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Whereas the important plant growth regulator auxin has multiple effects in flowering plants, it induces a specific cell differentiation step in the filamentous moss protonema. Here, we analyse the presence of classical auxin-binding protein (ABP1) homologues in the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Microsomal membranes isolated from protonemata of F. hygrometrica have specific indole acetic acid-binding sites, estimated to be about 3–5 pmol/mg protein with an apparent dissociation constant (K d) between 3 and 5 μM. Western analyses with anti-ABP1 antiserum detected the canonical endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localised 22–24 kDa ABP1 in Zea mays, but not in F. hygrometrica. Instead, polypeptides of 31–33 and 46 kDa were labelled in the moss as well as in maize. In F. hygrometrica these proteins were found exclusively in microsomal membrane fractions and were confirmed as ABPs by photo-affinity labelling with 5-azido-[7-3H]-indole-3-acetic acid. Unlike the classical corn ABP1, these moss ABPs did not contain the KDEL ER retention sequence. Consistently, the fully sequenced genome of the moss Physcomitrella patens, a close relative of F. hygrometrica, encodes an ABP1-homologue without KDEL sequence. Our study suggests the presence of putative ABPs in F. hygrometrica that share immunological epitopes with ABP1 and bind auxin but are different from the classical corn ABP1.  相似文献   

G. Schmiedel  E. Schnepf 《Planta》1980,147(5):405-413
In the caulonema tip cells of Funaria hygrometrica, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and dictyosomes have differences in structure which are determined by cell polarity. In contrast to the slowly growing chloronema tip cells the apical cell of the caulonema contains a tip body. Colchicine stops tip growth; it causes the formation of subapical cell protrusions, redistribution of the plastids, and a loss of their polar differentiation. Cytochalasin B inhibits growth and affects the position of cell organelles. After treatment with ionophore A23 187, growth is slower and shorter and wider cells are formed. D2O causes a transient reversion of organelle distribution but premitotic nuclei are not dislocated. In some tip cells the reversion of polarity persists; they continue to grow with a new tip at their base. During centrifugation, colchicine has only a slight influence on the stability of organelle anchorage. The former polar organization of most cells is restored within a few hours after centrifugation, and the cells resume normal growth. In premitotic cells the nucleus and other organelles cannot be retransported, they often continue to grow with reversed polarity. Colchicine retards the redistribution of organelles generally and increases the number of cells that form a basal outgrowth. The interrelationship between the peripheral cytoplasm and the nucleus and the role of microtubules in maintaining and reestablishing cell polarity are discussed.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - CB cytochalasin B Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Pirson on the occasion of his 70. birthday  相似文献   

The process of division was investigated in the different types of plastids found in the tip cell of the protonema of Funaria hygrometrica Sibth. There were no structural changes in the envelope membranes of any of the plastid types during the initial stage of division. As the process of constriction advanced, thylakoids were locally disintegrated and sometimes starch grains in the isthmus were locally dissolved. In the isthmus, tightly constricted plastids were characterized by an undulating envelope and an increasing number of vesicles. After three-dimensional reconstruction of electronmicrographs a distinct filamentous structure was observed in the plane of division outside the plastid but close to the envelope. At different stages of division the constricted regions were partly surrounded by one or a few filaments. The roundish plastids in the apical zone were accompanied by single microtubule bundles, and the spindle-shaped plastids in the cell base were surrounded by single microtubules and microtubule bundles. A model of co-operation between microtubules and the filamentous structure in the division process is discussed.A preliminary report was presented at the Tagung der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft und der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik, Hamburg, September 1986  相似文献   

The induction of shoot buds from the filamentous protonema of moss is a classic bioassay for cytokinin. While a large literature documents this response in many species of moss and for a wide range of natural and synthetic cytokinins, to date only substituted adenine cytokinins have been examined in detail. This paper shows that at least some of the novel phenylurea cytokinins will induce bud formation in mosses. Funaria responds to thidiazuron much as it responds to benzyladenine. Exposure to either substance results in log-linear dose-dependent increases in bud number that reach similar maximal numbers of buds at the optimal concentration of compound. The related compound chloro-pyridyl-phenylurea (CPPU) is slightly less active, but induces buds over a wider range of concentration. Carbanilide (diphenylurea or DPU), an active cytokinin in other systems, induces very few buds in Funaria, but does so over a wide range of concentration. Bioassay of mixtures of benzyladenine and DPU finds no evidence of competition for cytokinin receptors. That result could support suggestions that the phenylurea cytokinins act indirectly, by altering endogenous cytokinin metabolism, but we favor another interpretation. Unlike other cytokinin-responsive systems, the induction of buds from moss protonema involves two cytokinin-mediated events. The number of buds is controlled by the second cytokinin-mediated event. If DPU has little or no affinity for the receptor triggering this second event, DPU treatments will produce few to no buds, and kinetic analysis using bud number would find no evidence for competition with benzyladenine. Our results would support the hypothesis that bud induction in Funaria involves two chemically distinct cytokinin receptors.  相似文献   

Auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) regulates caulonema differentiation as a result of gradual transitional events in the chloronema tip cells in moss protonema. This auxin action in the moss Funaria hygrometrica involves a rapid influx of calcium ions from the extracellular medium. This investigation demonstrates spatial and temporal changes in calmodulin (CaM) activation (formation of Ca(2+)-CaM complex) in the chloronema tip cells subjected to auxin treatment. Photomicroscopic localisation of the fluorescence (excitation at 365 nm and emission of 397 nm) from the tricomplex of Ca(2+)-CaM with trifluoperazine (TFP, a blocker of Ca(2+)-CaM action) shows a tip to base (tip high) gradient of Ca(2+)-CaM in the chloronema tip cells. Comparison of Ca(2+)-CaM-TFP fluorescence over time in the chloronema tip cells of wild type Funaria with the response in an auxin overproducer mutant (86.1) and an auxin deficient mutant (87.13) reveals the involvement of auxin in calmodulin activation as a rapid response prior to cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The activities of starch synthesizing enzymes were investigated in wheat grains ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kolibri) throughout the grain development period. Starch phosphorylase (E.C. activity was especially high during the early period of grain development, while starch synthase I (ADP glucose α-glucan 4-α-glucosyl-transferase, E.C. had a maximum activity during the later stage of grain filling. The synthetic potential of starch phosphorylase measured in vitro was about 16 times higher than the quantity of starch actually produced. It is therefore suggested that starch phosphorylase is of substantial importance in grain starch synthesis, particularly in the early period of grain growth. The synthetic potential of starch synthase I measured in vitro made up 25 to 50% of the starch production and the synthetic potential of starch synthase II (UDP glucose α-glucan 4α-glucosyl-transferase. E.C. only about 5%.
Reducing light intensity (shading) during the grain filling period depressed grain growth and starch production by about 20%. Starch phosphorylase was not significantly affected by the reduced light intensity if enzyme activity is calculated on unit grain weight and not as activity per grain. Starch synthase I activity, however, was depressed by shading during the later stage of grain development. The depressed starch production found under low light conditions, however, cannot only be explained by an affected starch synthase I activity, but probably was also related to other still unknown factors limiting grain growth under low light conditions. The poor starch production in the shaded plants was not due to an insufficient supply of assimilates.  相似文献   

The induction of shoot buds in the moss Funaria hygrometrica is a classic and quantitative bioassay for cytokinin. This cytokinin-stimulated response can be inhibited by the plant hormone abscisic acid, ABA; the inhibition is concentration dependent and was proposed for use as a bioassay for ABA. This paper characterizes the ABA inhibition of the cytokinin-stimulated formation of shoot buds. Experiments transferring protonema between cytokinin and cytokinin plus ABA show that ABA does not interfere with the initial perception of cytokinin. Other experiments compare the results of transferring protonema from cytokinin to cytokinin-free medium or to medium with cytokinin plus ABA and reveal that ABA acts by blocking the cytokinin-mediated stable commitment of nascent buds. Extension of the technique of double-reciprocal plots to this whole-organism bioassay finds that ABA is not a competitive inhibitor of cytokinin. Analysis of the ABA inhibition of bud formation identifies a new regulatory step in the developmental process of bud formation in mosses.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):361-373

A correlation can be seen between the nutrient requirements of Funaria hygrometrica and conditions in bonfire soil. Excessively high concentrations of nutrients especially ammonium-nitrogen could alone be responsible for the inhibition of growth found on young bonfire soils. For rapid healthy growth of Funaria, concentrations of calcium, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus must all be relatively high, although nitrate-nitrogen and phosphorus seem particularly important. The effect of burning and heating on the soil nitrogen cycle and the growth of Funaria on fertilized soils would repay further investigation.  相似文献   

Exposure to sufficient cytokinin induces the formation of buds from responsive cells in the protonema of Funaria hygrometrica. Initial perception of the phytohormone results in a Ca+2 cascade within minutes. A second cytokinin-mediated event occurs some days later, and converts incipient buds into stably committed buds. The concentration of exogenous cytokinin also regulates the total number of buds produced from a protonemal colony. This concentration-dependent production of buds has been thought to reflect differential sensitivity of target cells. Under that hypothesis, the regulation of bud number occurs during initial perception of hormone. This paper presents direct experimental evidence to the contrary and supports the alternate hypothesis that bud formation involves the gating of large numbers of responding cells by later events. Experiments transferring protonema between media with different levels of cytokinin show that the cytokinin concentration during the initial perception of cytokinin is unimportant in controlling bud number. Instead, bud number is found to be regulated by the concentration of exogenous cytokinin as incipient buds or bud initials become stably committed buds.  相似文献   

Natural-abundance 13C NMR spectroscopy at 15.04 MHz has been used to examine the effects of pH, calcium, and lanthanide ions on the polypeptide cardiac stimulant Anthopleurin-A in aqueous solution. The carboxyl resonance from the aspartic acid residue not observed in a previous study (R. S. Norton and T. R. Norton, 1979, J. Biol. Chem.254, 10220–10226) has been identified and an apparent pKa of 3.4 obtained. More accurate estimates have been derived for the apparent pKa values of the two histidine residues. Binding of Ca2+ ions has been found by equilibrium dialysis and 13C NMR to be weak (Kd > 0.1 M). The interaction with lanthanide ions is slightly stronger, but binding occurs at the C terminus as well as at a site involving one or both of the aspartate carboxylate groups. These results suggest that possible Anthopleurin-A-induced calcium translocation in the myocardial cell is a secondary effect. The interaction of Anthopleurin-A with lipid monolayers has also been examined. Binding occurs to neutral and zwitterionic lipids, but is stronger with negatively charged lipids, particularly cardiolipin. This interaction is also influenced by the presence of Ca2+ ions. The implications of these results for the mechanism of action of this polypeptide are discussed.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: In vascular plants, leaf primordia prevent desiccation of the shoot apical meristem. Lacking leaves, the undifferentiated moss sporophyte apex is covered by the calyptra, a cap of maternal gametophyte tissue that is hypothesized to function in desiccation protection. Herein, we compare cuticle development on the calyptra and sporophyte to assess the calyptra's potential to protect the sporophyte from desiccation. As the first comprehensive study of moss sporophyte cuticle development, this research broadens our perspectives on cuticle development and evolution across embryophytes. ? Methods: Calyptrae and sporophytes at nine developmental stages were collected from a laboratory-grown population of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Tissues were embedded, sectioned, then examined using transmission electron microscopy. Epidermal cells were measured for thickness of the cuticle layers, cell wall thickness, and lumen size. ? Key results: The calyptra cuticle develops precociously and reaches maturity before the sporophyte cuticle. Calyptrae are covered by a four-layered cuticle at all stages, whereas sporophyte cuticle maturation is delayed until sporangium formation. The development and thickening of the sporophyte cuticle occurs in an acropetal wave. ? Conclusions: A multilayered calyptra cuticle at the earliest developmental stages is consistent with its ability to protect the immature sporophyte from desiccation. Young sporophytes lack a complex cuticle and thus may require protection, whereas in older sporophytes a mature cuticle develops. The moss calyptra is not a vestigial structure, but rather the calyptra's role in preventing desiccation offers a functional explanation for calyptra retention during the 450 Myr of moss evolution.  相似文献   

G. Schmiedel  E. Schnepf 《Protoplasma》1979,100(3-4):367-383
Summary The regular branching of theFunaria caulonema filaments is partly related to rhythms in nuclear and cell division. The formation and development of the branches were studied by light and electron microscopy with particular attention directed to the distribution of microtubules and the polar organization of the cytoplasm. The new side branch breaks through the wall of the mother cell. The site of branch development is determined by the position of the nucleus of the mother cell. In protonemata which grow in vertically placed Petri dishes gravity influences the position of nuclei and side branches, and also the direction of oblique cross walls in the caulonema filaments to a certain extent.  相似文献   

本研究以孢子植葫芦藓为试验材料,采用Tail-PCR与RT-PCR相结合的方法克隆得到葫芦藓LFY基因(FhLFY)的完整片段,该基因DNA全长为2 527bp,包含4个外显子和3个内含子序列,有1个1 050 bp的完整开放阅读框,编码349个氨基酸.通过Tail-PCR技术克隆得到905 bp的FhLFY基因启动子...  相似文献   

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