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Newborn animals of a number of species display a brisk increase in ventilation followed by a gradual drop toward or below baseline within minutes of exposure to acute hypoxemia. Heart rate and cardiac output (a determinant of systemic oxygen transport along with the arterial oxygen content) appear to follow a similar pattern, but whether or not the cardiovascular response is influenced by the respiratory response is unknown. We therefore carried out experiments in which the level of ventilation was controlled during normoxemia and hypoxemia to test the hypothesis that the level of ventilation influences the cardiovascular response to acute hypoxemia. Six lambs ranging in age from 17 to 22 days were anesthetized, tracheostomized, and instrumented for measurement of cardiovascular variables. A recovery period of at least 3 days was allowed before the study when each lamb was artificially ventilated with a mixture of 70% nitrous oxide and 30% oxygen in nitrogen. A control respiratory frequency (f) of 30 breaths per min was set and a control tidal volume (VT) was chosen to achieve normocapnia. Cardiovascular measurements were made during normoxemia and hypoxemia (FIO2 0.10) 5 min after f or VT was changed to simulate a decrease, no change, or an increase in ventilation. During normoxemia, the level of ventilation had little effect on the measured cardiovascular variables. At control levels of ventilation, hypoxemia caused an increase in cardiac output that was due solely to an increase in stroke volume as heart rate decreased; blood pressure was unchanged. Increasing ventilation during hypoxemia did not augment cardiac output or alter blood pressure as compared with that observed at control levels of ventilation. Decreasing ventilation during hypoxemia, however, decreased cardiac output due to a profound bradycardia; blood pressure increased significantly. Our data provide evidence that the level of ventilation significantly influences the cardiovascular response to hypoxemia in young lambs.  相似文献   

Female behavioral responses to sensory stimuli can be highly variable across the reproductive cycle. Female green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) use the male vocal signal to locate and choose a mate. Gravid females approach a vocalizing male to mate but do not approach if they have recently mated. Such differences in behavioral response may be due in part to shifts in the neural representation of auditory information in the brain. In this study, we investigated the influence of female reproductive state on neural responses in the auditory midbrain to both communication signals (advertisement calls) and non-communication sounds (band limited noise bursts). Recently mated females exhibited significantly reduced response strengths compared to females not recently mated. Reduced response strengths in post-mated females were in response to both noise bursts and male advertisement calls but were limited to the lower frequency range corresponding to the amphibian papilla of the peripheral auditory system. Our results therefore show that the ability of social signals to stimulate the auditory system differs in females depending on their reproductive state, and that the differential effect on low versus high spectral sensitivities may influence the way the two spectral peaks of male advertisement calls are represented.  相似文献   

To investigate and compare the effect of inorganic and organic Se supplementation, 18 male lambs (24.68 ± 2.89 kg mean body weight, about 8–9 months of age) were divided into three groups of six animals in each, following randomized block design. While animals in the control group (Gr I) were fed a standard TMR containing 195 g/kg crushed maize grain, 175.5 g/kg soybean meal, 260 g/kg wheat bran, 13 g/kg mineral mixture (without Se), 6.5 g/kg common salt and 350 g/kg wheat straw, animals in Gr II and Gr III were additionally supplemented with 0.15 mg Se/kg of diet through sodium selenite (inorganic Se) and Jevsel-101 (organic Se), respectively. Experimental feeding was done for a period of 90 days. To assess the humoral immune response, all the lambs were intramuscularly inoculated with a single dose (2 mL) of Haemorrhagic septicaemia oil adjuvant vaccine on day 0; and blood samples were collected on day 0, 30, 60 and 90. Supplementation of Se had no effect on serum total cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin:globulin ratio, T3, T4, T4:T3 ratio; serum Ca and P levels and SGOT and SGPT activity. However, there was a significant increase in the serum Se level, RBC GSH-Px activity and humoral immune response in both the Se supplemented groups as compared to control group. Average daily gain (g) was highest (110) in Gr III, followed by Gr II (98.2) and lowest in Gr I (89.1). Thus, supplementation of organic as well as inorganic Se was found to improve the growth rate, humoral immune response and antioxidant status of the lambs; and between two sources, organic Se was more effective than inorganic Se.  相似文献   

The sexual and host‐related behaviours of the fruit fly Anastrepha obliqua Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae) are mediated by volatile compounds. However, whether the physiological state of this species affects its antennal and behavioural responses to semiochemicals is unknown. The effects of age, mating status, diet and the topical application of methoprene, a Juvenile hormone analogue (JHA), on the antennal sensitivity of this tephritid fruit fly species to selected male [(Z)‐3‐nonenol] and host fruit volatiles (ethyl benzoate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl butyrate and trans‐β‐ocimene) are investigated using electroantennography (EAG). Overall, (Z)‐3‐nonenol and ethyl benzoate elicit the highest EAG responses in both sexes. Flies of both sexes aged 1, 5 and 10 days old show higher EAG responses to the tested compounds compared with flies aged 20 days old. Virgin females and males show higher EAG responses to volatile compounds than mated flies. Females and males fed with sugar plus protein show higher antennal responses to volatiles compared with flies fed sugar or protein alone. Flies of both sexes treated with methoprene show higher antennal responses than flies treated with acetone (control). These results suggest that the peripheral olfactory system in A. obliqua is modulated by the physiological state of the flies.  相似文献   

In chloralose-urethane anaesthetized rabbits the acute circulatory and plasma vasopressin (pAVP) responses to moderate haemorrhage of 6 mL/kg body weight (10% blood volume) were followed after serial section of the aortic, vagus, and carotid sinus nerves. With all nerves intact, haemorrhage resulted in significant increases in pAVP, accompanied by decreases in systemic arterial pressure and right atrial pressure. With subsequent section of each afferent nerve, pAVP still increased in response to haemorrhage regardless of the order of nerve section. These results suggest that, in the anaesthetized rabbit, there is a further component of the pAVP response to haemorrhage, in addition to those carried in the aortic, vagus, and carotid sinus nerves.  相似文献   

The ventilatory response of newborn lambs to hypoxemia was evaluated in two groups of seven awake lambs studied at 2 and 7 days of life. Minute ventilation (VE) and airway occlusion pressure (P0.1) were monitored as the animals were exposed in sequence to room air, 12% O2 (15 min), 7% O2 (15 min), and room air. On 12 and 7% O2, 2-day-old lambs experienced a brisk hyperventilation followed by a VE depression, previously described in newborns of other species (diphasic response). The 7-day-old lambs had a clear diphasic VE response only on 7% O2 breathing. In the 2-day-old lambs, at the time of the relative VE depression to 12% O2, the respiratory centers showed a persisting responsiveness to further hypoxia; switching to 7% O2 caused a brisk increase in VE and P0.1 of 70 and 130%, respectively, which was followed again by a VE depression. The magnitude of the immediate VE response to hypoxia, taken as an index of the chemoreceptor strength, was inversely related to the magnitude of the VE depression (R = 0.81, P less than 0.001). It was concluded that 1) lambs as well as other neonates have an age-related diphasic VE response to hypoxia; 2) at the time of the VE depression, the respiratory centers maintain their responsiveness to further acute hypoxia; and 3) the weakness of the chemoreceptors in the newborn is a major determinant of the diphasic response.  相似文献   

Eighteen prostacyclin injections (19.4±1.5 μg/kg) were performed in five chronically instrumented, intact fetal lambs in order to study the effects on pulmonary blood flow. These resulted in a brief period of bradycardia followed by a more prolonged period of increased pulmonary blood flow. In this latter phase, pulmonary blood flow increased from a baseline value of 49±4 ml/(kg min) to 122±10 ml/(kg min). Systolic/diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure simultaneously fell from to mm Hg. Flow through the ductus arteriosus was unchanged and right ventricular output increased to account for the increased pulmonary blood flow. Thus, prostacyclin causes pulmonary vasodilation in intact fetal lambs and may participate in the control of fetal pulmonary blood flow and the circulatory adjustments to extra-uterine life.  相似文献   

To test the behavioural response of winged aphid spring migrants to visual contrasts, we conducted a field trial in which water traps (painted in seven different shades of green and yellow) were set up on uncovered soil and on coloured boards (also painted in seven different colours including black, brown and various shades of green). In total, 56 trap–background combinations were tested. Out of the 4904 aphid individuals caught, 64.5% belonged to Aphis ssp. Using spectral measurements of both traps and backgrounds, as well as information on insect spectral sensitivity, an empirical colour choice model was built based on photoreceptor adaptation to the background, and colour opponency of the green and blue photoreceptor. Specifically, the visual input variable C* represents the difference between green–blue colour opponency values of the trap and the background. When C* > 0, the number of aphids linearly increased with C*. The model explained 64% of the behavioural response of the aphids. Applied to intercropping scenarios of sugar beet, the behavioural model showed a higher visual attractivity of a monocrop sugar beet than intercropped sugar beet. Implications for the use of mulches and for increasing plant diversity in cropping systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Ovarian response to exogenous hormones in six-week-old lambs.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Crossbred lambs 5--6 weeks old were treated with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) (500 or 1500 i.u.) alone, hCG plus pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) (1000 or 2000 i.u.), 1000 i.u. PMSG alone, or were untreated. PMSG alone and PMSG + hCG increased ovarian weight and uterine weight. PMSG alone stimulated growth and luteinization of follicles but PMSG + hCG induced ovulations and formation of corpora lutea. hCG alone did not change any of the characteristics which were measured. PMSG had a significant effect on the number of vesicular follicles but none of the treatments affected the number of growing follicles.  相似文献   

The pattern of long-term GHRH administration capable of stimulating GH release without depleting pituitary GH content has been investigated using two experimental approaches. In experiment 1, recently weaned male lambs were treated for 3 weeks as follows: Group A) control; B) subcutaneous (sc) continuous infusion of GHRH (1200 mg/day) using a slow release pellet; C) the same as B plus 1 daily sc injection of long acting somatostatin (SS) (octreotide, 20 mg) ; D) 3 daily sc GHRH (250 mg) injections ; E) 2 daily sc injections of GHRH (250 mg) and 2 of natural SS (250 mg). In experiment 2, recently weaned male lambs were continuously GHRH-treated using sc osmotic minipumps (900 mg/day) alone or combined with a daily sc injection of octreotide (20 mg) for 4 weeks. Basal plasma GH levels were increased after chronic pulsatile GHRH treatment but not after any kind of continuous GHRH administration. This increment was maintained during the 3 weeks of experimentation and appeared accompanied by a pituitary GH content similar to controls. A marked GH response to the iv GHRH challenge was observed in controls and in lambs receiving both types of continuous sc GHRH infusions, whereas pulsatile sc GHRH-treated animals did not respond to the iv GHRH challenge in the first and second weeks of the study but did so in the third week of treatment. These data demonstrate that long-term pulsatile GHRH administration is capable of stimulating GH release in growing male lambs, without producing pituitary desensitization.  相似文献   

In this study we have evaluated the role of the peripheral chemoreceptors in the ventilatory response to caffeine at a dose currently used in human infants for treatment of central apneas (10 mg/kg). Twelve lambs were studied; six had carotid body denervation (CBD) and six had a sham denervation (intact). The denervation was done the 2nd wk of life, and the study of the response to caffeine infusion was carried out at a mean age of 82 days. The awake and nonsedated animals received 10 mg/kg of caffeine, and caffeine blood levels were, respectively, 8.8 and 9.0 mg/l in the intact and in the CBD lambs. The intact lambs responded to caffeine by a significant immediate increase in minute ventilation (VE) of 46% from 274 to 400 ml X min-1 X kg-1 (P less than 0.001), 1 min after caffeine infusion. This response rapidly faded, but VE was still increased at 2 h, 314 ml X min-1 X kg-1. The increase in ventilation was brought about by a change in mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI), which increased from 9.9 to 14.0 ml X s-1 X kg-1 within 1 min (P less than 0.01); VT/TI was still increased at 11.2 ml X s-1 X kg-1 2 h later. In contrast, for the CBD lambs there was no response to caffeine infusion as measured by VE or VT/TI. We conclude that bolus caffeine infusion produces a rapid response in VE followed by a fall in VE that remained above base line until at least 2 h postinfusion, and the intact chemoreceptor function appears as an essential mediator for these increases in ventilation, since the peripheral chemodenervation has completely abolished the VE response to this particular dose of caffeine.  相似文献   

R Green  J Rojas  H Sundell 《Prostaglandins》1979,18(6):927-934
Eighteen prostacyclin injections (19.4 +/- 1.5 micrograms/kg) were performed in five chronically instrumented, intact fetal lambs in order to study the effects on pulmonary blood flow. These resulted in a brief period of bradycardia followed by a more prolonged period of increased pulmonary blood flow. In this latter phase, pulmonary blood flow increased from a baseline value of 49 +/- 4 ml/(kg min) to 122 +/- 10 ml/(kg min). Systolic/diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure simultaneously fell from 73 +/- 2/48 +/- 1 to 68 +/- 2/42 +/- 1 mm Hg. Flow through the ductus arteriosus was unchanged and right ventricular output increased to account for the increased pulmonary blood flow. Thus, prostacyclin causes pulmonary vasodilation in intact fetal lambs and may participate in the control of fetal pulmonary blood flow and the circulatory adjustments to extra-uterine life.  相似文献   

Effects of stimulation of the nucleus tractus solitarii, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the nucleus reticularis paramedianus, and the nucleus cuneatus were studied in free-moving cats. Stimulation of the medullary nuclei that are known to be involved in the central nervous control of cardiovascular functions might activate preprogrammed motor responses such as licking and sniffing, and induce complex behavioural response patterns such as sleep or flight reaction. Moreover, both lever-pressing for rewarding brain stimulation, and eating in food deprived cats might be modulated by these stimulations. In a shuttle box the cats showed no tendency toward shuttling during stimulation, except the stimulation of the nucleus reticularis paramedianus which produced aversion. The cardiovascular and respiratory effects varied parallel with the behavioural responses. It is concluded that the medullary nuclei related to visceral functions are capable of affecting somatomotor behaviour either directly on the motor system, or by inducing complex response patterns in which somatomotor and visceral responses are integrated.  相似文献   

Pulmonary response to group B streptococcal toxin in young lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marked respiratory distress is seen in severe early onset group B beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GBS) disease in newborn infants. To investigate the pathophysiological effects of a polysaccharide toxin from GBS type III cultures, obtained from an infant who died from this disease, young chronically instrumented, unanesthetized lambs were studied with measurements of lung mechanics, lung volumes, ventilation, hemodynamics, and lung vascular permeability. Intravenously administered GBS toxin resulted in a biphasic response with an early threefold increase in total lung resistance, 40% decrease in dynamic lung compliance, and 30% increase in minute ventilation coinciding with hypoxemia, pulmonary hypertension, and fever. A second phase of the response followed consisting of less prominent changes in these variables as well as increased lung lymph protein clearance compatible with increased vascular permeability. The temporal close relationship between marked leukopenia and increased lung lymph thromboxane B2 concentrations to the simultaneously occurring pulmonary hypertension and changes in lung mechanics suggests that leukocytes and thromboxane A2 may be mediators of these GBS toxin-induced effects.  相似文献   

Although endoscopic studies in adult humans have suggested that laryngeal closure can limit alveolar ventilation during nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (nIPPV), there are no available data regarding glottal muscle activity during nIPPV. In addition, laryngeal behavior during nIPPV has not been investigated in neonates. The aim of the present study was to assess laryngeal muscle response to nIPPV in nonsedated newborn lambs. Nine newborn lambs were instrumented for recording states of alertness, electrical activity [electromyograph (EMG)] of glottal constrictor (thyroarytenoid, TA) and dilator (cricothyroid, CT) muscles, EMG of the diaphragm (Dia), and mask and tracheal pressures. nIPPV in pressure support (PS) and volume control (VC) modes was delivered to the lambs via a nasal mask. Results show that increasing nIPPV during wakefulness and quiet sleep led to a progressive disappearance of Dia and CT EMG and to the appearance and subsequent increase in TA EMG during inspiration, together with an increase in trans-upper airway pressure (TUAP). On rare occasions, transmission of nIPPV through the glottis was prevented by complete, active glottal closure, a phenomenon more frequent during active sleep epochs, when irregular bursts of TA EMG were observed. In conclusion, results of the present study suggest that active glottal closure develops with nIPPV in nonsedated lambs, especially in the VC mode. Our observations further suggest that such closure can limit lung ventilation when raising nIPPV in neonates.  相似文献   

Exponential and diphasic ventilatory response to hypoxia in conscious lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that in the neonate the hypoxic chemoreflex drive adapts to steady-state hypoxia but not to progressive hypoxia. First we have compared the ventilatory (VE) response of 2-day-old conscious lambs to steady-state hypoxia with their response to progressive hypoxia. Second, we have quantified the chemoreceptor excitatory function operating at the end of each period of hypoxia by studying the immediate VE response to the withdrawal of the hypoxic stimulus. Lambs responded to steady-state hypoxia [fractional concentration of inspired O2 (FIO2) = 0.08] by a diphasic VE response but responded to progressive hypoxia (FIO2 0.21-0.08) by an exponential VE increase. Hyperventilation in steady-state hypoxia was transient; VE increased immediately from 532 to a mean peak response of 712 ml X kg-1 X min-1 and decreased to 595 ml X kg-1. min-1 within 10 min. With progressive hypoxia, VE increased within 13 min from 514 to 705 ml X kg-1 X min-1. At the end of steady-state and progressive hypoxia the abrupt withdrawal of the hypoxic drive caused an instantaneous VE decrease to 390 and 399 ml X kg-1 X min-1, respectively; the VE decrease was respectively 306 and 205 ml X kg-1 X min-1 (P less than 0.05). This demonstrates that during steady-state hypoxia the lambs had suffered a loss of one third of the chemoreceptor excitatory function.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between the attitude and the behaviour of the stockperson towards cows and the behavioural response to humans and the milk production of cows at 31 commercial dairy farms over one lactation. The attitude of the stockperson was measured on the basis of the stockperson's opinion of the cow's behaviour and how the stockperson evaluated his own behaviour. The behaviour of the stockperson was measured by recording the nature and frequency of the tactile interactions and some visual and auditory interactions directed towards the cows. The behavioural response of cows to humans was assessed by observing their approach behaviour to an unfamiliar experimenter in a standard test and production records were collected for the entire lactation at each farm. Correlation and regression analyses using farm averages were used to examine relationships between human and cow variables. Several cow behaviour variables, indicative of fear of humans, were moderately (P<0.05) to highly (P<0.01) correlated with milk yield and composition and regression analysis indicated that fear of humans accounted for 19% of the variation in milk yield between farms. The results suggest that at farms where milk yield was low, cows showed less approach to the experimenter in the standard fear test than at farms where milk yield was higher. A composite attitude score, based on the responses of stockpeople to questions about patting and talking to cows, ease of movement of cows and cows recognising unfamiliar stockpeople, was moderately (P<0.05) to highly (P<0.01) correlated with the behaviour of the stockperson. While a number of stockperson behaviour variables were correlated (P<0.05) with milk yield, the former variables were generally poorly correlated with cow behaviour. Therefore these preliminary findings provide evidence that, as seen in the pig industry, sequential relationships may exist between the attitude and behaviour of the stockperson and the behaviour and productivity of commercial dairy cows. Research is required to further examine these relationships because of the possible implications on cow productivity and welfare.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight adults, nearly all male, aged between 35 and 50, with slight bronchiopneumopathy in a state of functional compensation, were subjected to hypoxia by rerespiration. Heart rate and oxyhaemoglobin saturation were observed. In nearly all cases, hypoxia caused an increase in heart rate that varied considerably from subject to subject, but seemed more marked between the 1st and 2nd minute after start of the trial. Normalization of heart rate, similarly very variable, reflected the increase phase and was complete in periode varying between 30 and 210 seconds. It may be supposed that as regards heart rate the wide variety of responses to the same stimulus is due to individual states of equilibrium of a predominantly vegetative nature. There was no relation between duration of the hypoxia trial, extent of desaturation and time of resaturation in air because the rate of haemoglobin desaturation and resaturation varied from case to case.  相似文献   

枣镰翅小卷蛾雄蛾对性信息素的行为反应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在风洞中观察了枣镰翅小卷蛾Ancylis sativa雄蛾对合成性信息素不同组分(E9-12∶Ac和Z9-12∶Ac)的行为反应。E9-12∶Ac组分能够引起少量雄蛾(8-3%)完成从兴奋到接触诱芯并呈现交配企图的全部行为反应,而雄蛾对Z9-12∶Ac组分无反应。E9-12∶Ac+Z9-12∶Ac混合物中前者占60%~65%效果最好,能使71.7%~76.7%雄蛾到达诱芯并呈现交配企图。E9-12∶Ac与Z9-12∶Ac为6.5∶3.5时,200 ng~2 000 ng的剂量效果最好,有76.7%~81.7%雄蛾到达诱芯。  相似文献   

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