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Patch occupancy theory predicts that a trade-off between competition and dispersal should lead to regional coexistence of competing species. Empirical investigations, however, find local coexistence of superior and inferior competitors, an outcome that cannot be explained within the patch occupancy framework because of the decoupling of local and spatial dynamics. We develop two-patch metapopulation models that explicitly consider the interaction between competition and dispersal. We show that a dispersal-competition trade-off can lead to local coexistence provided the inferior competitor is superior at colonizing empty patches as well as immigrating among occupied patches. Immigration from patches that the superior competitor cannot colonize rescues the inferior competitor from extinction in patches that both species colonize. Too much immigration, however, can be detrimental to coexistence. When competitive asymmetry between species is high, local coexistence is possible only if the dispersal rate of the inferior competitor occurs below a critical threshold. If competing species have comparable colonization abilities and the environment is otherwise spatially homogeneous, a superior ability to immigrate among occupied patches cannot prevent exclusion of the inferior competitor. If, however, biotic or abiotic factors create spatial heterogeneity in competitive rankings across the landscape, local coexistence can occur even in the absence of a dispersal-competition trade-off. In fact, coexistence requires that the dispersal rate of the overall inferior competitor not exceed a critical threshold. Explicit consideration of how dispersal modifies local competitive interactions shifts the focus from the patch occupancy approach with its emphasis on extinction-colonization dynamics to the realm of source-sink dynamics. The key to coexistence in this framework is spatial variance in fitness. Unlike in the patch occupancy framework, high rates of dispersal can undermine coexistence, and hence diversity, by reducing spatial variance in fitness.  相似文献   

A variety of models have shown that spatial dynamics and small-scale endogenous heterogeneity (e.g., forest gaps or local resource depletion zones) can change the rate and outcome of competition in communities of plants or other sessile organisms. However, the theory appears complicated and hard to connect to real systems. We synthesize results from three different kinds of models: interacting particle systems, moment equations for spatial point processes, and metapopulation or patch models. Studies using all three frameworks agree that spatial dynamics need not enhance coexistence nor slow down dynamics; their effects depend on the underlying competitive interactions in the community. When similar species would coexist in a nonspatial habitat, endogenous spatial structure inhibits coexistence and slows dynamics. When a dominant species disperses poorly and the weaker species has higher fecundity or better dispersal, competition-colonization trade-offs enhance coexistence. Even when species have equal dispersal and per-generation fecundity, spatial successional niches where the weaker and faster-growing species can rapidly exploit ephemeral local resources can enhance coexistence. When interspecific competition is strong, spatial dynamics reduce founder control at large scales and short dispersal becomes advantageous. We describe a series of empirical tests to detect and distinguish among the suggested scenarios.  相似文献   

Both spatial heterogeneity and exploiters (parasites and predators) have been implicated as key ecological factors driving population diversification. However, it is unclear how these factors interact. We addressed this question using the common plant-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, which has been shown to diversify rapidly into spatial niche-specialist genotypes when propagated in laboratory microcosms. Replicate populations were evolved in spatially homogeneous and heterogeneous environments (shaken and static microcosms, respectively) with and without viral parasites (bacteriophage) for approximately 60 bacterial generations. Consistent with previous findings, exploiters reduced diversity in heterogeneous environments by relaxing the intensity of resource competition. By contrast, exploiters increased diversity in homogeneous environments where there was little diversification through resource competition. Competition experiments revealed this increase in diversity to be the result of fitness trade-offs between exploiter resistance and competitive ability. In both environments, exploiters increased allopatric diversity, presumably as a result of divergent selection for resistance between populations. Phage increased total diversity in homogeneous environments, but had no net effect in heterogeneous environments. Such interactions between key ecological variables need to be considered when addressing diversification and coexistence in future studies.  相似文献   

Longevity is a life-history trait that is shaped by natural selection. An unexplored consequence is how selection on this trait affects diversity and diversification in species assemblages. Motivated by the diverse rockfish (Sebastes) assemblage in the North Pacific, the effects of trade-offs in longevity against competitive ability are explored. A competition model is developed and used to explore the potential for species diversification and coexistence. Invasion analyses highlight that life-history trait trade-offs in longevity can mitigate the effects of competitive ability and favour the coexistence of a finite number of species. Our results have implications for niche differentiation, limiting similarity and assembly dynamics in multispecies interactions.  相似文献   

The competition-colonization trade-off has long been considered an important mechanism explaining species coexistence in spatially structured environments, yet data supporting it remain ambiguous. Most competition-colonization research examines plants and the dispersal-linked traits of their seeds. However, colonization is more than just dispersal because rapid population growth is also an important component of colonization. We tested for the presence of competition-colonization trade-offs with a commonly used artificial assemblage consisting of protozoan and rotifer species, where colonization was the ability of a species to establish populations in patches. By ranking species according to their colonization abilities and their pairwise competitive interactions, we show that these species exhibit competition-colonization trade-offs. These results reveal that the competition-colonization trade-off exists within nonplant assemblages and that even in a laboratory setting, species are constrained to be either good competitors or colonizers but not both.  相似文献   

Competitive coexistence in spatially structured environments: a synthesis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Theoretical developments in spatial competitive coexistence are far in advance of empirical investigations. A framework that makes comparative predictions for alternative hypotheses is a crucial element in narrowing this gap. This review attempts to synthesize spatial competition theory into such a framework, with the goal of motivating empirical investigations that adopt the comparative approach. The synthesis presented is based on a major axis, coexistence in spatially homogeneous vs. heterogeneous competitive environments, along which the theory can be organized. The resulting framework integrates such key concepts as niche theory, spatial heterogeneity and spatial scale(s) of coexistence. It yields comparative predictions that can guide empirical investigations.  相似文献   

Theories and empirical evidence suggest that random dispersal of organisms promotes species coexistence in spatially structured environments. However, directed dispersal, where movement is adjusted with fitness-related cues, is less explored in studies of dispersal-mediated coexistence. Here, we present a metacommunity model of two consumers exhibiting directed dispersal and competing for a single resource. Our results indicated that directed dispersal promotes coexistence through two distinct mechanisms, depending on the adaptiveness of dispersal. Maladaptive directed dispersal may promote coexistence similar to random dispersal. More importantly, directed dispersal is adaptive when dispersers track patches of increased resources in fluctuating environments. Coexistence is promoted under increased adaptive dispersal ability of the inferior competitor relative to the superior competitor. This newly described dispersal-mediated coexistence mechanism is likely favored by natural selection under the trade-off between competitive and adaptive dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

The importance of neutral dynamics is contentiously debated in the ecological literature. This debate focuses on neutral theory's assumption of fitness equivalency among individuals, which conflicts with stabilizing fitness that promotes coexistence through niche differentiation. I take advantage of competition-colonization trade-offs between species of aquatic micro-organisms (protozoans and rotifers) to show that equalizing and stabilizing mechanisms can operate simultaneously. Competition trials between species with similar colonization abilities were less likely to result in competitive exclusion than for species further apart. While the stabilizing mechanism (colonization differences) facilitates coexistence at large spatial scales, species with similar colonization abilities also exhibited local coexistence probably due to fitness similarities allowing weak stabilizing mechanisms to operate. These results suggest that neutral- and niche-based mechanisms of coexistence can simultaneously operate at differing temporal and spatial scales, and such a spatially explicit view of coexistence may be one way to reconcile niche and neutral dynamics.  相似文献   

It is well known that dispersal from localities favourable to a species' growth and reproduction (sources) can prevent competitive exclusion in unfavourable localities (sinks). What is perhaps less well known is that too much emigration can undermine the viability of sources and cause regional competitive exclusion. Here, I investigate two biological mechanisms that reduce the cost of dispersal to source communities. The first involves increasing the spatial variation in the strength of competition such that sources can withstand high rates of emigration; the second involves reducing emigration from sources via density-dependent dispersal. I compare how different forms of spatial variation and modes of dispersal influence source viability, and hence source-sink coexistence, under dominance and pre-emptive competition. A key finding is that, while spatial variation substantially reduces dispersal costs under both types of competition, density-dependent dispersal does so only under dominance competition. For instance, when spatial variation in the strength of competition is high, coexistence is possible (regardless of the type of competition) even when sources experience high emigration rates; when spatial variation is low, coexistence is restricted even under low emigration rates. Under dominance competition, density-dependent dispersal has a strong effect on coexistence. For instance, when the emigration rate increases with density at an accelerating rate (Type III density-dependent dispersal), coexistence is possible even when spatial variation is quite low; when the emigration rate increases with density at a decelerating rate (Type II density-dependent dispersal), coexistence is restricted even when spatial variation is quite high. Under pre-emptive competition, density-dependent dispersal has only a marginal effect on coexistence. Thus, the diversity-reducing effects of high dispersal rates persist under pre-emptive competition even when dispersal is density dependent, but can be significantly mitigated under dominance competition if density-dependent dispersal is Type III rather than Type II. These results lead to testable predictions about source-sink coexistence under different regimes of competition, spatial variation and dispersal. They identify situations in which density-independent dispersal provides a reasonable approximation to species' dispersal patterns, and those under which consideration of density-dependent dispersal is crucial to predicting long-term coexistence.  相似文献   

Dispersal among sites can affect within-site competitive outcomes via source-sink dynamics. Source-sink dynamics are thought to affect competitive outcomes primarily via spatial subsidies: by redistributing individuals from sources to sinks, source-sink dynamics can alter competitive outcomes in both sources and sinks. However, dispersal also can affect competitive outcomes via demography modification, which occurs when dispersal alters the parameters governing species' per capita demographic rates. For instance, dispersal of exploitative competitors might cause extinction of some of the resources for which competition occurs, thereby altering the competition coefficients. I used protist microcosms as a model system to test whether spatial subsidies alone could explain the effects of source-sink dynamics on competitive outcomes. I examined the long-term outcome of exploitative competition among three bacterivorous ciliate protists in microcosms of high enrichment (sources) and low enrichment (sinks) in both the presence and the absence of dispersal. Dispersal altered competitive outcomes. Fitting mathematical models to the population dynamics revealed that spatial subsidies were insufficient to account for the effects of dispersal. Fitting alternative models strongly suggested that demography modification was an important determinant of competitive outcomes. These results provide the first evidence that dispersal does not simply redistribute competitors but can alter their per capita demographic rates.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions and invasibility between short- and long-distance dispersal was investigated in a population on a heterogeneous landscape with spatial correlations in habitat types, and where the driving interaction between individuals is competition for space. Stochastic spatially explicit simulations were used, along with differential equation models based on pair approximations. Conditions under which either dispersal strategy can successfully invade the other were determined, as a function of the amount and clustering of suitable habitat and the relative costs involved in the two dispersal strategies. Long-distance dispersal, which reduces intraspecific competition, is sometimes advantageous even where aggregation of suitable habitat would otherwise favor short-distance dispersal, although certain habitat distributions can lead to either strategy being dominant. Coexistence is also possible on some landscapes, where the spatial structure of the populations partitions suitable sites according to the number of suitable neighboring sites. Mutual competitive exclusion, where whichever strategy is established first cannot be invaded, is also possible. All of these results are observed even when there is no intrinsic difference in the two strategies' costs, such as mortality or competitive abilities.  相似文献   

Evolution and ecological diversification in a heterogeneous environment is driven by an often complex interplay between local adaptation and dispersal between different habitat types. Heterogeneous environments also easily generate source-sink dynamics of populations coupled by dispersal. It follows that local adaptation and possible adaptive radiation almost by necessity involves adaptation to a (pseudo-)sink habitat, which is considered unlikely. We here study a model of ‘parapatric branching’ with this special focus on the spatial ecology of the process. We find that evolutionary branching can display a sequence of alternating adaptations to the source or the sink. In some circumstances a true sink can become a pseudo-sink through adaptation to the corresponding source habitat. The evolutionary endpoint is a spatially structured community consisting of two source populations with one corresponding sink or pseudo-sink each. Our results shed new light on the interpretation of extant source-sink systems and the process of parapatric branching.  相似文献   

1. Researchers often use the spatial distribution of insect offspring as a measure of adult oviposition preferences, and then make conclusions about the consequences of these preferences for population growth and the relationship between life-history traits (e.g. oviposition preference and offspring performance). However, several processes other than oviposition preference can generate spatial patterns of offspring density (e.g. dispersal limitations, spatially heterogeneous mortality rates). Incorrectly assuming that offspring distributions reflect oviposition preferences may therefore compromise our ability to understand the mechanisms determining population distributions and the relationship between life-history traits. 2. The purpose of this study was to perform an empirical study at the whole-system scale to examine the movement and oviposition behaviours of the eastern tree hole mosquito Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say) and test the importance of these behaviours in determining population distribution relative to other mechanisms. 3. A mark-release-recapture experiment was performed to distinguish among the following alternative hypotheses that may explain a previously observed aggregated distribution of tree hole mosquito offspring: (H(1)) mosquitoes prefer habitats with particular vegetation characteristics and these preferences determine the distribution of their offspring; (H(2)) mosquitoes distribute their eggs randomly or evenly throughout their environment, but spatial differences in developmental success generate an aggregated pattern of larval density; (H(3)) mosquitoes randomly colonize habitats, but have limited dispersal capability causing them to distribute offspring where founder populations were established; (H(4)) wind or other environmental factors may lead to passive aggregation, or spatial heterogeneity in adult mortality (H(5)), rather than dispersal, generates clumped offspring distributions. 4. Results indicate that the distribution of tree hole mosquito larvae is determined in part by adult habitat selection (H(1)), but do not exclude additional effects from passive aggregation (H(4)), or spatial patterns in adult mortality (H(5)). 5. This research illustrates the importance of studying oviposition behaviour at the population scale to better evaluate its relative importance in determining population distribution and dynamics. Moreover, this study demonstrates the importance of linking behavioural and population dynamics for understanding evolutionary relationships among life-history traits (e.g. preference and offspring performance) and predicting when behaviour will be important in determining population phenomena.  相似文献   

Two‐patch compartment models have been explored to understand the spatial processes that promote species coexistence. However, a phenomenological definition of the inter‐patch ‘dispersal rate’ has limited the quantitative predictability of these models to community dynamics in spatially continuous habitats. Here, we mechanistically rederived a two‐patch Lotka–Volterra competition model for a spatially continuous reaction‐diffusion system where a narrow corridor connects two large habitats. We provide a mathematical formula of the dispersal rate appearing in the two‐patch compartment model as a function of habitat size, corridor shape (ratio of its width to its length), and organism diffusion coefficients. For most reasonable settings, the two‐patch compartment model successfully approximated not only the steady states, but also the transient dynamics of the reaction–diffusion model. Further numerical simulations indicated the general applicability of our formula to other types of community dynamics, e.g. driven by resource‐competition, in spatially homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Our results suggest that the spatial configuration of habitats plays a central role in community dynamics in space. Furthermore, our new framework will help to improve experimental designs for quantitative test of metacommunity theories and reduce the gaps among modeling, empirical studies, and their application to landscape management.  相似文献   

张博中  郭小龙  杨颖惠 《生态学报》2024,44(8):3492-3501
物种共存机制是群落生态学研究的核心问题之一,但以成对物种间直接相互作用为主的传统共存理论,并未在实际群落中得到普遍证实。近年来,有研究表明,高阶相互作用,即一个物种对另一个物种的直接作用强度受到其他物种的间接影响,在群落竞争过程中的重要性不断得到发展。目前,对高阶相互作用的理论研究还主要集中在非空间理论模型。事实上,群落中个体的空间分布和扩散模式等对种群动态的影响均至关重要。故考虑空间因素,以三物种为例构建空间显式的群落动态模拟,通过引入不同的物种扩散模式,研究高阶相互作用对群落物种共存结果的影响。研究表明:(1)高阶相互作用可以促进也可能抑制物种共存,具体共存结果取决于高阶相互作用的方向、强度和分类;(2)当全部高阶相互作用都存在,且取值为正时,物种共存位置会发生偏移,原本生态位分化下共存的区域不再共存,而在生态位重叠度较高的区域,物种可以在更大范围的适合度差异下共存;(3)扩散模式对高阶相互作用的上述调节机制有一定的影响,且无论正高阶还是负高阶,当种群趋于局部扩散时,高阶相互作用的正向及负向调节效果均有所减弱。以上结论强调了在理论模型和实际保护工作中考虑相互作用网络的重要性,有助于进一步理解物种共存机制,能够为保护生物多样性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Population dynamic models are developed for communities of annual plants in spatially heterogeneous environments. These models are constructed from submodels of the survivorship, fecundity, germination, and dispersal of individual plants. The submodels include the effects of spatially local interactions on plant performance and the spatial variation in performance caused by spatial heterogeneity in the physical environment. It is possible to estimate the submodels from data on experimental communities in either the field or greenhouse and so it is possible to empirically calibrate the population dynamic models developed. Each population dynamic model explicitly includes the spatial distribution of individuals in a plant community.Several two-species models for plants in patchy environments are studied to examine the community-level consequences of spatial heterogeneity in the physical environment. The results fall into two classes. First, community structure is in part determined by a relation between patch size and mean seed dispersal distance. Specifically, coexistence is, in some cases, possible only if patches are sufficiently larger than the mean dispersal distance. Second, community structure is also affected by relations between patch size and the maximum distance over which two plants interact (termed the neighborhood radius). In some cases, coexistence is possible only if patch size is sufficiently larger than the neighborhood radius. In others, the species coexist only if patch size is sufficiently smaller than the neighborhood radius. In still other cases, coexistence is possible only if patch sizes are within critical bounds, where the sizes of the critical bounds are in units of the neighborhood radius. All results involving relations between the neighborhood radius and patch size are direct consequences of the sedentary nature of plants and the fact that individual plants interact primarily with nearby plants.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of a tree species is an important characteristic of plant communities, providing critical information to explain species coexistence. The spatial distribution and association of four different successional species were analyzed among different life-history stages in an old-temperate forest. Significant aggregation patterns were found, and the degree of aggregation decreased with the scales and life-history stages. Significant interspecific spatial associations were detected. In comparing the relationships among the different life-history stages, positive associations were found at small scales in all of the juvenile species pairs. In the adult stage, negative associations were detected in coniferous vs. deciduous species pairs, while the deciduous species pairs, which have identical resource requirements, showed a positive association in this study. The coniferous species pairs showed a positive association at small scales. We infer that seed dispersal, competitive ability, or the requirement for specific topographic and light environments may contribute to the coexistence of these species.  相似文献   

Both source-sink theory and extensions of optimal foraging theory ("balanced dispersal" theory) address dispersal and population dynamics in landscapes where habitat patches vary in quality. However, studying dispersal mechanisms empirically has proven difficult, and dispersal is rarely tied back to long-term spatial dynamics. We used a manipulable laboratory system consisting of bacteria and protozoa to investigate the ability of source-sink and optimal foraging theories to explain both dispersal and emergent spatial dynamics. Consistent with source-sink models and contrary to balanced dispersal models, there was a consistent net flux of protist individuals from high to low resource patches. However, unlike the simplest source-sink models, intermediate rates of dispersal led to highest abundances in low resource patches. Side experiments found strong density dependence in local population dynamics and differences in average protist body size in high and low resource patches. Parameterization and analysis of a two-patch model showed that high migration from high to low resource patches could have depressed population density in low resource patches, creating pseudosinks. The movement of individuals and biomass from sources to sinks (a form of ecosystem subsidy) resulted in the convergence of body size and population densities in sources and sinks. Our results indicate a need to carefully consider movement patterns and interaction with local dynamics in potential source-sink systems.  相似文献   

Resource enrichment can potentially destabilize predator-prey dynamics. This phenomenon historically referred as the "paradox of enrichment" has mostly been explored in spatially homogenous environments. However, many predator-prey communities exchange organisms within spatially heterogeneous networks called metacommunities. This heterogeneity can result from uneven distribution of resources among communities and thus can lead to the spreading of local enrichment within metacommunities. Here, we adapted the original Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey model, built to study the paradox of enrichment, to investigate the effect of regional enrichment and of its spatial distribution on predator-prey dynamics in metacommunities. We found that the potential for destabilization was depending on the connectivity among communities and the spatial distribution of enrichment. In one hand, we found that at low dispersal regional enrichment led to the destabilization of predator-prey dynamics. This destabilizing effect was more pronounced when the enrichment was uneven among communities. In the other hand, we found that high dispersal could stabilize the predator-prey dynamics when the enrichment was spatially heterogeneous. Our results illustrate that the destabilizing effect of enrichment can be dampened when the spatial scale of resource enrichment is lower than that of organismss movements (heterogeneous enrichment). From a conservation perspective, our results illustrate that spatial heterogeneity could decrease the regional extinction risk of species involved in specialized trophic interactions. From the perspective of biological control, our results show that the heterogeneous distribution of pest resource could favor or dampen outbreaks of pests and of their natural enemies, depending on the spatial scale of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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