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Ever since the elucidation of the main structural and functional features of eukaryotic cells and subsequent discovery of the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and plastids, two opposing hypotheses have been proposed to account for the origin of eukaryotic cells. One hypothesis postulates that the main features of these cells, including their ability to capture food by endocytosis and to digest it intracellularly, were developed first, and later had a key role in the adoption of endosymbionts; the other proposes that the transformation was triggered by an interaction between two typical prokaryotic cells, one of which became the host and the other the endosymbiont. Re-examination of this question in the light of cell-biological and phylogenetic data leads to the conclusion that the first model is more likely to be the correct one.  相似文献   

The argument from potential: a reappraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reichlin M 《Bioethics》1997,11(1):1-23
Several criticisms of the argument from potential are reported. It is noted that such criticisms are inspired by two similarly wrong interpretations of potentiality, one confusing it with possibility and another with probability. A brief analysis of the original Aristotelian context in which the concept emerged shows that potentiality cannot be thought of as indicating the provision of some empirical facts in the future, but must rather be referred to the inherent ontological structure of the being in question. It is then argued that such an Aristotelian concept can be useful to express the dynamic structure of the person, as it must be understood according to contemporary phenomenological personalism. In the light of this philosophical tradition, the embryo can be vieewed as a being already possessing the human nature and actively developing its potential for personhood: it also follows that human nature must not be understood as a static and predetermined essence, but rather as the principle of becoming and movement toward further achievements.  相似文献   

In the late 1940s and early 1950s the nuclear workers of the Mayak Production Association in the Southern Urals were exposed to high doses from gamma-rays and from incorporated plutonium. In addition, the population of the Techa riverside downstream of the plutonium-production sites received continued exposures from external gamma-rays due to fission products released into the river and from the internal radiation due to incorporation of the fission products. Based on two international coordination meetings in 1998 and 2000, a synopsis has been given recently in this journal of the radioepidemiological studies on these exposed populations. This commentary describes the current status of these singular investigations with regard to the dosimetry, the assessment of late health effects, and the risk estimation both for the Mayak nuclear workers and the Techa riverside population. A central issue are newly published reduced estimates of the external dose to the Techa riverside population which imply substantially increased risk coefficients for solid cancer. Unless the new dosimetry system, TRDS-2000, has missed a major dose contribution, there is now conspicuous disagreement with current risk estimates. Unaccounted doses from atmospheric releases of fission products and from radiological screening of the Techa riverside population need to be explored, but underestimation of the short lived fission products released into the river appears to be a more critical factor. It is furthermore argued that even if TRDS-2000 were confirmed it would remain questionable whether risk estimates can be based on organ-specific doses when they are obtained in a population with a much higher bone-marrow exposure that may possibly have caused an 'abscopal' radiation effect.  相似文献   

Divisibility and the moral status of embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Munthe C 《Bioethics》2001,15(5-6):382-397

In this paper we discuss the hypothesis, proposed by some authors, that man is a habitual meat-eater. Gut measurements of primate species do not support the contention that human digestive tract is specialized for meat-eating, especially when taking into account allometric factors and their variations between folivores, frugivores and meat-eaters. The dietary status of the human species is that of an unspecialised frugivore, having a flexible diet that includes seeds and meat (omnivorous diet). Throughout the various time periods, our human ancestors could have mostly consumed either vegetable, or large amounts of animal matter (with fat and/or carbohydrates as a supplement), depending on the availability and nutrient content of food resources. Some formerly adaptive traits (e.g. the “thrifty genotype”) could have resulted from selective pressure during transitory variations of feeding behaviour linked to environmental constraints existing in the past.  相似文献   

Dawson K 《Bioethics》1988,2(1):1-14
A basic consideration in research on human embryos is the controversy about when the embryo acquires moral status. The author refutes the contention that segmentation is the determinant of moral status. She notes that segmentation, as a stage in embryonic development, does not coincide with the development of "irreversible individuality" upon which the segmentation argument depends. Dawson also finds a lack of clarity in the meaning of "individuality." These problems, she maintains, prevent segmentation from being morally important and render the proposed 14-day limit on embryo research unnecessary. Dawson concludes that to introduce a time restriction on embryo research is premature because it is based on an inadequate philosophical argument.  相似文献   

Berthe JV  Massaut J  Greuse M  Coessens B  De Mey A 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(7):2192-9; discussion 2200-2
Since 1989, superior pedicle vertical scar mammaplasty as described by Lejour has been used in the authors' department as the only technique for breast reduction. From 1991 through 1994, a series of 170 consecutive patients (330 breasts) underwent an operation. In these patients, minor complications were observed in 30 percent of the patients and major complications in 15 percent. Surgical revision for scar or volume corrections was necessary in 28 percent of the breasts, which seemed unacceptable. Therefore, the original technique was modified by decreasing the skin undermining and avoiding liposuction in the breast. Primary skin excision was performed in the submammary fold at the end of the operation if the skin could not be puckered adequately. This modified technique was used from 1996 through 1999 in 138 consecutive patients (227 breasts). In the second series, minor complications were observed in 15 percent of the patients and major complications in 5 percent. However, the technical modifications did not significantly change the rate of secondary scar and volume corrections, which were still necessary in 22 percent of the breasts. In large breasts, the addition of a horizontal scar at the end of the operation did not change the rate of secondary revision, which however compares favorably with the figures obtained with the inverted T, superior pedicle mammaplasty.  相似文献   

Brain responses to the acquired moral status of faces   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Singer T  Kiebel SJ  Winston JS  Dolan RJ  Frith CD 《Neuron》2004,41(4):653-662
We examined whether neural responses associated with judgments of socially relevant aspects of the human face extend to stimuli that acquire their significance through learning in a meaningful interactive context, specifically reciprocal cooperation. During fMRI, subjects made gender judgments on faces of people who had been introduced as fair (cooperators) or unfair (defector) players through repeated play of a sequential Prisoner's Dilemma game. To manipulate moral responsibility, players were introduced as either intentional or nonintentional agents. Our behavioral (likebility ratings and memory performance) as well as our imaging data confirm the saliency of social fairness for human interactions. Relative to neutral faces, faces of intentional cooperators engendered increased activity in left amygdala, bilateral insula, fusiform gyrus, STS, and reward-related areas. Our data indicate that rapid learning regarding the moral status of others is expressed in altered neural activity within a system associated with social cognition.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic investigations of secretory ameloblasts from deciduous tooth germs of mini-pig foetuses and investigations of the ability of various fixatives to preserve these cells in tooth germs immersion-fixed in toto 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min and 40 min after death of the mother gave the following results:
1.  The ameloblasts exhibit ultrastructural characteristics typical of exocrine secretory cells of merocrine type.
2.  The localization of organelles is as in rodent secretory ameloblasts, but differs from the location in the human analogues.
3.  Fixation with 4% formaldehyde invariably gives unacceptable ameloblast preservation.
4.  Fixation with 2.5% glutaraldehyde gives fair preservation of the ameloblasts when the germs are fixed within 10 min of the death of the mother.
5.  Fixation with a fixative mixture 2% formaldehyde — 1.25% glutaraldehyde gives good preservation when the ameloblasts are fixed within 15 min of the death of the mother.
6.  Fixation with a fixative mixture 2% formaldehyde — 1% glutaraldehyde — 1% acrolein gives good ameloblast preservation when the germs are fixed within 15 min of the death of the mother.

The amyloid hypothesis for Alzheimer's disease: a critical reappraisal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amyloid hypothesis has been the basis for most work on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Recent clinical trials based on this hypothesis have been inconclusive. In this article I review the current status of the hypothesis and suggest that a major scientific need is to understand the normal function of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) and think how this may relate to the cell death in the disease process.  相似文献   

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