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Coastal cutthroat trout Onchorhynchus clarkii clarkii life-history variants, migration and freshwater residency were monitored using stationary passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag arrays in two tributaries of the Columbia River from 2001 to 2005 (Abernathy Creek, river kilometre, rkm 76) and from 2002 to 2005 (Chinook River, rkm 6). In 2001–2003 and 2002–2003 (Abernathy and Chinook, respectively), 300–500 coastal O. c. clarkii were captured in each tributary by electrofishing and implanted with 23 mm PIT tags. PIT arrays monitored movements from the initiation of tagging through the spring of 2005. Rotary screw traps were also operated on both tributaries. In Abernathy Creek, 28% of tagged individuals were observed through either active capture or passive interrogation. Of these, 32% were identified as migrants and 68% were identified as residents. In the Chinook River, 48% of tagged fish were observed subsequent to tagging; 92% of these fish were migrants and only 8% were resident. In both tributaries, a greater proportion of resident fish were in the upper reaches. The majority of migrants (78–93%) moved the spring following tagging. Migrants leaving at age 2+ years tended to grow faster than those that migrated at age 3+ years or residents. Patterns of growth or growth opportunities may influence both patterns of life-history expression and the timing of migration.  相似文献   

The duration of residence, behavior, and thermal experience of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a stratified lagoon-type estuary over a four-year period was determined using acoustic and radio biotelemetry transmitters and archival temperature tags. Results did not support the hypothesis that adult Chinook salmon would hold extensively and migrate slowly through the estuarine lagoon with return trips to the sea and use of the salt wedge for behavioral thermo-osmoregulation in response to high summer water temperatures. Passive tidal transport was not observed as predicted and entry from the sea to the estuarine lagoon occurred during all tidal phases suggesting that conserving energy was not a priority for fish during the estuarine phase of their migration. An unexpected finding was that the persistent pursuit pressure of pinnipeds, especially from California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), appeared to negate the suitability of estuarine lagoon as holding habitat. This finding led to the hypothesis that the risk of pinniped predation was primarily responsible for the brief residence (<24 h on average) and rapid migration (mean 1.2 km/h, 0.42 body lengths/s) of adult Chinook salmon in the estuarine lagoon, especially given its relatively small size (7 km). This hypothesis will be difficult to test without exclusion of pinnipeds. Thermal records of fish that retreated back to the sea after tagging suggested that use of the marine river plume could be important for osmotic adaption to allow rapid migration through estuaries, which often contain concentrations of predators anticipating the return of migrating salmon. Alternatively, use of the marine river plume could have occurred independent of predators. Fish retreating back to the sea should be considered a tagging effect as downstream movement commonly occurs when adult salmonids are released after tagging. There was no evidence of any other tagging effects or biased behavior by fish tagged in this study. Regardless of the reasons, the successful migration of fish that held for weeks in the sea after tagging indicates that there could be considerable flexibility in the river entry timing of some salmon stocks. Tagging adult salmonids in the sea as they approach their natal rivers is ideal but the associated logistical challenges and expense make tagging fish immediately upon entrance to river mouths the next best option when possible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although most shorebirds exhibit deferred migration and deferred breeding during their first summer, Dunlins (Calidris alpina) migrate to breeding areas and breed during their first summer. First‐year and adult Dunlins should, therefore, have similar fueling and molt patterns if energetic and physiological constraints are responsible for deferred migration. From 2006 to 2008, we examined the age structure of Dunlins during the nonbreeding season at Chongming Dongtan, an estuarine wetland in the Yangtze River estuary in east China, and examined the effects of date, age, and molt status on fuel deposition during migration and during the winter. The Dunlin population at Chongming Dongtan was composed primarily of first‐year birds. Most adults and first‐year birds arrived together in late August. Regression analyses indicated that age, date, and molt status affected fuel deposition (as indicated by body mass) of Dunlins. Adults had significantly greater fuel deposits than first‐year Dunlins near the end of northward migration (May: adults 70.8 ± 6.4 g, first‐year 63.8 ± 8.0 g) and at the start of southward migration (September: adults 50.2 ± 6.1 g, first‐year 47.2 ± 4.9 g). Adults also had significantly higher fuel deposition rates than first‐year Dunlins during northward migration. Nonetheless, first‐year Dunlins migrate and breed in their first summer. Thus, other factors, such as migration distance and body size, may be more important in determining if first‐year shorebirds defer migration during their first spring and summer. During boreal spring and autumn, first‐year Dunlins in active body molt had greater body mass than those that had not initiated body molt or those in suspended molt, and premigratory fuel deposits for northward migration were greatest after prealternate molt was completed. These results suggest that body molt requires additional fuel deposits and imposes a constraint on fuel deposition for migratory flights.  相似文献   

Studies of lung function in high altitude populations have suggested the influence of hypoxic environment on the development of this characteristic independent of confounding variables such as ethnicity and habitual exercise. However, often the effect of altitude on vital capacity is greater in children than adults, suggesting that more than developmental adaptation is operative. Also selective migration could account for the similarity of migrants and permanent residents at a destination altitude. To explore these problems we studied the lung function (FVC, FEV1, PFR) of 377 individuals who had migrated between altitudes in northern Chile. Migrant measurements were adjusted to those of permanent residents of appropriate age, sex and height at the altitudes of origin and destination. The measurements were then related to ethnicity (Spanish-Aymara ancestry), occupation and permanence, the latter combining information on both age at migration to and length of stay at a destination altitude. Upward migration was associated with increased chest depth, FVC and FEV1, but not height or other chest measurements. Downward migration had no significant effect. The flow-dependent test PFR was so sensitive to observer variability and occupation that it was difficult to establish its relationship to permanence. Unlike the body measurements, lung function measurements (especially PFR) tended to deviate from permanent controls at the origin altitude in a direction suggestive of selective migration, nor was permanence itself independent of ethnicity and occupation. Because of these difficulties the question of developmental adaptation in lung function may not be answerable in cross-sectional studies like the present and previous efforts, but rather in longitudinal investigations in which the control is the individual him/herself.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of research handling on free-ranging endangered Hawaiian monk seals, Monachus schauinslandi , by analyzing differences in subsequent year survival, migration, and condition between handled seals and controls during 1983–1998. Each of 549 handled seals was matched to a control seal of the same age, sex, location, and year. Handling included instrumentation with tel metry devices ( n = 93), blood sampling ( n = 19), and tagging ( n = 437). No significant differences were found between handled seals and their controls in one-year resighting rates, observed migration rates, or condition. Resighting rates of handled and control seals were high (80%-100%). Available sample sizes were sufficient to detect reasonably small (9%-20%) differences in resighting rates had they existed among instrumented or tagged seals and controls (α= 0.05, power = 0.90). Too few seals were captured for blood sampling to detect even large differences in their resighting rates. However, blood samples were drawn from most instrumented seals, and there was no indication that this larger group suffered harmful effects. Duration of restraint during flipper tagging had no effect on subsequent probability of resighting. Our analysis suggests that conservative selection procedures and careful handling techniques have no deleterious effects on Hawaiian monk seals.  相似文献   

We examined the inheritance of the sea migration pattern of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in a crossing and tagging experiment in the Baltic Sea. Individuals from the parental stocks, Neva and Iijoki, and their reciprocal hybrids were released as 2-year-old smolts, into the same estuary of the Bothnian Sea in 1994. Two thousand smolts from each of the four groups were marked with Carlin tags. The recapture rate of the tags was nearly 10%. We used log-linear models to analyse the marine distribution of the salmon groups from the tag recovery data. The pure stocks and their pooled hybrid groups all showed statistically significant differences between each other in spatial and temporal sea distribution. The Iijoki salmon were more frequently (9%) caught outside the Bothnian Sea than were the Neva salmon (2%). The majority of the Iijoki salmon (55%), but fewer Neva salmon (40%), were caught in the second sea year. In spatial distribution, the hybrids seemed to be intermediate between the parental stocks, with no differences between reciprocal female and male lines. In duration of sea migration and age at maturity, however, the hybrids were very similar to their maternal line, the effect of which was thus clearly stronger than that of the paternal line. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Like most migratory species, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) must stop frequently during their long southward migration to rest and refuel, and the places where they stop are important for the success of the migration. The behavior of monarch butterflies at migratory stopover sites has never been examined in detail. Here we present results of a long-term study of monarchs at one stopover site in coastal South Carolina where over 12,000 monarchs have been captured, measured and tagged (with numbered stickers to track recovery rates) over 13 years. Only 3 monarchs (0.023%) were recovered at the monarchs’ overwintering sites in Mexico, which is consistent with other tagging studies on the eastern coast. The migration season was longer at this site than at inland locations and monarchs continued to be captured in November and December, when most monarchs had already arrived at the overwintering areas in Mexico. In addition, there were 94 monarchs captured between Jan 1 and Mar 15, indicating that some monarchs overwinter at this site. Of all monarchs captured during the migration season, 80% were captured while nectaring and 10% while roosting. Others were basking, resting, flying and even mating. The sex ratio was male biased by three to one in all behavior categories except those captured mating. Roosting and nectaring monarchs had fresher wings than those in other behavior categories, suggesting that these are younger individuals. There were 13 observations of females ovipositing on non-native Asclepias curassavica during the fall months, which speaks to the potential for this plant to pull monarchs out of the migratory pool. Aside from these insights, this study also serves as an example of the potential that monarch tagging studies have to advance scientific understanding of monarch migration.  相似文献   

Nine adult leafy seadragons Phycodurus eques were tracked using ultrasonic telemetry for between 2-10 days around West Island, Australia. All fish except one moved within well-defined home ranges of up to 5 ha (using minimum convex polygon method). Short bursts of movement (at average velocities of 2-17 m h−1) punctuated long periods (up to 68 h) without movement. The exceptional fish moved almost in a straight line away from its tagging location near the end of the tracking period, at a maximum velocity of 146 m h−1. There was no constant diel pattern in movements; some fish moved more at night, others during the day. The time leafy seadragons spent over particular habitats compared to the area of those habitats available at the study site was greater for Posidonia seagrass, about as expected for kelp-covered reefs and bare sand patches, and less than expected for Amphibolis seagrass and boulders covered with brown algae. In searching for tagging effects, a comparison of movement immediately after tagging showed no difference with subsequent movements for most fish. The lack of tagging effect may be because the transmitter can be attached to the bony appendages away from the body of the fish. There was no sign of damage to fish upon removal of transmitters after tracking.  相似文献   

Analyzed with regard to their slaughter weights and flesh quality 78‐month‐old diploid and triploid rainbow trout (full sibs) were reared together in a pond after tagging at an age of 12 months. Triploids had higher body weights and carcass percentages than diploids (6 kg vs 4 kg and 66% vs 52%). Triploid fish also displayed lower electrical conductivity values and darker (L* value) and redder (a* value) flesh color. The fillets of the triploid trout contained more crude fat and less moisture than the diploids (6% vs 3% and 68% vs 74%, respectively). No effect of ploidy was found with regard to the protein contents. Triploid rainbow trout had larger mean white and intermediate muscle fiber areas than diploid fish in the dorsal and pelvic fin regions. In the pelvic fin part, the white muscle fiber areas were larger than in the dorsal fin part. In conclusion, adult triploid rainbow trout grow faster especially by fiber hypertrophy and have better flesh quality parameters than diploid fish.  相似文献   

Radio tagged common carp Cyprinus carpio in a Namibian reservoir, where this species has been introduced, experienced 100% mortality or tag loss (  n  = 13) with surgically implanted transmitters and 100% survival (  n  = 5) with externally attached transmitters at water temperatures of 24–25° C. It seems that the negative effects of the tagging were greater for surgical implantation than for external attachment. The body shape of common carp make them well suited for external tagging, and this tagging method is recommended for common carp studies at high water temperatures or under other stressful conditions.  相似文献   

This is the first study that has used satellite telemetry to assess the spatial behaviour of adult leopard seals. Satellite tags on 11 leopard seals transmitted between 29 days and 282 days. Swim speeds, distances swum per day and distances from tagging site were significantly different among individuals and seasons. Swim speeds ranged from 0.004 km/h to 10.86 km/h; distances swum per day from 0 km/day to 150 km/day; and the maximum distances from tagging site ranged from 33.30 km to 319.97 km. Rather than moving north-south with the ice most seals remained within a 50 km radius of their tagging site from 11 days to 97 days. The relatively sedentary movement of the leopard seals was unexpected, particularly the movement of animals over winter, which although slightly offshore did not reflect the usual northward winter migration described for the leopard seal. But traditionally, the leopard seals spatial habits have been described from sightings of animals at higher latitudes. These are generally younger animals and their behaviour may not be representative of the adults. This study has focused on adult females and animals at the extreme southerly range of the leopard seal. This highlights the importance of understanding and reporting age structure and distribution when discussing animal spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

Senescence is the age‐related deterioration of the phenotype, explained by accumulation of mutations, antagonistic pleiotropy, free radicals or other mechanisms. I investigated patterns of actuarial senescence in a sample of 169 species of birds in relation to latitude and migration, by analysing longevity records adjusted for sampling effort, survival rate and body mass. Senescence might decrease at low latitudes because of elevated adult survival rates and generally slow life histories. Alternatively, the rate of senescence might increase at low latitudes because of the greater impact of biological interactions such as parasitism, predation and competition on fitness through differential effects of age‐specific mortality (e.g. because immunologically naïve young individuals and immuno‐senescent old individuals might die more frequently than individuals belonging to intermediate age classes). Bird migration entails extensive exercise twice annually, with migrants spending more time in benign environments with little abiotic mortality than residents, migrants having higher adult survival rate and lower annual fecundity than residents, and migrants suffering more from the consequences of oxidative stress than residents. The rate of senescence increased with latitude, as expected because of slow life histories at low latitudes. Independently, rate of senescence decreased with increasing migration distance. These findings were robust to control for potentially confounding effects of body mass, age of first reproduction and phenotypic similarity among species because of common descent.  相似文献   

Infrared thermography was used to monitor the healing process at flipper tag sites in gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups. We tested the hypothesis that tagging would result in a rise in surface temperature associated with tag site healing processes compared with adjacent untagged areas of the flipper. Prior to tagging thermal images were recorded of the dorsal side of hind flippers of pups tagged in early lactation (n= 20) and at weaning (n= 19) on the Isle of May, Scotland (56°11′N, 02°33′W) from October to December 2008. Pups tagged in early lactation were sampled again at late lactation, at weaning and then every 3 d for an average of 29 d post‐tagging while pups tagged at weaning were sampled every 3 d for an average of 17 d post‐tagging. Tag sites were also scored for signs of infection or swelling at each sampling. Results showed that (1) small temperature increases associated with wound healing processes around the tag site returned to pre‐tagging levels before animals leave the island and (2) there was little evidence of tagging‐related infections or tag loss irrespective of age at tagging.  相似文献   

Polymorphism at five microsatellite genetic markers (genotyped n  = 496) and mark-recapture tagging data (tagged n  = 9813) were used to define the population structure of brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis from the Indian Bay watershed, Newfoundland, Canada. Despite the absence of physical barriers to migration among lakes, both genetic and tagging data suggest that brook charr in each lake represent reproductively isolated populations. Exact tests comparing allele frequencies, θ (global value = 0·063), R st (global value = 0·052), individual assignment tests, and Nei's genetic distance provided congruent estimates of population subdivision in agreement with the tagging data (only 2·2% of recaptures were lake-to-lake). The genetic structure of the brook charr populations corresponded with the geographic structure of the drainage basin on a qualitative level, although linear distance over water was not significantly correlated with the tagging data or the genetic distance measures. The agreement between the tagging and the genetic data suggest that microsatellite markers can be useful tools for defining real biological units. The results also suggest that brook charr exhibit microgeographic population structure at the watershed scale, and that this is the scale at which conservation and management of this salmonid might best be implemented.  相似文献   

EDNA GORNEY  YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1994,136(2):185-192
Physical condition of migrating Steppe Buzzards Buteo buteo vulpinus was determined during spring migration at Elat, southern Israel, 1984–1988. An index based on measurements of body mass, wing-length and culmen was used to estimate fat content, based on fat extraction from nine buzzards. In addition, hydration condition was measured in 1988 and moult was checked in 1985–1988. More immatures (1001) than adults (459) were trapped, and a greater percentage of immatures (19.8%) than adults (8.4%) was retrapped during the same season. Adults had significantly greater fat reserves (4.5% of body mass) than immatures (3.8%). Most adults were in some stage of interrupted moult: however, active primary moult was noted only in immatures (10%). These findings suggest that different age groups use different migration strategies. Most of the buzzards trapped in this study could not have completed their entire migration using only stored fat: thus, hunting was probably necessary to replenish their energy reserves. No indication of water stress was found in the spring of 1988.  相似文献   

The effects of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging on cortisol release, standard metabolic rate (SMR) and daily specific growth rate (GS) were evaluated in the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, a small estuarine fish native to the Gulf of Mexico. Cortisol release by individual fish was measured non-invasively prior to PIT tagging, immediately after tagging and once per week for 1 month following tagging. Within the first 2 h of tagging, cortisol release rates were significantly elevated compared with values measured prior to tagging and significantly higher than that of fish handled identically except not implanted with PIT tags. By 1 week after PIT tagging, cortisol release rates returned to control levels. SMR, determined by intermittent-flow respirometry and GS, defined as per cent change in body mass per day, were measured prior to PIT tagging and weekly for 1 month after tagging. Neither SMR nor GS was significantly different in tagged v. untagged fish for the duration of the study. One month after tagging, haematocrit, plasma cortisol, blood glucose and blood lactate did not differ between tagged and untagged individuals. Therefore, after a transient stress response that subsides within 1 week, PIT tagging had no significant effects on these physiological variables in F. grandis, validating its use as a method of marking this and other small fishes.  相似文献   

Animal species have usually evolved to be active at a specific time of the daily cycle, and so are either diurnal, nocturnal or crepuscular. However, we show here that the daily timing of activity in juvenile Atlantic salmon is related to the life-history strategy that they have adopted (i.e. the age at which they will migrate to the sea) and their current state (body size/relative nutritional state). Salmon can detect food more easily by day than by night, but the risk of predation is greater. Nocturnal foraging should generally be preferred, but the greater the need for growth, the greater should be the shift towards diurnal activity. In line with this prediction, all fish were predominantly nocturnal, but salmon preparing to migrate to the sea, which would experience size-dependent mortality during the forthcoming migration, were more diurnal than fish of the same age and size that were delaying migration for a further year. Moreover, the proportion of activity by day was negatively correlated with body size within the intending migrants. It has previously been shown that overwinter survival in fish delaying migration is maximized not by growth but by minimizing exposure to predators. As predicted, daytime activity in these fish was correlated with the prior rate of weight loss, fish being more diurnal when their risk of starvation was greater. To our knowledge, these are the first quantitative demonstrations of state-dependent variation in the timing of daily activity.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition can influence refuelling at migration stopover sites. White‐throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis have genetically‐determined plumage morphs that differ in dominance behaviour and competitive abilities. This study examines the effects of plumage morph, sex and age, three likely indicators of competitive ability, on fall migration timing, body composition, and refuelling rates during stopover at Long Point, Ontario. We used quantitative magnetic resonance analysis and plasma metabolite profiling to determine body composition and refuelling rates, respectively. We determined sex and plumage morph genetically. Competitive ability did not influence migration timing. Controlling for structural size, males had larger lean mass than females, but we found no differences in body fat or lean mass between plumage morphs. Plasma metabolite concentrations indicated that the aggressive white‐stripe morph refuelled faster than the less aggressive tan‐stripe morph, though there were no differences among sex and age groups. We suggest that increased refuelling rates did not result in increased fat or lean mass because 1) individuals categorised as less competitive had longer stopover durations to compensate for slower refuelling rates; or 2) costs of behaving more competitively offset gains from faster refuelling rates.  相似文献   

The effect of injections of arginine vasotocin (AVT) on plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels was studied in anadromous sea lampreys collected in the St. John River, New Brunswick, during their upstream spawning migration. Plasma FFA was significantly higher in lampreys injected with a single dose of 1 000 mU vasotocin/kg body weight than in those receiving only the vehicle solution, the difference being the greater at 90 than at 30 min post-injection. The significance of AVT in migration is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of age, sex, age of dam, year of production, herd, and type of birth on cashmere weight, fiber diameter, fiber length, body weight at birth, weaning and yearling in goats, were based on 12 years data from an Inner Mongolia Albas cashmere goat stock farm. The year of production had significant influence on cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, and body weight of yearlings and adult goats. Year had no significant effect on weaning weight. In the yearling, males produced more cashmere and were heavier in body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age than the females. Adult males were significantly heavier than adult females in cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, and body weight. In the yearling, age of dam had a significant effect on cashmere weight, fiber diameter and length, body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age. In the adult, age of dam also had a significant effect on fiber diameter and body weight. Dams aged 2–4 years produced offsprings with a higher cashmere production than those at older ages. In the yearling, type of birth had significant effects on body weight at birth, weaning and 1 year of age, and fiber length. The herd-within-year effects were significant for all traits studied whereas sex×year effects were significant for cashmere weight and body weights at birth, weaning and 1 year of age. These results indicate that the estimation of breeding value in a selection scheme for cashmere production would be more precise following adjustment for age structures, age of dam, sex, type of birth, herd and significant interactions.  相似文献   

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