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We have reported that a population of chromaffin cell mitochondria takes up large amounts of Ca(2+) during cell stimulation. The present study focuses on the pathways for mitochondrial Ca(2+) efflux. Treatment with protonophores before cell stimulation abolished mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and increased the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](c)) peak induced by the stimulus. Instead, when protonophores were added after cell stimulation, they did not modify [Ca(2+)](c) kinetics and inhibited Ca(2+) release from Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria. This effect was due to inhibition of mitochondrial Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange, because blocking this system with CGP37157 produced no further effect. Increasing extramitochondrial [Ca(2+)](c) triggered fast Ca(2+) release from these depolarized Ca(2+)-loaded mitochondria, both in intact or permeabilized cells. These effects of protonophores were mimicked by valinomycin, but not by nigericin. The observed mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release response was insensitive to cyclosporin A and CGP37157 but fully blocked by ruthenium red, suggesting that it may be mediated by reversal of the Ca(2+) uniporter. This novel kind of mitochondrial Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release might contribute to Ca(2+) clearance from mitochondria that become depolarized during Ca(2+) overload.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of physiological concentrations of different diacylglycerols on Ca(2+)-induced fusion between phosphatidylserine vesicles. We monitored vesicle fusion as mixing of membrane lipids under conditions where the limiting factor was the aggregation and also in conditions where this aggregation was not the limiting factor. We found that diacylglycerols have a different modulating effect on the Ca(2+)-induced fusion: i) depending on their interfacial conformation, so that 1,2-isomers of diacylglycerols containing unsaturated or short saturated acyl chains stimulated fusion and their 1,3-isomers did not, and ii) depending on their specific type of bilayer interior perturbation, so that diacylglycerols containing unsaturated or short chain saturated acyl chains stimulated fusion but those containing long-chain saturated acyl chains did not. These requirements resembled those required for the diacylglycerol activation of protein kinase C, suggesting that diacylglycerol acts in both the specific activation of this enzyme and the induction of membrane fusion through the same perturbation of lipid structure. We found that polylysine affected the stimulatory role of 1,2-dioleoylglycerol differently, depending on whether aggregation was the limiting factor of fusion. When we studied the effect of very low concentrations of diacylglycerols on the bulk structural properties of phosphatidylserine, we found that they neither significantly perturbed the thermotropic transitions of phosphatidylserine nor affected the interaction of Ca2+ with the phosphate group of phosphatidylserine. The underlying mechanism of fusion between phosphatidylserine vesicles is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes incubated in the presence of either Ca2+ ionophore A23187 or thromboxane B2 develop many plasma membrane blebs which are a characteristic feature of toxic or ischaemic cell injury. When hepatocytes are incubated in the presence of both Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and any one of three thromboxane receptor antagonists (SK and F 88046, B.M. 13505, B.M. 13177), bleb formation is strongly inhibited. Hepatocytes incubated in the presence of both thromboxane B2 and any one of the three thromboxane receptor antagonists are also well protected from the formation of blebs. Treatment of isolated hepatocytes with Ca2+ ionophore A23187 is known to stimulate the production of thromboxanes. The data presented are consistent with thromboxane B2 acting as an intermediary in a proposed mechanism of cell injury and death in which elevated cytosolic free Ca2+ levels activate phospholipase A2 and the arachidonate cascade.  相似文献   

Glucose stimulates the release of insulin in part by activating the recruitment of secretory vesicles to the cell surface. While this movement is known to be microtubule-dependent, the molecular motors involved are undefined. Active kinesin was found to be essential for vesicle translocation in live beta-cells, since microinjection of cDNA encoding dominant-negative KHC(mut) (motor domain of kinesin heavy chain containing a Thr(93)-->Asn point mutation) blocked vesicular movements. Moreover, expression of KHC(mut) strongly inhibited the sustained, but not acute, stimulation of secretion by glucose. Thus, vesicles released during the first phase of insulin secretion exist largely within a translocation-independent pool. Kinesin-driven anterograde movement of vesicles is then necessary for the sustained (second phase) of insulin release. Kinesin may, therefore, represent a novel target for increases in intracellular ATP concentrations in response to elevated extracellular glucose and may be involved in the ATP-sensitive K+channel-independent stimulation of secretion by the sugar.  相似文献   

In cultured rat dorsal root ganglia neurons, we measured membrane currents, using the patch-clamp whole-cell technique, and the concentrations of free Ca(2+) in the cytosol ([Ca(2+)](i)) and in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) ([Ca(2+)](L)), using high- (Fluo-3) and low- (Mag-Fura-2) affinity Ca(2+)-sensitive fluorescent probes and video imaging. Resting [Ca(2+)](L) concentration varied between 60 and 270 microM. Activation of ryanodine receptors by caffeine triggered a rapid fall in [Ca(2+)](L) levels, which amounted to only 40--50% of the resting [Ca(2+)](L) value. Using electrophysiological depolarization, we directly demonstrate the process of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release triggered by Ca(2+) entry through voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. The amplitude of Ca(2+) release from the ER lumen was linearly dependent on I(Ca).  相似文献   

It is still debated whether inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate(IP(3))-induced Ca(2+) release is loading-dependent. We now report that stimulation of the IP(3) receptor by luminal Ca(2+) depends on the cytosolic [Ca(2+)] in permeabilized A7r5 cells. The EC(50) and maximal extent of Ca(2+) release were loading-dependent in the presence of 5 mM 1, 2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid: the EC(50) increased 1.9-fold and the maximal release decreased from 88 to 52% when the stores contained 73% less Ca(2+). In the presence of 0.3 microM free Ca(2+), the EC(50) for filled and less filled stores differed, however, only 1.2-fold and the maximal Ca(2+) release was respectively 96 and 87% of the total releasable Ca(2+). At 1 microM free Ca(2+), the difference in EC(50) between filled and less filled stores again became larger (2.2-fold) and the maximal Ca(2+) release decreased from 93 to 87% when the stores contained less Ca(2+).  相似文献   

The sulphydryl reagent thimerosal (50 microM) released Ca2+ from a non-mitochondrial intracellular Ca2+ pool in a dose-dependent manner in permeabilized insulin-secreting RINm5F cells. This release was reversed after addition of the reducing agent dithiothreitol. Ca2+ was released from an Ins(1,4,5)P3-insensitive pool, since release was observed even after depletion of the Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive pool by a supramaximal dose of Ins(2,4,5)P3 or thapsigargin. The Ins(1,4,5)P3-sensitive pool remained essentially unaltered by thimerosal. Thimerosal-induced Ca2+ release was potentiated by caffeine. These findings suggest the existence of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release also in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   

In animal cells, capacitative calcium entry (CCE) mechanisms become activated specifically in response to depletion of calcium ions (Ca(2+)) from secretory organelles. CCE serves to replenish those organelles and to enhance signaling pathways that respond to elevated free Ca(2+) concentrations in the cytoplasm. The mechanism of CCE regulation is not understood because few of its essential components have been identified. We show here for the first time that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae employs a CCE-like mechanism to refill Ca(2+) stores within the secretory pathway. Mutants lacking Pmr1p, a conserved Ca(2+) pump in the secretory pathway, exhibit higher rates of Ca(2+) influx relative to wild-type cells due to the stimulation of a high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system. Stimulation of this Ca(2+) uptake system was blocked in pmr1 mutants by expression of mammalian SERCA pumps. The high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system was also stimulated in wild-type cells overexpressing vacuolar Ca(2+) transporters that competed with Pmr1p for substrate. A screen for yeast mutants specifically defective in the high-affinity Ca(2+) uptake system revealed two genes, CCH1 and MID1, previously implicated in Ca(2+) influx in response to mating pheromones. Cch1p and Mid1p were localized to the plasma membrane, coimmunoprecipitated from solubilized membranes, and shown to function together within a single pathway that ensures that adequate levels of Ca(2+) are supplied to Pmr1p to sustain secretion and growth. Expression of Cch1p and Mid1p was not affected in pmr1 mutants. The evidence supports the hypothesis that yeast maintains a homeostatic mechanism related to CCE in mammalian cells. The homology between Cch1p and the catalytic subunit of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels raises the possibility that in some circumstances CCE in animal cells may involve homologs of Cch1p and a conserved regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

Exocytic activation of gastric parietal cells represents a massive transformation. We studied a step in this process, homotypic fusion of H,K-ATPase-containing tubulovesicles, using R18 dequenching. Ca2+ and Mg2+/ATP each caused dramatic dequenching, reflecting a change in R18 distribution from 5% to 65–90% of the assay's membranes in 2.5 min. These stimuli also triggered fusion between tubulovesicles and liposomes. Independent confirmation that dequenching represented membrane fusion was established by separating tubulovesicle–liposome fusion products on density gradients. Only agents that trigger fusion allowed the transmembrane H,K-ATPase to move to low-density fractions along with R18. EC50 for Ca2+-triggered fusion was 150 n m and for Mg2+/ATP-triggered fusion 1 m m , the latter having a Hill coefficient of 2.5. ATP-triggered fusion was specific for Mg2+/ATP, required ATP hydrolysis, and was insensitive to inhibition of NSF and/or H,K-ATPase. Fusion initiated by either trigger caused tubulovesicles to become resistant to subsequent challenge by either trigger. Ca2+-and Mg2+/ATP-triggered fusion required protein component(s) in tubulovesicles, though this was required in only one of the fusing membranes since tubulovesicles fused well with liposomes containing no proteins. Our data suggest that exocytosis in parietal cells is triggered by separate but interacting pathways and is regulated by self-inhibition.  相似文献   

Uncoupling proteins 2 and 3 (UCP2/3) are essential for mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake but both proteins exhibit distinct activities in regard to the source and mode of Ca(2+) mobilization. In the present work, structural determinants of their contribution to mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake were explored. Previous findings indicate the importance of the intermembrane loop 2 (IML2) for the contribution of UCP2/3. Thus, the IML2 of UCP2/3 was substituted by that of UCP1. These chimeras had no activity in mitochondrial uptake of intracellularly released Ca(2+), while they mimicked the wild-type proteins by potentiating mitochondrial sequestration of entering Ca(2+). Alignment of the IML2 sequences revealed that UCP1, UCP2 and UCP3 share a basic amino acid in positions 163, 164 and 167, while only UCP2 and UCP3 contain a second basic residue in positions 168 and 171, respectively. Accordingly, mutants of UCP3 in positions 167 and 171/172 were made. In permeabilized cells, these mutants exhibited distinct Ca(2+) sensitivities in regard to mitochondrial Ca(2+) sequestration. In intact cells, these mutants established different activities in mitochondrial uptake of either intracellularly released (UCP3(R171,E172)) or entering (UCP3(R167)) Ca(2+). Our data demonstrate that distinct sites in the IML2 of UCP3 effect mitochondrial uptake of high and low Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   

The adjustment of Ca2+ entry in cardiac cells is critical to the generation of the force necessary for the myocardium to meet the physiological needs of the body. In this review, we present the concept that Ca2+ can promote its own entry through Ca2+ channels by different mechanisms. We refer to it under the general term of ‘Ca2+-induced Ca2+ entry’ (CICE). We review short-term mechanisms (usually termed facilitation) that involve a stimulating effect of Ca2+ on the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa-L) amplitude (positive staircase) or a lessening of Ca2+-dependent inactivation of ICa-L. This latter effect is related to the amount of Ca2+ released by ryanodine receptors (RyR2) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Both effects are involved in the control of action potential (AP) duration. We also describe a long-term mechanism based on Ca2+-dependent down-regulation of the Kv4.2 gene controlling functional expression of the repolarizing transient outward K+ current (Ito) and, thereby, AP duration. This mechanism, which might occur very early during the onset of hypertrophy, enhances Ca2+ entry by maintaining Ca2+ channel activation during prolonged AP. Both Ca2+-dependent facilitation and Ca2+-dependent down-regulation of Ito expression favour AP prolongation and, thereby, promote sustained voltage-gated Ca2+ entry used to enhance excitation–contraction (EC) coupling (with no change in the density of Ca2+ channels per se). These self-maintaining mechanisms of Ca2+ entry have significant functions in remodelling Ca2+ signalling during the cardiac AP. They might support a prominent role of Ca2+ channels in the establishment and progression of abnormal Ca2+ signalling during cardiac hypertrophy and congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) is a ubiquitous mechanism by which Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum amplifies the trigger Ca(2+) entry and generates propagating Ca(2+) waves. To elucidate the mechanisms that control this positive feedback, we investigated the spatial and temporal kinetics and measured the gain function of CICR in small sensory neurons from mammalian dorsal root ganglions (DRGs). We found that subsurface Ca(2+) release units (CRUs) are under tight local control by Ca(2+) entry, whereas medullar CRUs as a "common pool" system are recruited by inwardly propagating CICR. Active CRUs often displayed repetitive Ca(2+) sparks, conferring the ability to encode a "memory" of neuronal activity well beyond the duration of an action potential. Store Ca(2+) reserve was able to support all CRUs each to fire approximately 15 sparks, excluding use-dependent inactivation or store depletion as the major CICR termination mechanism. Importantly, CICR in DRG neurons operated in a low gain, linear regime (gain = 0.54), which conferred intrinsic stability to CICR. Combined with high Ca(2+) current density (-156 pA/pF at -10 mV), such a low gain CICR system generated large intracellular Ca(2+) transients without jeopardizing the stability. These findings provide the first demonstration that CICR operating in a low gain regime can be harnessed to provide a robust and graded amplification of Ca(2+) signal in the absence of counteracting inhibitory mechanism.  相似文献   

A protein modulator of erythrocyte membrane (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase inhibitor protein was purified to apparent homogeneity from pig membrane-free hemolysate by a combination of carboxymethyl-Sephadex chromatography, gel filtration, chromatofocusing (pH 7-4) and subsequent removal of trace inhibitor protein by salt treatment. Gel filtration gave a molecular weight of 57 500 for the purified protein modulator, while SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of dithiothreitol-treated modulator revealed one single band with a molecular weight of 29 000. Isoelectric focusing of the dithiothreitol-treated protein revealed one band (isoelectric pH 4.85), while untreated modulator gave an extra band (isoelectric pH 4.96). It contains no methionine and has an acidic content 73% higher than that of its basic residues. Freshly prepared or dithiothreitol-treated modulator suppressed both pig and human erythrocyte (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase inhibitor protein activity, but did not affect ATPase and calmodulin activities. Modulator-coupled Affi-Gel 15 could be employed for purification of the protein inhibitor.  相似文献   

Calcium spikes established by IP(3) receptor-mediated Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transmitted effectively to the mitochondria, utilizing local Ca(2+) interactions between closely associated subdomains of the ER and mitochondria. Since the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) has been thought to be freely permeable to Ca(2+), investigations have focused on IP(3)-driven Ca(2+) transport through the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). Here we demonstrate that selective permeabilization of the OMM by tcBid, a proapoptotic protein, results in an increase in the magnitude of the IP(3)-induced mitochondrial [Ca(2+)] signal. This effect of tcBid was due to promotion of activation of Ca(2+) uptake sites in the IMM and, in turn, to facilitation of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake. In contrast, tcBid failed to control the delivery of sustained and global Ca(2+) signals to the mitochondria. Thus, our data support a novel model that Ca(2+) permeability of the OMM at the ER- mitochondrial interface is an important determinant of local Ca(2+) signalling. Facilitation of Ca(2+) delivery to the mitochondria by tcBid may also support recruitment of mitochondria to the cell death machinery.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Ca(2+)-loaded coelenterazine-binding protein from Renilla muelleri in its apo-state has been determined at resolution 1.8 A. Although calcium binding hardly affects the compact scaffold and overall fold of the structure before calcium addition, there are easily discerned shifts in the residues that were interacting with the coelenterazine and a repositioning of helices, to expose a cavity to the external solvent. Altogether these changes offer a straightforward explanation for how following the addition of Ca(2+), the coelenterazine could escape and become available for bioluminescence on Renilla luciferase. A docking computation supports the possibility of a luciferase-binding protein complex.  相似文献   

The neonatal mammalian skeletal muscle contains both type 1 and type 3 ryanodine receptors (RyR1 and RyR3) located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. An allosteric interaction between RyR1 and dihydropyridine receptors located in the plasma membrane mediates voltage-induced Ca(2+) release (VICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. RyR3, which disappears in adult muscle, is not involved in VICR, and the role of the transiently expressed RyR3 remains elusive. Here we demonstrate that RyR1 participates in both VICR and Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) and that RyR3 amplifies RyR1-mediated CICR in neonatal skeletal muscle. Confocal measurements of intracellular Ca(2+) in primary cultured mouse skeletal myotubes reveal active sites of Ca(2+) release caused by peripheral coupling between dihydropyridine receptors and RyR1. In myotubes lacking RyR3, the peripheral VICR component is unaffected, and RyR1s alone are able to support inward CICR propagation in most cells at an average speed of approximately 190 microm/s. With the co-presence of RyR1 and RyR3 in wild-type cells, unmitigated radial CICR propagates at 2,440 microm/s. Because neonatal skeletal muscle lacks a well developed transverse tubule system, the RyR3 reinforcement of CICR seems to ensure a robust, uniform, and synchronous activation of Ca(2+) release throughout the cell body. Such functional interplay between RyR1 and RyR3 can serve important roles in Ca(2+) signaling of cell differentiation and muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a Ca(2+)- and phospholipid-binding protein involved in many cellular regulatory processes. Like other annexins, it is constituted by two domains: a conserved core, containing the Ca(2+) binding sites, and a variable N-terminal segment, containing sites for interactions with other protein partners like S100A10 (p11). A wealth of data exists on the structure and dynamics of the core, but little is known about the N-terminal domain especially in the Ca(2+)-induced membrane-bridging process. To investigate this protein region in the monomeric AnxA2 and in the heterotetramer (AnxA2-p11)(2), the reactive Cys8 residue was specifically labelled with the fluorescent probe acrylodan and the interactions with membranes were studied by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence. In membrane junctions formed by the (AnxA2-p11)(2) heterotetramer, the flexibility of the N-terminal domain increased as compared to the protein in solution. In "homotypic" membrane junctions formed by monomeric AnxA2, acrylodan moved to a more hydrophobic environment than in the protein in solution and the flexibility of the N-terminal domain also increased. In these junctions, this domain is probably not in close contact with the membrane surface, as suggested by the weak quenching of acrylodan observed with doxyl-PCs, but pairs of N-termini likely interact, as revealed by the excimer-forming probe pyrene-maleimide bound to Cys8. We present a model of monomeric AnxA2 N-terminal domain organization in "homotypic" bridged membranes in the presence of Ca(2+).  相似文献   

An early development-specific soluble 55 kDa Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase has been purified to homogeneity from sandalwood somatic embryos and biochemically characterized. The purified enzyme, swCDPK, resolved into a single band on 10% polyacrylamide gels, both under denaturing and non-denaturing conditions. swCDPK activity was strictly dependent on Ca(2+), K(0.5) (apparent binding constant) for Ca(2+)-activation of substrate phosphorylation activity being 0.7 microM and for autophosphorylation activity approximately 50 nM. Ca(2+)-dependence for activation, CaM-independence, inhibition by CaM-antagonist (IC(50) for W7=6 microM, for W5=46 microM) and cross-reaction with polyclonal antibodies directed against the CaM-like domain of soybean CDPK, confirmed the presence of an endogenous CaM-like domain in the purified enzyme. Kinetic studies revealed a K(m) value of 1.3 mg/ml for histone III-S and a V(max) value of 0.1 nmol min(-1) mg(-1). The enzyme exhibited high specificity for ATP with a K(m) value of 10 nM. Titration with calcium resulted in the enhancement of intrinsic emission fluorescence of swCDPK and a shift in the lambda(max) emission from tryptophan residues. A reduction in the efficiency of non-radiative energy transfer from tyrosine to tryptophan residues was also observed. These are taken as evidence for the occurrence of Ca(2+)-induced conformational change in swCDPK. The emission spectral properties of swCDPK in conjunction with Ca(2+) levels required for autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation help understand mode of Ca(2+) activation of this enzyme.  相似文献   

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