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The influence of tongue deafferentation on the plasma level of sodium homeostasis-controlling hormones has been studied. Using radioimmunoassay, high corticosterone and aldosterone plasma levels were discovered in rats with tongue deafferentation, as compared to sham-operated controls. ACTH and angiotensin I plasma concentrations in deafferentated rats were the same as in sham-operated rats. The role of emotional factors of taste perception in sodium homeostasis control is being discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of orosensory signals, especially taste, on body mass, and feeding and drinking patterns in the rat was examined. Gustatory deafferentation was produced by bilateral transection of the chorda tympani, glossopharyngeal, and greater superficial petrosal nerves. Total calories consumed from sweetened-milk diet and oil-chow mash by the nerve-transected rats significantly decreased relative to sham-operated controls, mostly attributable to decreases in bout number, but not size. Nevertheless, caloric intake steadily increased over the postsurgical observation period, but body mass remained below both presurgical baseline and control levels and did not significantly increase over this time. After the sweetened-milk diet/oil-chow mash phase, rats received a series of sucrose preference tests. Interestingly, the nerve-transected rats preferred sucrose, and intake did not differ from controls, likely due to the stimulus sharing some nontaste chemosensory properties with the sweetened-milk diet. The neurotomized rats initiated a greater number of sucrose-licking bouts that were smaller in size and slower in licking rate, compared with control rats, and, unlike in control rats, the latter two bout parameters did not vary across concentration. Thus, in the absence of gustatory neural input, body mass is more stable compared with the progressive trajectory of weight gain seen in intact rats, and caloric intake initially decreases but recovers. The consequences of gustatory neurotomy on processes that determine meal initiation (bout number) and meal termination (bout size) are not fixed and appear to be influenced by presurgical experience with food stimuli coupled with its nongustatory chemosensory properties.  相似文献   

London  J.A. 《Chemical senses》1997,22(5):599
Having been informed by the Dean of the School of Dental Medicineat the University of Connecticut Health Center that some ofthe data reported in the above article has been found to befabricated, the Editors of Chemical Senses hereby retract thispaper and discourage citations of it.  相似文献   

London  Jill A. 《Chemical senses》1990,15(1):137-143
Voltage sensitive dyes in conjunction with a photodiode arraywere used to make multi-site optical recordings in the hamstergustatory cortex. Two discrete, but adjacent, areas of thiscortex were activated when different parts of the tongue wereelectrically stimulated. These two areas were activated withdifferent latencies suggesting a temporal as well as a spatialmapping of the periphery onto the cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Antidromic electrical stimulation of the lingual branch of the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve of the frog was carried out while recording intracellular potentials of taste disc cells.Antidromic activation of sensory fibers resulted in depolarization of cells of the upper layer of the disc and most commonly in hyperpolarization of the cells in the lower layer. These changes in potential exhibited latencies greater than 1 s (Fig. 3), and thus cannot be due to electrotonic effects of action potentials in terminals of IX nerve fibers, which have much shorter conduction times. These cell potentials also showed summation, adaptation and post-stimulus rebound (Figs. 3, 4).Depending upon the chemical stimulus used, antidromic activity produced either depression or enhancement of gustatory fiber discharge in response to taste stimuli (Fig. 5).Alteration of the resting membrane potential by current injection did not significantly modify the antidromically evoked potentials (Fig. 8), whereas chemical stimulation of the tongue did (Fig. 7), indicating that these potential changes are not the result of passive electrical processes.These experimental results indicate that the membrane potential of taste disc cells can be modified by antidromic activity in their afferent nerves. This mechanism may be responsible for peripheral interactions among gustatory units of the frog tongue.The research was supported in part by NIH grant NS-09168.  相似文献   

We characterized the gustatory phenotypes of neonatal mice having null mutations for epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr(-/-)), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf(-/-)), or both. We counted the number and diameter of fungiform taste buds, the prevalence of poorly differentiated or missing taste cells, and the incidence of ectopic filiform-like spines, each as a function of postnatal age and anterior/posterior location. Egfr(-/-) mice and bdnf(-/-) mice had similar reductions in the total number of taste buds on the anterior portions of the tongue and palate. Nonetheless, there were significant differences in their gustatory phenotypes. EGFR deficiency selectively impaired the development of anterior gustatory epithelia in the mouth. Only bdnf(-/-) mice had numerous taste buds missing from the foliate, vallate, and posterior fungiform papillae. Only egfr(-/-) fungiform taste papillae had robust gustatory innervation, markedly reduced cytokeratin 8 expression in taste cells, and a high incidence of a filiform-like spine. Egfr/bdnf double-null mutant mice had a higher frequency of failed fungiform taste bud differentiation. In bdnf(-/-) mice taste cell development failed because of sparse gustatory innervation. In contrast, in young egfr(-/-) mice the abundance of axons innervating fungiform papillae and the normal numbers of geniculate ganglion neurons implicate gustatory epithelial defects rather than neural defects.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the effect of selective deafferentation on the reperfusion injury of the skeletal muscle when nociceptive sensory fibers of the left sciatic nerve are selectively damaged by capsaicin pretreatment in a rat model following tourniquet ischemia (ISC) applied for 30 min, 1 h, and 2 h on the left hind limb. The isometric tetanic contractile force of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle was measured after 1 h, and 1, 3, or 7 days of reperfusion. Contractile force of the damaged muscle was compared to the intact contralateral muscle. In another group, ISC was used without capsaicin pre-treatment. After 30 min of ISC, there was no difference between deafferented and non-pretreated groups. Following 1 h ISC, with the exception of 1 h reperfusion, the non-pretreated group produced stronger contractions than the deafferented group. After 2 h ISC, the contractile force of the deafferented muscle was significantly stronger compared to the non-deafferented muscle force at all reperfusion times. In conclusions, it was found that the absence of peptidergic sensory fibers after long-lasting (2 h) ischemia is beneficial in reperfusion injury, whereas the absence of vasodilator peptides has unfavorable effects if tissue damage is milder (after 1 h ischemia).  相似文献   

We investigated whether neural afferents to the medial basal hypothalamus play an acute role in the estrous phase of FSH release in the 4-day cyclic rat. A cannula was inserted into the right atrium of the heart under brief ether anesthesia during the early afternoon of proestrus for subsequent blood collections and injection of LHRH. In some of the rats, the medial basal hypothalamus was surgically isolated from the rest of the brain with a small knife under brief ether anesthesia between 2000 h and 2130 h of proestrus. Control groups consisted of naive rats which were not treated during the night of proestrus and sham-operated animals in which the knife was lowered to the corpus callosum between 2000 h and 2130 h or proestrus. Rats were bled at 2200 h of proestrus and at 0200 h, 0600 h and 1000 h of estrus for radioimmunoassay of plasma FSH and LH. The plasma FSH levels in all 3 groups between 2200 h of proestrus and 1000 h of estrus were elevated above levels observed in other cannulated rats bled to the onset of the proestrous phase of FSH release at 1400 h of proestrus. There were no statistically significant differences in plasma FSH or LH concentrations at any of the time periods between the 3 groups of serially bled rats. The deafferentation procedure did not appear to impair the pituitary gland's ability to secret gonadotrophins as injection of 50 ng of LHRH after the bleeding at 1000 h of estrus caused substantial elevations in plasma FSH and LH concentrations which were not different between the 3 groups. The results suggest that neural afferents to the medial basal hypothalamus play no acute role in the estrous phase of FSH release in the cyclic rat.  相似文献   

In vitro binding of specific opioid ligands to their respective sites in membrane fractions and the contribution of individual receptor classes (mu, delta, kappa) was studied in rats after longlasting (up to 22 months) section of spinal dorsal roots at the cervical (C5-8) or thoracic (Th1-4) level. This procedure leads to autotomy or scratching of the skin on the operated side. The total number of receptors in the cervical and thoracic spinal cord was more than doubled in both operated and contralateral part of the cord in comparison with intact controls of the same age. In the cervical region, this increase mainly represented a rise in the number of free receptors, whilst in the thoracic region both free and saturated receptors were increased. On the deafferented side, receptor selectivity, especially in the delta and kappa types was decreased.  相似文献   

Taste receptors on the left and right sides of the anterior tongue are innervated by chorda tympani (CT) fibers, which carry taste information to the ipsilateral nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Although the anterior tongue is essential for taste, patients with unilateral CT nerve damage often report no subjective change in their taste experience. The standing theory that explains the taste constancy is the "release of inhibition", which hypothesizes that within the NST there are inhibitory interactions between inputs from the CT and glossopharyngeal nerves and that the loss of taste information from the CT is compensated by a release of inhibition on the glossopharyngeal nerve input. However, the possibility of compensation by taste input from the other side of the tongue has never been investigated in rodents. We recorded from 95 taste-responsive neurons in the NST and examined their responsiveness to stimulation of the contralateral CT. Forty-six cells were activated, mostly with excitatory responses (42 cells). Activation of NST cells induced by contralateral CT stimulation was blocked by microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST but was not affected by anesthetization of the contralateral parabrachial nuclei (PbN). In addition, the NST cells that were activated by contralateral CT stimulation showed reduced responsiveness to taste stimulation after microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST. These results demonstrate that nearly half of the taste neurons in the NST receive gustatory information from both sides of the tongue. This "cross talk" between bilateral NST may also contribute to the "taste constancy".  相似文献   

Chondrocytes in articular cartilage are regularly subjected to compression and recovery due to dynamic loading of the joint. Previous studies have investigated the elastic and viscoelastic properties of chondrocytes using micropipette aspiration techniques, but in order to calculate cell properties, these studies have generally assumed that cells are incompressible with a Poisson's ratio of 0.5. The goal of this study was to measure the Poisson's ratio and recovery properties of the chondrocyte by combining theoretical modeling with experimental measures of complete cellular aspiration and release from a micropipette. Chondrocytes isolated from non-osteoarthritic and osteoarthritic cartilage were fully aspirated into a micropipette and allowed to reach mechanical equilibrium. Cells were then extruded from the micropipette and cell volume and morphology were measured throughout the experiment. This experimental procedure was simulated with finite element analysis, modeling the chondrocyte as either a compressible two-mode viscoelastic solid, or as a biphasic viscoelastic material. By fitting the experimental data to the theoretically predicted cell response, the Poisson's ratio and the viscoelastic recovery properties of the cell were determined. The Poisson's ratio of chondrocytes was found to be 0.38 for non-osteoarthritic cartilage and 0.36 for osteoarthritic chondrocytes (no significant difference). Osteoarthritic chondrocytes showed an increased recovery time following full aspiration. In contrast to previous assumptions, these findings suggest that chondrocytes are compressible, consistent with previous studies showing cell volume changes with compression of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The ventral giant interneurons (GIs) in the cockroach have two distinct dendritic fields: a small one ipsilateral to the soma, and a larger, contralateral field from which the axon arises. The major input to these GIs is from the cercus on the axon side; when this cercus is ablated in the last instar before the adult stage, input from the other cercus becomes more effective within 30 days (Vardi and Camhi, 1982b). I wished to determine if the input from the intact, soma-ipsilateral cercus contacted the GIs purely ipsilaterally and if EPSPs at this site were larger in deafferented animals. Consistent with earlier anatomical findings, intracellular recordings from the GI somata showed that the majority of cercal inputs synapse on their own side of the ganglion in normal animals. This was evidenced by differences in the size and shape of the synaptic potentials evoked from the two cerci and by the presence of large EPSPs after a ganglion had been split along the midline. Unitary EPSPs produced by stimulation of single, identified cercal afferents, ipsilateral to the soma, were compared between normal and deafferented animals. Column "h" afferents were chosen because they make a large contribution to the receptive fields of GIs 1 and 2 after ablation of the contralateral cercus. In addition, the arbors of these afferents, when stained with cobalt, did not cross the ganglionic midline in normal animals. Unitary EPSPs recorded in GI 2 were significantly larger in the deafferented animals. There was, however, no significant change in the size of EPSPs in GI 1. Nevertheless, the results from GI 2 suggest that partial deafferentation in the central nervous system can increase the efficacy of synapses distant from the locus of denervation.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the flight motor pattern of the mature locust (Locusta migratoria L.) relies heavily on the input of the hindwing tegulae. Removal of the hindwing tegulae results in an immediate change in the motor pattern: the wingbeat frequency (WBF) decreases and the interval between the activity of depressor and elevator muscles (D–E interval) increases. In contrast, removal of the forewing tegulae has little effect on the motor pattern. Here we report adaptive modifications in the flight system that occur after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Over a period of about 2 weeks following hendwing tegula removal, the flight motor pattern progressively returned towards normal, and in about 80% of the animals recovery of the flight motor pattern was complete. We describe the changes in the activity pattern of flight muscles and in the patterns of depolarizations in flight motoneurons and flight interneurons associated with this recovery. In contrast to the situation in the intact animal, the activity of the forewing tegulae is necessary in recovered animals for the generation of the motor pattern. Removal of the forewing tegulae in recovered animals resulted resulted in similar changes in the flight motor pattern as were observed in intact animals after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Furthermore, electrical stimulation of forewing tegula afferents in recovered animals produced similar resetting effects on the motor pattern as electrical stimulation of the hindwing tegulae afferents in intact animals. From these observations we conclude that recovery is due to the functional replacement of the removed hindwing tegulae by input from the forewing tegulae.  相似文献   

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