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Yang  Handong  Rose  Neil L.  Battarbee  Rick W.  Monteith  Don 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):51-61
Analyses of trace metals on multiple sediment cores from the whole-lake basin of Lochnagar, Scotland, show that the depth of departure from stable values towards a rapid increase of the Pb/Ti and Hg concentration profiles provides a good dating feature for the 1860s. In relatively shallow areas of the lake, inferred sediment accumulation rates and the trace metal inventories change with water depth, but in the deep water area, sediment accumulation rates are lower than in most other areas of the lake. Mercury, Pb, Cu and Zn inventories in the sediments accumulated since 1860 in the deepest area are 61%, 64%, 73% and 56% of the corresponding average inventories for the whole sediment area of the lake, respectively. This is mainly due to low sediment accumulation in the deep basin. This finding differs from the expected sediment focusing pattern and makes quantitative interpretations of palaeolimnological features using sediments from the deep area of this lake difficult. The influence of sediment focusing from the north-eastern side, the largest portion of the sediment area of the lake basin, on the deepest area of the lake may be limited, so the sediments in the north-east could be difficult to be transported to the deepest area through sediment focusing. Therefore, the sediments in the deepest area of the lake may not represent the whole-lake basin well for the relative abundances of different types of fossils.  相似文献   

A small dystrophic lake was found to support 19 species of chironomid larvae, 13 of which are relatively abundant while the other six are classified as rare as they collectively constituted less than 0.25% of the total chironomid community. With the exception of one species pair, evidence of ecological segregation could be demonstrated for all abundant species that could be morphologically distinguished as larvae. Both members of the overlapping pair fed mainly upon coarse detritus, the most abundant food resource in the lake. Limited data on the six rare species failed to reveal ecological segregation from one or more of the abundant species.  相似文献   

The first part of the paper discusses the significance of using either concentration or accumulation values for expressing the results of investigations of lake sediment cores aimed at studying the history of heavy metal pollution. Neither the values for heavy metal concentration in the lake sediment, whether expressed per gram dry sediment or per gram soluble (organic) sediment, nor the values for their total annual accumulation per unit area of the lake bottom, can, on their own, provide an accurate picture of past pollution conditions, but when considered in combination they render a fairly reliable and detailed interpretation. The second part of the paper deals with Pb, Cd and Hg analyses of cores of varved sediments from several lakes in N. Sweden. Pb and Cd pollution increased during the second half of the 19th century. In most lakes, Hg pollution seems first to have started during the 20th century. Marked increases in both concentration and accumulation of heavy metals took place during the 20th century. For recent decades, the estimated accumulation rates of heavy metals from anthropogenic sources are: Pb 0.5–1.5 µg cm–2 yr–1, Cd 15–30 ng cm–2 yr–1 and Hg 1–2 ng cm–2 yr–1, Higher values were recorded in lakes affected by local emissions.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the zygopteran odonate Lestes viridis in two seasonal streams in the Sierra Morena Mountains is inferred from size-frequency analyses of handnet samples of larvae and records of presence and reproductive activity of adults during three consecutive years. The egg stage (duration 5–6 months) overwinters, larval development is brief (6–8 weeks) and adults undergo a protracted, prereproductive, summer diapause (up to 3 months) before mating and ovipositing in late September, about one week after the first appreciable fall of rain, but before surface water reappears in the streams after having been absent for about four months during the hot, dry summer. Comparison between this life cycle and those of more northerly populations reveals a latitude-correlated cline in phenology resembling that found in some other northern hemisphere odonates that, like L. viridis, maintain an obligatorily univoltine life cycle at different latitudes.  相似文献   

The composition and succession of the subfossil chironomid fauna has been studied in a sediment core from Lake Taylor. The sediments of the core are all within the Nothofagus phase of the last 3000 years within the Aranuian. In the older sediments of the core the chironomid fauna was dominated by Tanytarsini and Orthocladiinae whereas Chironomini dominated in the more recent sediments. The species diversity is very high compared with the results of other studies of the recent chironomid fauna of lakes in the South Island. The most abundant head capsules belong to the taxa Chironomus zealandicus, Tanytarsus vespertinus, Corynocera sp., and Eukiefferiella sp. Several additional taxa which have not yet been described also occurred in large numbers. It is not possible to correlate any definite changes in the composition of the subfossil chironomid fauna with a change in climatic conditions or the trophic status of the lake.  相似文献   

To elucidate the possibilities of using zooplankton remains in the surface sediment to describe present-days community structure and population dynamics of zooplankton, fish abundance and temperature, we compared contemporary data sampled in the pelagial during summer with the sediment record from the upper 1 cm of the sediment in 135 lakes covering a latitude gradient from Greenland in the north to New Zealand in the south. The abundance of three genera Bosmina, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia of the total pool of ephippia was significantly related to the total abundance of the same taxa in the pelagic zone. However, in most lakes the abundance of Ceriodaphnia was higher in the sediment than in the water, which may be attributed to the overall preference by this genus for the littoral habitat. Using contemporary data from 27 Danish lakes sampled fortnightly during summer for 10 years, we found substantial inter-annual variations in the abundance of Daphnia spp., Ceriodaphnia spp., B. longirostris and B. coregoni. Yet, the sediment record mimicked the medium level well for most of the lakes, which suggests that the sediment record provides an integrated picture of the pelagic cladoceran community, which otherwise can be obtained only by long-term frequent contemporary sampling for several years. The contribution of Daphnia to the sum of Daphnia and Bosmina ephippia was negatively correlated with the abundance of fish expressed as catch per night in multi-mesh sized gill nets (CPUE). Yet, region-specific differences occurred, which partly could be eliminated by including nutrient state expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in a multiple regression. The average ratio of ephippia to the sum of ephippia and carapaces of Bosmina varied 40-fold between the sampling regions and was significantly negatively related to summer mean air temperature, and for Danish lakes also, albeit weakly, to fish CPUE but not to chlorophyll a. Apparently, temperature is the most important factor determining the ratio of parthenogenetic to ephippia producing specimens of Bosmina. We conclude that the sediment record of cladocerans is a useful indicator of community structure of pelagic cladocerans and the abundance of fish and temperature.  相似文献   

1. A sediment core from the shallow, hypertrophic Lake Søbygaard (mean depth ∼1 m; [TP] 310 μg P L−1) was analysed for subfossil remains to reconstruct chironomid community changes in relation to the succession and disappearance of aquatic macrophytes. 2. Species composition in the 1.10 m core indicates a succession from a 'naturally' eutrophic state to a hypertrophic state during recent centuries. Radiometric dating (210Pb) of the uppermost 20 cm of the sediment core (∼1932–93) indicates that sediment accumulation rate had doubled in recent decades. 3. Changes in chironomid assemblages were in close agreement with changes in both diatoms and macrophyte remains in the same core. Distinct changes in chironomid communities reflect the eutrophication process and macrophyte succession through Chara , Ceratophyllum and Potamogeton dominance to the present state, with complete loss of submerged vegetation and dominance by phytoplankton. 4. The co-occurrence and relationship between aquatic macrophyte diversity and recent subfossil chironomid assemblages were assessed from an additional 25 Danish lakes. There was good agreement between the macrophyte and chironomid-based lake groupings. Overall, a significant difference ( P <0.001) was found in chironomid assemblages among lakes in different macrophyte classes. In a pair-wise comparison, the poorly buffered mesotrophic lakes and the alkaline eutrophic lakes had significantly different chironomid assemblages. 5. Chironomid taxa commonly reported to be associated with macrophytes ( Cricotopus , Endochironomus and Glyptotendipes ) were shown also to be indicators of highly productive lakes lacking abundant submerged vegetation.  相似文献   

A short-core palaeolimnological investigation was undertaken with the aim ofacquiring knowledge of sediment deposition. Analyses of the lithological composition of sediments from the whole-lake basin were performed on the small eutrophic L. Linajärv (northern Estonia) and the concentrations of mineral and organic matter were measured on 647 sub-samples from 14 sediment cores. The accumulation rate of the sediment sequences was established and C/N ratios of organic matter in some cores were recorded. Results indicate that the water depth, basin slopes and distance to the shore have the most important impact on the physical sediment properties. It was shown that variations in the mineral matter concentrations were influenced by the changes in deposition conditions in the areas with steep slopes. The study indicated that more objective information about the sedimentation mechanisms is obtained using analysis of the concentration ratio of mineral and organic matter since it reduces the implied role of diagenetic compaction.  相似文献   

T. Wiederholm 《Hydrobiologia》1984,109(3):243-249
The occurrence of deformed mouth parts in recent and subfossil material of mostly Chironomus, Micropsectra and Tanytarsus increased from less than 1 % of the larvae at unpolluted sites or time periods to figures in the range of approx. 5–25% at strongly polluted sites. Deformities occurred in species that are widely separate in taxonomic position and way of living. Several heavy metals are suspected causative agents. Deformities in various mouth parts are illustrated by SEM photographs.  相似文献   

Nitrogen flux from sediment of a shallow lake and subsequent utilization by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart] Solms) present in the water column were evaluated using an outdoor microcosm sediment-water column. Sediment N was enriched with 15N to quantitatively determine the movement of NH4-N from the sediment to the overlying water column. During the first 30 days. 48% of the total N uptake by water hyacinth was derived from sediment 15NH4-N. This had decreased to 14% after 183 days. Mass balance of N indicates that about 25% sediment NH4-N was released into the overlying water, but only 17% was assimilated by water hyacinth. NH4-N levels in the water column were very low, with very little or no concentration gradients. NH4-N levels in the interstitial water of the sediment were in the range of 30–35 mg L–1 for the lower depths (> 35 cm), while in the surface 5 cm of depth NH4-N levels decreased to 3.2 mg L–1. Simulated results also showed similar trends for the interstitial NH4-N concentration of the sediment. The overall estimated NH4-N flux from the sediment to the overlying water was 4.8 µg cm–2 day–1, and the soluble organic N flux was 5.8 µg N cm–2 day–1. Total N flux was 10.6 µg N cm–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Palaeolimnological studies were carried out on sediment cores from nine North African wetland lakes. The lakes represented a variety of habitats ranging from freshwater to mixohaline conditions and with and without direct connections to the sea. Sediment cores were examined for records of recent environmental change during the 20th century period. Faunal remains analysed in the sediments included those of Cladocera, Ostracoda, Chironomidae, Mollusca and, at the sites with marine connections, Foraminifera. Cyprideis torosa littoralis was the most common ostracod, occurring in sediments from the seven sites linked with the sea and also in brackish water Sidi Bou Rhaba. In acid Megene Chitane ostracods were scarce, being represented by a single species (Cypria ophtalmica). Candona neglecta completely disappeared at two sites (Sidi Bou Rhaba and Bokka) during the 20th century. Of the Cladocera, Chydorus sphaericus was common in the moderately mixohaline sites and but Heterocypris salina occurred only where marine salinities were occasionally achieved (in Zerga, Ichkeul and Korba). Microinvertebrate assemblages in the Nile Delta lake cores and to a less extent in Zerga showed a clear response indicative of more fresher conditions occurring during the latter part of the 20th century. However the freshening trend began prior to construction of the Aswan High Dam (mid 1960s).With the exception of the most saline site (Korba), microinvertebrate communiuties at all the CASSARINA sites have experienced major disturbances during the 20th century. Changes in freshwater availability associated with increased human usage of water resources is perceived as a major factor regulating the abundance and occurrence of aquatic microinvertebrate species at these sites  相似文献   

Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe, is about 20 000 years old. An enormous increase in tourism and the disproportionate building development of the last few decades has resulted in the acceleration of eutrophication in the lake. Widespread research to reveal the causes of water-quality deterioration and possible ways of protection against it have recently started. The investigation of the larvae of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the sediment of the open-water zone has also begun. The contemporary faunal composition strongly correlates with the trophic gradient along the longitudinal axis of the lake. We therefore supposed that the eutrophication process should be identifiable from the analysis of subfossil chironomid head capsules from the upper (15 cm thick) layer of the sediment. We found that quantitative results could only be obtained when fragments as well as relatively intact head capsules are considered. Our data verify that the originally oligo-mesotrophic community has been gradually replaced by eutrophic species in a west to east direction. Large-bodied larvae belonging to the Chironomus plumosus group mix the sediment down to 15 cm as they build their tubes and consequently alter the original proportions of head capsules at the different levels. So the sequence of communities through the sediment-layers is not quite reliable.  相似文献   

Tomi P. Luoto 《水生昆虫》2013,35(4):351-370
Identification of indicator species is invaluable for lake management and long-term environmental change assessments. In this study, multi- and intralake datasets were investigated for their fossil midge assemblages (mostly Chironomidae) in the surface sediment layers representing the modern faunal composition. The aim was to examine taxon-specific responses to selected key variables and to assign indicator taxa for these environmental factors. Taxon-specific optima and tolerances were calculated and the significance of a particular environmental variable in explaining the distribution patterns was tested for each taxa. The results showed that numerous taxa had significant relationship with the environmental variables of interest. Thus, several midge indicator taxa were identified for the key variables. For the interest of palaeolimnology, the present results imply that when reconstructing long-term changes in a single environmental variable, variability in other regional, local or in-lake variables can distort the inference due to the complex taxon-specific responses to multiple environmental factors.  相似文献   

1. We studied the role of zooplankton in biomanipulation and the subsequent recovery phase in the Enonselkä basin of Lake Vesijärvi, using subfossil cladocerans in annually laminated sediment. Measures to restore the Enonselkä basin included reduction in external nutrient loading and mass removal of plankti‐ and benthivorous fish. Water clarity increased and the lake changed from a eutrophic to a mesotrophic state. However, some signs of increased turbidity were observed after 5–10 years of successful recovery. 2. Annual laminae in a freeze core sample were identified and sliced, based on the seasonal succession of diatoms. Cladoceran remains and rotifer eggs were counted, and Daphnia ephippia and Eubosmina and Bosmina ephippia and carapaces were measured. Annual changes in pelagic species composition were studied with principal component analysis. Individual species abundance, size measurements and various cladoceran‐based indices or ratios (commonly used to reconstruct changes in trophic state and fish predation) were tested for change between four distinct periods: I (1985–1988) dense fish stocks, poor water quality; II (1989–1992) fish removal; III (1993–1997) low fish density, improved water quality; IV (1998–2002) slightly increased fish density and poorer water quality. 3. After the removal of fish, the mean size of Daphnia ephippia and Eubosmina crassicornis ephippia and carapaces increased significantly. In contrast, the percentage of Daphnia did not increase. When based on ephippia, the ratio Daphnia/(Daphnia + E. crassicornis) increased, but the interpretation was obscured by the tolerance of fish predation by small Daphnia and by the fact that bosminids were the preferred food of roach. Moreover, ephippial production by E. crassicornis decreased in recent years. 4. The abundance of Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Limnosida frontosa increased significantly after the fish population was reduced, while that of Ceriodaphnia and rotifers decreased. 5. The expanding littoral vegetation along with improved water clarity was clearly reflected in the concentration of littoral species in the deep sediment core. The species diversity index for the entire subfossil community also increased. 6. The period of faltering recovery was characterised by greater interannual variability and an increased percentage of rotifers. Nevertheless, the mean sizes of Daphnia ephippia and E. crassicornis ephippia and carapaces indicated a low density of fish. The deteriorating water quality was apparently related to multiple stressors in the catchment after rehabilitation, such as intensified lakeshore building, as well as to exceptional weather conditions, challenging the management methods in use.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of the principal macro- and meiobenthic taxa in the sandy littoral zone of the oligomesotrophic Dutch Lake Maarsseveen I was studied during two years. Population peaks of the different taxa were clearly separated in time. In early spring there were chironomid density peaks of Stictochironomus sticticus, in one year followed by a Polypedilum maximum. From June–July chydorid cladocerans dominated, with a peak of Monospilus dispar followed by a peak of Rhynchotalona falcata. In autumn the chironomid Cladotanytarsus mancus became dominant, remaining so throughout the winter.To study the spatial heterogeneity of the major macro- and meiofaunal taxa, samples were taken in a grid of 2.5 × 10 m. Distributions of all but one taxon were significantly different from random, with Morisita indices varying from 1.23 (chironomids) to 2.10 (the chydorid Monospilus dispar). Wind-induced disturbance presumably had strong and species-specific effects on littoral macro- and meiobenthic taxa. Chydorid heterogeneity increased immediately following the first autumn storm of the season; this may be explained by the tendency of these organisms to remain attached to detritus particles.Temporal and spatial correlation coefficients between macro- and meiobenthic taxa were generally low, suggesting that interactions between these groups are weak, with distribution patterns that are independent of each other. Among the meiofaunal taxa, positive spatial and temporal correlation coefficients were found; apparently, the similarity in both seasonal dynamics and spatial distribution is larger among the meiofaunal taxa than between macro- and meiofaunal taxa. Also among most of the chironomid species significant positive temporal correlations were found, except for Stictochironomus sticticus and Polypedilum sp.; these species have similar life-cycles, but were during one year temporally separated by several alternating settlement peaks. In the next year, Polypedilum disappeared completely following an extremely strong Stictochironomus settlement peak.  相似文献   

Likolampi is a small groundwater kettle-hole lake in Ilomantsi, Eastern Finland. At 11 m water depth the uppermost 51 cm of sediment contains about 390 varves. A thin layer of chrysophyte statospores is the main structural unit in these; in some varves it is followed by a layer of cf. Drepanocladus fluitans moss spores. Below the laminated sequence, two layers of moss detritus (110–87 cm, 81–51 cm) alternate with greyish brown fine detritus. Pollen analysis reveals that the start of the deposition of varved sediment coincides with the beginning of intensive fiber plant retting with large quantities of Cannabis/Humulus -type pollen and even regular occurrence of the insect-pollinated Linum usitatissimum. The cf. Drepanocladus spores are almost absent during the retting period (c. 1590–1900 by the varves), but very common before and after it. Drepanocladus fluitans is capable of assimilating dissolved CO2 in water, so it thrives at low pH and is typical for oligotrophic clear-water lakes. We conclude that the stratigraphy of Drepanocladus fragments and spores is a true negative indicator of cultural influence in Likolampi.  相似文献   

An opportunity to test Coffman's (1989) proposal that ecological heterogeneity is one of the main factors for chironomid species richness occurred when prolonged drought in southern Spain was broken by heavy rain. Chironomid assemblage composition was studied in two Mediterranean mountain first-order streams, one permanent and the other temporary. Samples were collected in the permanent stream over extreme hydrological conditions: 1991–95 with relatively low and stable flow, and 1996–97 with relatively high and unstable flow. The temporary stream flowed, and therefore was sampled, only during the second period. In the permanent stream, spate events resulted in a notable increase in species richness due to the arrival of 32 species and to the permanence of 81% of the species resident over the prespate period. This relatively high percentage suggests that chironomids, as a group, have important resilience properties. However, some species disappeared from the permanent stream after the spates and the considerable decrease in abundance of other species, shows that, at the species level, resilience may vary greatly within the Chironomidae. Most of the species that appeared in the temporary stream were the same as those of the permanent stream during the fast flow period despite the great ecological differences between the two streams under study, suggesting the key role of discharge in structuring chironomid assemblages. The outstanding exception was the fugitive species Orthocladius calvus, the most abundant species in the temporary stream during the initial successional stages but never collected in the permanent stream. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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