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The gracile axonal dystrophy (gad) mouse, which shows hereditary sensory ataxia and motor paresis, has been morphologically characterized by the dying back type of axonal degeneration in the nerve terminals of dorsal root ganglion cells and motor neurons. In the present study, using an intraspecific backcross between gad and C57BL/6J mice, the gracile axonal dystrophy (gad) gene was mapped to a region between D5Mit197 and D5Mit113. Estimated distances between gad and D5Mit197 and between gad and D5Mit113 are 0.4 ± 0.3 and 5.0 ± 1.0 cM, respectively. The gene order was defined: centromere- D5Mit81-D5Mit233-D5Mit184/D5Mit254-D5Mit256-D5Mit197-gad-D5Mit113-D5Mit7 . The mouse map location of the gad locus appears to be in a region homologous to human 4p15-p16. Our present data suggest that the nearest flanking marker D5Mit197 provides a useful anchor for the isolation of the gad gene in a yeast artificial chromosome contig.  相似文献   

The strain distribution pattern of susceptibility to thymocyte apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation in 20 CcS/Dem recombinant congenic (RC) strains derived from the strains BALB/cHeA (susceptible) and STS/A (resistant) indicates that this trait is controlled by several genes. Recently, we mapped a novel apoptosis susceptibility gene Rapop1 (radiation-induced apoptosis 1) to chromosome 16 (N. Mori et al., 1995, Genomics 25: 604-614). In the present study, the analysis of F2 crosses between the resistant RC strain CcS-8 and the susceptible strain BALB/cHeA or the highly susceptible RC strain CcS-10 demonstrated two additional apoptosis susceptibility genes, Rapop2 and Rapop3, located in the proximal region of chromosome 9 and the telomeric region of chromosome 3, respectively. The possible candidate genes for these loci are discussed.  相似文献   

Modifier-of-deafwaddler (mdfw) and waltzer (Cdh23v) are loci on mouse chromosome 10 encoding factors that are essential for the function of auditory hair cells. The BALB/cByJ-specific mdfw allele encodes a necessary and sufficient modifier that induces progressive early onset hearing loss in CBy-dfw2J heterozygotes. Recessive mutations in the waltzer locus result in circling behavior and congenital deafness. In this report we present a high-resolution integrated genetic and physical map of mdfw and Cdh23v. Our genetic analyses localize mdfw between markers D10Mit60 and 148M13T7 within a 1.01-cM region. The Cdh23v critical interval is fully contained within the mdfw region and localizes between markers 146O23T7 and 148M13T7 within a 0.35-cM interval that is represented in an ≈500-kb BAC contig. Our data suggest that mdfw and Cdh23v are allelic.  相似文献   

We have recently characterized a novel mammalian gene family, encoding membrane glycoproteins with four trans-membrane domains. This gene family includes the previously studiedPMP22,which is involved in the Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy, and three novel genes:TMP, XMP,andYMP(HGMW-approved symbolsEMP1, EMP2andEMP3,respectively). TheTmp(tumor-associated membrane protein) gene was isolated from a c-mycinduced mouse brain tumor and is expressed in several highly proliferative cell types. We have now isolated cDNAs of the mouseXmpandYmpgenes and determined the chromosomal localization of mouseTmp, Xmp,andYmp. Tmpwas mapped to mouse chromosome 6,Xmpwas mapped to chromosome 16, andYmpwas mapped to chromosome 7.TmpandYmpmap to paralogous chromosomal regions, whereasXmpmaps to a chromosomal region that is putatively paralogous to a region on chromosome 11, to whichPmp22was previously mapped. These data suggest that this family of membrane glycoproteins evolved as a result of chromosomal duplications.  相似文献   

Wnts are secreted glycoproteins implicated in diverse processes during embryonic patterning in metazoans. They signal through seven-transmembrane receptors of the Frizzled (Fz) family [1] to stabilise β-catenin [2]. Wnts are antagonised by several extracellular inhibitors including the product of the dickkopf1 (dkk1) gene, which was identified in Xenopus embryos and is a member of a multigene family. The dkk1 gene acts upstream of the Wnt pathway component dishevelled but its mechanism of action is unknown [3]. Although the function of Dkk1 as a Wnt inhibitor in vertebrates is well established [3], [4], [5] and [6], the effect of other Dkks on the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is unclear. Here, we report that a related family member, Dkk2, activates rather than inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in Xenopus embryos. Dkk2 strongly synergised with Wnt receptors of the Fz family to induce Wnt signalling responses. The study identifies Dkk2 as a secreted molecule that is able to activate Wnt/β-catenin signalling. The results suggest that a coordinated interplay between inhibiting dkk1 and activating dkk2 can modulate Fz signalling.  相似文献   

The improved methods for the preparation of valency hybrid hemoglobins, (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 were presented. The (α3+β2+)2 valency hybrid was separated from the solutions of partially reduced methemoglobin with ascorbic acid, by using CM 32 column chromatography. The (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrid was also isolated from hemoglobin solutions, which were partially oxidized with ferricyanide, by chromatography on CM 32 column. These valency hybrid hemoglobins were found to be single on isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Present procedures are very simple and are suitable for the bulk preparation of (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrids.  相似文献   

Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in industrialized countries. A locus for juvenile-onset POAG,GLC1A,has been mapped to 1q21–q31 in a 9-cM interval. With recombinant haplotypes, we have now reduced theGLC1Ainterval to a maximum of 3 cM, between theD1S452/NGA1/D1S210andNGA5loci. These loci are 2.8 Mb apart on a 4.7-Mb contig that we have completed between theD1S2851andD1S218loci and that includes 96 YAC clones and 48 STSs. The newGLC1Ainterval itself is now covered by 25 YACs, 30 STSs, and 16 restriction enzyme site landmarks. The lack of aNotI site suggests that the region has few CpG islands and a low gene content. This is compatible with its predominant cytogenetic location on the 1q24 G-band. Finally, we have excluded important candidate genes, including genes coding for three ATPases (ATP1B1, ATP2B4, ATP1A2), an ion channel (VDAC4), antithrombine III (AT3), and prostaglandin synthase (PTGS2). Our results provide a basis to identify theGLC1Agene.  相似文献   

为了解赤桉(Eucalyptus camaldulensis)肌动蛋白(Actin)在生长发育过程中的功能,根据赤桉幼苗转录组数据库中的肌动蛋白基因序列,从赤桉嫩叶中克隆了2条Actin基因片段,并利用RACE技术获得Actin基因的全长cDNA,分别命名为ECACT1和EC-ACT2基因。生物信息学分析表明,这两条基因的全长cDNA分别为1533 bp和1387 bp,均含有1个编码377个氨基酸的开放阅读框。经比对分析,赤桉Actin蛋白的氨基酸序列与其他植物Actin蛋白的具有较高的相似性,并且具有Actin蛋白特有的保守序列和相关特征。因此推测这两条基因对桉树的生长发育具有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

Laminin-5 and α3β1 integrin promote keratinocyte survival; however, the downstream signaling pathways for laminin-5/α3β1 integrin-mediated cell survival had not been fully established. We report the unexpected finding of multiple interactions between 14-3-3 isoforms and proapoptotic proteins in the survival signaling pathway. Ln5-P4 motif within human laminin-5 α3 chain promotes cell survival and anti-apoptosis by inactivating Bad and YAP. This effect is achieved through the formation of 14-3-3ζ/p-Bad and 14-3-3σ/p-YAP complexes, which is initiated by α3β1 integrin and FAK/PI3K/Akt signaling. These complexes result in cytoplasmic sequestration of Bad and YAP and their subsequent inactivation. An increase in Akt1 activity in cells induces 14-3-3ζ and σ, p-Bad, and p-YAP, promoting cell survival, whereas decreasing Akt activity suppresses the same proteins and inhibits cell survival. Suppression of 14-3-3ζ with RNA-interference inhibits cell viability and promotes apoptosis. These results reveal a new mechanism of cell survival whereby the formation of 14-3-3ζ/p-Bad and 14-3-3σ/p-YAP complexes is initiated by laminin-5 stimulation via the α3β1 integrin and FAK/PI3K/Akt signaling pathways, thereby resulting in cell survival and anti-apoptosis.  相似文献   

Summary Chloramphenicol resistance (Cmlr) of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) behaves like a transposon locus, not being localisable in any region of the map and yet being transferable in crosses at a rate comparable to that of chromosomal markers. It can, also be transposed onto a plasmid (SCP1) and back to the chromosome. Some traits, such as arginino-succinate synthase production (ArgG), aerial mycelium formation (AmyA), resistance to tetracycline and to rifamycin C appear to be joined to Cml in three processes: co-mutation, i.e. simultaneous loss, post-mutation, i.e. spontaneous loss at high, frequency in subclones from Cmls strains, co-transfer, i.e. joint transfer with the cml locus in crosses or during infection by the aggregate SCP1::SCTn1 plasmid. All these processes have been consistently observed with special attention to the argG locus.  相似文献   

TGFα is a mitogenic polypeptide found in the conditioned media of transformed cell lines as well as in various solid tumors. Although its physiological role in normal tissues is uncertain, the autocrine action of TGFα on the EGF receptor is postulated to play a role in tumorigenesis. To explore the possibility that pre-existing mouse mutants might have concordance with the mouse TGFα locus (Tgfa) we sought to establish the chromosomal localization of the murine TGFα gene. Using Southern analysis we have detected NcoI and PvuII RFLP in the TGFα gene of progenitor RI mouse strains. These RFLPs have been used to analyze four different RI sets of DNA and to assign Tgfa to the 35-cM region of chromosome 6. Linkage has been established and the data suggest that the distance between Igk and wa-1 anchor loci may be less than 8 cM and that the gene order for the proximal to mid region of mouse chromosome 6 may be: Ggc-Xmmv27-[Brp-1, Lvp-1, Ms6-4]-[Igk, Ly2, Ly3 Odc-rs5, Rn7s-6, Fabp1]-[Tgfa/wa-1]-IL5-R. Homology of synteny has been further defined between the proximal region of mouse chromosome 6 and with the 2p 13-p11 region of human chromosome 2 encompassing TGFA, IGK, CD8A, and FABP1 .  相似文献   

Cell growth and division are controlled through the actions of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs). Treatment of cell lines with Trichostatin A leads to induction of one of these CKIs, p21, and growth arrest. Induction of p21 can also occur through the actions of TGFβ1. Latent TGFβ1 can be activated by the M6P/IGF2R. In the present study we have examined the effect of TSA on members of the IGF axis, the CKIs p21 and p27, and also TGFβ1 in Hep3B cells. The only member of the IGF axis to be affected by treatments was IGF2. Expression of another gene from the same chromosomal location, H19, was also affected. TGFβ1 expression was greatly enhanced by TSA. In addition, both CKIs, p21 and p27, were upregulated by TSA. Effects of adding IGF-II or TGFβ1 to TSA-treated cells on p21 induction were examined. The results show that the induction of p21 by TSA can be modulated by additions of IGF-II whereas addition of TGFβ1 affects its own expression but not p21. In conclusion, the results indicate that the induction of p21 and cell growth arrest caused by Trichostatin A may involve multiple signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The direct resolution and quantitation of (R)- and (S)-disopyramide, isolated from human plasma, was accomplished using a chiral α1-acid glycoprotein column. A LiChrosorb RP-2 column (50 × 3.0 mm I.D.) was used as a precolumn. Phosphate buffer, pH 6.20, containing 2-propanol and N,N-dimethyloctylamine was used as mobile phase, expressed as the relative standard deviation, was 1.8% and 3.3% for (R)- and (S)-disopyramide, respectively, at a drug level of 0.5 μg/ml. In two subjects who received a single capsule of racemic disopyramide (150 mg), the plasma levels of the (R) isomer were about half those of the (S) isomer. The half-lives of (R)- and (S)-disopyramide were similar.  相似文献   

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