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Interaction of plant polysomes with the actin cytoskeleton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein composition and functional activity of various polysome subpopulations isolated from Vicia faba L. leaves and Triticum aestivum L. and Hordeum vulgare L. seedlings were studied. Membrane- and cytoskeleton-bound polysomes were more active in the wheat germ cell-free translational system than free polysomes. Several non-ribosomal proteins were detected in the polysome preparations by gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis: (1) a canonical actin of mol wt 42 kDa; (2) a 40 kDa protein, demonstrating affinity for ribosomes, sharing some determinants with actin, and present predominantly in the subpopulations of bound polysomes; and (3) an acidic ribosome-associated p40 evenly distributed between free and bound polysomes. The possibility of involvement of these proteins in interactions between polysomes and the actin cytoskeleton is discussed.  相似文献   

We report here a differential release of specific mRNAs from the cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D treatment. Non-membrane-bound polysomal mRNAs, such as histone mRNA and c-fos mRNA, are readily released from the cytoskeleton of HeLa cells during cytochalasin D treatment. Over 90% of H3 and H4 histone mRNA is associated with the cytoskeleton in control cells and only 25% in cells treated with cytochalasin D (40 micrograms/ml). In contrast, the membrane-bound polysomal mRNAs for HLA-B7 and chorionic gonadotropin-alpha are inefficiently released from the cytoskeletal framework by cytochalasin D alone; approximately 98% of the HLA-B7 mRNA in control cells is associated with the cytoskeleton, whereas approximately 65% of the HLA-B7 mRNA is retained on the cytoskeleton in cells treated with cytochalasin D (40 micrograms/ml). Disruption of polysome structure with puromycin during cytochalasin D treatment results in the efficient release of HLA-B7 mRNA from the cytoskeleton. Under these conditions, only 25% of the HLA-B7 mRNA remains associated with the cytoskeletal framework. Thus, membrane-bound polysomes appear to be attached to the cytoskeleton through a cytochalasin D-sensitive site as well as through association with the nascent polypeptide and/or ribosome. These results demonstrate a complex association of polysomes with the cytoskeleton and elements of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation has been investigated in non-photosynthetic plastids of pea roots. Intact and lysed preparations of plastids were incubated with [gamma-(32)P]ATP and three stromal proteins of sizes 41, 58 and 62 kDa were phosphorylated on a serine residue. No other proteins were significantly labelled under the conditions used. The 62 kDa protein is probably phosphoglucomutase and represents a phosphoenzyme catalytic intermediate. The protein kinase(s) and phosphatase(s) acting on the other proteins were not sensitive to exogenous calcium but were sensitive to magnesium. The protein phosphatase which acts on the 41 kDa protein is possibly of type 2C, whereas that acting on the 58 kDa phosphoprotein did not fall into any class defined by mammalian systems. Metabolism of exogenous glucose 6-phosphate by the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway in intact plastids abolished the phosphorylation of the 58 kDa protein. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate and 3-phosphoglycerate also inhibited phosphorylation of the 58 kDa protein and had a time-dependent effect on the phosphorylation of the 41 kDa protein. The significance of these results in relation to a possible role for protein phosphorylation in these plastids is considered.  相似文献   

B. Stanković  S. Abe  E. Davies 《Protoplasma》1993,177(1-2):66-72
Summary Frozen corn endosperm was homogenized in a cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer and stained directly (without pelleting) with rhodamine-phalloidin for actin and either thiazole orange to stain RNA or DiOC6 to stain membranes prior to examination under the fluorescence microscope. Other samples were treated with a non-ionic detergent alone or in conjunction with a ionic detergent prior to staining and fluorescence microscopy. Very gentle homogenization in unsupplemented buffer yielded a massive aggregate containing protein bodies that fluoresced after treatment with the ER stain DiOC6. This aggregate was capped by an aggregate of unstained starch grains. More vigorous homogenization yielded more disperse patterns showing almost identical co-localization of ER, actin and RNA (polysomes). Homogenization in buffer plus non-ionic detergent removed most of the membrane yet maintained co-localization of actin and polysomes, while homogenization in double detergent removed the last traces of membrane and actin, and released over 70% of the polysomes. We interpret these results to suggest that protein bodies are surrounded by membranes, cytoskeleton and RNA (polysomes) and that the majority of the polysomes are attached more firmly to the cytoskeleton than to the membrane. This provides evidence from fluorescence microscopy to supplement that from biochemical analyses for the existence of cytomatrix-bound polysomes in plants.Abbreviations CBP cytoskeleton-bound polysomes - CMBP cyto-matrix-bound polysomes - CSB cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer - DOC sodium deoxycholate - DiOC6 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide - DTE dithioerythritol - MBP membrane-bound polysomes - FP free polysomes - PMSF phenylmethyl-sulfonyl fluoride - PTE polyoxy-ethylene-10-tridecyl ether - Rh-Ph rhodamine-phalloidin - TO thiazole orange - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   

Polysomes bound to washed thylakoids from pea Pisum sativum cv Progress No. 9 chloroplasts are capable of protein synthesis when supplemented with amino acids, ATP and a regenerating system, GTP, and soluble factors required for translation. The extent of protein synthesis in previous reports, however, was quite low when compared to in organello translation. By systematic testing of parameters in the isolation of thylakoids and reaction mixture components we have been able to establish more optimal conditions. Incorporation of 2 to 10 nanomoles of leucine per milligram chlorophyll in a 20-minute reaction period is now possible, representing a 10- to 60-fold increase over amounts previously reported. Autoradiographs of solubilized, electrophoresed membranes show about 30 discrete labeled polypeptides which remain associated with the thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

Although the microtubular cytoskeleton of plant cells is important in maintaining the direction of cell growth, its natural lability can be harnessed in such a way that new growth axes are permitted. In these circumstances, the system which fabricates the cytoskeleton is presumably responsive to morphogenetic information originating from outside the cell. Spatial patterns of hormonal and metabolic signals within the tissue or organ that house the responsive cells are one possible source of this information. However, a contrasting source takes the form of biophysical information, such as the supracellular patterns of stresses and strains.We examined the microtubular cytoskeleton in roots of tomato and maize to test the assumption that the cortical microtubular array of each cell would have a particular orientation relative to the cell's position within the growth field of the root apex. Accordingly, each intracellular cortical array was mapped to the overall pattern of cells within the apex. In certain areas of the meristem, the arrays seemed to be more variable than elsewhere. These are sites where morphogenetic decisions are taken, usually involving a change in the plane of cell division. Roots which have suffered disturbance to their physical structure (e.g. removal of the root cap), or which had been exposed to low temperatures or treated with certain chemicals (e.g. inhibitors of nuclear division or DNA synthesis), exhibited new patterns of microtubular arrays which in turn predicted novel patterns of cell division. In all these circumstances, the arrays showed consistent alterations within distinct regions of the root-e.g. in the quiescent centre and also in a group of cells just behind the quiescent centre, at the boundary between cortex and stele. These altered arrays indicate that there are supracellular domains in which the microtubules respond to morphogenetic signals. Studies such as these reinforce the concept of microtubule lability and the inherent responsiveness of the microtubular system to external and internal stimuli. However, at present there is no indication of how the morphogenetic programme of the root is set up in the first place. Probably, this is established and stabilized early in embryogenesis and is then perpetuated by the prevailing metabolic and biophysical conditions. The microtubules of the cytoskeleton can be regarded as intracellular automata which not only participate in mitosis and cytokinesis but also ensure the realization of an organogenetic programme. Should the root confront circumstances which temporarily destabilize this programme, the prevailing growth field is sufficiently robust to ensure that the microtubular system is attracted back to the stable, pre-existing state capable of reinstating normal morphogenesis. H Lambers Section editor  相似文献   

Summary Wahsed thylakoid membranes from pea chloroplasts incorporate label from (35S)-methionine into protein when supplemented with S-30 soluble factors from E. coli. One of the products associated with the thylakoids is soluble in butanol, precipitated by ether and has an apparent molecular mss of 8200D on urea-lithium dodecyl sulphate (LDS) polyacrylamide gels. In addition, the protein covalently binds dicyclohexylcarbo-diimide (DCCD) which causes it to migrate as two slower forms on gels. Based on these criteria we establish that the proteolipid or subunit III of CF0 (the intrinsic sector of the ATPase complex) is synthesized by the thylakoid bound polysomes.  相似文献   

Calcium transport has been studied using purified endomembrane vesicles from dark-grown roots of Pisum sativum L. Membranes from a mixed microsomal (non-mitochondrial) fraction showed ATP-dependent calcium uptake which was released by the ionophore A 23187, had a pH optimum of 7.2 and required Mg2+ for uptake. Membranes were further purified using a rapid sucrosedensity-gradient technique yielding vesicles suitable for transport studies, and were identified using marker enzymes. Uptake by plasma membrane, tonoplast, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus was indicated. Uptake by membranes of low density (predominantly tonoplast) had a pH optimum of 7.2–7.4 and nucleotide specificity ATP> guanosine 5-triphosphate>inosine 5-triphosphate>ADP>, while that by high-density membranes had a pH optimum of 7.5–7.9 and less specificity for ATP. The importance of regulating sucrose concentrations in calcium transport studies was demonstrated.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate - IDPase inosine diphosphatase - IIP inosine 5-triphosphate  相似文献   

Summary Hydrogen uptake has been shown to occur with pea root nodule breis and this uptake has been shown to be confined to the bacteriods. The uptake of hydrogen by washed bacteriods, in the absence of any added substrates, has been shown to be accompanied by oxygen uptake and the ratio of hydrogen uptake to oxygen uptake in these preparations has been found to be 2:1. Substrates, provided to washed bacteriods, inhibit the uptake of hydrogen and it has been found that the utilisation of substrates, as measured by carbon dioxide evolution, is inhibited by hydrogen. It is suggested that hydrogen and substrates compete for electron carriers and that electrons from the hydrogen reduce components of the electron transport pathway and ATP is produced.The action of hydrogen on nitrogen fixation in nodule breis and washed bacterioid preparations was examined and the evidence shows that some non-competitive inhibition of nitrogen fixation, by hydrogen, occurs.  相似文献   

F Wen  Y Zhu    M C Hawes 《The Plant cell》1999,11(6):1129-1140
Expression of an inducible gene with sequences common to genes encoding pectin methylesterase (PME) was found to be tightly correlated, both spatially and temporally, with border cell separation in pea root caps. Partial inhibition of the gene's expression by antisense mRNA in transgenic pea hairy roots prevented the normal separation of root border cells from the root tip into the external environment. This phenotype was correlated with an increase in extracellular pH, reduced root elongation, and altered cellular morphology. The translation product of the gene exhibited PME activity in vitro. These results are consistent with the long-standing hypothesis that the demethylation of pectin by PME plays a key role in cell wall metabolism.  相似文献   

Pea plants were inoculated jointly with pairs of genetically marked strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum. Out of 297 modules examined 56 contained both inoculant strains. The ratios of the strains in the inoculum did not affect the frequencies of mixed nodules. Generally one of the strains consistently occupied the majority of the nodules and ithe mixed nodules comprised the majority of bacteria. Transfer of the P-group R factor, RP4, between certain strains of Rhizobium within mixed nodules was detected. In some cases the non-parental progeny comprised 10% of the rhizobia isolated from such nodules.  相似文献   

Washed thylakoids of pea chloroplasts, containing tightly bound polysomes, incorporate radioactive amino acids into protein when supplied with soluble factors from Escherichia coli. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with lithium dodecyl sulfate, followed by autoradiography of the labeled products, showed the synthesis of a number of different polypeptides. Two of the most heavily labeled products were in the region expected for the alpha and beta subunits of coupling factor 1, at 57 and 54 kDa. Positive identification of the subunits was made using monospecific antibodies. Furthermore, the same two polypeptides made by soluble polysomes located in the chloroplast stroma were found. While the major proportion of the newly formed alpha and beta subunits made by thylakoid-bound polysomes remained with the thylakoids after protein synthesis occurred, no evidence was found of incorporation into complete, EDTA-extractable coupling factor 1.  相似文献   

Pulse labelled bacteriophage T4 RNA isolated from polysomes from either early or late infected cells were found to contain complementary RNA. The fraction of complementary late RNA was higher in the heaviest late polysomes. The RNA not associated with polysomes appeared to contain insignificant amounts of complementary RNA. The significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Sections of the growing root of pea (Pisum sativum) have been microdissected into stele, cortex and epidermis. Using labelled amino acids, two dimensional separations employing non-equilibrium pH gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE) and isoelectric focusing (IEF), and silver staining, the complexity of protein differences between the cortex and the stele has been assessed. Analyses commenced as cells in these two tissues appear in the meristem (0.7—1 mm from the tip) and continued up to 30 mm from the tip as they subsequently mature. From the earliest stages at which the cortex and stele can be distinguished and dissected apart the protein patterns differ substantially. However these tissue differences, involving over one third of the detected protein species, are almost all quantitative. Very few qualitative (i.e. tissue specific) proteins were detected. Many proteins also show quantitative stage-specific variation, detected using successively older root segments. In vitro translation studies involving isolated mRNA showed only a very limited stage-specific variation in translated proteins. This supports the notion that translational controls may contribute significantly to the development of these two tissue types.  相似文献   

The association of polysome redistribution with changes in protein synthesis was investigated in insulin-stimulated fibroblasts. Free polysomes were released by Nonidet-P40 and 25 mM KCl, cytoskeletal-bound polysomes were retained at 25 mM KCl but released at 130 mM, while membrane-bound polysomes were released by deoxycholate. Insulin increased the proportion of polysomes which were retained at 25 mM KCl but had no effect when extraction was carried out at 130 mM KCl, suggesting that more polysomes were associated with the cytoskeleton. Insulin also reduced the amount of actin released from the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton indicating that the hormone affects microfilament organization.  相似文献   

The ability of Rhizobium leguminosarum 248 to attach to developing Pisum sativum root hairs was investigated during various phases of bacterial growth in yeast extract-mannitol medium. Direct cell counting revealed that growth of the rhizobia transiently stopped three successive times during batch culture in yeast extract-mannitol medium. These interruptions of growth, as well as the simultaneous autoagglutination of the bacteria, appeared to be caused by manganese limitation. Rhizobia harvested during the transient phases of growth inhibition appeared to have a better attachment ability than did exponentially growing rhizobia. The attachment characteristics of these manganese-limited rhizobia were compared with those of carbon-limited rhizobia (G. Smit, J. W. Kijne, and B. J. J. Lugtenberg, J. Bacteriol. 168:821-827, 1986, and J. Bacteriol. 169:4294-4301, 1987). In contrast to the attachment of carbon-limited cells, accumulation of manganese-limited rhizobia (cap formation) was already in full progress after 10 min of incubation; significantly delayed by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, a pea lectin haptenic monosaccharide; partially resistant to sodium chloride; and partially resistant to pretreatment of the bacteria with cellulase. Binding of single bacteria to the root hair tips was not inhibited by 3-O-methyl-D-glucose. Whereas attachment of single R. leguminosarum cells to the surface of pea root hair tips seemed to be similar for both carbon- and manganese-limited cells, the subsequent accumulation of manganese-limited rhizobia at the root hair tips is apparently accelerated by pea lectin molecules. Moreover, spot inoculation tests with rhizobia grown under various culture conditions indicated that differences in attachment between manganese- and carbon-limited R. leguminosarum cells are correlated with a significant difference in infectivity in that manganese-limited rhizobia, in contrast to carbon-limited rhizobia, are infective. This growth-medium-dependent behavior offers and explanation for the seemingly conflicting data on the involvement of host plant lectins in attachment of rhizobia to root hairs of leguminous plants. Sym plasmid-borne genes do not play a role in manganese-limitation-induced attachment of R. leguminosarum.  相似文献   

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