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An improved understanding of the ecology of fleas on California ground squirrels, Otospermophilus beecheyi, is warranted given the role of fleas in the transmission, and perhaps persistence, of the plague‐causing bacterium Yersinia pestis. We sampled O. beecheyi on a seasonal basis from three study sites, each representing a different land use type (preserve, pasture, and agriculture) in the San Joaquin Valley, CA. Overall, the abundance of fleas on squirrels was greatest in spring at the preserve site, in summer at the agriculture and pasture sites, and in winter at the pasture site. Hoplopsyllus anomalus, the species most frequently found on squirrels, was most abundant in spring at the preserve site and in summer at the agriculture and pasture sites. Oropsylla montana was most abundant in winter at the pasture site and on adult squirrels. Echidnophaga gallinacea was most abundant in fall on juvenile squirrels at the preserve site. All three flea species we encountered are known to be potential vectors of Y. pestis. Future efforts to predict flea species occurrence and abundance (and plague risk) at sites of concern should consider seasonal microclimatic conditions and the potential influence of human land use practices.  相似文献   


To determine what environmental factor is the Zeitgeber for the annual change in mass, California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) were exposed to several regimes of temperature and length of day. The squirrels were captured when age 4–5 months, kept individually in cages with excess food and nesting material. The temperature was varied with a 6‐month phase shift (SH). The length of day was the same as Santa Barbara (SB) or 6‐month phase shift (SH). The light was provided by cool white bulbs at 10–600 lux.

The first experiment consisted of keeping squirrels at either SB or SH length of day and at constant temperature (20°) for three years and then changing to SH temperature for 3 years. None entrained although at age 6, 2 might be entrained. The second experiment repeated the first except that the SH temperature started at age zero. None has entrained by age 5. None of a third group, placed at SH temperature and SB length of day, has entrained by age 3. The conclusion is that these regimes of temperature and length of day, which resemble natural conditions, do not entrain the annual change of mass.  相似文献   

Epizootic outbreaks of sylvatic plague have dramatically influenced prairie dog (Cynomys sp.) populations across North America. While a great deal of debate surrounds the cause and persistence of plague, flea control can stop the spread of plague epizootic outbreaks and even increase prairie dog survival under non‐epizootic conditions. We investigated a newly‐developed imidacloprid‐treated grain bait that could potentially reduce flea infestations and mitigate the effects of plague on black‐tailed prairie dogs (C. ludovicianus). We used a study design involving randomly assigned experimental and control study plots to assess the effectiveness of the systemic flea control product. We observed a significant difference in flea prevalence and abundance between experimental and control sites on three of the four sites treated with a single application of imidacloprid‐treated grain bait for up to 90 days post‐treatment. We observed an even greater reduction in flea infestations following the double application of treatment bait on two of three additional experimental sites. While we were unable to reduce flea infestations to the extent reported for more commonly used topical insecticides containing deltamethrin, imidacloprid might still be effective at reducing the risk of plague and halting epizootics. In addition, this systemic product can be more rapidly applied than topical insecticides, providing managers with a tool to quickly reduce flea infestations. Future research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of different application timing and rates, the utility of the product in limiting plague, and the potential effects on non‐target species that might also consume the treated bait.  相似文献   

Summary Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) were examined for ability to select a diet that maximizes daily energy intake (optimal diet) under free-living field conditions. The optimal diet for each squirrel was determined given constraints (e.g. body size, feeding time) on individual foraging behavior. Most squirrels (63%) consumed a diet not significantly different from one that would maximize their daily energy intake. The remainder (37%) approached an energy maximized diet but appeared to make some incorrect foraging decisions. Both males and females appeared to approach energy maximized diets. An individual's deviation from its optimal diet is relatively constant within a season and not significantly affected by immediate environmental influences such as food abundance, thermal conditions and social environment. The energy cost of deviating from an optimal diet may be large enough to affect fitness. These results suggest that the ability to select an optimal diet can be viewed as a behavioral trait that might be subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

氟虫腈、吡虫啉作为黑翅土白蚁诱杀药剂的效果   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
毒力测定结果表明,0.025~0.4μg/mL氟虫腈和吡虫啉分别在药后3 d和5 d对黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus表现出明显的毒杀效果,氟虫腈和吡虫啉药后1 d的LC50分别为药后5 d的509倍和63.8倍,2种药剂对黑翅土白蚁的毒杀效果均比较缓慢。毒性传递试验表明,0.5μg/g毒沙处理白蚁1 h后,氟虫腈和吡虫啉的致死毒性均可被传毒白蚁传递给受毒白蚁。驱避作用试验表明,50μg/mL氟虫腈对黑翅土白蚁无明显的驱避作用,而50μg/mL吡虫啉对黑翅土白蚁表现出了明显的驱避作用。可见,2种供试药剂中,氟虫腈是较理想的白蚁诱杀药剂。  相似文献   

刘宏  陈文娟  姚维君 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):298-299
室内进行吡虫啉和杀虫单混配对稻纵叶螟的毒力测定,测定结果表明:吡虫啉和杀虫单不同配比的混合物对稻纵叶螟均有一定的增效作用,其中吡虫啉∶杀虫单(1∶29)混配物增效作用最为显著。  相似文献   

The fleas (Siphonaptera: Pygiopsyllidae) Farhangia quattuordecimdentata sp. n. and Farhangia sedecimdentata sp. n. are described from pygmy squirrels (Prosciurillus spp.), and Nestivalius sulawesiensis sp. n. from murine rodents, all from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Both new species of Farhangia were collected in Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah); F. quattuordecimdentata sp. n. was recovered mainly from P. murinus, whereas F. sedecimdentata sp. n. was recovered mainly from P. leucomus. These new species are compared with the two previously described species of Farhangia: F. celebensis (Ewing) from P. murinus in North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara) and F. sciuri (Ewing) from the tree squirrel Callosciurus prevosti in Sabah (Borneo). Nestivalius sulawesiensis sp. n. was collected from six species of endemic murine rodents in both North and Central Sulawesi. It is compared to the morphologically similar N. pomerantzi (Traub) from Mindanao, which parasitizes murine hosts that are endemic to the Philippines.  相似文献   

1. 1. Neural activity was recorded in hippocampal slices from deep hibernating Yakut ground squirrels and in hippocampal and septal slices from non-hibernating animals.
2. 2. Slices were placed immediately after preparation in hypothermic conditions (3–4°C). Their activity was tested under standard conditions at 31°C in the incubation chamber. Some of the prepared slices were tested after maintenance in hypothermia for 2 or 24 h.
3. 3. In the hippocampal slices of hibernating ground squirrels, neural activity was present, irrespective of the period in hypothermia.
4. 4. Slices from guinea-pigs and hamsters did not possess neural activity after either 2 or 24 h of hypothermic treatment.

Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis) is a deadly zoonosis with black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) as a reservoir host in the United States. Systemic insecticides are a promising means of controlling the vectors, Oropsylla spp. fleas, infesting these prairie dogs, subsequently disrupting the Y. pestis cycle. The objective of this study was to conduct a field trial evaluating the efficacy of a grain rodent bait containing fipronil (0.005%) against fleas infesting prairie dogs. The study was performed in Larimer County, CO, where bait was applied to a treatment area containing a dense prairie dog population, three times over a three‐week period. Prairie dogs were captured and combed for fleas during four study periods (pre‐, mid‐, 1st post‐, and 2nd post‐treatment). Results indicated the use of bait containing fipronil significantly reduced flea burden. The bait containing fipronil was determined to reduce the mean number of fleas per prairie dog >95% for a minimum of 52 days post‐initial treatment application and 31 days post‐final treatment application. These results suggest the potential for this form of treatment to reduce flea population density on prairie dogs, and subsequently plague transmission, among mammalian hosts across the United States and beyond.  相似文献   

【目的】分析云南省玉龙鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的影响因素。【方法】选取云南省玉龙鼠疫疫源地3个海拔区域,按4个季节进行野外捕鼠,捕获的鼠形动物用梳检法收集体表寄生蚤并在显微镜下分类鉴定。通过实际测量和实地观察相结合的方式收集潜在影响鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的因素包括鼠形动物特征变量指标(如种类、年龄、性别、体长、体重)、环境和气象因子(如海拔、季节)等数据。采用EpiData 3.02软件建立数据库,在R软件下使用跨栏负二项分布回归分析鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的影响因素。【结果】从捕获的884只鼠形动物中检获寄生蚤9种484头,以特新蚤指名亚种、方叶栉眼蚤、无值大锥蚤、云南栉眼蚤为主(86.16%)。回归分析显示: 2 700-3 000 m和3 000 m以上海拔鼠形动物染蚤概率较2 400-2 700 m分别增加1.27和3.72倍;湿度高于70%时,鼠形动物染蚤概率较湿度≤70%时减少41%;与齐氏姬鼠的染蚤概率相比,中华姬鼠的染蚤概率降低50%,大绒鼠的染蚤概率增加79%;体长超过104 mm的鼠形动物染蚤概率较体长≤104 mm的鼠形动物染蚤概率增加76%;气温高于15℃时,鼠形动物染蚤数量较温度≤15℃时降低67%;成年鼠形动物的染蚤数量较未成年鼠形动物的染蚤数量增加2.25倍;与春季相比,夏季的染蚤数量增加2.00倍,秋季的染蚤概率减少48%,冬季的染蚤概率和染蚤数量分别增加1.44和1.06倍。【结论】玉龙鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤以特新蚤指名亚种、方叶栉眼蚤、无值大锥蚤、云南栉眼蚤为优势蚤种。鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度与海拔、季节、气温、湿度等环境气象因子及鼠形动物种类、体长、年龄等鼠形动物特征变量密切相关。  相似文献   

A field trial on the control effect of fipronil poison bait against German cockroaches (Blatella germanica) was carried out at different restaurant types in Sinchon, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Monitoring was performed applying food baited traps for 2 days per week. Reduction rates of German cockroaches by applying fipronil baits were 90.9% at Korean restaurants, 96.4% at Chinese restaurants, and 89.4% in beer hall kitchens after 4 weeks of the treatment. Overall average of the reduction rate was 93.9%. As the natural reduction rate at untreated restaurants was 11.5% after 4 weeks, a correction of the average reduction rate by applying the Abbot formula was 93.1%.  相似文献   

Three new species of fleas belonging to the genus Macrostylophora (Siphonaptera, Ceratophyllidae) are described from the three‐striped ground squirrel, Lariscus insignis, from Tjibodas, West Java (Jawa Barat), Indonesia at an elevation of 1500 m. Macrostylophora larisci sp. n. is described from three male specimens, Macrostylophora debilitata sp. n. is described from one male and Macrostylophora wilsoni sp. n. is described from one female. Non‐genital morphological characters of the female specimen, including ctenidial spine shapes and lengths, show that it is not the corresponding female for either M. larisci sp. n. or M. debilitata sp. n. It is unusual for three different species of congeneric fleas to parasitize the same host species in the same geographical location. These three new species represent the first known records of Macrostylophora from Java and they could be enzootic vectors between rodents of flea‐borne zoonotic pathogens such as Rickettsia typhi and Yersinia pestis, both of which are established on Java. A list is provided of the 43 known species and 12 subspecies of Macrostylophora together with their known geographical distributions and hosts. A map depicting the distributions of known Indonesian (and Bornean) species of Macrostylophora is also included.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations over a wide geographical area should reflect the demographic and evolutionary processes that have shaped a species across its range. We examined the population genetic structure of antelope ground squirrels (Ammospermophilus leucurus) across the complex of North American deserts from the Great Basin of Oregon to the cape region of the Baja California peninsula. We sampled 73 individuals from 13 major localities over this 2500-km transect, from 43 to 22 degrees north. Our molecular phylogeographical analysis of 555 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and 510 bp of the control region revealed great genetic uniformity in a single clade that extends from Oregon to central Baja California. A second distinct clade occupies the southern half of the peninsula. The minimal geographical structure of the northern clade, its low haplotype diversity and the distribution of pairwise differences between haplotypes suggest a rapid northward expansion of the population that must have followed a northward desert habitat shift associated with the most recent Quaternary climate warming and glacial retreat. The higher haplotype diversity within the southern clade and distribution of pairwise differences between haplotypes suggest that the southern clade has a longer, more stable history associated with a southern peninsular refugium. This system, as observed, reflects both historical and contemporary ecological and evolutionary responses to physical environmental gradients within genetically homogeneous populations.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory bioassays with each consisting of low, medium and high concentration treatments of the fungal biocontrol agent Beauveria bassiana alone or supplemented with an increasing sublethal rate of imidacloprid were conducted to quantify the fungal and chemical interactions on chrysanthemum aphid Macrosiphoniella sanborni (0.01‐0.05 a.i. μg mL?1) and green peach aphid Myzus persicae (0.05‐0.5 a.i. μg mL?1). During one week after exposure to a 1 mL spray onto a 95 cm2 area in a Potter Spray Tower, M. sanborni was either more susceptible to B. bassiana or more sensitive to imidacloprid than M. persicae. The time–concentration–mortality (TCM) responses of each aphid species in each of five bioassays fit well to a TCM model, indicating a strong dependence of the fungal and chemical interactions on both concentration and post‐spray time. Adding imidacloprid to B. bassiana sprays at the rates of 0.025–0.05 μg mL?1 against M. sanborni or 0.1–0.5 μg mL?1 against M. persicae significantly enhanced or accelerated the fungal action. Based on the LC50 or LC90 estimates and their variances determined by the fitted TCM relationships for each aphid species, the relative potencies of an imidacloprid‐inclusive bioassay over those with B. bassiana alone or together with a lower sublethal rate ranged from a few to hundreds of times and varied over days after spray. These results suggest an alternative tactic for practical control of the aphid pests by a combined formulation or application of B. bassiana and imidacloprid and manage aphid resistance to the chemical insecticide.  相似文献   

nC22矿物油及其与吡虫啉混用对柑橘木虱的室内毒力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】室内评价nC22矿物油单独使用,以及与吡虫啉混用对柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri的毒力,并筛选nC22矿物油对吡虫啉防治柑橘木虱具有增效作用的混配比例,为矿物油防治柑橘木虱的应用提供科学依据。【方法】使用nC22矿物油以及阳性对照nC23和nC28矿物油,采用浸渍法和喷雾法分别检测矿物油对柑橘木虱卵和低龄若虫、高龄若虫、成虫的致死作用,以处理后第7天(卵)和第1天(若虫和成虫)的LC50值评估毒力。将nC22矿物油与吡虫啉以不同配比混配,测定混配液对低龄若虫的毒力,使用交互测定法、共毒因子(co-toxicity factor, CTF)法和共毒系数(co-toxicity coefficient, CTC)法评价矿物油对吡虫啉的增效作用。【结果】单独使用时,nC22矿物油对卵的LC50值低于nC23和nC28矿物油;对低龄若虫和高龄若虫的LC50值与nC23矿物油相当,都低于nC28矿物油;对成虫的LC50值与nC28矿物油相当,都低于nC23矿物油。与吡虫啉混用时,nC22矿物...  相似文献   

The Mediterranean flat-headed rootborer, Capnodis tenebrionis (L.) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), is an economically important pest of stone fruit and seed fruit in Mediterranean areas. The potential control of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (strain Bpa), isolated from a dead C. tenebrionis larva, was tested in a cherry tree orchard in Ullastrell, Barcelona (Spain). Nematode infective juveniles (IJs) were applied by drench and injection. In both the treatments, a rate of 1 million IJs was applied per tree every week during 4 or 8 weeks, with a total dose of 4 × 106 IJs/tree and 8 × 106 IJs/tree. Number, stage and localization of insects in each tree trunk were recorded. In both the experiments, S. feltiae significantly reduced the population of C. tenebrionis providing control ranging from 88.3% to 97%. No significant differences were recorded between the different treatments. Persistence of nematodes was recorded until 6 weeks after application. Results indicate that the application of S. feltiae (Bpa) provides adequate control of C. tenebrionis in cherry trees.  相似文献   

Single, double and triple releases of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, reduced the population of the beetle Maladera matrida Argaman, infesting peanuts (’Shulamit’ cv.) by 70, 75 and 93% respectively in microplot tests. Simultaneous and late (2 weeks after infestation) applications reduced beetle numbers by 63 and 79% respectively, in the microplots, while early application (2 weeks prior to infestation) did not reduce the beetle population. In a field trial, reductions in insect population and damage to the crop were achieved by early treatment with the nematode as well as by Heptachlor, leading to reductions in the insect population of 60 and 90% respectively, when recorded 4 weeks after nematode application. However, the nematode treatment did not maintain its effectiveness for a longer period and pest damage increased to the same level as the untreated control after 7 weeks. When the nematodes were applied at different concentrations (0.25–1.0 x 106 infective juveniles (IJs) m‐2) their effectiveness was not related to the concentration level. The only significant (P < 0.05) reduction in insect levels was recorded in the treatment with 0.5 X 106 IJs m‐2. In a second field trial, both H. bacteriophora and Steinernema glaseri reduced insect populations significantly (P < 0.05) by approximately 50% in comparison to the control. In the third trial, treatment with H. bacteriophora resulted in a decrease in insect population of 90% while treatment with S. carpocapsae reduced the grub numbers by 40% in comparison to the control. A differential susceptibility of various grub developmental stages was recorded in the field. The small grubs (I‐4 mm long, lst‐2nd larval stage) were not affected by the nematode treatments while the numbers of medium and large size grubs were reduced by 2‐ and 3‐fold respectively in the various tests. Nematodes were recovered by ‘nematode traps’ containing Galleria mellonella larvae from treated field plots 78 days after application. The implications of the results from the present studies on the use of entomopathogenic nematodes are discussed in relation to the development of an integrated pest management programme.  相似文献   

The sustained speed of kill against Dermacentor reticulatus of two topical combinations, one containing fipronil/amitraz/(S)-methoprene and the other, imidacloprid/permethrin, was evaluated in dogs. Two treated groups and one untreated control group of eight adult Beagle dogs each were randomly formed based on pre-infestation rates and bodyweight. Each treatment was administered topically once on Day 0, according to the recommended label dose and instructions for use. All dogs were infested with 50 adult unfed D. reticulatus starting on Day 1, then weekly, for a total of five weeks. While most studies determine tick efficacy at 48 hours (h), in this study, all remaining ticks were counted and categorized 24 h following each infestation. The numbers of ticks (living or dead) that remained attached on treated dogs were compared to those on the control animals. The percent reduction of attached ticks (disruption of attachment) at 24 h on dogs treated with fipronil/amitraz/(S)-methoprene remained above 92% for four weeks. The reduction of attached ticks at 24 h on dogs treated with imidacloprid/permethrin did not reach 80% during the entire study. The number of ticks attached at 24 h was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the fipronil/amitraz/(S)-methoprene group than in the imidacloprid/permethrin group in assessments on Days 2, 15, 22, 29 and 36. When assessing efficacy based upon live ticks on treated versus control dogs, fipronil/amitraz/(S)-methoprene 24 h efficacy was above 95% for four weeks, decreasing to 77.8% at Day 36. The 24 h efficacy of imidacloprid/permethrin ranged from 56.2% to 86.7% through Day 29, never achieving 90% throughout the study. The 24-hour efficacy of fipronil/amitraz/(S)-methoprene was significantly (p<0.05) higher than imidacloprid/permethrin at all time points, including Day 36.  相似文献   

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