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Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 (isolated from soil) produced a polyester consisting of 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3HB) and of medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (3HA) of C6, C8, C10 and C12, when sugars of glucose, fructose and mannose were fed as the sole carbon source. The polyester produced was a blend of homopolymer and copolymer, which could be fractionated with boiling acetone. The acetone-insoluble fraction of the polyester was a homopolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate units [poly (3HB)], while the acetone-soluble fraction was a copolymer [poly(3HB-co-3HA)] containing both short- and medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoate units ranging from C4 to C12:44 mol% 3-hydroxybutyrate, 5 mol% 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 21 mol% 3-hydroxyoctanoate, 25 mol% 3-hydroxydecanoate, 2 mol% 3-hydroxydodecanoate and 3 mol% 3-hydroxy-5-cis-dodecenoate. The copolyester was shown to be a random copolymer of 3-hydroxybutyrate and medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoate units by analysis of the 13C-NMR spectrum. The poly(3HB) homopolymer and poly (3HB-co-3HA) copolymer were produced simultaneously within cells from glucose in the absence of any nitrogen source, which suggests that Pseudomonas sp. 61-3 has two types of polyhydroxy-alkanoate syntheses with different substrate specificities. Received: 9 June 1995/Received last revision: 30 October 1995/Accepted: 6 November 1995  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. A33 and other isolates of aerobic bacteria accumulated a complex copolyester containing 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3HB) and various medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (3HAMCL) from 3-hydroxybutyric acid or from 1,3-butanediol under nitrogen-limitated culture conditions. 3HB contributed to 15.1 mol/100 mol of the constituents of the polyester depending on the strain and on the cultivation conditions. The accumulated polymer was a copolyester of 3HB and 3HAMCL rather than a blend of poly(3HB) and poly(3HAMCL) on the basis of multiple evidence. 3-Hydroxyhexadecenoic acid and 3-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid were detected as constituents of polyhydroxyalkanoates, which have hitherto not been described, by13C nuclear magnetic resonance or by gas chromatography/mass spectrometric analysis. In total, ten different constituents were detected in the polymer synthesized from 1,3-butanediol by Pseudomonas sp. A33:besides seven saturated (3HB, 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, 3-hydroxydecanoate, and 3-hydrohexadecanoate) three unsaturated (3-hydroxydodecenoate, 3-hydroxytetradecenoate and 3-hydrohexadecanoate) hydroxyalkanoic acid constituents occured. The polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase of Pseudomonas sp. A33 was cloned, and its substrate specificity was evaluated by heterologous expression in various strains of P. putida, P. oleovorans and Alcaligenes eutrophus.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO and 15 other strains of this species synthesized a polyester with 3-hydroxydecanoate as the main constituent (55 to 76 mol%) if the cells were cultivated in the presence of gluconate and if the nitrogen source was exhausted; 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, and 3-hydroxydodecanoate were minor constituents of the polymer. The polymer was deposited in granules within the cell and amounted to 70% of the cell dry matter in some strains. Among 55 different strains of 41 Pseudomonas species tested, P. aureofaciens (21.6% of cellular dry matter), P. citronellolis (78.0%), P. chlororaphis (8.5%), P. marginalis (11.4%), P. mendocina (50.7%), P. putida (33.5%), and Pseudomonas sp. strain DSM 1650 (54.6%) accumulated this type of polymer at significant levels (greater than 5%) during cultivation on gluconate. In two strains of P. facilis and P. fluorescens, as well as in one strain of P. syringae, this polymer was detected as a minor constituent (much less than 5%). All other strains accumulated either poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) or a polymer consisting mainly of 3-hydroxyoctanoate with octanoate but no polyester with gluconate as the carbon source. Only a few species (e.g., P. stutzeri) were unable to accumulate poly(hydroxyalkanoic acids) (PHA) at all. These results indicated that the formation of PHA depends on a pathway which is distinct from all other known PHA-biosynthetic pathways. The polyesters accumulated by gluconate- or octanoate-grown cells of recombinant strains of P. aeruginosa and P. putida, which harbored the Alcaligenes eutrophus poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)biosynthetic genes, contained 3-hydroxybutyrate as an additional constituent.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO and 15 other strains of this species synthesized a polyester with 3-hydroxydecanoate as the main constituent (55 to 76 mol%) if the cells were cultivated in the presence of gluconate and if the nitrogen source was exhausted; 3-hydroxyhexanoate, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, and 3-hydroxydodecanoate were minor constituents of the polymer. The polymer was deposited in granules within the cell and amounted to 70% of the cell dry matter in some strains. Among 55 different strains of 41 Pseudomonas species tested, P. aureofaciens (21.6% of cellular dry matter), P. citronellolis (78.0%), P. chlororaphis (8.5%), P. marginalis (11.4%), P. mendocina (50.7%), P. putida (33.5%), and Pseudomonas sp. strain DSM 1650 (54.6%) accumulated this type of polymer at significant levels (greater than 5%) during cultivation on gluconate. In two strains of P. facilis and P. fluorescens, as well as in one strain of P. syringae, this polymer was detected as a minor constituent (much less than 5%). All other strains accumulated either poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) or a polymer consisting mainly of 3-hydroxyoctanoate with octanoate but no polyester with gluconate as the carbon source. Only a few species (e.g., P. stutzeri) were unable to accumulate poly(hydroxyalkanoic acids) (PHA) at all. These results indicated that the formation of PHA depends on a pathway which is distinct from all other known PHA-biosynthetic pathways. The polyesters accumulated by gluconate- or octanoate-grown cells of recombinant strains of P. aeruginosa and P. putida, which harbored the Alcaligenes eutrophus poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)biosynthetic genes, contained 3-hydroxybutyrate as an additional constituent.  相似文献   

Monomers of microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates, mainly 3-hydroxyhexanoic acid (3HHx) and 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid (3HO), were produced by overexpressing polyhydroxyalkanoates depolymerase gene phaZ, together with putative long-chain fatty acid transport protein fadL of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 and acyl-CoA synthetase (fadD) of Escherichia coli MG1655 in P. putida KT2442. FadL(Pp), which is responsible for free fatty acid transportation from the extracellular environment to the cytoplasm, and FadD(Ec), which activates fatty acid to acyl-CoA, jointly reinforce the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway. Pseudomonas putida KT2442 (pYZPst01) harboring polyhydroxyalkanoates depolymerase gene phaZ of Pseudomonas stutzeri 1317 produced 1.37 g L(-1) extracellular 3HHx and 3HO in shake flask studies after 48 h in the presence of sodium octanoate as a sole carbon source, while P. putida KT2442 (pYZPst06) harboring phaZ(Pst), fadD(Ec) and fadL(Pp) achieved 2.32 g L(-1) extracellular 3HHx and 3HO monomer production under the same conditions. In a 48-h fed-batch fermentation process conducted in a 6-L fermentor with 3 L sodium octanoate mineral medium, 5.8 g L(-1) extracellular 3HHx and 3HO were obtained in the fermentation broth. This is the first time that medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (mcl-3HA) were produced using fadL(Pp) and fadD(Ec) genes combined with the polyhydroxyalkanoates depolymerase gene phaZ.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas stutzeri strain 1317 was found to grow on various fatty acids, alcohols, diols, as well as glucose and gluconate for the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) with various monomer units. The PHA monomer structures were dependent on the type of fatty acids and alcohols, as well as the diols in the culture media. Only even number monomers, such as 3-hydroxyhexanoate (HHx), 3-hydroxyoctanoate (HO) and 3-hydroxydecanoate (HD), were accumulated when even numbered fatty acids, alcohols, glucose and gluconate, as well as diol were used as carbon sources. Odd numbered fatty acids and odd numbered alcohols led to the formation of odd numbered monomers, such as 3-hydroxyvalerate (HV), 3-hydroxyheptanoate (HHp), 3-hydroxynonanoate (HN) and 3-hydroxyundecanoate (HU). The strain tolerated up to 1.5% of ethanol and made 8.3% of PHA when growth was conducted in 1.2% of ethanol. PHA formed up to 77% of cell dry weight when the strain was grown in tridecanoate. PHA synthesis was highly dependent on the nitrogen source. A depletion in nitrogen supply immediately resulted in PHA accumulation in cells grown in the glucose mineral medium.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas mendocina strain 0806 was isolated from oil-contaminated soil and found to produce polyesters consisting of medium chain length 3-hydroxyalkanoates (mclPHAs). The monomers of mclPHAs contained even numbers of carbon atoms, such as 3-hydroxyhexanoate (HHx or C6), 3-hydroxyoctanoate (HO or C8), and/or 3-hydroxydecanoate (HD or C10) as major components when grown on many carbon sources unrelated to their monomeric structures, such as glucose, citric acid, and carbon sources related to their monomeric structures, such as myristic acid, octanoate, or oleic acid. On the other hand, PHA containing both even and odd numbers of hydroxyalkanoates (HA) monomers was synthesized when the strain was grown on tridecanoic acid. The molar ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N) had a significant effect on PHA composition: the strain produced PHAs containing 97–99% of HD monomer when grown in a glucose ammonium sulfate medium of C/N<20, and 20% HO, and 80% of the HD monomer when growth was conducted in media containing C/N>40. It was demonstrated that the HO/HD ratio in the polymers remained constant in media with a constant C/N ratio, regardless of the glucose concentration. Up to 3.6 g/L cell dry weight containing 45% of PHAs was produced when the strain was grown for 48 h in a medium containing 20 g/L glucose with a C/N ratio of 40.  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant strains of Pseudomonas oleovorans, which harbour the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-biosynthetic genes of Alcaligenes eutrophus, accumulated poly(hydroxyalkanoates), composed of 3-hydroxybutyrate(3HB), 3-hydroxyhexanoate (3HHx) and 3-hydroxyactanoate (3HO), up to 70% of the cell dry weight if the cells were cultivated with sodium octanoate as the carbon source. Physiological and chemical analysis revealed multiple evidence that this polymer is a blend of the homopolyester poly(3HB) and of the copolyester poly(3HHx-co-3HO) rather than a random or a block copolyester of 3HB, 3HHx and 3HO. The molar ratio between poly(3HHx-co-3HO) and poly(3HB) varied drastically during the process of fermentation. Whereas synthesis of poly(3HHx-co-3HO) started immediately after ammonium was exhausted in the medium, synthesis of poly(3HB) occurred only after a lag-phase. From freeze-dried cells poly(3HHx-co-3HO) was much more readily extracted with chloroform than was poly(3HB). The blend was fractionated into petrol-ether-insoluble poly(3HB) and petrol-ether-soluble poly(3HHx-co-3HO). The molecular weight values of these polyesters measured by gel permeation chromatography were 2.96 × 106 and 0.35 × 106 and were similar of those polymers accumulated by A. eutrophus or by wild-type P. oleovorans, respectively. Offprint requests to: A. Steinbüchel  相似文献   

2-Hydroxyalkanoates (2HAs) have become the new monomeric constituents of bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). PHAs containing 2HA monomers, lactate (LA), glycolate (GL), and 2-hydroxybutyrate (2HB) can be synthesized by engineered microbes in which the broad substrate specificities of PHA synthase and propionyl-CoA transferase are critical factors for the incorporation of the monomers into the polymer chain. LA-based polymers, such as P[LA-co-3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB)], have the properties of pliability and stretchiness which are distinctly different from those of the rigid poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and P(3HB) homopolymers. This versatile platform is also applicable to the biosynthesis of GL- and 2HB-based polymers. In the case of the synthesis of 2HB-based polymers, the enantiospecificity of PHA synthase enabled the production of isotactic (R)-2HB-based polymers, including P[(R)-2HB], from racemic precursors of 2HB. P(2HB) is a pliable material, in contrast to PLA. Furthermore, to obtain a new 2HA-polymerizing PHA synthase, the class I PHA synthase from Ralstonia eutropha was engineered so as to achieve the first incorporation of LA units. The analysis of the polymer synthesized using this new LA-polymerizing PHA synthase unexpectedly focused a spotlight on the studies on block copolymer biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A novel and efficient method for the production of enantiomericaly pure R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids and R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acid methylesters was developed. The described method is based on hydrolysis of poly(hydroxyalkanoate) copolymers synthesized by Pseudomonas putida. The polymer was isolated via solvent recovery and hydrolyzed by acid methanolysis. The obtained 3-hydroxyalkanoic acid methylester mixture was distilled into several fractions with an overall yield of 96.6% (w/w). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the fractions showed that 3-hydroxyhexanoic-, 3-hydroxyoctanoic-, 3 hydroxydecanoic-, and 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid methylesters were enriched to purities exceeding 96 mol%, with distillation yields of 99.9, 99.8, 88.4, and 56.8% (w/w), respectively. Subsequent saponification of the purified methylester fractions yielded the corresponding 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids, which were recovered up to 92.8% (w/w). Chiral gas chromatography analysis confirmed that both 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid methylester are present in the R-form at a very high enantiomeric excess (>99.9%).  相似文献   

Pathways followed by the carbons of long chain fatty acids in their conversion to 3-hydroxybutyric acid were traced and the contribution of ω-oxidation to fatty acid oxidation was determined in the cellular environment where ketone body formation occurs. 1-14C-, 2-14C-, and ω-14C-labeled fatty acids were injected into alloxan-induced diabetic rats in ketosis. 3-Hydroxybutyric acid was isolated from their urines and degraded. About 1.2 to 1.4 times as much 14C was found in carbon 1 as carbon 3 of 3-hydroxybutyric acid when the 1-14C-labeled fatty acids were injected and in carbon 2 as carbon 4 when the 2-14C-labeled fatty acids were injected. There was about 4 times as much incorporation into carbon 4 as carbon 2 of 3-hydroxybutyric acid formed from the ω-14C-labeled fatty acids. This means that 50% or more of the fatty acids were oxidized, so that the terminal two carbons of the fatty acids were converted to acetoacetyl-CoA without acetyl-CoA as an intermediate. Incorporation of 14C into carbons 1 and 2 of the hydroxybutyric acid reflects the distribution of 14C in acetyl-CoA. Incorporation into carbon 1 was very small when the ω-14C-labeled fatty acids were substrate. This means that ω-oxidation of fatty acids makes, at most, a small contribution to the formation of the acetyl-CoA pool from which acetoacetate is derived.  相似文献   

A method is described for degrading 3-hydroxybutyric acid to obtain specifically and in good yield each of its carbons as CO2. The hydroxybutyrate is dehydrated to crotonic acid which is reduced to butyric acid. The butyric acid is then degraded stepwise utilizing the Schmidt reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Candida cylindracea lipase catalysed esterification of (±)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (1) with n-butanol was studied in different solvents. This provided an alternative preparative method for the versatile chiron. butyl (S)-3-hydroxybutyrate (2) via kinetic resolution of (±)-1 With toluene as the reaction medium, the enantioselection was found to be excellent for 2 and moderate for the resolved acid (1).  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 to grow and synthesize poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) from saturated fatty acids with an even number of carbon atoms, from eight to 22, and from oleic acid. In a non-limiting medium, all carbon sources but docosanoic acid supported cell growth and PHA production, with eicosanoic acid giving the highest yield. In magnesium-limiting conditions, higher yields were obtained from sources with up to 16 carbon atoms. Composition was estimated by gas chromatography of methanolyzed samples and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance. The 3-hydroxyalkanoate units extended from hexanoate to tetradecanoate or tetradecenoate, with octanoate and decanoate as the predominant components. Weight average molecular weights ranged from 78,000 to 316,000. Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of partially pyrolyzed samples, coupled to statistical analysis, showed that these PHAs are random copolymers.  相似文献   

Abe H  Doi Y 《Biomacromolecules》2002,3(1):133-138
Three types of random copolymers with 94 mol % (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid (3HB) and 6 mol % (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids with different side-chain lengths, (R)-3-hydroxypentanoic acid (3HV), (R)-3-hydroxyhexanoic acid (3HHx), and medium-chain-length (R)-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids (mcl-3HA, C8-C12), were prepared by biological synthetic techniques. The solid-state structure and thermal properties of melt-crystallized films for copolymers were characterized by means of wide-angle X-ray diffraction, small-angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and optical microscopy. The randomly distributed second monomer units, except for 3HV in copolyesters, act as defects of the P(3HB) crystal and are excluded from the P(3HB) crystalline lamellae. The lamellar thickness of copolymers decreased with an increase in the side-chain length of second monomer units. In addition, the growth rate of spherulites decreased with an increase in the carbon numbers of second monomer units at an identical crystallization temperature. These results indicate that a steric bulkiness of the second monomer unit affects the crystallization of (R)-3HB segments in random copolyesters. An enzymatic degradation test of melt-crystallized copolymer films was carried out in the presence of PHB depolymerase from Alcaligenes faecalis T1. Erosion rate of copolyesters was dependent on both the crystallinity and the lamellar thickness of samples. As the result, the rate of enzymatic degradation for copolymer films increased with an increase in the carbon numbers of second monomer units.  相似文献   

After acidic hydrolysis of lipid A preparations from pseudomonads, products containing both hydroxy and nonhydroxy fatty acids were obtained. The major products were alkanoate esters of the hydroxy acids. Similar compounds were formed when a 3-hydroxy acid was heated with a nonhydroxy acid under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava strain was able to synthesize poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid-co-4-hydroxybutyric acid) [P(3HB-co-4HB)] having a high level of 4-hydroxybutyric acid monomer unit (4HB) from gamma-butyrolactone. In a two-step process in which the first step involved production of cells containing a minimum amount of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) [P(3HB)] and the second step involved polyester accumulation from the lactone, approximately 5 to 10 mol% of the 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3HB) derived from the first-step culture was unavoidably reincorporated into the polymer in the second cultivation step. Reincorporation of the 3HB units produced from degradation of the first-step residual P(3HB) was confirmed by high-resolution 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In order to synthesize 3HB-free poly(4-hydroxybutyric acid) [P(4HB)] homopolymer, a three-stage cultivation technique was developed by adding a nitrogen addition step, which completely removed the residual P(3HB). The resulting polymer was free of 3HB. However, when the strain was grown on gamma-butyrolactone as the sole carbon source in a synthesis medium, a copolyester of P(3HB-co-4HB) containing 45 mol% 3HB was produced. One-step cultivation on gamma-butyrolactone required a rather long induction time (3 to 4 days). On the basis of the results of an enzymatic study performed with crude extracts, we suggest that the inability of cells to produce 3HB in the multistep culture was due to a low level of 4-hydroxybutyric acid (4HBA) dehydrogenase activity, which resulted in a low level of acetyl coenzyme A. Thus, 3HB formation from gamma-butyrolactone is driven by a high level of 4HBA dehydrogenase activity induced by long exposure to gamma-butyrolactone, as is the case for a one-step culture. In addition, intracellular degradation kinetics studies showed that P(3HB) in cells was completely degraded within 30 h of cultivation after being transferred to a carbon-free mineral medium containing additional ammonium sulfate, while P(3HB-co-4HB) containing 5 mol% 3HB and 95 mol% 4HB was totally inert in interactions with the intracellular depolymerases. Intracellular inertness could be a useful factor for efficient synthesis of the P(4HB) homopolymer and of 4HB-rich P(3HB-co-4HB) by the strain used in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract Alcaligenes eutrophus and Burkholderia cepacia synthesized and accumulated a terpolyester consisting of 3-hydroxybutyric acid, 3-hydroxyvaleric acid, and 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyric acid (2Me3HB) if the cells were cultivated in a mineral salts medium containing tiglic acid as the sole carbon source or in combination with gluconic acid. The presence of 1–2 mol% of 2Me3HB in the polyester was confirmed by comparison with chemically synthesized methyl ester of 2Me3HB and by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry as well as by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. This is the first report of the incorporation of 2Me3HB by axenic cultures cultivated under defined conditions.  相似文献   

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