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Type XI collagen is a minor and poorly characterized structural component of cartilage. Recently, cDNA and genomic clones coding for the pro alpha 1 chain of human Type XI collagen, formerly 1 alpha collagen, have been isolated and fully characterized. Here we have used one such probe to establish the chromosomal localization of the pro alpha 1 (XI) collagen gene (COL11A1) by hybridization to filter-bound DNA isolated from flow-sorted chromosomes and by in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes. This combination of approaches has enabled us to locate COL1A11 in the p21 region of chromosome 1. This represents the first mapping of a Type XI collagen gene and the first assignment of a collagen locus to chromosome 1. These studies also provide additional evidence for the nearly uniform dispersion of the human fibrillar collagen genes in the human genome.  相似文献   

Type XI collagen, a minor structural component of cartilage fibrils, is composed of three chains, alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), and alpha 3(XI). Using a cloned fragment of the human alpha 2(XI) collagen gene (COL11A2) as a molecular probe for in situ hybridization and somatic cell hybrid mapping, we have localized the gene to the short arm of chromosome 6, region 21.3. By exploiting the rich source of probes provided by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which also map to this chromosomal band, we have constructed macrorestriction maps of the region by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and have localized the alpha 2(XI) collagen gene to the centromeric extreme of the MHC. Finally, we have demonstrated, by the isolation of overlapping cosmid clones, that the gene is 45 kb centromeric to the HLA-DPB2 locus and oriented with the 3' end toward the MHC. The COL11A2 locus thus demarcates the proximal boundary of the MHC. This finding may have implications for the understanding of certain MHC-linked diseases.  相似文献   

In sea urchin, two fibrillar collagen chains (alpha1 and alpha2) have been characterized by molecular biology while two biochemically detected chains (alpha1 and alpha2) have been reported. Here, to determine the relationship between these results, Western-blotting and Edman degradation sequencing of the amino-termini of pepsinized sea urchin fibrillar collagen chains were performed. The data demonstrate that the 2alpha chain corresponds to the alpha2 chain and is involved in the formation of heterotrimeric molecules [(1alpha)(2)2alpha].  相似文献   

We report here on the complete structure of the human COL3A1 and COL5A2 genes. Collagens III and V, together with collagens I, II and XI make up the group of fibrillar collagens, all of which share a similar structure and function; however, despite the similar size of the major triple-helical domain, the number of exons coding for the domain differs between the genes for the major fibrillar collagens characterized so far (I, II, and III) and the minor ones (V and XI). The main triple-helical domain being encoded by 49-50 exons, including the junction exons, in the COL5A1, COL11A1 and COL11A2 genes, but by 43-44 exons in the genes for the major fibrillar collagens. Characterization of the genomic structure of the COL3A1 gene confirmed its association with the major fibrillar collagen genes, but surprisingly, the genomic organization of the COL5A2 gene was found to be similar to that of the COL3A1 gene. We also confirmed that the two genes are located in tail-to-tail orientation with an intergenic distance of approximately 22 kb. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that they have evolved from a common ancestor gene. Analysis of the genomic sequences identified a novel single nucleotide polymorphism and a novel dinucleotide repeat. These polymorphisms should be useful for linkage analysis of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and related disorders.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for cloning of amplification products directly from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed. The method is based on the addition of a 12-base dUMP-containing sequence (CUACUACUACUA) to the 5' end of PCR primers. Incorporation of these primers during PCR results in the selective placement of dUMP residues into the 5' end of amplification products. Selective degradation of the dUMP residues in the PCR products with uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) disrupts base pairing at the termini and generates 3' overhangs. Annealing of 3' protruding termini to vector DNA containing complementary 3' ends results in chimeric molecules which can be transformed, with high efficiency, without in vitro ligation. Directional cloning of PCR products has also been accomplished by incorporating different dU-containing sequences at the end of each PCR primer. Substitution of all dT residues in PCR primers with dU eliminates cloning of aberrant "primer dimer" products and enriches cloning of genuine PCR products. The method has been applied to cloning of inter-Alu DNA sequences from human placental DNA. Using a single primer, DNA sequences between appropriately oriented Alu sequences were amplified and cloned. Cloning of cDNA for the glyceraldehyde-3'-phosphate dehydrogenase gene from rat brain RNA was also demonstrated. The 3' end region of this gene was amplified by the 3' RACE method and the amplified DNA was cloned after UDG digestion. Characterization of cloned DNAs by sequence analysis showed accurate repair of the cloning junctions. The ligase-free cloning method with UDG should prove to be a widely applicable procedure for rapid cloning of PCR-amplified DNA.  相似文献   

DNA from a rat hippocampus cDNA library and sets of highly degenerate oligonucleotide primers directed toward conserved regions of previously cloned G-protein receptors were used in the polymerase chain reaction to selectively amplify and clone new members of this gene family. A human hippocampus cDNA library was screened with a 610 base pair fragment generated by PCR and a cDNA clone, H318/3, was isolated. The deduced amino acid sequence of this clone encoded a protein of 501 amino acids that showed strong sequence homology to previously cloned G-protein receptors. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed clone H318/3 was 78% homologous to a rat alpha 1A adrenergic receptor with homology being 95% when comparisons were made in the region that lies between the first to the seventh transmembrane domains. Based on this high degree of sequence homology, we conclude that clone H318/3 represents a cDNA for a human alpha 1A adrenergic receptor.  相似文献   

Comparison of the nucleotide sequence and primary structure of murine and human pro alpha 2(I) collagen indicates a high degree of homology: 87% at the nucleotide level and 87% at the amino acid level, with the greatest degree of variability in the amino- and carboxy-pro-peptide domains. The homology is greatest in the triple helical domain, repeating [Gly-X-Y]338, exhibiting 90% homology at the amino acid level, with only X and Y position residue substitutions. The X and Y residues show 86% homology between murine and human pro alpha 2(I) collagen triple helices, with no truly nonconservative substitutions.  相似文献   

DNA complementary to mRNA of human immunoglobulin E heavy chain (epsilon chain) isolated and purified from U266 cells has been synthesized and inserted into the PstI site of pBR322 by G-C tailing. This recombinant plasmid was used to transform E. coli chi 1776 to screen 1445 tetracycline resistant colonies. Nine clones (pGETI - 9) containing cDNA coding for the human epsilon chain were recognized by colony hybridization and Southern blotting analysis with a nick-translated human IgE genome fragment. The nucleotide sequence of the longest cDNA contained in pGET2 was determined. The results indicate that the sequence of 1657 nucleotides codes for 494 amino acids covering a part of the variable region and all of the constant region of the human epsilon chain. Most of the amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence is in substantial agreement with that reported. Furthermore a termination codon after the -COOH terminal amino acid marks the beginning of a 3' untranslated region of 125 nucleotides with a poly A tail. Taking this into account, the structure of the human epsilon chain mRNA, except a part of the 5' end, is conserved fairly well in the cDNA insert in pGET2.  相似文献   

To determine whether native bovine type XI collagen (BXI) is arthritogenic, five strains of inbred mice were immunized with BXI/CFA. Arthritis was not observed in any of these strains, though it was prevalent in DBA/1 and B10.RIII controls immunized with bovine type II collagen (BII). Antisera from BXI-immunized mice reacted with mouse type XI collagen (MsXI), weakly with the alpha-chains of BXI, and minimally with mouse type II collagen (MsII). However, antisera to BII reacted with MsII and MsXI, indicating antibodies to conformation-independent epitopes shared by alpha 1(II) and alpha 3(XI). Mice immunized with BXI containing a small amount of BII developed arthritis much like those immunized with BII; sera from these mice reacted with MsXI and MsII. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses differed from IgG responses, i.e., BXI elicited responses to alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II); BII, to alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) exclusively. To determine whether alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic, DBA/1J mice were immunized with each alpha-chain. Arthritis was seen in mice injected with alpha 3(XI) or alpha 1(II). Sera to both alpha-chains reacted similarly with MsII and peptide fragment alpha 1(II)-CB11. Epitope mapping using polyclonal and mAb to type II collagen revealed that all polyclonal and 11 of 14 mAb reacted with alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II), whereas three mAb reacted only with alpha 1(II). In conclusion, BXI is immunogenic but not arthritogenic in five strains of mice, whereas alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic and immunogenic in DBA/1 mice and share greater than or equal to 11 epitopes recognized by autoantibody.  相似文献   

Overlapping cDNA clones were isolated for human type II procollagen. Nucleotide sequencing of the clones provided over 2.5 kb of new coding sequences for the human pro alpha 1(II) gene and the first complete amino acid sequence of type II procollagen from any species. Comparison with published data for cDNA clones covering the entire lengths of the human type I and type III procollagens made it possible to compare in detail the coding sequences and primary structures of the three most abundant human fibrillar collagens. The results indicated that the marked preference in the third base codons for glycine, proline and alanine previously seen in other fibrillar collagens was maintained in type II procollagen. The domains of the pro alpha 1(II) chain are about the same size as the same domains of the pro alpha chains of type I and type III procollagens. However, the major triple-helical domain is 15 amino acid residues less than the triple-helical domain of type III procollagen. Comparison of hydropathy profiles indicated that the alpha chain domain of type II procollagen is more similar to the alpha chain domain of the pro alpha 1(I) chain than to the pro alpha 2(I) chain or the pro alpha 1(III) chain. The results therefore suggest that selective pressure in the evolution of the pro alpha 1(II) and pro alpha 1(I) genes is more similar than the selective pressure in the evolution of the pro alpha 2(I) and pro alpha 1(III) genes.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen is found in hyaline cartilage, where it is associated with type II collagen in quarter-staggered collagen fibrils. Chicken type IX collagen has been extensively characterized and shown to contain molecules with three triple-helical domains, interspersed with non-triple-helical sequences. The molecule contains three, genetically distinct, subunits and one of these subunits carries a covalently bound glycosaminoglycan side chain. In the present report, we describe for the first time the primary structure of mammalian type IX collagen chains, based on cloning and sequencing of cDNA from rat and human cDNA libraries. The results suggest that mammalian alpha 1(IX) chains have the same multi-domain structure as the avian protein. We also demonstrate, by in situ hybridization of chromosome spreads, that the human alpha 1(IX) collagen gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 6. The cloning of human type IX collagen cDNA provides a probe for molecular studies of human chondrodysplasias that may involve abnormalities in this extracellular collagen-proteoglycan.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the alpha 1 chain of human type XIII collagen. COL13A1, is assigned to chromosome region 10q11----qter by Southern blot hybridization of DNA from 24 human x rodent somatic cell hybrids using a cloned cDNA as probe. A number of previous reports indicate that 10 of the collagen genes are located on six autosomes, but no other collagen genes have been found on chromosome 10. The data therefore provide further evidence for the dispersion of members of the collagen gene family throughout the genome.  相似文献   

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