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The extracellular matrix protein, tenascin, appears in a restricted pattern during organ morphogenesis. Tenascin accumulates along developing peripheral nerves as they leave the spinal cord and enter the limb mesenchyme (Wehrle and Chiquet, Development 110, 401-415, 1990). Here we found that most but not all tenascin deposited along growing nerves is of glial origin. By in situ hybridization with a tenascin cDNA probe, we determined the site of tenascin mRNA accumulation both in normal and nerve-free limbs. In normal wing buds, tenascin mRNA was first detected within the developing limb nerves. Vinculin-positive glial precursor cells, which comigrate with the axons, are the likely source of this tenascin message. In nerveless wing grafts, tenascin was first expressed in tendon primordia in the absence, and thus independently, from innervation. In contrast to normal limbs, grafted wing buds neither contained vinculin-positive glial precursor cells, nor expressed tenascin in regions proximal to tendon primordia. In normal wing buds, tenascin deposited by tendon primordia transiently parallels and surrounds certain developing nerves. After the major nerve pattern is established, tenascin mRNA disappears from nerves in the upper limb, but is expressed in perichondrium and tendons. We propose that glial tenascin facilitates the penetration of axons into the limb bud and is important for nerve fasciculation. In some places, early tendon primordia might help to guide the migration of axons and glial precursor cells towards their target.  相似文献   

The identification or selective construction of mutations within genes has allowed researchers to explore the downstream effects of gene disruption. Although these approaches have been successful, a limitation in our assessment of the consequences of conditional changes, and thereby our understanding of roles or function of genes, limits the degree to which we examine the effects of our manipulations. It is also clear that linear associations are incorrect models for describing development, and newer methods now give us an opportunity to practice an integrative biology. In our attempts to explore the consequences of Hoxa13 disruption in mice and humans, it has become clear that a better understanding of the consequences of gene alteration may be achievable by taking a broader approach with a long-term view. Fundamental questions regarding Hox gene function in vertebrates, including those related to the number of target genes; the degree of overlap of target gene regulation among paralogs; the magnitude of modulation exerted; and the identity of genes that are activated versus repressed need to be explored if a more thorough mechanistic understanding is to be achieved. To begin to address these questions, we undertook a comprehensive analysis of the expression of genes within developing limb buds of mice, and here we present some of our preliminary results. Our efforts will further (1) the exploration of the broader genetic relationships of expressed genes, (2) the determination of parallels or variations in target usage for a given gene in different tissues and between different organisms, (3) the evaluation of limb patterning mechanisms in other animal model systems, and (4) the exploration of gene expression hierarchies regulated by HOX proteins in developmental systems.  相似文献   

The appearance of beta-enolase, a glycolytic enzyme, was studied immunohistochemically using the upper limb bud of human embryos at Carnegie stages from 13 to 21. beta-Enolase-immunoreactive cells first appeared at stage 15 in the proximal portion of the upper limb bud. It was evidenced that glycogen granules first appear at the same stage. These results may suggest that changes in energy metabolism might be one of the earliest events in the differentiating steps of the skeletal muscles because this stage is earlier than the stages of cell fusion, myofilament formation and innervation of the muscle cells.  相似文献   

Characterization of retinoid metabolism in the developing chick limb bud   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) have been shown to have striking effects on developing and regenerating vertebrate limbs. In the developing chick limb, retinoic acid is a candidate morphogen that may coordinate the pattern of cellular differentiation along the anteroposterior limb axis. We describe a series of investigations of the metabolic pathway of retinoids in the chick limb bud system. To study retinoid metabolism in the bud, all-trans-[3H]retinol, all-trans-[3H]retinal and all-trans-[3H]retinoic acid were released into the posterior region of the limb anlage, the area that contains the zone of polarizing activity, a tissue possibly involved in limb pattern formation. We found that the locally applied [3H]retinol is primarily converted to [3H]retinal, [3H]retinoic acid and a yet unidentified metabolite. When [3H]retinal is locally applied, it is either oxidized to [3H]retinoic acid or reduced to [3H]retinol. In contrast, local delivery of retinoic acid to the bud yields neither retinal nor retinol nor the unknown metabolite. This flow of metabolites agrees with the biochemical pathway of retinoids that has previously been elucidated in a number of other animal systems. To find out whether metabolism takes place directly in the treated limb bud, we have compared the amount of [3H]retinoid present in each of the four limb anlagen following local treatment of the right wing bud. The data suggest that retinoid metabolism takes place mostly in the treated limb bud. This local metabolism could provide a simple mechanism to generate in a controlled fashion the biologically active all-trans-retinoic acid from its abundant biosynthetic precursor retinol. In addition, local metabolism supports the hypothesis that retinoids are local chemical mediators involved in pattern formation.  相似文献   

Mammal-fish-conserved-sequence 1 (MFCS1) is a highly conserved sequence that acts as a limb-specific cis-acting regulator of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression, residing 1 Mb away from the Shh coding sequence in mouse. Using gene-driven screening of an ENU-mutagenized mouse archive, we obtained mice with three new point mutations in MFCS1: M101116, M101117, and M101192. Phenotype analysis revealed that M101116 mice exhibit preaxial polydactyly and ectopic Shh expression at the anterior margin of the limb buds like a previously identified mutant, M100081. In contrast, M101117 and M101192 show no marked abnormalities in limb morphology. Furthermore, transgenic analysis revealed that the M101116 and M100081 sequences drive ectopic reporter gene expression at the anterior margin of the limb bud, in addition to the normal posterior expression. Such ectopic expression was not observed in the embryos carrying a reporter transgene driven by M101117. These results suggest that M101116 and M100081 affect the negative regulatory activity of MFCS1, which suppresses anterior Shh expression in developing limb buds. Thus, this study shows that gene-driven screening for ENU-induced mutations is an effective approach for exploring the function of conserved, noncoding sequences and potential cis-regulatory elements.  相似文献   

 Recent advances in developmental genetics of Drosophila have uncovered some of the key molecules involved in the positioning and outgrowth of the leg primordia. Although expression patterns of these molecules have been analyzed in several arthropod species, broad comparisons of mechanisms of limb development among arthropods remain somewhat speculative since no detailed studies of limb development exist for crustaceans, the postulated sister group of insects. As a basis for such comparisons, we analysed limb development in a primitive branchiopod crustacean, Triops longicaudatus. Adults have a series of similar limbs with eight branches or lobes that project from the main shaft. Phalloidin staining of developing limbs buds shows the distal epithelial ridge of the early limb bud exhibits eight folds that extend in a dorsal ventral (D/V) arc across the body. These initial folds subsequently form the eight lobes of the adult limb. This study demonstrates that, in a primitive crustacean, branched limbs do not arise via sequential splitting. Current models of limb development based on Drosophila do not provide a mechanism for establishing eight branches along the D/V axis of a segment. Although the events that position limbs on a body segment appear to be conserved between insects and crustaceans, mechanisms of limb branching may not. Received: 28 February 1996/Accepted: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

Summary An anomalous walking limb of the common lobster, in which a supernumerary movable double daetylus is present, is described. The extra digit induces its musculature from the normal flexor and the latter loses its ability to respond to stimulation through the nerve. The excitability of the normal extensor becomes that characteristic of the flexor  相似文献   

We have used a Prx1 limb enhancer to drive expression of Cre Recombinase in transgenic mice. This regulatory element leads to Cre expression throughout the early limb bud mesenchyme and in a subset of craniofacial mesenchyme. Crossing a murine line carrying this transgene to a reporter mouse harboring a floxed Cre-reporter cassette revealed that recombinase activity is first observed in the earliest limb bud at 9.5 dpc. By early to mid bud stages at 10.5 dpc recombination is essentially complete in all mesenchymal cells in the limb. Expression of the Cre recombinase was never detected in the limb bud ectoderm. The use of Prx1-Cre mice should facilitate analysis of gene function in the developing limb.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is known to have dramatic effects on limb pattern formation and has been shown to exert its effects on limbs by converting anterior limb bud cells into cells with posterior positional properties. In this study we find that dissociated posterior limb bud cells from chick and mouse embryos cultured at high density (micromass cultures) are able to stimulate the formation of supernumerary digits when grafted into developing wing buds and that the positional identity of both chick and mouse limb bud cells can be maintained for finite periods of time in vitro. Furthermore, using this assay system we have tested whether anterior cells from mouse and chick limb buds can be converted into cells with posterior identity by exposure to RA in vitro. We find that anterior limb bud cells acquire posterior properties after culture in the presence of RA.  相似文献   

The relationship between cellular position and growth control has been studied in cultures of dissociated fragments of mouse limb bud cells. Using cells derived from various positions along the anterior-posterior axis of the limb bud we have developed culture conditions that optimize growth of positionally isolated cells. Under these conditions limb bud cells display an inherent, position-specific growth response; proliferation of cells derived from anterior and central regions of the limb is enhanced over that of posterior derived cells. Thus, within the total population of limb bud cells the in vitro growth of posterior cells is unique and correlates with the positional activity associated with the zone of polarizing activity. Anterior and posterior cells were cocultured to determine whether interactions between these two groups of positionally distinct cells lead to the stimulation of growth that has been observed in vivo. We observe a slight but consistent position-dependent stimulation of growth that is indicative of a mitogenic signal passing between these positionally disparate cells. Similarities between position-related growth dynamics in vivo and in vitro suggest that positional interactions that are important for limb formation can occur between dissociated cells cultured under standard conditions.  相似文献   

The role of cell surface glycoproteins in cell behavior can be characterized by their interactions with plant lectins. This study was designed to identify the effects of lectins on chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in limb bud mesenchymal cells in vitro. Limb bud mesenchymal cells from mouse embryos were cultured in high-density micromass culture. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), concanavalin A (ConA), peanut agglutinin (PNA), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) and Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) were added separately to the culture media. Cells were cultured for 5 or 9 days, and cell viability was assayed by neutral red on day 5. The micromasses were stained with alcian blue, alizarin red S and Von Kossa stains, and alkaline phosphatase assays were also done. Dolichos biflorus agglutinin induced an increase in chondrogenesis, calcium precipitation and proteoglycan production. ConA and PNA did not affect chondrocyte differentiation but induced chondrocytes to produce more proteoglycan. Wheat germ agglutinin reduced chondrification and ossification but induced mesenchymal cells to store lipid droplets. Ricinus communis agglutinin 1 was toxic and significantly reduced cell survival. In conclusion, DBA was the most effective inducer of ossification and chondrification. Wheat germ agglutinin induced adipogenesis instead. These assays showed that lectins play important roles in limb bud development.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) has dramatic effects on the pattern of developing and regenerating vertebrate limbs. These effects are considered to result from RA-induced changes in the positional identity of limb cells, and involve the formation of extra structures. Whether the growth required to form the supernumerary parts of the pattern is a primary effect of RA treatment or a secondary effect that follows after a change in positional identity is not at present known. In this paper we have investigated the effects of RA treatment on the growth of cells from anterior and posterior halves of mouse limb buds in vitro. We observed that under our culture conditions, limb bud cells treated with 1 nM to 1 microM RA (0.3 ng/ml to 300 ng/ml) continue to grow but do so at a significantly slower rate than control cultures. There is a maximum inhibition of growth (50% of controls) between 10 nM and 100 nM RA, which corresponds to the measured range of concentrations of RA in vivo. Our observation of a significant decrease in growth rate over a wide range of RA concentrations is consistent with comparable reports of growth inhibition for a large number of other cell types in vitro as well as with the observation that exogenous RA inhibits blastemal growth in amphibians during the period of exposure to RA. We propose that the effects of RA on growth, either enhancement in vivo or reduction in vitro, can be seen as consequences of the ability of RA to alter positional identity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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