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《Reproductive biology》2020,20(4):491-495
Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide acting as a hormone, a neuromodulator, a neurotransmitter, a trophic factor and is involved in a variety of developmental and regenerative processes. PACAP is present in several human tissues and biological fluids. In many pathological conditions, changes in PACAP levels have been described to reflect disease progression, therefore PACAP has diagnostic value as a potential biomarker. Since PACAP has been shown to play an important role in reproductive physiology and development, it was of interest to examine whether this neuropeptide occurs in the human amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid samples were collected between the 15-19th weeks of gestation from volunteering pregnant women undergoing amniocentesis as a prenatal diagnostic tool due to maternal age. Pathological cases were excluded after prenatal karyotype analysis. PACAP-like immunoreactivity was measured by radioimmunoassay and could be detected in all samples. The present study provides evidence for the presence of PACAP in human amniotic fluid, but determination of the exact physiological or pathological significance awaits further investigation.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the effect of endogenous gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) upon lipid metabolism, the removal of intravenously administered triacylglycerol was investigated following an oral glucose or galactose load in dogs. After an overnight fast, the triacylglycerol emulsion was infused at a constant rate of 1 ml/min for 90 min, and glucose, galactose or tap water was orally administered at 30 min. Blood glucose increased after the glucose load but it did not change following the galactose load or water ingestion. Plasma insulin increased after the glucose load but did not change after galactose or tap water ingestion. Plasma glucagon did not show any discernible change in the three experimental groups. Plasma GIP increased following the glucose or galactose load to 4360 or 1653 pg/ml, respectively. Plasma triacylglycerol increased to the same levels at 30 min in the three experimental groups. The peak levels of plasma triacylglycerol and integrated plasma triacylglycerol for 150 min did not differ in the three groups. Moreover, there was no difference in the removal rate of plasma triacylglycerol following the withdrawal of the fat emulsion. It is concluded from the present study that endogenously released GIP does not elicit any effect upon triacylglycerol removal.  相似文献   

Application of the semithin-thin section technique indicates that the previously proposed identification of the ultrastructurally-defined K cell with the immunocytochemically-defined GIP cell is essentially correct. The K cell is established as a distinct entity and the way is open for an explanation of its role in the physiology and pathology of the gastroenteropancreatic system.  相似文献   

Summary Application of the semithin-thin section technique indicates that the previously proposed identification of the ultrastructurally-defined K cell with the immunocytochemically-defined GIP cell is essentially correct.The K cell is established as a distinct entity and the way is open for an explanation of its role in the physiology and pathology of the gastroenteropancreatic system.  相似文献   

Several members of the secretin family of hormones have been demonstrated to alter anterior pituitary hormone secretion. Here we report the action of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) on gonadotropin and somatotropin release. Intraventricular injection of 1 microgram (0.2 nmole) GIP (2.5 microliters) produced a significant decrease in plasma FSH at 30 (p less than 0.02) and 60 min after its injection (p less than 0.01). The FSH-lowering effect of a higher dose of 5 micrograms (1 nmole) of GIP was already developed at 15 min (p less than 0.01) and was prolonged until the end of the experiment (60 min, p less than 0.05). No change in plasma LH was detected at any time during the experimental period. If 5 micrograms of estradiol-benzoate were given SC 48 hr prior to experiment, the initial values of FSH and LH were markedly decreased. In these animals GIP failed to influence plasma FSH and LH. When dispersed anterior pituitary cells from OVX rats were cultured overnight and incubated in vitro with GIP, the peptide was found to induce both FSH and LH release. Highly significant release occurred with the lowest dose tested of 10(-7) M and there was a dose-response effect for both hormones. The slope of the dose-response curve was similar for both FSH and LH release. GIP was less potent than LHRH which produced a greater stimulation of both FSH and LH release at a dose of 10(-9) M than did 10(-7) M GIP. The two peptides had an additive effect on the release of both FSH and LH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The isolation and sequencing of human gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A J Moody  L Thim  I Valverde 《FEBS letters》1984,172(2):142-148
Human GIP 1-42 and fragments of human GIP corresponding to GIP 10-42, GIP 11-42, and GIP 17-42 were isolated from acid-ethanol extracts of human small intestines with the aid of an anti-GIP serum specific for the extreme C-terminal portion of the GIP molecule. The full sequence of human GIP has been established by Edman degradation of these peptides and fragments thereof by automatic gas-phase sequencing. Human GIP differs from porcine GIP at residues 18 and 34. The sequence of human GIP is thus: (Formula: see text) Amino acid residues 18 and 34 are Arg and Ser, respectively, in porcine GIP.  相似文献   

Six GIP(1-NH2) analogs were synthesized with modifications (de-protonation, N-methylation, reversed chirality, and substitution) at positions 1, 3, and 4 of the N-terminus, and additionally, a cyclized GIP derivative was synthesized. The relationship between altered structure to biological activity was assessed by measuring receptor binding affinity and ability to stimulate adenylyl cyclase in CHO-K1 cells transfected with the wild-type GIP receptor (wtGIPR). These structure-activity relationship studies demonstrate the importance of the GIP N-terminus and highlight structural constraints that can be introduced in GIP analogs. These analogs may be useful starting points for design of peptides with enhanced in vivo bioactivity.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the response of plasma gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) to various nutrients and to investigate the relationship between the pancreas and GIP secretion, an experimental study was performed using normal and pancreatectomized dogs. Oral administration of glucose (2 g/kg) or butter (2 g/kg) resulted in an increase of plasma GIP in five normal dogs. In contrast, oral administration of arginine (1 g/kg) did not produce any discernible changes in plasma GIP in normal dogs. In a group of nine pancreatectomized dogs, the fasting level of plasma GIP did not differ from that of the control group. Furthermore, glucose ingestion in the pancreatectomized group resulted in the same pattern and the same degree of change in plasma GIP as it did in the normal controls. In contrast, plasma GIP did not change at all following fat loading in the pancreatectomized group. However, butter with pancreatic enzymes elicited a significant rise of plasma GIP in the pancreatectomized dogs. The present study indicates that plasma GIP increases following oral administration of glucose or fat but not arginine. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that GIP secretion following fat ingestion occurs only after fat digestion by pancreatic enzymes. In addition, the findings observed in the present study do not support the existence of feedback effect of insulin on GIP secretion.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of exogenous and endogenous GIP on plasma triglyceride levels in rats, pretreated with a fat-enriched diet, during intraduodenal infusion of a lipid test meal (Lipomul, 8 ml/h). Following the fat load the plasma triglyceride levels increased nearly linearly from a fasting value of 0.621 +/- 0.031 mmol/l to 3.32 +/- 0.403 mmol/l at 150 min. Simultaneously, the plasma GIP levels rose from 47.1 +/- 5.1 at fasting to a peak value of 268.4 +/- 32.2 pmol/l at 120 min. When porcine GIP was infused intravenously during the fat load, the plasma triglyceride increments were significantly smaller (control 1.64 +/- 0.264 mmol/l versus 0.949 +/- 0.114 mmol/l during GIP infusion at 60 min; p less than 0.002). GIP infusion in the absence of the fat load did not change fasting triglyceride levels. The effect of endogenous GIP was investigated by neutralization of GIP by injection of GIP antiserum (0.3 ml). Rats pretreated with the antiserum exhibited a significantly greater triglyceride increment late in the time course of the fat load. These data demonstrate that exogenous and endogenous GIP are able to lower the plasma triglyceride response to a fat load. Both, inhibition of fat absorption or stimulation of triglyceride uptake by peripheral tissues may be responsible for the GIP effects. The gut peptide GIP seems to represent an important hormonal regulator of postprandial triglyceride response.  相似文献   

The interaction of GIP with its receptors in the hamster pancreatic insulin-secreting beta cell line, In lll, has been analyzed. 125I-labelled GIP used as tracer showed the same affinity as native GIP for the GIP binding sites. Binding of the tracer was time, temperature and cell concentration dependent. It was saturable, reversible and highly specific. Under equilibrium conditions, i.e. 2 hours at 13 degrees C, 20% and 25% of the tracer and of GIP binding sites were inactivated, respectively. Native GIP inhibited binding of 125I-labelled GIP in a dose-dependent manner, saturation of the GIP binding sites being obtained at 3. 10(-7) M peptide. Two types of GIP binding sites were found by Scatchard analysis, a small population with a high affinity for GIP (KD = 7 nM) and a large population with a low affinity (KD = 800 nM). The biphasic dissociation process confirmed the GIP binding sites heterogeneity. Apart from GIP, no peptide tested influenced the binding of the 125I-labelled GIP. The present data represents the first analysis of functionally relevant GIP binding sites in a insulin-secreting cell.  相似文献   

Since the C-peptide/insulin ratio is reduced after oral glucose ingestion, the incretin hormone gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) has been assumed to decrease hepatic insulin extraction. It was the aim of the present study to evaluate the effects of GIP on insulin extraction. Seventy-eight healthy subjects (27 male, 51 female, 43+/-11 years) were subjected to (a). an oral glucose tolerance test and (b). an intravenous injection of 20 pmol GIP/kg body weight, with capillary and venous blood samples collected over 30 min for insulin, C-peptide and GIP (specific immunoassays). Following GIP administration, plasma concentrations of total and intact GIP reached to peak levels of 80+/-7 and 54+/-5 pmol/l, respectively (p<0.0001). The rise in insulin after oral glucose and after intravenous GIP administration significantly exceeded the rise in C-peptide (p<0.0001). Estimating insulin extraction from the total integrated insulin and C-peptide concentrations (AUCs), only the oral glucose load (p<0.0001), but not the intravenous GIP administration (p=0.18) significantly reduced insulin clearance. Therefore, insulin clearance is reduced after an oral glucose load. This effect does not appear to be mediated by GIP.  相似文献   

The polypeptide hormone GIP has been localized ultrastructurally by using specific, monoclonal GIP antibodies and an immunogold technique on aldehyde-osmium fixed specimens of dog duodenal mucosa. A single type of cell showing round, homogeneous, fairly osmiophilic granules with closely applied membrane and a mean size of 188 nm +/- 34 SD has been identified as the GIP cell.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that long-term ablation of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) receptor signalling can reverse or prevent many of the metabolic abnormalities associated with dietary and genetically induced obesity-diabetes. The present study was designed to assess the sub-chronic effects of passive or active immunisation against GIP in ob/ob mice. Initial acute administration of GIP antibody together with oral glucose in ob/ob mice significantly increased the glycaemic excursion compared to controls (p<0.05). This was associated with a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the overall glucose-mediated insulin response. However, sub-chronic passive GIP immunisation was not associated with any changes in body weight, food intake or metabolic control. In contrast, active immunisation against GIP for 56 days in young ob/ob mice resulted in significantly (p<0.05) reduced circulating plasma glucose concentrations on day 56 compared to controls. There was a tendency for decreased circulating insulin in GIP immunised mice. The glycaemic response to intraperitoneal glucose was correspondingly improved (p<0.05) in mice immunised against GIP. Glucose-stimulated insulin levels were not significantly different from controls. Furthermore, insulin sensitivity was similar in mice immunised against GIP and respective controls. Overall, the results reveal that active, as opposed to passive, immunisation against GIP improves blood glucose control ob/ob mice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) on small intestinal glucose transport in vitro. Stripped proximal jejunum from fasted mice was mounted in Ussing chambers. The serosal side was bathed in Regular Ringer solution containing 5 mmol/l glucose, and the mucosal side, with solution containing 10 mmol/l 3-O-methyl glucose (3OMG). Intercellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), mucosa-to-serosa fluxes of 3OMG (J(ms)(3OMG)), and short-circuit current (I(SC)) were measured in the presence and absence of GIP. GIP increased cAMP by 2.5-fold in isolated enterocytes, consistent with a direct effect of GIP on these epithelial cells. GIP also increased I(SC) and J(ms)(3OMG) by 68 and 53%, respectively, indicating that the increase in J(ms)(3OMG) was primarily electrogenic, with a small electroneutral component. The stimulatory effect of GIP on J(ms)(3OMG) was concentration dependent. In addition, 1,000 nmol/l and 10 nmol/l GIP increased J(ms)(3OMG) by 70 and 30% over control, respectively, consistent with receptor activation. Phlorizin (20 mumol/l), an inhibitor of Na(+)-glucose cotransporter (SGLT-1), abolished the increase in I(SC) and decreased J(ms)(3OMG) by approximately 65%. These results indicate that stimulation of SGLT-1 activity by GIP partially accounts for the increase in J(ms)(30MG). These studies are the first to demonstrate direct stimulation of intestinal glucose transport by GIP independent of its insulinotropic properties. GIP stimulates cellular accumulation of cAMP and thereby upregulates glucose transport. The GIP-induced increase in glucose transport appears to be mediated, at least in part, by SGLT-1.  相似文献   

Summary The polypeptide hormone GIP has been localized ultrastructurally by using specific, monoclonal GIP antibodies and an immunogold technique on aldehyde-osmium fixed specimens of dog duodenal mucosa. A single type of cell showing round, homogeneous, fairly osmiophilic granules with closely applied membrane and a mean size of 188 nm±34 SD has been identified as the GIP cell.  相似文献   

Study on 41 cases. The cholinesterasic activity of human amniotic fluid, free from blood, is very weak, in average 0,10 microkatal, approximatively 300 times weaker than mother's serum. In this "total cholinesterase", we find a large amount (about 40%) of acetylcholinesterase. Amniotic cholinesterases have an prominent placentary origin, with, in addition, a likely activity proceeding from cellular elements.  相似文献   

The glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) gene is believed to have originated from a gene duplication event very early in vertebrate evolution that also produced the proglucagon gene, yet so far GIP has only been described within mammals. Here we report the identification of GIP genes in chicken, frogs, and zebrafish. The chicken and frog genes are organized in a similar fashion to mammalian GIP genes and contain 6 exons and 5 introns in homologous locations. These genes can also potentially be proteolytically processed in identical patterns as observed in the mammalian sequences that would yield a GIP hormone that is only one amino shorter than the mammalian sequences due to the removal of an extra basic residue by carboxypeptidase E. The zebrafish GIP gene and precursor protein is shorter than other vertebrate GIP genes and is missing exon 5. The predicted zebrafish GIP hormone is also shorter, being only 31 amino acids in length. The zebrafish GIP hormone is similar in length to the proglucagon-derived peptide hormones, peptides encoded from the gene most closely related to GIP. We suggest that the structure of zebrafish GIP is more similar to the ancestral gene, and that tetrapod GIP has been extended. The mammalian GIP hormone has also undergone a period of rapid sequence evolution early in mammalian evolution. The discovery of a conserved GIP in diverse vertebrate suggests that it has an essential role in physiology in diverse vertebrates, although it may have only recently evolved a role as an incretin hormone.  相似文献   

Cold acclimation is initially associated with shivering thermogenesis in skeletal muscle followed by adaptive non-shivering thermogenesis, particularly in brown adipose tissue (BAT). In response, hyperphagia occurs to meet increased metabolic demand and thermoregulation. The present study investigates the effects of cold (4 ± 1 °C) acclimation and hyperphagia on circulating and intestinal levels of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in rats. Pair fed animals were used as additional controls in some experiments. Cold acclimation for 42 days significantly (p<0.01) increased daily food intake. There was no corresponding change in body weight. However, body weights of pair fed cold exposed rats were significantly (p<0.01) reduced compared to controls and ad libitum fed cold exposed rats. By day 42, non-fasting plasma glucose was increased (p<0.05) by chronic cold exposure regardless of food intake. Corresponding plasma insulin concentrations were significantly (p<0.01) lower in pair fed cold exposed rats. Circulating GIP levels were elevated (p<0.05) in ad libitum fed cold acclimated rats on days 18 and 24, but returned to normal levels by the end of the study. The glycaemic response to oral glucose was improved (p<0.01) in all cold exposed rats, with significantly (p<0.05) elevated GIP responses in ad libitum fed rats and significantly (p<0.05) reduced insulin responses in pair fed rats. In keeping with this, insulin sensitivity was enhanced (p<0.05) in cold exposed rats compared to controls. By the end of the study, cold acclimated rats had significantly (p<0.01) increased BAT mass and intestinal concentrations of GIP and GLP-1 compared to controls, independent of food intake. These data indicate that changes in the secretion and actions of GIP may be involved in the metabolic adaptations to cold acclimation in rats.  相似文献   

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