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This study investigates lightning density in relation to burning frequency in five South African biomes. Data from automatic lightning flash counters distributed throughout South Africa are used to estimate the range and mean values of annual lightning ground-strike density in each biome. The lowest average lightning frequencies were recorded in the karoo and fynbos biomes, while the highest values were obtained in the sour and inland mountain divisions of the grassland biome, with intermediate values computed for the savanna-woodland and forest biomes. These results were compared with published findings on the effects of different burning frequencies on plant communities in each biome. In general, plant communities occurring in areas experiencing the highest annual lightning densities (e.g., sour and mixed grassland, and moist savanna-woodland) tolerate and require more frequent burning than those typical of areas subject to lower lightning densities (e.g., fynbos, forest, sweet grassland, and arid savanna-woodland). These findings suggest that the constituent plant populations in each biome have adapted to burning frequency according to the local probability of ignition by lightning in the areas they inhabit, and that present day responses of plant communities to burning reflect their ancestral exposure to fire in the course of their evolutionary development under pre-existing, natural fire regimes.Research sponsered by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. We thank the Director, National Electrical Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Pretoria, South Africa, and H. Kröninger, Lightning Research Division, NEERI, for providing data on lightning ground-strike densities and coordinates and elevations for counters in South Africa. We thank Drs J. H. Bock and M. T. Mentis for commenting on an early draft of this paper.  相似文献   

A species of the fungus Neozygites (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) is recorded from the Antarctic mite Alaskozetes antarcticus (Acarina: Oribatidales) collected off the west coast of the Antarctic peninsula. The features of the fungus were similar to those recorded for Neozygites acaridis, and to other species of the genus recorded from mites in tropical and cool-temperate regions. This is the first report of any entomophthoralean fungus from the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Fasciolosis is a re-emerging parasitic disease that affects an increasing number of people in developing countries. The most severe endemic affects the Bolivian Altiplano, where the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and its hermaphroditic snail host, Lymnaea truncatula, have been introduced from Europe. To achieve a better understanding of the epidemiological situation and the consequences of the colonization event of this invasive species, genetic analysis of Bolivian snail populations was needed. Here we compare the genetic diversity and population structure of snail samples from the Bolivian Altiplano with samples from the Old World at six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Whereas some variability exists in the snail populations from the Old World, we observe only a single genotype of L. truncatula in the Bolivian Altiplano. We discuss the possible explanations for such a reduction in genetic variability, and, given the high natural parasitism pressures exerted on the snail populations, we discuss the relevance of this result for host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Animals ranging from mosquitoes to humans often vary their feeding behavior when infected or merely exposed to pathogens. These so‐called “sickness behaviors” are part of the innate immune response with many consequences, including avoiding orally transmitted pathogens. Fully understanding the role of this ubiquitous behavior in host defense and pathogen evolution requires a quantitative account of its impact on host and pathogen fitness across environmentally relevant contexts. Here, we use a zooplankton host and fungal pathogen as a case study to ask if infection‐mediated feeding behaviors vary across pathogen exposure levels and natural genetic variation in susceptibility to infection. Then, we connect these changes in behavior to pathogen transmission potential (spore yield) and fitness and growth costs to the host. Our results validate a protective effect of altered feeding behavior during pathogen exposure while also revealing significant variation in the magnitude of this response across host susceptibility and pathogen exposure levels. Across all four host genotypes, feeding rates were negatively correlated with susceptibility to infection and transmission potential. The most susceptible genotypes exhibited either strong anorexia, reducing food intake by 26%–42%, (“Standard”) or pronounced hyperphagia, increasing food intake by 20%–54% (“A45”). Together, these results suggest that infection‐mediated changes in host feeding behavior—which are traditionally interpreted as immunopathology— may in fact serve as crucial components of host defense strategies and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Interspecies transmission of viruses is a well-known phenomenon in animals and plants whether via contacts or vectors. In fungi, interspecies transmission between distantly related fungi is often suspected but rarely experimentally documented and may have practical implications. A newly described double-strand RNA (dsRNA) virus found asymptomatic in the phytopathogenic fungus Leptosphaeria biglobosa of cruciferous crops was successfully transmitted to an evolutionarily distant, broad-host range pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Leptosphaeria biglobosa botybirnavirus 1 (LbBV1) was characterized in L. biglobosa strain GZJS-19. Its infection in L. biglobosa was asymptomatic, as no significant differences in radial mycelial growth and pathogenicity were observed between LbBV1-infected and LbBV1-free strains. However, cross-species transmission of LbBV1 from L. biglobosa to infection in B. cinerea resulted in the hypovirulence of the recipient B. cinerea strain t-459-V. The cross-species transmission was succeeded only by inoculation of mixed spores of L. biglobosa and B. cinerea on PDA or on stems of oilseed rape with the efficiency of 4.6% and 18.8%, respectively. To investigate viral cross-species transmission between L. biglobosa and B. cinerea in nature, RNA sequencing was carried out on L. biglobosa and B. cinerea isolates obtained from Brassica samples co-infected by these two pathogens and showed that at least two mycoviruses were detected in both fungal groups. These results indicate that cross-species transmission of mycoviruses may occur frequently in nature and result in the phenotypical changes of newly invaded phytopathogenic fungi. This study also provides new insights for using asymptomatic mycoviruses as biocontrol agent.Subject terms: Virology, Fungi  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is often infected with the fungal‐endophyte Neotyphodium lolii. In addition to the ‘wild‐type’ strain (EWT), several ‘selected’ strains of N. lolii are now being marketed as AR1 (EAR1) and AR37 (EAR37). Each of these strains impact positively on L. perenne's resistance against many insects, including the African black beetles (Heteronychus arator). The impact of volatile oils produced specifically by each strain in the endophyte–grass association in enhancing the grass's resistance to insects is still largely unknown. Keeping these in view, we determined the volatile oil profiles produced by L. perenne infected with either EWT or EAR1 or EAR37 and determined the impacts of these volatiles on the host‐selection behaviour of H. arator adults. In the absence of endophyte infection (E), L. perenne produced 18 different volatile oils. In L. perenne EWT, quantities of 2‐ethyl‐1‐hexanol acetate (Rt = 14.5 min), (Z)‐2‐octen‐1‐ol (Rt = 22.2 min), and butylated hydroxyl toluene (Rt = 23.2 min) were 24, 16 and 26%, respectively, greater than L. perenne E. The strains EAR1 and EAR37 affected differently the quantities of the volatile compounds but not their identity. In the four‐choice bioassay, males and females of H. arator were equally attracted to each strain. In Y‐tube olfactometer, compared against E, H. arator adults were less attracted to L. perenne EWT and EAR1. The attractiveness of EAR37 was similar in effect to E to H. arator. The results indicate that each strain of N. lolii alters the profile of volatile oils in L. perenne differently and that alteration can influence H. arator adult‐host selection.  相似文献   

Changes in host diversity and community structure have been linked to disease, but the mechanisms underlying such relationships and their applicability to non-vector-borne disease systems remain conjectural. Here we experimentally investigated how changes in host community structure affected the transmission and pathology of the multi-host parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae, which is a widespread cause of amphibian limb deformities. We exposed larval amphibians to parasites in monospecific or heterospecific communities, and varied host number to differentiate between density- and diversity-mediated effects on transmission. In monospecific communities, exposure to Ribeiroia significantly increased mortality (15%), malformations (40%) and time-to-metamorphosis in toads. However, the presence of tree frogs significantly reduced infection in toads, leading to fewer malformations and higher survival than observed in monospecific communities, providing evidence of parasite-mediated facilitation. Our results suggest that interspecific variation in parasite resistance can inhibit parasite transmission in multi-species communities, reducing infection and pathology in sensitive hosts.  相似文献   

Parasitic plants often have a strong fitness‐impact on their plant hosts through increased host mortality and reduced or complete suppression of reproduction. Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae) is a hemiparasitic mistletoe that infects a wide range of host species along its distribution range. Among such species, Rhaphithamnus spinosus (Verbenaceae) is a frequent host with a flowering and fruiting season partially synchronized with mistletoe reproductive phenology. As parasitized hosts have, in principle, a larger flower display and fruit crop size than non‐parasitized hosts, we examined whether host and parasite reproductive synchrony make infected hosts more attractive for pollinators and seed dispersers than uninfected hosts. Our results showed that pollinator visit rates did not differ between parasitized and non‐parasitized hosts. Conversely, seed rain was higher in parasitized than non‐parasitized individuals. The number of seeds fallen under non‐parasitized plants was spatially associated with crop size, while parasitized plants did not show such association. Finally, the number of seedlings of R. spinosus was significantly larger near parasitized than non‐parasitized hosts. Our results suggest that the presence of the mistletoe might be responsible of the higher reproductive success showed by the parasitized fraction of R. spinosus. This effect, however, seems to be related to seed dispersal processes rather than pollination effects.  相似文献   

Ipomoea asarifolia and Turbina corymbosa (Convolvulaceae) are associated with epibiotic clavicipitalean fungi responsible for the presence of ergoline alkaloids in these plants. Experimentally generated plants devoid of these fungi were inoculated with different epibiotic and endophytic fungi resulting in a necrotic or commensal situation. A symbiotum of host plant and its respective fungus was best established by integration of the fungus into the morphological differentiation of the host plant. This led us to suppose that secretory glands on the leaf surface of the host plant may play an essential role in ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis which takes place in the epibiotic fungus.Key words: ergoline alkaloids, ipomoea, turbina, convolvulaceae, claviceps, balansia, clavicipitaceae, penicillium, plant-fungus symbiotum  相似文献   

《Mycological Research》2007,111(2):240-249
A locust wing bioassay, that allowed an entomopathogenic fungus to be removed from host cuticle before penetration, was used to investigate the role of surface lipids and waxes in pre-penetration growth of the specific locust pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum. SEM and atomic force electron microscopy showed the impact of the fungus on the architecture of the cuticle surface. Although the fungus can germinate on authentic alkanes as the sole carbon source, only low levels of germination occurred on crude, non-polar wing cuticle extracts, containing a mixture of long-chain n-alkanes and other waxes (identified in particular by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy). The fungus removed a large proportion of non-polar and polar components during pre-penetration growth on the wing. Polar crude extracts from Schistocerca gregaria hindwings, which contained fatty acids, fatty acid esters, glucose, amino acids and peptides, were strong promoters of germination, and poor germination was observed on a locust hindwing from which the extract had been taken. Thus simple polar compounds, also present on the surface, may be required to stimulate germination before the fungus can make use of a complex mixture of non-polar lipids.  相似文献   

We used herbarium specimens of Silene virginica, S. caroliniana, S. rotundifolia, and S. latifolia to survey the incidence of anther-smut disease (caused by Microbotryum violaceum sensu lato) in the eastern USA. We found no evidence of a collector bias against diseased specimens. Diseased specimens were frequently found in collections of S. virginica and S. caroliniana, but not in those of S. rotundifolia or S. latifolia. Disease incidence in S. virginica and S. caroliniana increased significantly over the past century and was higher in marginal populations. The absence of disease in specimens of S. rotundifolia is consistent with field observations, but its presence in natural populations of S. latifolia (especially in Virginia) suggests that the disease is recently introduced. Changes in the host distributions were also evident. The relative abundance of S. caroliniana declined over time (especially further north), while the relative abundance of S. virginica increased. Silene latifolia was absent or rare south of Pennsylvania before ca. 1920, indicating that S. latifolia and its anther smut are likely to be recent introductions in Virginia. Methods are also presented that quantify the completeness of coverage provided by herbarium specimens.  相似文献   

Background and AimsInterspecific difference in pollinators (pollinator isolation) is important for reproductive isolation in flowering plants. Species-specific pollination by fungus gnats has been discovered in several plant taxa, suggesting that they can contribute to reproductive isolation. Nevertheless, their contribution has not been studied in detail, partly because they are too small for field observations during flower visitation. To quantify their flower visitation, we used the genus Arisaema (Araceae) because the pitcher-like spathe of Arisaema can trap all floral visitors.MethodsWe evaluated floral visitor assemblage in an altitudinal gradient including five Arisaema species. We also examined interspecific differences in altitudinal distribution (geographic isolation) and flowering phenology (phenological isolation). To exclude the effect of interspecific differences in altitudinal distribution on floral visitor assemblage, we established ten experimental plots including the five Arisaema species in high- and low-altitude areas and collected floral visitors. We also collected floral visitors in three additional sites. Finally, we estimated the strength and contribution of these three reproductive barriers using a unified formula for reproductive isolation.Key ResultsEach Arisaema species selectively attracted different fungus gnats in the altitudinal gradient, experimental plots and additional sites. Altitudinal distribution and flowering phenology differed among the five Arisaema species, whereas the strength of geographic and phenological isolations were distinctly weaker than those in pollinator isolation. Nevertheless, the absolute contribution of pollinator isolation to total reproductive isolation was weaker than geographic and phenological isolations, because pollinator isolation functions after the two early-acting barriers in plant life history.ConclusionsOur results suggest that selective pollination by fungus gnats potentially contributes to reproductive isolation. Since geographic and phenological isolations can be disrupted by habitat disturbance and interannual climate change, the strong and stable pollinator isolation might compensate for the weakened early-acting barriers as an alternative reproductive isolation among the five Arisaema species.  相似文献   

[First paragraph]The spatial structure of a host population determines the spatial probability distribution of interaction between individuals, and therefore influences the spatio-temporal dynamics of disease transmission within the host population (Keeling, 1999; Gudelj and White, 2004). Nigel Barlow recognised this and included non-linear transmission in his later models (Barlow, 1991), simulating the result of spatial heterogeneity of risk in susceptible hosts. These models produced behaviour that could not be found in models with homogeneously mixed host populations: more rapid disease dynamics and a greater robustness of disease to control measures. However, in this model there was no causal mechanism driving the initial spatial heterogeneity of risk in host individuals. Environmental heterogeneity is likely to be a key factor in determining the spatial distribution of host individuals (Cronin and Reeve, 2005). We attempted to explore how environmental heterogeneity may affect disease dynamics via its influence on the spatial distribution of host individuals. We developed a spatially explicit stochastic model that incorporated spatially variable host density distributions, primarily driven by environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction between the anther smutMicrobotryum violaceum and its hostSilene dioica was studied during 1985–1990 in 47 populations of different ages, sizes and densities, in an archipelago area in northern Sweden. The sizes of these populations had also been surveyed in the early 1970s. Our results indicate that establishment ofMicrobotryum violaceum is host-size and density dependent. Firstly, young populations ofSilene dioica that became diseased during the study were larger and tended to be more dense than young populations that remained healthy. Secondly, populations diseased in both 1985 and 1990 were found to be larger and tended to be more dense than populations healthy in both years. We were able to document that the pathogen actually failed to establish in two small young populations (diseased plants died shortly after they appeared) and did go extinct in one small old population. Disease incidences within populations did not show large fluctuations between years. The highest increases in disease incidence during the study were found in three relatively young populations that were disease-free at the start of the study. Older populations highly diseased at the start showed less of an increase. Our study indicates thatMicrobotryum violaceum acts as a regulatory factor influencing the rate of increase inSilene dioica populations, once they are sufficiently large to maintain the pathogen. Firstly, seedling density decreased with increased incidence of disease and a seed addition experiment indicated seed-limited recuritment in highly diseased populations. Secondly, those populations that reached very large sizes or densities were either healthy or had very low incidences, indicating the potential for populations that for one reason or another escape an epidemic. However, in the comparison of changes in population size over 16–18 years there was no simple correlation between expansion rate and disease incidence.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the transmission of B chromosomes in natural (but controlled) pollination, in order to obtain results which can be applied to natural populations of rye. The frequencies of the female gametes in both 2n= 14+1 and 2n=14+2 rye plants have been estimated with reference to their chromatid constitution. From the results obtained on the offspring, it seems that preferential distribution takes place during female meiosis of 2n= 14+2 plants. It has been demonstrated that pollen carrying B chromosomes formed in plants of 2n=14+2 was more competitive than normal pollen. On the contrary, when it was formed from plants 2n=14+1, B chromosome elimination by pollen was total. This process may be considered as sporophytic determination. The genetic significance of the presence of B chromosomes in natural populations is discussed. It is proposed that B chromosomes may be the cytological expression of a complex evolutionary system which results in conservation of population genetic variability.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the causative agent of chytridiomycosis, was found in 24 of 109 (22%) frogs from Kibale National Park, western Uganda, in January and June 2006, representing the first account of the fungus in six species and in Uganda. The presence of B. dendrobatidis in an equatorial African montane forest raises conservation concerns, considering the high amphibian diversity and endemism characteristic of such areas and their ecological similarity to other regions of the world experiencing anuran declines linked to chytridiomycosis.  相似文献   

A recent debate in Parasitology Today explored the causes of gender-related differences in parasite infection, examining epidemiological patterns on the one hand, and interactions between host sex hormones and the immune response on the other. In this article, Richard Tinsley focuses on the simplified ecology of a host-parasite system in a desert environment. This enables a clear separation of the factors determining the levels of host invasion (including host behaviour) from those that modulate the survival of established worm burdens (including host physiology).  相似文献   

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