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We have investigated the behavior, during exponential growth, of strains of Escherichia coli carrying a dnaA(Ts) mutation that has been suppressed by the integration of the F-like R plasmid R100.1. We present evidence showing that replication in these strains proceeds largely from the normal chromosome origin at 30 degrees C, a permissive temperature for the dnaA(Ts) gene product, whereas, at 42 degrees C, replication proceeds largely from the integrated plasmid. These conclusions are based on measurements made by deoxyribonucleic acid:deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization of the relative frequencies of the prophages Mu-1 and lambdaind- and R100.1 integrated at known locations on the E. coli chromosome in these Hfr strains.  相似文献   

R E Bird  M Chandler    L Caro 《Journal of bacteriology》1976,126(3):1215-1223
We have followed, by deoxyribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization, the order of replication of three chromosomal markers during a synchronous round of replication in three strains of Escherichia coli carrying a dnaAts mutation: one strain in which the F-like R factor R.100.1 was established as a plasmid and two strains in which the dnaA mutation was suppressed by the integration of R.100.1 into the chromosome. In the R+ strain at 30C, replication of the plasmid took place simultaneously with the initiation of chromosome replication at the normal origin. In the integratively suppressed Hfr strains, at 42.5 C, chromosome replication was initiated preferentially from the integrated plasmid; little or no initiation occurred at the normal origin. Similar results were obtained for the one strain tested at 30 C. For both Hfr strains at 42.5 C, the data suggest that at least part of the population replicated bidirectionally. This conclusion had been confirmed using an autoradiographic procedure. Both types of experiment indicate a wide variation in the rate of travel of individual replication forks within the population.  相似文献   

We have studies the phenotypic suppression of a dnaA46 mutation by plasmid integration at preselected chromosomal sites after introducing homologous sequences (Mu prophages) onto both the chromosomes and the suppressive plasmid. The plasmids used were all derived from plasmid R100.1. We found that the conditions required to get viable suppressive integration varied as the plasmid integration site moved from the origin to the terminus of chromosome replication. Two constraints were observed. Both appeared to be linked to the new characteristics acquired by chromosome replication from the integrated plasmid. One constraint was that strains with integrative suppression near the terminus terC were viable only in minimal medium. The rich medium sensitivity of these strains was correlated with a loss of regulation of initiation. The other constraint was a requirement for a specific orientation in certain regions of the chromosome. The two branches defined by normally initiated replication, between oriC and terC, were also symmetrical with respect to these plasmid orientation constraints. In studying the possible reasons for a plasmid orientation constraint, we found that, of the two forks initiated in bidirectional replication from the integrated plasmid, one was capable of moving across the terC region with a higher movability than the other.  相似文献   

The tif-1 mutation in the recA gene of Escherichia coli caused, at 40 degrees C, lethal cell filamentation, induction of the recA protein, mutagenesis, and, in lambda lysogens, prophage induction. The presence of plasmid R100.1 in tif-1 strains suppressed tif-mediated cell filamentation and killing, recA protein induction, and prophage induction in lysogens. It also reduced mutagenesis in a tif-1 sfiA11(R100.1) strain. Plasmids F'lac, P1, and pMB9, in contrast, had little or no effect on tif-mediated induction of lambda. The presence of R100.1 did not inhibit the induction of the recA protein or of lambda by ultraviolet irradiation or mitomycin C treatment of tif-1(R100.1) or tif-1(lambda)(R100.1) strains.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of replication of the plasmids colE1, pSC101, R100.1 and pAR132 (an RTF-TC derivative of the drug resistance factor R100.1) has been investigated directly by DNA: DNA hybridization. These rates have been compared, in a dnaAts strain, to that of various markers of the host chromosome at permissive and non-permissive temperatures. Chromosome initiation in the dnaAts strain stops rapidly after a shift to the non-permissive temperature, but plasmids R100.1 and pAR132 do not seem to be affected directly and continue replication for some time. The colE1 replication rate undergoes a large increase after the temperature shift, followed by a rapid decrease to a very low level 25 min after the shift. In contrast pSC101 replication stops immediately after the shift. ColE1 is able to replicate in an integratively suppressed dnaAts strain at 42° C whereas pSC101 stops replication immediately under these conditions. We conclude that R100.1 and its derivative RTF-TC can replicate without a functional dnaA product; that colE1, while affected by a shift in temperature in a dnaAts strain, does not directly require dnaA; and that the plasmid pSC101 has an absolute requirement for dnaA. The absolute requirement of pSC101 for dnaA in the integratively suppressed Hfr strain provides a useful system for further investigations of the dnaA function.  相似文献   

Summary A hybrid phage (Sda1), containing an 8.1 kb EcoRI DNA fragment from the Escherichia coli chromosome, was selected on the basis of its ability to suppress bacterial thermosensitivity caused by the dnaA46 mutation. We have shown that this suppression is due to a recA +-dependent amplification of the 8.1 kb fragment; consistent with this observation, cloning of the 8.1 kb fragment into a high copy number plasmid (pBR325) leads also to suppression of dnaA46. In the suppressed strains growing at high temperature, bidirectional replication starts in or near the oriC region and requires the presence of the DnaA polypeptide. These findings suggest that the overproduction of a gene product(s), encoded by the cloned 8.1 kb fragment, can restore dnaA-dependent initiation of replication at high temperature in the oriC region. Genetic mapping shows that the groES (mopB) and groEL (mopA) genes are located on the 8.1 kb suppressor fragment. Further analysis, including in vitro mutagenesis and subcloning, demonstrates that the amplification of the groES and groEL genes is both necessary and sufficient to suppress the temperature sensitive phenotype of the dnaA46 mutation.  相似文献   

Summary The dasC mutation, an extragenic suppressor of dnaA46, was mapped by P1 transduction near the rep, trxA, rho region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The dasC mutation could not be separated from trxA by P1 transduction indicating that dasC and trxA are allelic. Multicopy plasmids containing an intact trxA gene were able to reverse the suppressive effect of the dasC mutation on the dnaA46 mutation. Introduction of a frameshift mutation into the cloned trxA coding region abolished the ability of these recombinant plasmids to reverse the suppressive effect. These results indicate that dasC is allelic with trxA, the gene encoding thioredoxin.  相似文献   

R H Chesney  J R Scott 《Plasmid》1978,1(2):145-163
Like other plasmids, the P1 and P7 prophages suppress E. coli dnaA(Ts) mutations by integrating into the host chromosome. This conclusion is supported by three lines of evidence: (1) Alkaline sucrose gradients reveal the absence of plasmid DNA in suppressed lysogens; (2) the prophage is linked to host chromosomal markers in conjugation; and (3) auxotrophs whose defect is linked to the prophage are found among suppressed colonies. No phage or bacterial mutation is required for suppression. Integrative suppression by P1 and P7, unlike suppression by F, does not require the host recA+ function. Among suppressed P7 lysogens are some that do not produce phage; these contain defective prophages. The genetic extent of the deletions contained by these defective prophages delineates the prophage regions which are not necessary for suppression of dnaA(Ts). The possible mechanisms of integration and deletion formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Data are presented suggesting that the most critical factor determining whether an Hfr dnaAts strain can synthesize deoxyribonucleic acid and form colonies at temperatures that are nonpermissive for corresponding F- strains is neither the site of insertion of F nor the presence of additional mutations in the F particle or the chromosome; it is whether the particle is capable of autonomous replication at the temperature used. Consequently, suppression of the DnaA phenotype in Hfr strains occurs at 40 C but not, in most of them, at 42 C without the occurrence of additional mutations. The site of insertion of F may also be important since it is shown that in one Hfr dnaA strain partial suppression does occur at 42 C. In addition, it is shown that strains exhibiting suppression by integration of F at 40 C on minimal agar plates do not do so at this temperature on nutrient agar plates.  相似文献   

Summary When an E. coli mutant (CRT46, dnaA46), thermosensitive in the initiation of DNA replication, grows at intermediate temperatures its DNA/mass ratio is somewhat lower than normal, but the cells possess an excess of initiation capacity, which can be expressed in the absence of proteins synthesis and lead to the accumulation of anomalously high amounts of DNA. A shift-up in temperature causes inhibition of initiation, and at the same time the production of initiation capacity is accelerated. After a shift-down in temperature initiation is released but the production of capacity is inhibited. The initiation capacity is thermolabile.The simplest explanation of these observations is that the dnaA product has a dual role: a positive function as an initiator of replication and a negative control function in its own synthesis.  相似文献   

The examination, by agarose gel electrophoresis, of tetracycline-resistant colonies of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying R-factor R12 reveals the presence of smaller plasmid deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs), incompatible with R12, in many of the clones. These plasmids are demonstrated to be homologous with R12 DNA by electron microscope heteroduplex experiments and by the production of consistent fragment patterns upon digestion with various restriction endonucleases. These autonomously replicating plasmids form a related series of covalently closed circular DNA molecules ranging in size from 3.6 X 10(6) to 61 X 10(6) daltons. Plasmids of molecular weight between 3.6 X 10(6) and 37 X 10(6) confer no antibiotic resistances, but when jointly present with R12 by nonetheless enhance the expression of the tetracycline resistance associated with this latter molecule.  相似文献   

R Yano  T Yura 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(3):1712-1717
Several suppressors (suhD) that can specifically suppress the temperature-sensitive opal rpoH11 mutation of Escherichia coli K-12 have been isolated and characterized. Unlike the parental rpoH11 mutant deficient in the heat shock response, the temperature-resistant pseudorevertants carrying suhD were capable of synthesizing sigma 32 and exhibiting partial induction of heat shock proteins. These strains were also cold sensitive and unable to grow at 25 degrees C. Genetic mapping and complementation studies permitted us to localize suhD near rpsO (69 min), the structural gene for ribosomal protein S15. Ribosomes and polyribosomes prepared from suhD cells contained a reduced level (ca. 10%) of S15 relative to that of the wild type. Cloning and sequencing of suhD revealed that an IS10-like element had been inserted at the attenuator-terminator region immediately downstream of the rpsO coding region. The rpsO mRNA level in the suhD strain was also reduced to about 10% that of wild type. Apparently, ribosomes lacking S15 can actively participate in protein synthesis and suppress the rpoH11 opal (UGA) mutation at high temperature but cannot sustain cell growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli CRT4624-P2sig5 is a dnaA mutant in which integration of the prophage P2sig5 has occurred at the attP2II site (min 85). This strain was integratively suppressed, and when cells were shifted to 42 degrees C replication was initiated at a site in or near the P2 prophage. Initially, this replication occurred primarily in the direction that corresponds to the clockwise direction on the genetic map. Replication also occurred in the counterclockwise direction, but the initiation of replication in this direction occurred approximately 40 min later than the initiation of replication in the other direction. Because of this delay, the replication forks that traveled in the clockwise direction were the first to arrive in the region of the replication terminus. These replication forks ceased replication near the aroD locus (min 37), and it is proposed that the replication terminus is between the aroD and rac loci (min 31). A model is proposed for the cycle of chromosome replication in this strain at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

Conjugative temperature-sensitive plasmids were derived from pSC101. These plasmids are useful in genetic analysis for two reasons: (i) they render possible the construction of new Hfr lines by plasmid integration at predetermined chromosomal loci via Tn10 inverse transposition, and (ii) the Hfr characters are transducible via bacteriophage P1. We also showed that replication from pSC101 origin is deleterious for the plasmid-chromosome fusion.  相似文献   

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