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Treatment of portions of excised imaginal leg discs with an uv laser microbeam was shown to kill cells in the treated region. Treated discs cultured in the abdomens of adult females underwent pattern regulation, either regenerating, duplicating, or triplicating, depending on the precise portion of the disc which was treated. The laser-induced pattern of regulation is similar to that induced by cell removal and by cell-lethal mutations, supporting the hypothesis that pattern regulation in response to all forms of wounding is controlled by the same pattern-forming system.  相似文献   

Mutations in the tumor suppressor gene PTEN (MMAC1/TEP1) are associated with a large number of human cancers and several autosomal-dominant disorders. Mice mutant for PTEN die at early embryonic stages and the mutant embryonic fibroblasts display decreased sensitivity to cell death. Overexpression of PTEN in different mammalian tissue culture cells affects various processes including cell proliferation, cell death and cell migration. We have characterized the Drosophila PTEN gene and present evidence that both inactivation and overexpression of PTEN affect cell size, while overexpression of PTEN also inhibits cell cycle progression at early mitosis and promotes cell death during eye development in a context-dependent manner. Furthermore, we have shown that PTEN acts in the insulin signaling pathway and all signals from the insulin receptor can be antagonized by either Drosophila or human PTEN, suggesting a potential means for alleviating symptoms associated with altered insulin signaling.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Werz C  Xu D  Chen Z  Li Y  Hafen E  Bergmann A 《PloS one》2008,3(1):e1447


Activation of cell surface receptors transduces extracellular signals into cellular responses such as proliferation, differentiation and survival. However, as important as the activation of these receptors is their appropriate spatial and temporal down-regulation for normal development and tissue homeostasis. The Cbl family of E3-ubiquitin ligases plays a major role for the ligand-dependent inactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), most notably the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) through ubiquitin-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal degradation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we report the mutant phenotypes of Drosophila cbl (D-cbl) during eye development. D-cbl mutants display overgrowth, inhibition of apoptosis, differentiation defects and increased ommatidial spacing. Using genetic interaction and molecular markers, we show that most of these phenotypes are caused by increased activity of the Drosophila EGFR. Our genetic data also indicate a critical role of ubiquitination for D-cbl function, consistent with biochemical models.


These data may provide a mechanistic model for the understanding of the oncogenic activity of mammalian cbl genes.  相似文献   

In an effort to identify the role of Rab11, a small GTP binding protein, during Drosophila differentiation, phenotypic manifestations associated with different alleles of Rab11 were studied. The phenotypes ranged from eye-defects, bristle abnormalities and sterility to lethality during various developmental stages. In this paper, our focus is targeted on eye defects caused by Rab11 mutations. A novel P-element insertion in the Rab11 locus, Rab11mo, displayed characteristic retinal anomalies, which could be reverted by P-element excision and expression of Rab11+ transgenes. During larval development, Rab11 is widely synthesized in photoreceptor cells and localizes to the rhabdomeres and lamina neuropil in adult eyes. Photoreceptors and associated bristles failed to be formed in homozygous clones generated in Rab11EP(3)3017 eyes. Decreased levels of Rab11 protein and increased cell death in Rab11mo third-instar larval eye-antennal discs suggest that the retinal defects originate during larval development. Our data indicate a requirement for Rab11 in ommatidial differentiation during Drosophila eye development.  相似文献   

The roughest locus of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a transmembrane protein of the immunoglobulin superfamily required for several developmental processes, including axonal pathfinding in the developing optic lobe, mechanosensory bristle differentiation and myogenesis. In the compound eye, rst was previously shown to be required for establishing the correct number and spacing of secondary and tertiary pigment cells during the final steps of ommatidial assembly. We have further investigated its function in the developing pupal retina by performing a developmental and molecular analysis of a novel dominant rst allele, rst(D). In addition to showing evidence that rst(D) is a regulatory mutant, the results strongly suggest a previously unnoticed role of the rst gene in the differentiation of secondary/tertiary pigment cell fate as well as establishing the correct timing of surplus cell removal by programmed cell death in the compound eye.  相似文献   

Organogenesis involves an initial surge of cell proliferation, leading to differentiation. This is followed by cell death in order to remove extra cells. During early development, there is little or no cell death. However, there is a lack of information concerning the genes required for survival during the early cell-proliferation phase. Here, we show that Lobe (L) and the Notch (N) ligand Serrate (Ser), which are both involved in ventral eye growth, are required for cell survival in the early eye disc. We observed that the loss-of-ventral-eye phenotype in L or Ser mutants is due to the induction of cell death and the upregulation of secreted Wingless (Wg). This loss-of-ventral-eye phenotype can be rescued by (i) increasing the levels of cell death inhibitors, (ii) reducing the levels of Hid-Reaper-Grim complex, or (iii) reducing canonical Wg signaling components. Blocking Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling, which can induce caspase-independent cell death, significantly rescued ventral eye loss in L or Ser mutants. However, blocking both caspase-dependent cell death and JNK signaling together showed stronger rescues of the L- or Ser-mutant eye at a 1.5-fold higher frequency. This suggests that L or Ser loss-of-function triggers both caspase-dependent and -independent cell death. Our studies thus identify a mechanism responsible for cell survival in the early eye.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid titers were estimated on the whole body homogenates of Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabr.) female pupae during development by radioimmunoassay. A distinct peak of ecdysteroids was observed at 36-hr pupal development (743 pg/mg body wt). Titer declined to 299 pg/mg by the pharate adult stage and to 193 pg/mg body wt just before adult emergence. Qualitative studies by HPLC revealed a ratio of 3:1 ecdysone to 20-hydroxyecdysone in the initial pupal stage. Pharate adults had mainly 20-hydroxyecdysone. The observed single peak in ecdysteroid titer agrees with findings in other studied coleopteran species.
Zusammenfassung Der Ecdysteroidtiter weiblicher Puppen von Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabr.) wurde geschätzt, indem ganze Tiere homogenisiert und radioimmunologisch untersucht wurden. Ein ausgeprägtes Maximum an Ecdysteroiden wurde bei 36 Stunden Puppenent-wicklung beobachtet (743 pg/mg Körpergewicht). Der Titer nahm ab auf 299 pg/mg im Pharatstadium und auf 193 pg/mg unmittelbar vor Schlüpfen der Adulten. Qualitative Studien mit HPLC ergaben in frischen Puppen ein Verhältnis von 3:1 Ecdyson zu 20-Hydrooxyecdyson. Pharatstadien enthielten vor allem 20-Hydrooxyecdyson. Das beobachtete einzige Maximum im Titer stimmt überein mit den Resultaten bei andern untersuchten Coleopteren.

We report that the hindsight (hnt) gene, which encodes a nuclear zinc-finger protein, regulates cell morphology, cell fate specification, planar cell polarity and epithelial integrity during Drosophila retinal development. In the third instar larval eye imaginal disc, HNT protein expression begins in the morphogenetic furrow and is refined to cells in the developing photoreceptor cell clusters just before their determination as neurons. In hnt mutant larval eye tissue, furrow markers persist abnormally posterior to the furrow, there is a delay in specification of preclusters as cells exit the furrow, there are morphological defects in the preclusters and recruitment of cells into specific R cell fates often does not occur. Additionally, genetically mosaic ommatidia with one or more hnt mutant outer photoreceptor cells, have planar polarity defects that include achirality, reversed chirality and misrotation. Mutants in the JNK pathway act as dominant suppressors of the hnt planar polarity phenotype, suggesting that HNT functions to downregulate JUN kinase (JNK) signaling during the establishment of ommatidial planar polarity. HNT expression continues in the photoreceptor cells of the pupal retina. When an ommatidium contains four or more hnt mutant photoreceptor cells, both genetically mutant and genetically wild-type photoreceptor cells fall out of the retinal epithelium, indicating a role for HNT in maintenance of epithelial integrity. In the late pupal stages, HNT regulates the morphogenesis of rhabdomeres within individual photoreceptor cells and the separation of the rhabdomeres of adjacent photoreceptor cells. Apical F-actin is depleted in hnt mutant photoreceptor cells before the observed defects in cellular morphogenesis and epithelial integrity. The analyses presented here, together with our previous studies in the embryonic amnioserosa and tracheal system, show that HNT has a general role in regulation of the F-actin-based cytoskeleton, JNK signaling, cell morphology and epithelial integrity during development.  相似文献   

Estimation of chitin deposition in the pupal and adult cuticles of adult Drosophila melanogaster during the pupal period is described. The timing of the periods of chitin deposition is compared with that deduced by previous workers using electron microscopy. The hypothesis that lethalcryptocephal mutant homozygotes are unable to evert their cephalic complexes at pupation because of excess chitin deposition is examined. The data obtained show no evidence that the mutation has any effect on chitin deposition.  相似文献   

Lateral inhibition is critical for cell fate determination and involves the functions of Notch (N) and its effectors, the Enhancer of Split Complex, E(spl)C repressors. Although E(spl) proteins mediate the repressive effects of N in diverse contexts, the role of phosphorylation was unclear. The studies we describe implicate a common role for the highly conserved Ser/Thr protein kinase CK2 during eye and bristle development. Compromising the functions of the catalytic (alpha) subunit of CK2 elicits a rough eye and defects in the interommatidial bristles (IOBs). These phenotypes are exacerbated by mutations in CK2 and suppressed by an increase in the dosage of this protein kinase. The appearance of the rough eye correlates, in time and space, to the specification and refinement of the 'founding' R8 photoreceptor. Consistent with this observation, compromising CK2 elicits supernumerary R8's at the posterior margin of the morphogenetic furrow (MF), a phenotype characteristic of loss of E(spl)C and impaired lateral inhibition. We also show that compromising CK2 elicits ectopic and split bristles. The former reflects the specification of excess bristle SOPs, while the latter suggests roles during asymmetric divisions that drive morphogenesis of this sensory organ. In addition, these phenotypes are exacerbated by mutations in CK2 or E(spl), indicating genetic interactions between these two loci. Given the centrality of E(spl) to the repressive effects of N, our studies suggest conserved roles for this protein kinase during lateral inhibition. Candidates for this regulation are the E(spl) repressors, the terminal effectors of this pathway.  相似文献   

Normal differentiation requires an appropriately orchestrated sequence of developmental events. Regulation of cell survival and cell death is integrated with these events to achieve proper cell number, cell type, and tissue structure. Here we review regulation of cell survival in the context of a precisely patterned neural structure: the Drosophila compound eye. Numerous mutations lead to altered differentiation and are frequently accompanied by altered patterns of cell death. We discuss various critical times of normal eye development, highlighting how inappropriate regulation of cell death contributes to different mutant phenotypes associated with genes that specify the entire eye primordia, others that pattern the retina, and those that eliminate extraneous cells to refine the precise pigment cell lattice. Finally, we address how the Drosophila eye may allow identification of additional mechanisms that contribute to the normal integration of cell survival with appropriate events of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) is utilized in a wide variety of tissues to refine structure in developing tissues and organs. However, little is understood about the mechanisms that, within a developing epithelium, combine signals to selectively remove some cells while sparing essential neighbors. One popular system for studying this question is the developing Drosophila pupal retina, where excess interommatidial support cells are removed to refine the patterned ommatidial array. In this paper, we present data indicating that PCD occurs earlier within the pupal retina than previously demonstrated. As with later PCD, this death is dependent on Notch activity. Surprisingly, altering Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor or Ras pathway activity had no effect on this death. Instead, our evidence indicates a role for Wingless signaling to provoke this cell death. Together, these signals regulate an intermediate step in the selective removal of unneeded interommatidial cells that is necessary for a precise retinal pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of male genital disks of Drosophila between the late second larval instar and early pupal stage is described. Two major developmental changes were observed. One, the incidence of rough endoplasmic reticulum increases around the time of puparium formation. Two, the incidence of microvilli increases around the time of the moult from the second to the third larval instar.
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur männlicher Genital-Imaginalscheiben von Drosophila zwischen dem späten zweiten Larvenstadium und einem frühen Puppenstadium wird beschrieben. Die Häufigkeit des endoplasmatischen Reticulums nimmt um die Zeit der Pupariumbildung zu. Um die Zeit der Häutung vom zweiten zum dritten Larvenstadium nimmt die Häufigkeit an Microvilli zu.

The relationship between autophagic cell death and apoptosis is a poorly understood aspect of programmed cell death (PCD). We have examined this relationship by studying the elimination of an extra-embryonic tissue, known as the amnioserosa (AS), during Drosophila development. The AS becomes autophagic during the final stages of embryogenesis; ultimately, however, the elimination of the AS involves caspase-dependent nuclear fragmentation, tissue dissociation, and engulfment by phagocytic macrophages. Mutants that are defective in the activation or execution of caspase-dependent PCD fail to degrade and eliminate the AS but show no abatement in AS autophagy. Sustained autophagy does not, therefore, necessarily result in cell death. Surprisingly, the down-regulation of autophagy also results in a persistent AS phenotype and reduced cell death. Conversely, up-regulation of autophagy results in caspase-dependent premature AS dissociation. These observations are consistent with the interpretation that autophagy is a prerequisite for caspase-dependent cell death in the AS.  相似文献   

Determination of cell fate in the compound eye of Drosophila appears to be controlled by cell-cell interactions. The sevenless gene plays an essential role in the determination of a single photoreceptor cell type (R7). It encodes a transmembrane protein with a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain, as found in some growth factor receptors and the protein products of certain oncogenes. This might suggest that developmental decisions dependent on direct cellular interactions involve signalling mechanisms similar to those induced by diffusible factors such as hormones and growth factors.  相似文献   

Human nucleostemin (NS) is a nucleolar protein involved in cell-cycle progression and ribosomal biogenesis. While four NS orthologs have been reported in Drosophila melanogaster, their roles in development have yet to be determined. Here we describe evidence that Drosophila nucleostemin 2 (ns2) plays a significant role in early eye development and is essential for cell survival in vivo.  相似文献   

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