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Binding studies as well as affinity labelling and immunoblot techniques were used to identify and characterize the receptors for Ca2+ channel blockers in Drosophila brain membranes. Despite structural analogies with mammalian receptors, Drosophila binding sites for phenylalkylamines and 1,4-dihydropyridines, unlike those described in skeletal and cardiac muscle, were found to be located on separate Ca2+ channels. Single-channel bilayer recordings from reconstituted membranes revealed the presence of eight distinct cobalt-sensitive Ba2+-conducting channels in Drosophila brain membrane preparations. In good agreement with binding studies, the most frequently observed Ca2+ channel type (Ba2+ conductance of 13 pS) was extremely sensitive to phenylalkylamines but not affected by micromolar concentrations of 1,4-dihydropyridines. Distinct 1,4-dihydropyridine-sensitive and phenylalkylamine-insensitive channels were also identified. They had unitary Ba2+ conductances of 21 and 31 pS. A detailed analysis of drug action showed that both 1,4-dihydropyridines and phenylalkylamines first increased channel open state probability before fully blocking channel activity. Other types of channels have been identified with unitary Ba2+ conductances of 9, 41, 53, 64 and 81 pS. They were insensitive to the previously described organic Ca2+ channel blockers. The Drosophila system seems to be a unique model to analyse the properties of several different types of Ca2+ channels and particularly those of channel types that are uniquely blocked by phenylalkylamines or uniquely blocked by 1,4-dihydropyridines.  相似文献   

If a single ion channel record is observed in which two ion channels are never simultaneously open, then it is often of interest to know whether the observations indeed arose from the activity of only one ion channel. This question can be answered if it is possible to calculate the distribution of the duration of runs of single openings in a membrane patch that contains two active channels. If the observed run of single openings is much longer than that expected for a patch with two channels it is likely that only one channel was active. An approximate method is presented for calculating the distribution of the duration of runs of single openings in a patch with two active channels; this method has the advantage that it can be calculated from observable quantities, and requires no knowledge of the details of the ion-channel mechanism or its rate constants. The accuracy of this approximation is tested by exact calculations of the properties of runs of single openings, and of single bursts, for two specific mechanisms and a large range of rate constants. The approximation is good in all cases in which openings occur singly, or in closely spaced bursts. If, as is common in practice, openings occur in clusters that are separated by long shut periods, then overlap of clusters from two different channels may be detected, if no double opening is produced, as a period in the middle of a cluster in which the probability of being open doubles. The results derived here can be applied to such a period to test whether it results from the simultaneous activity of two channels, rather than from a change in the properties of a single channel.  相似文献   

Streaming potentials have been measured for gramicidin channels with a new method employing ion-selective microelectrodes. It is shown that ideally ion-selective electrodes placed at the membrane surface record the true streaming potential. Using this method for ion concentrations below 100 mM, approximately seven water molecules are transported whenever a sodium, potassium, or cesium ion, passes through the channel. This new method confirms earlier measurements (Rosenberg, P.A., and A. Finkelstein. 1978. Interaction of ions and water in gramicidin A channels. J. Gen. Physiol. 72:327-340) in which the streaming potentials were calculated as the difference between electrical potentials measured in the presence of gramicidin and in the presence of the ion carriers valinomycin and nonactin.  相似文献   

This paper describes the kinetics of Cl- flux through mcClC-Ka Cl- channels from basolateral membranes of mouse CTAL cells. We have cloned two separate but highly homologous Cl- channels, mmClC-Ka from cultured mouse MTAL cells and mcClC-Ka from cultured mouse CTAL cells. The mmClC-Ka and mcClC-Ka channels appear to mediate net Cl- absorption in the MTAL and CTAL, respectively. The kinetics of Cl- permeation through mmClC-Ka channels exhibit traditional criteria for a first-order process, including saturation kinetics. Thus mmClC-Ka channels operate functionally as if the channels were occupied by a single Cl- ion at any given time. In the present studies, we examined conductance-concentration relations in mcClC-Ka channels, and compared both mole-fraction effects and ion selectivity characteristics in mmClC-Ka and mcClC-Ka channels. In mcClC-Ka channels, we observed both self-block at high external Cl- concentrations and, at constant ionic strength, an anomalous mole-fraction effect using external solutions containing varying F-/Cl- concentrations. Neither effect was obtained in mmClC-Ka channels. These data are consistent with the possibility that Cl- permeation through mcClC-Ka channels involved multi-ion occupancy channels that expressed single-file behavior.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for memory and oscillations in artificial acetylcholinesterase membranes is presented. When acetylcholine is injected on one side of an artificial proteinic membrane bearing acetylcholinesterase, a potential difference is recorded as a function of time. The steady-state potential due to the enzyme activity for increasing and decreasing substrate concentrations exhibits a hysteresis loop. The non-linearity of the enzyme reaction coupled with the diffusion constraints cause also some instabilities, such as oscillations of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

A large number of related genes (the Sh gene family) encode potassium channel subunits which form voltage-dependent K+ channels by aggregating into homomulitimers. One of these genes, the Shaker gene in Drosophila, generates several products by alternative splicing. These products encode proteins with a constant central region flanked by variable amino and carboxyl domains. Coinjection of two Shaker RNAs with different amino or different carboxyl ends into Xenopus oocytes produces K+ currents that display functional properties distinct from those observed when each RNA is injected separately, indicating the formation of heteromultimeric channels. The analysis of Shaker heteromultimers suggests certain rules regarding the roles of variable amino and carboxyl domains in determining kinetic properties of heteromultimeric channels. Heteromultimers with different amino ends produce currents in which the amino end that produces more inactivation dominates the kinetics. In contrast, heteromultimers with different carboxyl ends recover from inactivation at a rate closer to that observed in homomultimers of the subunit which results in faster recovery. While this and other recent reports demonstrate that closely related Sh family proteins form functional heteromultimers, we show here that two less closely related Sh proteins do not seem to form functional heteromultimeric channels. The data suggest that sites for subunit recognition may be found in sequences within a core region, starting about 130 residues before the first membrane spanning domain of Shaker and ending after the last membrane spanning domain, which are not conserved between Sh Class I and Class III genes.  相似文献   

Estimating the number of channels in patch recordings   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The estimation of the number of channels in a patch was assumed to be equivalent to the estimation of the binomial parameter n. Seven estimators were evaluated, using data sets simulated for a range of parameters appropriate for single channel recording experiments. No single estimator was best for all parameters; a combination of estimators is a possible option to avoid the biases of individual estimators. All estimators were highly accurate in estimating n in the case that n = 1. For n ≤ 4 the simplest estimator, the maximum number of simultaneously open channels, was the best, For larger values of n the best estimators were Bayesian.  相似文献   

The stochastic behavior of single-channel current in a steady-state has been interpreted as the channel's state transitions between several open and shut states, and these transitions have been regarded as a homogeneous Markov process. When a channel is in equilibrium, the principle of detailed balance holds for every step in the state transition scheme. Here we show two stochastic properties of a channel, or any molecule obeying a reversible state transition scheme, under the constraint of detailed balance. First, the distribution functions and the probability density functions of shut or open dwell-time are expressed by the sum of exponential terms with positive coefficients. The same holds for the time-dependent open (or shut) frequency after the shut (or open) transition. Second, the time course of state transition from the state SI to SJ (PI,J(t] is proportional to its reverse transition time course (PJ,I(t], even if SI and SJ are widely separated. The same relation holds also for a transition scheme having transition pathways to the absorbing states. If analysis of a channel current record shows it to be incompatible with either of these two properties, the channel is not in equilibrium but in a steady-state with an energy-consuming cyclic flow. These two properties are also useful for the analysis of any molecular process obeying a homogeneous Markov process or a network of first-order chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels have been shown to be blocked by diltiazem, tetracaine, polyamines, toxins, divalent cations, and other compounds. Dequalinium is an organic divalent cation which suppresses the rat small conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel 2 (rSK2) and the activity of protein kinase C. In this study, we have tested the ability of dequalinium to block CNGA1 channels and heteromeric CNGA1+CNGB1 channels. When applied to the intracellular side of inside-out excised patches from Xenopus oocytes, dequalinium blocks CNGA1 channels with a K(1/2) approximately 190 nM and CNGA1+CNGB1 channels with a K(1/2) approximately 385 nM, at 0 mV. This block occurs in a state-independent fashion, and is voltage dependent with a zdelta approximately 1. Our data also demonstrate that dequalinium interacts with the permeant ion probably because it occupies a binding site in the ion conducting pathway. Dequalinium applied to the extracellular surface also produced block, but with a voltage dependence that suggests it crosses the membrane to block from the inside. We also show that at the single-channel level, dequalinium is a slow blocker that does not change the unitary conductance of CNGA1 channels. Thus, dequalinium should be a useful tool for studying permeation and gating properties of CNG channels.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from cauda epididymal and ejaculated boar sperm were inserted into planar lipid bilayers and examined for the presence of ion channels. Channel fusion was frequently observed; the most prominent was a nonselective cation channel which conducted K, Na, Cs, Ca, and Ba. Channel opening did not show a strict dependence on voltage but was partially blocked by verapamil, nitrendipine, and ruthenium red. A channel with these characteristics was observed when plasma membranes were isolated by high-pressure nitrogen cavitation (650 psi, 78% sperm head plasma membranes) or at very low nitrogen pressures (50 psi, 90% sperm head plasma membranes), suggesting that this channel may be present in the plasma membrane overlying the sperm head.  相似文献   

Potassium channels are membrane-spanning proteins with several transmembrane segments and a single pore region where ion conduction takes place (Biggin, P. C., Roosild, T., and Choe, S. (2000) Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 4, 456-461; Doyle, D. A., Morais Cabral, J., Pfuetzner, R. A., Kuo, A., Gulbis, J. M., Cohen, S. L., Chait, B. T., and MacKinnon, R. (1998) Science 280, 69-77). TOK1, a potassium channel identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was the first described member from a growing new family of potassium channels with two pore domains in tandem (2P) (Ketchum, K. A., Joiner, W. J., Sellers, A. J., Kaczmarek, L. K., and Goldstein, S. A. (1995) Nature 376, 690-695). In an attempt to understand the relative contribution of each one of the 2P from TOK1 to the functional properties of this channel, we split and expressed the pore domains separately or in combination. Expression of the two domains separately rescued a potassium transport-deficient yeast mutant, suggesting that each domain forms functional potassium-permeable channels in yeast. In Xenopus laevis oocytes expression of each pore domain resulted in the appearance of unique inwardly rectifying cationic channels with novel gating and pharmacological properties. Both pore domains were poorly selective to potassium; however, upon co-expression they partially restored TOK1 channel selectivity. The single channel conductance was different in both pore domains with 7 +/- 1 (n = 12) and 15 +/- 2 (n = 12) picosiemens for the first and second domain, respectively. In light of the known structure of the Streptomyces lividans KcsA potassium channel pore (see Doyle et al. above), these results suggest a novel non-four-fold-symmetric architecture for 2P potassium-selective channels.  相似文献   

Combined application of the patch–clamp technique and fura-2 fluorescence detection enables the study of study calcium fluxes or related increases in cytosolic calcium concentration. Here we used the excised patch configuration, focusing the photomultiplier on the tip of the recording pipette where the fluorescent dye was present (FLEP, fluorescence combined with excised patch). This configuration has several advantages, i.e. a lack of delay in loading the fluorophore, of interference by internal calcium buffers and of photobleaching, due to the quasi-infinite dye reservoir inside the pipette. Upon voltage stimulation of tonoplast patches, sustained and robust fluorescence signals indicated permeation of calcium through the slow vacuolar (SV) channel. Both SV currents and fluorescence signal changes were absent in the presence of SV channel inhibitors and in vacuoles from Arabidopsis tpc1 knockout plants that lack SV channel activity. The fractional calcium currents of this non-selective cation channel were voltage-dependent, and were approximately 10% of the total SV currents at elevated positive potentials. Interestingly, calcium permeation could be recorded as the same time as oppositely directed potassium fluxes. These events would have been impossible to detect using patch–clamp measurements alone. Thus, we propose use of the FLEP technique for the study of divalent ion-selective channels or transporters that may be difficult to access using conventional electrophysiological approaches.  相似文献   

The effects of aminopyridines on ionic conductances of the squid giant axon membrane were examined using voltage clamp and internal perfusion techniques. 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP) reduced potassium currents, but had no effect upon transient sodium currents. The block of potassium channels by 4-AP was substantially less with (a) strong depolarization to positive membrane potentials, (b) increasing the duration of a given depolarizing step, and (c) increasing the frequency of step depolarizations. Experiments with high external potassium concentrations revealed that the effect of 4-AP was independent of the direction of potassium ion movement. Both 3- and 2-aminopyridine were indistinguishable from 4-AP except in potency. It is concluded that aminopyrimidines may be used as tools to block the potassium conductance in excitable membranes, but only within certain specific voltage and frequency limits.  相似文献   

The open channel characteristics of the bacterial porin Omp32 from Comamonas acidovorans were investigated by means of conductance measurements in planar lipid bilayers of the Montal-Mueller type. Particularly at low salt conditions (< or = 30 mM KCl) Omp32 exhibited some unusual asymmetric and nonlinear functional properties. Current-voltage relationship measurements showed that conductance depends on the orientation of porin molecules and is a nonlinear function of the applied membrane potential. Conductance also depends on the salt concentration in a manner not common to porins and the salt concentration modulates the nonlinearity of conductance-voltage relationships. Omp32 is strongly anion-selective. The nonlinear and asymmetric conductance of the open channel is a new observation in porins.  相似文献   

Flicker noise of electric currents through ion-selective membranes is explained. It is attributed to the depletion of salt on one side of the membrane, which creates a thin layer of high resistance. Joule heating in this depletion layer and the ensuing temperature gradient, as well as the concentration gradient, give rise to buoyant forces which may create a turbulent convection current. The turbulence mixes the depletion layer so that the electric resistance fluctuates, and consequently the current flickers.Experiments with ion-selective membranes support this conjecture. They show that 1) Noise is coincident with the increase of the electric resistance by the depletion process. 2) When the current density is reduced, it reaches a critical value, below which the convection current changes from turbulent to laminar, and the noise disappears. 3) Noise reduces with temperature, because the expansion coefficient of water decreases with temperature, and its viscosity increases. 4) A non-ionic water-soluble polymer added to the compartment on the side of the depletion layer reduces the noise, by increasing the bulk viscosity of the solution. 5) Noise depends on the membrane's orientation in the gravitational field. 6) The convection-current in the depletion layer can be observed directly, using a laser-beam, by adding latex particles which create optical noise as they drift with the convection current across the beam. The optical noise is observed only coincidently with the current noise.A. Katzir-Katchalsky Fellow  相似文献   

The channels produced by complement in red cell membranes are heterogeneous, with diameters of ~0.5 to ~12.0 nm. We investigated the relationship of the components of the membrane attack complex, C5b through C9, to the functional transmembrane channels >3 nm in diameter. Radiolabelled macromolecules were incorporated into resealed red cell membrane ghosts which were then treated with complement. A monoclonal antibody to a neoantigen in polymerized C9 inhibited macromolecule diffusion through the complement channels. There was also inhibition with polyclonal antisera to C9 but not with antisera to any of the other components of the membrane attack complex. The results demonstrate a functional correlation of the larger complement lesions with the previously described poly C9 tubular structures.  相似文献   

M Taki  H Nakayama  Y Kanaoka 《FEBS letters》1991,283(2):259-262
A new 1,4-dihydropyridine photoaffinity ligand, [3H]diazipine, has been assessed by binding and photolabeling, and compared with a currently used [3H]azidopine. [3H]Diazipine reversibly binds to skeletal muscle Ca2+ channels with a similar affinity to [3H]azidopine, but [3H]diazipine labels the channel two times more efficiently and no release of the incorported amount is observed after dithiothreitol treatment.  相似文献   

Syringopeptin 25A, a pseudomonad lipodepsipeptide, can form ion channels in planar lipid membranes. Pore conductance is around 40 pS in 0.1 M NaCl. Channel opening is strongly voltage dependent and requires a negative potential on the same side of the membrane where the toxin was added. These pores open and close with a lifetime of several seconds. At negative voltages, an additional pore state of around 10 pS and a lifetime of around 30 ms is also present. The voltage dependence of the rates of opening and closing of the stable pores is exponential. This allows estimation of the equivalent charge that is moved across the membrane during the process of opening at about 2.6 elementary charges. When NaCl is present, the pore is roughly 3 times more permeant for anions than for cations. The current voltage characteristic of the pore is nonlinear, i.e., pore conductance is larger at negative than at positive voltages. The maximal conductance of the pore depends on the concentration of the salt present, in a way that varies almost linearly with the conductivity of the solution. From this, an estimate of a minimal pore radius of 0.4 nm was derived.  相似文献   

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