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Amphibian populations have been declining globally for the last several decades, and climate change is often regarded as one of the most important factors driving these declines. Amphibians are particularly sensitive to climatic changes due to their physiological, ecological and behavioral characteristics. Here we performed a laboratory experiment to investigate how temperature affects ovipositing females, eggs and hatchlings in two syntopic populations of alpine newts, Ichthyosaura alpestris, and smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris. Female newts were assigned to two different oviposition temperatures (11 °C and 14 °C) for the duration of their oviposition period. Deposited eggs were equally divided and assigned to three different incubation temperatures (11 °C, 14 °C and 17 °C). We hypothesized that oviposition will be affected by temperature, that the combination of different oviposition and incubation temperatures may have an effect on embryonic and hatchling traits (embryonic mortality, days to hatch and hatchling length), and that these effects might differ between the two newt species. Temperature affected the number of deposited eggs in smooth newts, but not in alpine newts. Larval hatching success was not affected by oviposition or incubation temperature. Temperature effects on hatching time and hatchling length differed between the two species. These results suggest that temperature changes may have disparate effects on amphibian reproduction, even in syntopic taxa.  相似文献   

Paedomorphs and metamorphs of the smooth newt ( Triturus vulgaris ) and alpine newt ( Triturus alpestris ) were compared with respect to body size, age structure, age at sexual maturity, survivorship, and female and male fecundity. Paedomorphs were significantly smaller than metamorphs, except for the alpine newt males. Non-significant differences between morphs in both species in terms of the life span, age of sexual maturity, survival rates and male fecundity were found. The relationships concerning female-fecundity parameters were not so straightforward. The total number of oocytes was significantly higher in smooth-newt paedomorphs, while in the alpine newt the difference was insignificant. When ovary mass was compared, significant differences appeared only in the alpine newt, in favour of metamorphic females. Oviductal egg size was similar in both morphs of T. vulgaris . The maintenance of both life-history strategies in the species studied is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Numerous alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) populations from the Balkans, representing all the previously established phylogeographic lineages, were studied for variations in various morphological characteristics (body size and shape, skull qualitative traits and number of trunk vertebrae). Here, we present a decoupling of morphological and mtDNA phylogeographic substructuring in the alpine newt on the Balkan Peninsula. In sharp contrast to other European newts (Triturus spp., Lissotriton spp.), the vast majority of morphological variation in the alpine newt is concentrated at the population level indicating an in situ morphological diversification. We found that the rate of morphological change is similar to the rate of mtDNA change. We hypothesize that the alpine newts are characterized by non-adaptive morphological evolution.  相似文献   



Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a key evolutionary feature that has been studied in many organisms. In a wide range of species, this pattern is more complex because of polymorphism within each sex. However, it is not known whether the magnitude and direction of SSD could be affected by alternative developmental trajectories within sexes. Our aim was to test whether an intrasexual polymorphism, facultative paedomorphosis (a process in which the development of somatic and gonadal tissues differs in alternative morphs), could affect SSD variation patterns in European newts.  相似文献   

Two and perhaps three taxa of Lissotriton newt occur in Turkey. Their species status is controversial. The distribution of these taxa and the taxonomic status of each are reviewed and discussed. A database of 128 Turkish Lissotriton localities was compiled and species distribution models were constructed. We reiterate that the presence of Lissotriton (vulgaris) lantzi in Turkey is disputed and needs confirmation. The range of Lissotriton (vulgaris) kosswigi is restricted to north-western Anatolia – given the small global range of this Turkey endemic, a closer look at its conservation status is warranted. The distribution of Lissotriton vulgaris schmidtleri covers western Asiatic and European Turkey. The findings support an allopatric distribution of the Turkish Lissotriton species. We reflect on the biological significance of previously reported morphological intermediates between Lissotriton (vulgaris) kosswigi and Lissotriton vulgaris schmidtleri in the light of the recent proposal to recognize kosswigi at the species level. The available data are in line with species status for Lissotriton (vulgaris) lantzi and Lissotriton (vulgaris) kosswigi. Although Lissotriton vulgaris schmidtleri is a genetically diverged taxon as well, the extent of gene flow with parapatric European Lissotriton taxa is as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Current theories on the evolution of paedomorphosis suppose that several ontogenetic pathways have appeared according to different selective pressures. The aim of this study was to find out whether two distinct processes can lead to paedomorphosis in the Alpine newt, Triturus alpestris. In this respect, we compared age structures of paedomorphic and metamorphic individuals in two newt populations where the two forms lived syntopically. Whereas paedomorphosis resulted in a slower rate of somatic development in one population, it resulted in an acceleration of sexual maturation in the other population. These processes correspond to neoteny and progenesis, respectively. These results suggest that phenotypic plasticity can result from contrasted ontogenetic pathways between two populations of the same species. They give support to models that consider gonadic development as the target of selection under different environmental pressures.  相似文献   

Under sperm competition, paternity is apportioned by polyandrous females according to the order of matings and the genetic quality of the inseminating males. In order to distinguish between these two effects, we sequentially paired 12 female smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris) with each of two males and, where possible, repeated the same procedure in reverse order of the identical males after assumed sperm depletion. For a total of 578 offspring, amplified fragment length polymorphisms genetic markers revealed multiple paternities in all matings, without significant first- or second-male sperm precedence. The paternity share of individual males was transitive across the two trials with male order switch, and successful males had a significantly higher genetic dissimilarity to the female than expected by chance. We argue that patterns of paternity in natural newt populations are determined through a combination of good genes and relatedness.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1984,14(3):313-320
In the extra-intestinal fluid of Carabus beetles (Carabidae, Coleoptera) the total proteolytic activity was measured against casein. The trypsin and chymotrypsin-like proteases in the extra-intestinal fluid of the beetles were verified by the esterolysis of TAME and BTEE from 1 hr before to 216 hr (ten days) after feeding. Before feeding, both enzyme activities were high and they decreased very sharply after the beginning of feeding. The inhibition characteristics of various naturally occuring trypsin inhibitors were tested: soybean trypsin inhibitor, lima bean trypsin inhibitor, pancreas kallicrein inhibitor and chicken ovomucoid. Affinity adsorption with soybean trypsin inhibitor combined with isoelectric focusing enabled a comparison of the band pattern of serine-proteases in various species. Most of the tryptic and chymotryptic enzymes are acidic with an isoelectric point (IP) between pH 3 and 6. Proteases with an IP of about pH 7 were found only rarely. The interspecific variability of the serine-proteases in higher than the intraspecific one. In addition to the enzymes typical of Carabus lineatus and Carabus splendens the natural hybrids showed new serine proteases.  相似文献   

A total of 6 population samples ofMyosotis stenophylla Knaf, a rare species showing great ecological disjunction in its distribution, were examined to clarify the present status of its karyological variation. In order to elucidate relationships between lowland tetraploid populations ofM. stenophylla and diploid and tetraploid montane populations ofM. alpestris F.W. Schmidt, four population samples ofM. alpestris were also examined. The karyotypes of all populations ofM. alpestris s.l. studied were highly asymmetrical and heterogeneous, being composed of metacentric, submetacentric, subtelocentric and satellited acrocentric chromosomes. The karyotype formula for haploid chromosome set was established: n=x=12=6m+2sm+3st+1tSAT. Multivariate analysis based on chromosome length and shape showed significant differences between diploid and tetraploid forms ofM. alpestris s.l. Four numerical parameters, used to characterize the karyotype ofM. stenophylla, revealed significant differences between populations on serpentine and on non-serpentine substrates. In addition, the noticeable affinity of the karyotype of non-serpentine populations to that ofM. alpestris tetraploids has been shown by means of discriminant analysis. These data suggest that the unique features of serpentine play an important role in the origin of karyotypic differentiation within populations ofM. stenophylla.  相似文献   

1. Facultative paedomorphosis is a polymorphism that has important evolutionary implications in promoting morphological differentiation and variation in habitat use. It occurs in several urodele species throughout the world. Several hypotheses based on life-history theory have been proposed to explain the wide range of habitats in which facultative paedomorphosis occurs, suggesting multifactorial causes.
2. In harsh habitats, such as mountain lakes, paedomorphosis might promote niche partitioning between morphs. This hypothesis was tested by comparing micro-habitat use and diet of two coexisting morphs in an alpine lake.
3. Paedomorphs occupied all microhabitats in the lake while metamorphs occurred only along the shoreline or at the water surface. Paedomorphic newts were frequent in deep water, where they foraged mainly on plankton. Plankton was poorly exploited by metamorphic newts, which fed mainly on terrestrial insects. Difference between morphs in microhabitat use, and consequently in the diet, were consistent in both sexes and in juveniles.
4. In adults, the mass and energy value of stomach contents did not differ between morphs, suggesting a similar food availability in the habitats occupied.
5. This study indicates habitat partitioning between morphs involving dietary differences. Specific benefits and costs of each ontogenetic pathway may allow their coexistence in this deep and fishless lake. Paedomorphosis benefits individual newts by making new food resources available and presumably reducing competition at the shore of the lake. However, the proximate causes of such an ontogenetic switch remain unclear.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional analysis using different ontogenetic stages (larvae, juveniles, paedotypic, and metamorphic adults) of the smooth newt, Triturus vulgaris, and the alpine newt, T.alpestris, revealed a broad spectrum of perennibranchiation influences on cranial ontogeny in European newts, more pronounced than previously thought. These influences included marked variation in ossification levels, pronounced morphometric variability of many cranial elements, and considerable skull shape changes in the transition from larvae to the adult stage. In comparison with metamorphosed individuals, paedotypic newts had a higher level of variability in both individual cranial traits and cranial shape changes. Sexual size difference of the skull traits was mostly negligible, especially in comparison to the influence of paedogenesis. The main changes in cranial shape of the European newts occurred during metamorphosis. Cranial morphological organization in the majority of examined paedotypes corresponds to cranial organization at late larval stages prior to metamorphosis or at the onset of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore skull size and shape variation in the smooth newt, a taxon with substantial morphological differentiation and complex phylogeographic relations. By projecting phylogenies into the morphospace of the skull shape, we explore the variation in and differentiation of this complex morphological structure within a phylogenetic framework. For these analyses, we used a dataset that covers the most southern part of the species’ distribution range, including all conventionally recognized subspecies. The study revealed different patterns of divergence in skull shape between sexes, which is paralleled by intraspecific differentiation. The divergence in dorsal skull shape is concordant with the phylogenetic divergence, as the most diverged clades of the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris kosswigi and Lissotriton vulgaris lantzi) exhibit a skull shape that significantly diverges from the smooth newt’s mean shape configuration. The results of this study also indicate that ventral skull portion, which is more directly related to feeding and foraging, shows higher variation between populations than dorsal skull portion, which appears to be less variable and phylogenetically informative.  相似文献   

Sequence divergence for segments of three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes encoding the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b was examined in newts belonging to the genus Euproctus (E. asper, E. montanus, E. platycephalus) and in three other species belonging to the same family (Salamandridae), Triturus carnifex, T. vulgaris, and Pleurodeles waltl. The three Euproctus species occur (one species each) in Corsica, Sardinia, and the Pyrenees. This vicariant distribution is believed to have been determined by the disjunction and rotation of the Sardinia-Corsica microplate from the Pyreneean region. Because time estimates are available for the tectonic events that led to the separation of the three landmasses, we used sequence data to estimate rates of evolution for the three gene fragments and investigated whether they conform to the rate-constancy hypothesis. By the Tajima (1993, Genetics 135:599-607) test, we could not detect rate heterogeneities for the ribosomal genes and for transversions in the cytochrome b gene. Assuming that these sites are evolving linearly over time and that cessation of gene flow occurred simultaneously with vicariant events, we compared the time of divergence estimated by molecular distances with the divergence times based on the geological estimates. Because we have two estimates of divergence time from the geological record, the split of Corsica/Sardinia from the Pyrenees and the split of Corsica from Sardinia, we could compare ratios of molecular divergence with the ratio of geological time divergence. The ratios are very similar, indicating that the molecular clock hypothesis cannot be rejected. These geological events also allowed us to calculate absolute rates of evolution for ribosomal and cytochrome b genes and compare them to rates for the same regions in other salamandrids and other vertebrates. Ribosomal mtDNA rates are comparable to those reported for other vertebrates, but cytochrome b rates are 3-7 times lower in salamanders than in other ectotherms. From a phylogenetic perspective, our data suggest that the cladogenic events leading to species formation in Euproctus and Triturus occurred very closely in time, indicating that the two genera may not be monophyletic. A duplication of the cytochrome b gene in T. carnifex was found, and the implications of this finding for mtDNA phylogenetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

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