiviral vectors (LVs) represent a way to address safety concerns in the field of gene therapy by decreasing the possibility of genetic recombination between vector and packaging constructs and the generation of replication-competent viruses. Using described LVs based on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus MAC251 (SIV(MAC251)), we asked whether heterologous virion particles in which trans-acting factors belonged to HIV-1 and cis elements belonged to SIV(MAC251) (HIV-siv) would behave as parental homologous vectors in all cell types. To our surprise, we found that although the heterologous HIV-siv vector was as infectious as its homologous counterpart in most human cells, it was defective in the transduction of dendritic cells (DCs) and, to a lesser extent, macrophages. In DCs, the main postentry defect was observed in the formation of two-long-terminal-repeat circles, despite the fact that full-length proviral DNA was being synthesized and was associated with the nucleus. Taken together, our data suggest that heterologous HIV-siv vectors display a cell-dependent infectivity defect, most probably at a post-nuclear entry migration step. As homologous HIV and SIV vectors do transduce DCs, we believe that these results underscore the importance of a conserved interaction between cis elements and trans-acting viral factors that is lost or suboptimal in heterologous vectors and essential only in the transduction of certain cell types. For gene therapy purposes, these findings indicate that the cellular tropism of LVs can be modulated not only through the use of distinct envelope proteins or tissue-specific promoters but also through the specific combinatorial use of packaging and transfer vector constructs.  相似文献   

Alphavirus glycoproteins have broad host ranges. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vectors pseudotyped with their glycoproteins could extend the range of tissues that can be transduced in both humans and animal models. Here, we established stable producer cell lines for HIV vectors pseudotyped with alphavirus Ross River virus (RRV) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) glycoproteins E2E1. RRV E2E1-stable clones could routinely produce high-titer pseudotyped vectors for at least 5 months. SFV E2E1-stable clones, however, produced relatively low titers. We examined the properties of RRV E2E1-pseudotyped vectors [HIV-1(RRV)] and compared them with amphotropic murine leukemia virus Env- and vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G-pseudotyped vectors. HIV-1(RRV) displayed a number of characteristics which would be advantageous in ex vivo and in vivo experiments, including resistance to inactivation by heat-labile components in fresh human sera and thermostability at 37 degrees C. Upon single-step concentration by ultracentrifugation of HIV-1(RRV), we could achieve vector stocks with titers up to 6 x 10(7) IU/ml. HIV-1(RRV) efficiently transduced cells from several different species, including murine primary dendritic cells, but failed to transduce human and murine T cells as well as human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). These results indicate that HIV-1(RRV) could be used in a number of applications including animal model experiments and suggest that expression of RRV cellular receptors is limited or absent in certain cell types such as T cells and human HSC.  相似文献   

Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) replicates in the lungs of sheep and causes the secretion of copious lung fluid containing the virus. Adaptation of JSRV to infection and replication in the lung and its apparent resistance to the denaturing activity of lung fluid suggest that vectors based on JSRV would be useful for gene therapy targeted to the lung. We show here that a retrovirus vector bearing the JSRV Env is stable during treatment with lung surfactant while an otherwise identical vector bearing an amphotropic Env is inactivated. Furthermore, the JSRV vector was stable during centrifugation, allowing facile vector concentration, and showed no loss of activity after six freeze-thaw cycles. However, the JSRV vector was inactivated by standard disinfectants, indicating that JSRV vectors pose no unusual safety risk related to their improved stability under other conditions.  相似文献   

Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is the causative agent of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, a transmissible lung cancer of sheep. The envelope of JSRV may have oncogenic properties, since it can morphologically transform mouse NIH 3T3 cells and other fibroblast lines. Recently, we found that the cytoplasmic tail of the envelope transmembrane (TM) protein is necessary for transformation, and in particular a consensus binding motif (YXXM) for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) is important. Moreover, JSRV-transformed cells show phosphorylation (activation) of Akt/protein kinase B, a downstream target of PI3K. In these studies, we directly tested for the involvement of PI3K in transformation by JSRV. Contrary to expectations, four different experiments indicated that PI3K is not necessary for JSRV-induced transformation: (i) cotransfection with a dominant negative truncated form of the PI3K regulatory subunit (Deltap85) did not affect transformation frequency, (ii) cells stably expressing Deltap85 showed the same frequencies of transformation as parental NIH 3T3 cells, (iii) fibroblasts established from double-knockout mice lacking PI3K p85alpha and p85beta could be transformed with JSRV envelope, and (iv) incubation of cells with the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 did not specifically inhibit transformation, nor did the drug reverse transformation of JSRV-transformed cells. One alternate explanation for the lack of transformation by YXXM mutants could be that they were defective in intracellular trafficking. However, confocal microscopy of epitope-tagged envelope proteins of both wild-type and nontransforming YXXM mutants showed a cell surface or plasma membrane localization. While PI3K is not required for JSRV-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, the downstream target Akt kinase was found to be activated (phosphorylated) in JSRV-transformed PI3K-negative cells. Therefore, JSRV envelope can induce PI3K-independent phosphorylation of Akt.  相似文献   

In virus-infected cells, the envelope glycoprotein (Env) precursor, gp160, of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is cleaved by cellular proteases into a fusion-competent gp120-gp41 heterodimer in which the two subunits are noncovalently associated. However, cleavage can be inefficient when recombinant Env is expressed at high levels, either as a full-length gp160 or as a soluble gp140 truncated immediately N-terminal to the transmembrane domain. We have explored several methods for obtaining fully cleaved Env for use as a vaccine antigen. We tested whether purified Env could be enzymatically digested with purified protease in vitro. Plasmin efficiently cleaved the Env precursor but also cut at a second site in gp120, most probably the V3 loop. In contrast, a soluble form of furin was specific for the gp120-gp41 cleavage site but cleaved inefficiently. Coexpression of Env with the full-length or soluble form of furin enhanced Env cleavage but also reduced Env expression. When the Env cleavage site (REKR) was mutated in order to see if its use by cellular proteases could be enhanced, several mutants were found to be processed more efficiently than the wild-type protein. The optimal cleavage site sequences were RRRRRR, RRRRKR, and RRRKKR. These mutations did not significantly alter the capacity of the Env protein to mediate fusion, so they have not radically perturbed Env structure. Furthermore, unlike that of wild-type Env, expression of the cleavage site mutants was not significantly reduced by furin coexpression. Coexpression of Env cleavage site mutants and furin is therefore a useful method for obtaining high-level expression of processed Env.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is often studied by using monomeric or denatured envelope proteins (Env). However, native HIV-1 Env complexes that maintain quaternary structure elicit immune responses that are qualitatively distinct from those seen with monomeric or denatured Env. To more accurately assess the levels and types of antibodies elicited by HIV-1 infection, we developed an antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using a soluble, oligomeric form of HIV-1IIIB Env (gp140) that contains gp120 and the gp41 ectodomain. The gp140, captured by various monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), retained its native oligomeric structure: it bound CD4 and was recognized by MAbs to conformational epitopes in gp120 and gp41, including oligomer-specific epitopes in gp41. We compared the reactivities of clade B and clade E serum samples to captured Env preparations and found that while both reacted equally well with oligomeric gp140, clade B seras reacted more strongly with monomeric gp120 than did clade E samples. However, these differences were minimized when gp120 was captured by a V3 loop MAb, which may lead to increased exposure of the CD4 binding site. We also measured the ability of serum samples to block binding of MAbs to epitopes in gp120 and gp41. Clade B serum samples consistently blocked binding of oligomer-dependent MAbs to gp41 and, to a slightly lesser extent, MAbs to the CD4 binding site in gp120. Clade E serum samples showed equivalent or greater blocking of oligomer-dependent gp41 antibodies and considerably less blocking of CD4-binding-site MAbs. Finally, we found that < 5% of the antibodies in clade B sera bound to epitopes present only in monomeric gp120, 30% bound to epitopes present in both monomeric gp120 and oligomeric gp140, and 70% bound to epitopes present in oligomeric gp140, which includes gp41. Thus, captured oligomeric Env closely reflects the antigenic characteristics of Env protein on the surface of virions and infected cells, retains highly conserved epitopes that are recognized by antibodies raised against different clades, and makes it possible to detect a much greater fraction of total anti-HIV-1 Env activity in sera than does native monomeric gp120.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope (env) glycoproteins is mediated by the ectodomain of the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41. We report that deletion of gp41 residues 550 to 561 resulted in gp41 sedimenting as a monomer in sucrose gradients, while the gp160 precursor sedimented as a mixture of monomers and oligomers. Deletion of the nearby residues 571 to 582 did not affect the oligomeric structure of gp41 or gp160, but deletion of both sequences resulted in monomeric gp41 and predominantly monomeric gp160. Deletion of residues 655 to 665, adjacent to the membrane-spanning sequence, partially dissociated the gp41 oligomer while not affecting the gp160 oligomeric structure. In contrast, deletion of residues 510 to 518 from the fusogenic hydrophobic N terminus of gp41 did not affect the env glycoprotein oligomeric structure. Even though the mutant gp160 and gp120 molecules were competent to bind CD4, the mutations impaired fusion function, gp41-gp120 association, and gp160 processing. Furthermore, deletion of residues 550 to 561 or 550 to 561 plus 571 to 582 modified the antigenic properties of the proximal residues 586 to 588 and the distal residues 634 to 664. Our results indicate that residues 550 to 561 are essential for maintaining the gp41 oligomeric structure but that this sequence and additional sequences contribute to the maintenance of gp160 oligomers. Residues 550 to 561 map to the N terminus of a putative amphipathic alpha-helix (residues 550 to 582), whereas residues 571 to 582 map to the C terminus of this sequence.  相似文献   

Peut V  Kent SJ 《Journal of virology》2007,81(23):13125-13134
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8 T lymphocytes are important for the control of viremia, but the relative utility of responses to the various HIV proteins is controversial. Immune responses that force escape mutations that exact a significant fitness cost from the mutating virus would help slow progression to AIDS. The HIV envelope (Env) protein is subject to both humoral and cellular immune responses, suggesting that multiple rounds of mutation are needed to facilitate viral escape. The Gag protein, however, has recently been shown to elicit a more effective CD8 T-cell immune response in humans. We studied 30 pigtail macaques for their CD8 T-lymphocyte responses to HIV-1 Env and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag following prime/boost vaccination and intrarectal challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIVmn229. Eight CD8 Env-specific T-cell epitopes were identified and mapped in 10 animals. Animals that generated Env-specific CD8 T-cell responses had equivalent viral loads and only a modest advantage in retention of peripheral CD4 T lymphocytes compared to those animals without responses to Env. This contrasts with animals that generated CD8 T-cell responses to SIV Gag in the same trial, demonstrating superior control of viral load and a larger advantage in retention of peripheral CD4 T cells than Gag nonresponders. Mutational escape was common in Env but, in contrast to mutations in Gag, did not result in the rapid emergence of dominant escape motifs, suggesting modest selective pressure from Env-specific T cells. These results suggest that Env may have limited utility as a CD8 T-cell immunogen.  相似文献   

Hofacre A  Fan H 《Journal of virology》2004,78(19):10479-10489
Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is an exogenous retrovirus of sheep that induces a contagious lung cancer, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma. We previously showed that the gene encoding JSRV envelope protein (Env) appears to function as an oncogene, since it can transform mouse NIH 3T3 cells. The cytoplasmic tail of the Env transmembrane protein (TM) is necessary for the transformation. However, previous experiments did not exclude the involvement of the Env surface protein (SU) in transformation. In this study, we created a series of nested deletion mutants through the SU domain and assessed their ability to transform rodent fibroblasts. All SU deletion mutants downstream of the predicted signal peptide were unable to transform murine NIH 3T3 or rat 208F cells. Transport to the plasma membrane of selected deleted Env proteins was confirmed by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of hemagglutinin-tagged versions. Additional sequential SU deletion mutants lacking 50-amino-acid (aa) blocks throughout SU also were unable to transform. Furthermore, minimal insertion mutants of two amino acids (Leu/Gln) at various positions in SU also abolished transformation. These data indicate that domains in SU facilitate efficient JSRV transformation. This could reflect a necessity of SU for appropriate configuration of the Env protein or independent activation by SU of a signaling pathway necessary for transformation. Complementation between SU and TM mutants for transformation supported the latter hypothesis. Cotransfection with DeltaGP Y590F (mutant in the TM cytoplasmic tail) with DeltaGP SUDelta103-352 (lacking most of SU) resulted in efficient transformation. The resulting transformants showed evidence for the presence and expression of both mutant plasmids.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope function during the process of coreceptor switching from CCR5 to CXCR4. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce most of the possible intermediate mutations in the envelope for four distinct coreceptor switch mutants, each with a unique pattern of CCR5 and CXCR4 utilization that extended from highly efficient use of both coreceptors to sole use of CXCR4. Mutated envelopes with some preservation of entry function on either CCR5- or CXCR4-expressing target cells were further characterized for their sensitivity to CCR5 or CXCR4 inhibitors, soluble CD4, and the neutralizing antibodies b12-IgG and 4E10. A subset of mutated envelopes was also studied in direct CD4 or CCR5 binding assays and in envelope-mediated fusion reactions. Coreceptor switch intermediates displayed increased sensitivity to CCR5 inhibitors (except for a few envelopes with mutations in V2 or C2) that correlated with a loss in CCR5 binding. As use of CXCR4 improved, infection mediated by the mutated envelopes became more resistant to soluble CD4 inhibition and direct binding to CD4 increased. These changes were accompanied by increasing resistance to the CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100. Sensitivity to neutralizing antibody was more variable, although infection of CXCR4-expressing targets was generally more sensitive to neutralization by both b12-IgG and 4E10 than infection of CCR5-expressing target cells. These changes in envelope function were uniform in all four series of envelope mutations and thus were independent of the final use of CCR5 and CXCR4. Decreased CCR5 and increased CD4 binding appear to be common features of coreceptor switch intermediates.  相似文献   

Assembly of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein on budding virus particles is important for efficient infection of target cells. In infected cells, lipid rafts have been proposed to form platforms for virus assembly and budding. Gag precursors partly associate with detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) that are believed to represent lipid rafts. The cytoplasmic domain of the envelope gp41 usually carries palmitate groups that were also reported to confer DRM association. Gag precursors confer budding and carry envelope glycoproteins onto virions via specific Gag-envelope interactions. Thus, specific mutations in both the matrix domain of the Gag precursor and gp41 cytoplasmic domain abrogate envelope incorporation onto virions. Here, we show that HIV-1 envelope association with DRMs is directly influenced by its interaction with Gag. Thus, in the absence of Gag, envelope fails to associate with DRMs. A mutation in the p17 matrix (L30E) domain in Gag (Gag L30E) that abrogates envelope incorporation onto virions also eliminated envelope association with DRMs in 293T cells and in the T-cell line, MOLT 4. These observations are consistent with a requirement for an Env-Gag interaction for raft association and subsequent assembly onto virions. In addition to this observation, we found that mutations in the gp41 cytoplasmic domain that abrogated envelope incorporation onto virions and impaired infectivity of cell-free virus also eliminated envelope association with DRMs. On the basis of these observations, we propose that Gag-envelope interaction is essential for efficient envelope association with DRMs, which in turn is essential for envelope budding and assembly onto virus particles.  相似文献   

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