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The neuromelanin of the human substantia nigra   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The pigment of the human substantia nigra was isolated after extraction of lipids and proteins with 2% sodium cholate in 30% ethanol followed by 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate in 10% glycerol. The pigment was hydrolysed with HI or degraded by treatment with KMNO4 and the samples were examined for compounds known to derive from pheomelanin (4-amino-3-hydroxyphenylalanine, AHP and 4-amino-3-hydroxyphenylethylamine, AHPEA), or from eumelanin (pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid, PTCA). The HI hydrolysis yielded AHPEA in large quantities, indicating cysteinyldopamine as the main source of the pheomelanin moiety of the neuromelanin, but also trace amounts of AHP, derived from cysteinyldopa oxidation products. Dopamine and small quantities of dopa were also obtained by HI hydrolysis of the neuromelanin. The yield of PTCA was low, but the amounts observed show that part of the neuromelanin is of the eumelanin type, a fact compatible with an occasional exhaustion of the glutathione-cysteine reduction system at the site of neuromelanin formation.  相似文献   

Information on the molecular distribution and ageing trend of brain iron in post‐mortem material from normal subjects is scarce. Because it is known that neuromelanin and ferritin form stable complexes with iron(III), in this study we measured the concentration of iron, ferritin and neuromelanin in substantia nigra from normal subjects, aged between 1 and 90 years, dissected post mortem. Iron levels in substantia nigra were 20 ng/mg in the first year of life, had increased to 200 ng/mg by the fourth decade and remained stable until 90 years of age. The H‐ferritin concentration was also very low (29 ng/mg) during the first year of life but increased rapidly to values of ≈ 200 ng/mg at 20 years of age, which then remained constant until the eighth decade of life. L ‐Ferritin also showed an increasing trend during life although the concentrations were ≈ 50% less than that of H‐ferritin at each age point. Neuromelanin was not detectable during the first year, increased to ≈ 1000 ng/mg in the second decade and then increased continuously to 3500 ng/mg in the 80th year. A Mössbauer study revealed that the high‐spin trivalent iron is probably arranged in a ferritin‐like iron?oxyhydroxide cluster form in the substantia nigra. Based on this data and on the low H‐ and L‐ferritin content in neurones it is concluded that neuromelanin is the major iron storage in substantia nigra neurones in normal individuals.  相似文献   

Neuromelanin was isolated from human substantia nigra using different procedures. In the pigment isolated by any of these procedures a peptide component covalently bound to the melanic structure was found, as shown by treatment with reagents known to eliminate noncovalently bound proteins. The amino acid content of such a peptide component was reproducible and corresponded to approximately 15% of the neuromelanin weight. Neuromelanin also showed the ability to absorb specifically lipid molecules, approximately 20% of its weight, and among these lipids cholesterol was identified, constituting approximately 5% of the total lipid mixture. A synthetic melanin, incubated with putamen homogenate, bound tissue peptides with an amino acid content quite close to that of neuromelanin. The same synthetic melanin adsorbed a lower amount of lipids from the putamen homogenate compared with neuromelanin. The sulfur content of neuromelanin was also reproducible even using different isolation procedures. A nonpigmented tissue like corpus callosum was used as a control and extracted by the method used for neuromelanin isolation; a total elimination of tissue components was found, thus demonstrating the capability of the reported procedures to isolate neuromelanin alone. The presence of a peptide component in the neuromelanin structure and the selective affinity for lipid molecules suggest new aspects of the functional role and metabolic pathway of neuromelanin.  相似文献   

The pigmentation of substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic neurons is due to the presence of neuromelanin, an irregular macromolecular pigment belonging to the family of melanins. Depletion of neuromelanin in Parkinson's disease is typically indicated by loss of brown color in this area. Unlike that from controls, the pigment extracted from substantia nigra of parkinsonian patients seems to be mainly composed by highly cross-linked, protease-resistant proteic material and the neuromelanin macromolecule appears to be a minor presence. In the present paper we describe the isolation by SDS-PAGE of this proteic component after cleavage of the melanin backbone under solubilizing conditions. A single band is observed, which has been identified as alpha-synuclein by western blotting. As expected, the same process performed on a control specimen did not show occurrence of any major proteic component. Nevertheless, extraction from a 91 years old control with Lewy bodies displayed minor alpha-synuclein immunoreactive aggregates, whereas inclusion of free alpha-synuclein was not observed at all. Results reported here support the view that alpha-synuclein accumulates within substantia nigra neurons and is entrapped in pigment granules during neuromelanin biosynthesis, i.e. before the melanin depletion characteristic of Parkinson's disease starts.  相似文献   

Neuromelanin is a dark brown pigment present at high concentrations in dopaminergic neurones of the human substantia nigra (SN). Early electron microscopic examinations of neuromelanin fine structure revealed a significant neutral lipid component; however, the identity of this lipid has remained unknown. Here we show that the lipid component of neuromelanin pigment derived from human SN is the polyisoprenoid dolichol. Established methods were used to isolate the pigment from the SN of 32 brains and the lipid fraction was recovered in high purity and yield. Using reversed-phase HPLC, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry, and 1H- and 13C-NMR techniques, we showed that the neuromelanin dolichol contained 17-23 isoprenoid units. Dolichol accounted for 14% of the mass of neuromelanin pigment; low levels of other hydrophobic compounds were detected (e.g. ubiquinone-10, alpha-tocopherol and cholesterol together accounted for < 0.5% of the neuromelanin lipid mass). This is the first time that dolichol has been identified in such a physiological setting and significantly advances our understanding of neuromelanin pigment structure and biosynthetic pathways. Furthermore, these studies identify a potential novel role for the isoprenoid pathway in the regulation of neuromelanin function and neurodegeneration within the SN.  相似文献   

Neuromelanin (NM) accumulates as a function of age in normal human substantia nigra (SN) but is relatively depleted in the SN of patients with Parkinson disease (PD). Several studies have been performed to further our understanding of the role of NM in neuronal aging and neurodegenerative mechanisms of PD. To this purpose, NM from human SN was isolated and its structure and molecular interactions were investigated. Cysteinyl-dopamine was shown to be one precursor of NM synthesis. A striking affinity of NM for specific metals, lipids, drugs and pesticides was found in vitro, and in animal and human brain postmortem studies. Because of these affinities, NM seems to play a protective role in the human brain by blocking toxic molecules. On the other hand, experiments in cell culture indicate that NM can activate microglia, eliciting the release of cytotoxic factors that can induce neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Neuromelanin (NM) isolated from the substantia nigra of the human brain is found to contain a series of dolichoic acids (dol-CA) containing 14-20 isoprene units. This is the first observation of dol-CA in a natural system. Using internally spiked nor-dolichol and nor-dolichoic acid standards, the concentrations of dolichol (dol) and dol-CA present in NM were determined. Remarkably, dol was only four times as abundant as dol-CA in NM. The distribution of dol-CA chains lengths in NM also differed from that of dol, suggesting that the enzyme(s) responsible for the conversion of dol to dol-CA prefer a dolichol substrate containing 19 isoprene units.  相似文献   

Summary The opioid peptide dynorphin A (1–17) is the third transmitter identified in the striatonigral projection, the other two being gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and substance P. The ultrastructural features of the dynorphinergic terminals in substantia nigra/pars reticulata were studied using pre-embedding immunocytochemistry with the classical peroxidase-antiperoxidase-diaminobenzidine-method; these features were compared with GABAergic boutons visualized with an immunogold method. Two distinct types of dynorphin-A-immunoreactive boutons could be identified: (1) type A (81%) possessing characteristics similar to the GA-BAergic nerve endings in this region, i.e., large pleomorphic vesicles and symmetric synaptic contacts, (2) type B (19%) displaying asymmetric synaptic zones and small, mostly round vesicles. These results are in agreement with physiological studies suggesting a dual action of dynorphin A in substantia nigra.  相似文献   

This review describes inputs to neurons in the substantia nigra and contrasts them with the action of agonists for the putative receptors through which they act. Special emphasis is placed on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) afferents. Dopamine released from the somato-dendritic compartment of dopamine neurons and endocannabinoids released from dopamine and GABA neurons serve as retrograde signals to modulate GABA release. The release may be fostered by Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ stores, which in turn may be influenced by the inputs.The studies summarized in this review were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FOR 302/TP-B1)  相似文献   

Synapses in the rat substantia nigra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The composition and organization of the input to the rat substantia nigra were studied with the electron microscope. Four distinct types of synaptic boutons were described. The first contained small (381 A), clear synaptic vesicles. The second type contained the small, clear vesicles and several large, dense-core vesicles. The third ending contained large, dense-core vesicles and larger (581 A) clear vesicles. The fourth ending, found on the axon hillock and other terminal boutons, contained slightly elongated, clear synaptic vesicles. The presence of these four boutons was discussed in light of the known afferent input and neurochemical composition of the substantia nigra.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitecture of the substantia nigra in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The evolution of genotypic diversity with population age remains poorly explored in clonal plant populations despite the potential for important shifts to occur through the course of time. Woody sprouting species are particularly under-represented in studies investigating intra-specific variations in levels of clonality from one locality to the next and through time. In this study we sought to determine the incidence and frequency of replicate genotypes in natural Populus nigra L. (Salicaceae) stands of different ages. Ten stands of this woody riparian sprouting species were selected in each of three distinct age groups (young, middle-aged and old) along a 30 km stretch of the River Garonne (south-west France). Leaf samples were collected from 15 neighbouring trees in each stand (450 samples in total) and replicate genotypes were identified using five SSR markers. Replicate genotypes were identified in two-thirds of all stands sampled (i.e. 50 of young stands, 100 of middle-aged stands and 50% of old stands). Young stands had significantly fewer replicated genotypes than middle-aged or old stands, while middle-aged stands had the greatest number of replicated genotypes. Replicate genotypes were most often found to occur as nearest neighbours and formed relatively small, discrete units (i.e. 2–4 trees growing in close proximity to one another). This suggests that asexual regeneration frequently occurs through flood-training in this species, although asexual regeneration from translocated fragments also evidently occurs as evidenced by 11 cases of replicate genotypes occurring in widely separated stands (up to 19 km apart). The results of this study highlight the need for a hierarchical sampling strategy in space and across age groups for an accureate understanding of the genotypic structure of woody sprouting species populations. Conservation and management of effective population sizes will benefit from better insight into not only spatial, but also temporal variations in levels of genotypic diversity.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   

Explants of substantia nigra and corpus striatum obtained from newborn rats were maintained in tissue culture for up to six days. Explants of substantia nigra exhibited a net increase in the ability to take up H3-dopamine, a process associated with the dopaminergic neurons; in contrast, the explants of corpus striatum showed a rapid loss in this ability to accumulate H3-dopamine. After three days in culture, the specific activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and monoamine oxidase had decreased 50% in explants of substantia nigra. A medium including fetal calf serum and chick embryo extracts was necessary for the increase in H3-dopamine uptake, and nerve growth factor had an inhibitory effect. Histofluorescent examination of nigral explants cultured for three days indicated morphologically normal dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Marinesco bodies were discovered in substantia nigra neurons of human brain in 1902. The relationships between these intranuclear inclusions and the other structures of the cellular nucleus are still obscure. The aim of this study is to elucidate the morphological and cytochemical peculiarities of intranuclear ubiquitin-immunopositive bodies in the substantia nigra neurons of human brain and to evaluate the interconnections of these peculiarities with nucleolus by means of light microscopy, immunocytochemistry, and confocal laser microscopy. It is found that up to 20% of neurons in substantia nigra of human brain contain ubiquitin-immunopositive Marinesco bodies. These rounded structures are 1–8 μm—more often 2–4 μm—in diameter. Only one-third of them are tightly adjacent to the nucleolus. By a method of silver impregnation of argentophilic proteins associated with nucleolar organizer, the absence was shown of argentophilic proteins, which are characteristic for the nucleolus, in Marinesco bodies. Special ubiquitin-positive substantially smaller structures (less than 1 μm) are revealed in the neurons’ nuclei along with Marinesco bodies. These structures are probably the initial forms in the formation of Marinesco bodies. The existence of two types of ubiquitin-immunopositive intranuclear bodies is revealed by means of confocal microscopy: one has high intensity of immunofluorescence, and the other has low intensity. Heterogeneous distribution of immunopositive product is characteristic of the former. The presence of DNA in Marinesco bodies is detected by using SYTOX Green fluorescent dye. The absence of peripheral heterochromatin zone and weak susceptibility to toluidine blue together with the presence of DNA and the absence of argentophilic proteins suggests substantial structural and chemical differences between Marinesco bodies and nucleoli, which argues against the idea that the detected bodies are modified nucleoli.  相似文献   

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