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与高等脊椎动物相比,鱼类的性别决定和生殖方式纷繁多样。环境因子、遗传等多种因素均可调控鱼类的性腺发生和分化[1,2],并对其生长、繁殖等重要生命活动产生影响。胡子鲇(Clarias fuscus)又称塘虱鱼,属鲇形目(Siluriformes)、胡子鲇科(Clariidae)、胡子鲇属(Clarias),  相似文献   

南方鲶性腺分化的组织学观察   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
用芳香化酶抑制剂(Fadrozole)、雌激素受体拮抗剂(Tamoxifen)对人工孵化的南方鲶(Silurus meridionalis)幼鱼进行雄性化诱导处理(口服),获得雄鱼。对孵化后第5—130d的南方鲶幼鱼性腺进行组织学观察,结果表明,在实验条件下,南方鲶性腺分化发生在孵化后7d左右,雌雄性分化过程差异明显。雌鱼卵巢腔在孵化后12d左右形成,生殖细胞在孵化后35d左右快速增殖,成熟分裂最早发生在孵化后55d左右;雄鱼生殖细胞在孵化后130d左右快速增殖,成熟分裂最早发生在孵化后130d左右。雌性性腺分化早于雄性。  相似文献   

黄颡鱼性腺分化的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用组织学方法,观察黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)性腺分化过程.结果表明,在水温(20±1)℃条件下,卵巢分化时间明显早于精巢.卵巢分化最早发生于孵出后13 d左右,其主要标志为原始性腺横切面上出现一个组织突起,进而形成卵巢腔;精巢分化的最早标志为精小叶和输精管的形成,开始于孵出后55 d.在发育早期,雌性生殖细胞的活动及分化明显早于雄性生殖细胞.孵出后25 d,卵原细胞开始通过有丝分裂快速增殖,孵出后34 d左右进入成熟分裂阶段;精原细胞在孵出后55 d时才开始大量增殖,成熟分裂最早发生于孵出后64 d.  相似文献   

温度对鲫鱼性腺分化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鱼类的性腺分化受各种环境因素的影响,而温度的影响是重要因素之一.本文通过组织学方法观察了鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)原生殖细胞的迁移、生殖嵴形成和性腺分化,并探讨温度对性腺分化的影响.孵化后12~40 d是鲫鱼性腺分化的敏感期.从第12 d起,仔鱼分成7组,每组分别用下列7种水温中的一种培育28 d:(16±1)℃、(20±1)℃、23~25℃、(27±1)℃、(30±1)℃、(32±1)℃、(34±1)℃.其中23~25℃组是对照组.结果显示,对照组幼鱼的雌雄比例大致是1:1(1:1.07).(20±1)℃组的幼鱼雌雄比例也接近1:1(1.09:1).在(27±1)℃组,雌性率上升,为55.3%(P<0.05).在低温组(16±1)℃,雌雄比例是1:1.45,雌性率达40.8%.然而,在高温组(30±1)℃、(32±1)℃、(34±1)℃中,雌雄比例分别是6.14:1、2.51:1和2.14:1.其中(30±1)℃实验组的雌性率最高,达到86.0%(P<0.01),性腺分化趋向雌性化.研究提示,鲫鱼的性别分化属于温度依赖型.当前全球性气候变暖,以及各种环境因素所产生的温室效应,有可能对鲫鱼的性别平衡产生影响.  相似文献   

青鳉(Oryzias latipes)繁殖力强、繁殖周期短,为硬骨鱼类研究领域的模式生物。目前,尚无青鳉性腺分化与发育过程的系统资料。该文以青鳉孵化后不同时期的生殖腺为材料,经石蜡切片和HE染色后,于光学显微镜下观察其性腺的出现、分化及成熟过程。结果显示:孵化后5~10 d,仔鱼腹腔右侧已可见生殖腺,生殖细胞体积明显大于周围的体细胞;孵化后10 d,性腺开始分化,雌、雄性个体性腺出现结构上的差异,雌性个体内可明显观察到生殖包囊结构;随后,雌、雄性个体内先后可见卵子和精子的发生过程和组织学分期;孵化后50 d,首见卵巢腔结构和成熟精子。此外,还观察到性反转现象的特例,即两性特征共存的现象。该结果将为发育生物学、遗传生物学提供基础资料。  相似文献   

中国林蛙性腺的发育及温度对其性别分化的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为探讨幼蛙性别分化与温度的关系,在恒温和变温条件下培养中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)受精卵至变态完成,结果表明:(1)胚胎发育到24期时生殖嵴开始出现,25期个别原始生殖细胞(PGCs)已迁移到生殖嵴中,生殖细胞与生殖嵴共同发育成生殖腺;(2)胚胎发育到31期生殖腺出现性别分化,卵巢分化初期较易识别,而精巢分化不明显;…(3)卵巢分化完成于37期,精巢分化完成于变态之后,两侧生殖腺等大;(4)胚胎发育从30期开始,性别分化对温度较为敏感,低温利于雌性化,高温利于雄性化;(5)15-25℃为变温培养时性比发生变化的敏感温度区,缓慢升温雄性比较显著增加,缓慢降温雌性比例显著增加。  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(4):798-810
鱼类种类繁多, 其性别决定机制也几乎涵盖了所有的动物类型。近几年来, 随着分子生物学技术的不断更新, 关于鱼类性别决定机制的研究, 尤其是对调控性腺分化基因的克隆、表达及功能验证取得了突破性进展。文章从性腺分化、核受体家族、类固醇合成酶类和卵母细胞结构基因4个方面综述了调控鱼类性腺分化基因的研究进展。    相似文献   

The first record of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oriental weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus , from southern China, have been imported to Germany in large numbers for the garden pond trade. The first record of M. anguillicaudatus from Central Europe, a population that has been established for at least 14 years in a small nature reserve in Germany, is detailed.  相似文献   

Microsatellite-centromere mapping in the loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Morishima K  Nakayama I  Arai K 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):59-69
Primer sets for 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed in the loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cobitidae) by molecular cloning and sequencing techniques. Mendelian inheritance was confirmed for the 15 loci by examining the genotypic segregation produced with the primer sets in two full-sib families. The loci were mapped in relation to their centromere in four gynogenetic diploid lines, which were induced by inhibition of the second meiotic division after fertilization with genetically inert sperm. Microsatellite-centromere recombination rates ranged between 0.06 and 0.95 under the assumption of complete interference. Thus, these loci are distributed from the centromeres to the telomeres of their respective chromosomes. The success of mitotic gynogenesis, produced by suppression of the first cleavage, was verified by homozygosity at three diagnostic microsatellite loci that exhibited high gene-centromere meiotic recombination rates in the same family. The differences in heterozygosity levels observed with these markers were attributed to differences in the temporal application of heat shock following inert sperm activation.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variations of enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins were investigated in 8 populations of the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. The cathodic hemoglobin and the muscle protein in the region II were shown to be polymorphic, in addition to the five polymorphic proteins previously reported (the anodic hemoglobin, muscle protein in the region III, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucomutase and aspartate aminotransferase; Kimura, 1976 & 1977). The muscle proteins in the regions I, IV and V were monomorphic. The values of genetic distances between loach populations, calculated over 10 loci, indicated that M anguillicaudatus should be classified into two local races.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variations of enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins were investigated in 8 populations of the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus . The cathodic hemoglobin and the muscle protein in the region II were shown to be polymorphic, in addition to the five polymorphic proteins previously reported (the anodic hemoglobin, muscle protein in the region III, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucomutase and aspartate aminotransferase; Kimura, 1976 & 1977). The muscle proteins in the regions I, IV and V were monomorphic. The values of genetic distances between loach populations, calculated over 10 loci, indicated that M. anguillicaudatus should be classified into two local races.  相似文献   

The loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus is a fresh-water teleost and is known to be widely distributed through Japan, Formosa, Korea and into eastern Asia. The author has reported electrophoretic variation in five different proteins in the loach (Kimura, 1976a, b, c). This note describes a sixth example, electrophoretic variation of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT; EC  相似文献   

Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, an important aquatic species, is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River basin. To reveal the population genetic structure of M. anguillicaudatus distributed in the Yangtze River basin, genotyping by sequencing (GBS) technique was employed to detect the genome wide genetic variations of M. anguillicaudatus. A total of 30.03 Gb raw data were yielded from 70 samples collected from 15 geographic sites located in the Yangtze River basin. Subsequently, 2092 high quality SNPs were genotyped across these samples and used for a series of genetic analysis. The results of genetic analysis showed that high levels of genetic diversity were observed and the populations from upper reaches (UR) were significantly differentiated from the middle and lower reaches (MLR) of Yangtze River basin. Meanwhile, no significant isolation by distance was detected among the populations. Ecological factors (e.g. complicated topography and climatic environment) and anthropogenic factors (e.g. aquaculture and agriculture cultivation) might account for the genetic disconnectivity between UR and MLR populations. This study provided valuable genetic data for the future breeding program and also for the conversation and scientific utilization of those abundant genetic resources stored in the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

为探讨间苯二酚(m-dihydroxybenzene)与邻苯二酚(o-dihydroxybenzene)对雄性泥鳅Misgurnus anguillicau-datus血清卵黄蛋白原(Vitellogenin,Vtg)的诱导作用,将雄性泥鳅分别暴露于4种不同质量浓度间苯二酚(5.287mg/L、6.531mg/L、8.072mg/L、10.000mg/L)和邻苯二酚(16.708mg/L、17.742mg/L、18.836mg/L、20.00mg/L)中持续7d、14d、21d和28d,采用碱不稳定性蛋白结合磷法检测血清Vtg水平的变化。结果显示,与对照组相比,泥鳅在低质量浓度间苯二酚(5.287mg/L)和邻苯二酚(16.708mg/L)中暴露7d时,血清Vtg水平均有极显著升高,并且随着暴露浓度的增加,Vtg水平逐渐升高;在同一暴露浓度下,Vtg水平随暴露时间的延长逐渐升高;2种酚类化合物相比,暴露在间苯二酚中的泥鳅血清Vtg水平高于邻苯二酚。上述结果说明,2种化合物均可诱导雄性泥鳅肝脏合成Vtg,具有一定的环境雌激素效应,其诱导作用随着暴露剂量的增大和时间的延长逐渐增强。  相似文献   

泥鳅线粒体DNA限制性酶切图谱   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对鱼类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)限制性内切酶图谱分析,有利于进行鱼类种间和种内遗传变异及进化的研究(张亚平等,1992)。目前国内外对鱼类的mtDNA研究已有一些报道(陈关君等,1984;戴建华等,1994;Avise等,1987;Brown,198...  相似文献   

One of the two loci controlling muscle lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was shown to be polymorphic in the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. The result of the survey on four populations suggests that the differences in the LDH gene frequencies are correlated with the geographical distribution of the loach. A fourth phosphoglucomutase allele ( PGM D) was found in one of the loach populations examined.  相似文献   

饥饿和再喂食对泥鳅生化组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴立新  蔡勋  陈炜 《生态学杂志》2006,25(1):101-104
研究了泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)在18±0.5℃下,饥饿20 d和恢复喂食8 d的生化组成变化。结果表明,在饥饿初期,泥鳅鱼体的脂肪和蛋白质含量均明显地下降,饥饿15 d后,脂肪的降低量减少并趋于稳定,而蛋白质的含量则进一步显著降低。这表明在饥饿过程中,泥鳅首先动用机体的脂肪和蛋白质提供能源,饥饿至一定程度后则主要利用蛋白质。恢复喂食后这两种物质的含量均迅速回升,其中恢复喂食5 d后,脂肪和蛋白质的含量均达到初始水平。水分和灰分在饥饿过程中呈上升趋势,恢复后便开始下降;饥饿20 d后,鱼体的饱和脂肪酸含量基本保持不变,而多不饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸含量分别有一定的增加和降低,另外n-3系列脂肪酸含量升高,而n-6系列脂肪酸几乎不变。  相似文献   

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