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Summary Monolayer cultures of fetal human fibroblasts, preincubated in serum-free culture medium overnight (about 18 hr), were incubated with insulin (0.1 to 100 mU per ml), then washed and incubated in an insulin-free medium. The effect of insulin on glucose utilization, uridine incorporation into RNA and leucine incorporation into protein was maintained after removal of insulin and washing. For both glucose utilization and uridine incorporation into RNA, this effect was demonstrated at physiologic levels of insulin (0.1 mU per ml). When anti-insulin serum was added to the cultures after the cell preincubated with insulin were washed, this effect was greatly attenuated. This lasting effect of insulin was probably not due to nonspecifically bound insulin becoming available to the cells. Binding of125I-monoiodoinsulin was examined in monolayer cultures of fetal human fibroblasts. When unlabeled insulin was present at about 1 mU per ml concentration, 50% displacement of monoiodoinsulin occured. When fibroblasts were incubated with monoiodoinsulin and then removed from the radioactive medium, initial dissociation of the bound hormone occurred rapidly but then reached a plateau. This prolonged insulin effect appears to result from persistent binding of insulin to its receptor. Supported in part by PHS Grants AM-02456, AM-05020 and AM-15312, by the Kroc Foundation and by the Diabetes Center (AM-17047). Supported in part by Research Career Development Award AM-47142 from NIAMDD.  相似文献   

In cultured human lung fibroblasts treated with Clostridium difficile cytotoxin, the latency before appearance of the cytopathogenic effect was dose-related with a minimum of 45 min. At 37 degrees C, the toxin was accessible on all cells to inactivation with trypsin or neutralization with antitoxin during the first tenth of the latency. At 0 degrees C, the toxin was accessible considerably longer. The cytopathogenic effect was reversibly prevented by the lysosomotropic agents chloroquine and ammonium chloride, which had to be added within one-fifth of the latency to protect all cells. In the presence of chloroquine, but not of ammonium chloride, the time period during which the toxin remained amenable to neutralization with antitoxin was prolonged. The protective effect of ammonium chloride was not influenced by dropping the extracellular pH to 4.5, but that of chloroquine was abolished. The expression of the intoxication was not affected by inhibitors of the DNA, RNA or protein synthesis. Inhibitors of the energy metabolism prevented the cytopathogenic effect when added before the last phase of the latency. The results suggest that expression of the cytopathogenic effect requires internalization of the toxin, and that metabolic energy but no macromolecular synthesis is needed for the action of the toxin after this internalization.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ubiquitin pools within cultured human lung fibroblasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The dynamics of ubiquitin pools within the cultured human lung fibroblast line IMR-90 were examined using solid phase immunochemical methods to quantitate free and conjugated polypeptide. Fetal calf serum was found to contain a nondialyzable factor that induced a transient accumulation of ubiquitin. During the induction, free and conjugated ubiquitin pools changed in concert so that the fraction conjugated remained constant. The induction of ubiquitin by the serum factor resulted from an enhanced rate of protein synthesis. Within experimental error no change in the first order rate constant for intracellular ubiquitin degradation was observed. Pulse-chase studies revealed ubiquitin to turn over with a half-life of 28-31 h in conditioned and freshly fed cultures. Withdrawal of serum from cultures led to a rapid decline in total ubiquitin during which the fractional level of conjugation remained constant. The accelerated ubiquitin turnover following removal of serum likely involves lysosomal autophagy since 10 mM NH4Cl led to an accumulation of the polypeptide. Since no similar effect of the lysosomotropic compound was observed in conditioned or freshly fed cultures, nonlysosomal processes are probably responsible for ubiquitin turnover under nutritional balance. The dynamics of these intracellular pools suggests that the ubiquitin ligation system is subject to regulatory constraints not previously suspected. The short half-life for ubiquitin is consistent with the apparent ability of cells to alter ubiquitin levels in response to external stimuli and stress.  相似文献   

Since skin collagenase is required for initiation of the degradation of types I and III collagens, the major collagens of the human dermis, we examined its expression during embryonic and fetal development. When using skin fibroblasts cultured from human embryos and fetuses, immunoreactive collagenase concentrations were strongly correlated with estimated gestational age (p less than 0.001), with levels at 7-8 weeks of gestation that were about one-twentieth of those in the 29-week cell cultures. In crude culture medium, the apparent catalytic efficiency (activity per unit immunoreactive protein) was variable, an observation attributable in part to variable expression of a collagenase-inhibitory protein. Following chromatographic purification, four of ten fetal collagenases were found to have greater than or equal to 4-fold decrease in specific activity, suggesting that these particular fetal collagenases may be structurally and/or catalytically altered. Since the decreased levels of immunoreactive protein suggested that decreased enzyme synthesis was the major mechanism, we examined collagenase synthesis in a cell-free translation system. Here, we quantitated collagenase expression in the culture medium of intact cells prior to harvesting mRNA. Compared with the intact adult cells, the fetal cells had 3-17 times less collagenase activity in the medium, while in cell-free translation there was a 2- to 3-fold decrease in collagenase synthesis. These data suggest that decreased in vitro expression is correlated with decreased levels of translatable collagenase mRNA but that other factors, such as the collagenase inhibitor and altered specific activity of the enzyme, may be important in modulating collagenase activity.  相似文献   

人胚肺成纤维细胞中M—胆碱受体调节机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田英 《生理科学进展》1990,21(2):161-164

In cultured human lung fibroblasts treated with Clostridium difficile cytotoxin, the latency before appearance of the cytopathogenic effect was dose-related with a minimum of 45 min. At 37°C, the toxin was accessible on all cells to inactivation with trypsin or neutralization with antitoxin during the first tenth of the latency. At 0°C, the toxin was accessible considerably longer. The cytopathogenic effect was reversibly prevented by the lysosomotropic agents chloroquine and ammonium chloride, which had to be added within one-fifth of the latency to protect all cells. In the presence of chloroquine, but not of ammonium chloride, the time period during which the toxin remained amenable to neutralization with antitoxin was prolonged. The protective effect of ammonium chloride was not influenced by dropping the extracellular pH to 4.5, but that of chloroquine was abolished. The expression of the intoxication was not affected by inhibitors of the DNA, RNA or protein synthesis. Inhibitors of the energy metabolism prevented the cytopathogenic effect when added before the last phase of the latency. The results suggest that expression of the cytopathogenic effect requires internalization of the toxin, and that metabolic energy but no macromolecular synthesis is needed for the action of the toxin after this internalization.  相似文献   

Collagen and noncollagen protein synthesis in cultured human skin fibroblasts was studied in relation to different growth phases. In order to quantify collagen synthesis, we determined the release of incorporated radioactivity using purified bacterial collagenase. Collagen as well as noncollagen protein synthesis markedly decreased during fibroblast growth. On the other hand, we found a 3-fold increase in relative collagen synthesis (i.e. collagen synthesis compared to total protein synthesis) comparing cells in the log growth phase with cells in the stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo, fibroblasts are distributed in a three-dimensional (3-D) connective tissue matrix. Fibronectin is a major product of fibroblasts in routine cell culture and is thought to regulate many aspects of fibroblast biology. In this context, we sought to determine if the interaction of fibroblasts with a 3-D matrix might affect fibronectin production. To examine this hypothesis, fibronectin production by fibroblasts cultured in a 3-D collagen gel or on plastic dishes was measured by ELISA. Fibroblasts in 3-D gel culture produced more fibronectin than those in monolayer culture. Fibroblasts in 3-D culture produced increasing amounts of fibronectin when the collagen concentration of the gel was increased. The 3-D nature of the matrix appeared to be crucial because plating the fibroblasts on the surface of a plastic dish underneath a collagen gel was not different from plating them on a plastic dish in the absence of collagen. In addition to increased fibronectin production, the distribution of the fibronectin produced in 3-D culture was different from that of monolayer culture. In monolayer culture, more than half of the fibronectin was released into the culture medium. In 3-D culture, however, approximately two-thirds remained in the collagen gel. In summary, the presence of a 3-D collagen matrix increases fibroblast fibronectin production and results in greater retention of fibronectin in the vicinity of the producing cells.  相似文献   

Serially cultured human diploid fibroblasts have a finite lifetime in vitro, and this phenomenon was postulated as cellular aging. Neutral glycosphingolipids (GSLs) from human fetal lung-derived diploid fibroblast cell lines, WI-38 and TIG-1 cells, were studied during cellular aging. Both cell lines had at least four types of neutral GSLs. It was found that neutral GSLs changed with aging, the most conspicuous alteration being a 2-4-fold increase in the content of ceramide monohexoside. This change was invariably observed in either WI-38 or TIG-1 cells.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of cultured human orbital fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fine structure of cultured human orbital fibroblasts was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. One culture was derived from a patient with severe Graves' ophthalmopathy, the other from a donor without inflammatory orbital disease. Despite their known differences in metabolism, orbital fibroblasts from either source revealed no ultrastructural differences. The cells had extensive thin cytoplasmic processes. The perinuclear areas contained multiple assemblies of Golgi membranes, modest amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum, intermediate filaments, and lysosome-like structures. Glycogen deposits were noted both in the perinuclear cytoplasm and in the thin processes. These ultrastructural features of orbital fibroblasts are the same as those of fibroblasts from other anatomic regions.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that dermis from subjects with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen contains approximately 5% of normal levels of hydroxylysine and sonicates of skin fibroblasts contain less than 15% of normal levels of collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. However, cultures of dermal fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI) compared to fibroblasts from normal subjects synthesize collagen containing approximately 50% of normal amounts of hydroxylysine. The lysyl hydroxylase deficient cultures synthesize both Type I and Type III collagen in the same proportion as control cultures. Both α1(I) and α2 chains are similarly reduced in hydroxylysine content. Collagen prolyl hydroxylation by normal and mutant cells is severely depressed without ascorbate but in all cultures collagen lysyl hydroxylation is the same with or without ascorbate supplementation. In mutant cells the rate of prolyl hydroxylation measured after release of inhibition by α,α′-dipyridyl is the same as in control cells. The rate of lysyl hydroxylation is reduced in mutant cells but only to approximately 50% of normal.  相似文献   

L-iduronidase in cultured human fibroblasts and liver   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Extracts of normal human livers and skin fibroblasts cultured from normal individuals and patients with the Hurler syndrome released L-iduronic acid when incubated with desulfated dermatan sulfate. Enzyme extracts of normal fibroblasts liberated larger amounts of L-induronic acid, as judged by paper chromatography, than did homogenates from Hurler fibroblasts. Preliminary studies with desulfated heparan sulfate using the same enzyme systems have also shown material with the Rf of iduronolactone on paper chromatography.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of prostaglandin E1 on the production and degradation of collagen in human fetal lung fibroblasts. Percentage collagen production was determined by incubating confluent cultures for 6 h with [3H]proline and either [14C]glycine or [14C]leucine and measuring the relative amounts of radioactivity incorporated into collagenase-sensitive and collagenase-insensitive material. Percentage collagen degradation was determined by measuring hydroxy[14C]proline in a low-molecular-weight fraction relative to total hydroxy[14C]proline. Prostaglandin E1, when present at a concentration as low as 0.25 micrograms/ml, reduced net collagen production by a factor of one-half, from 8 +/- 2 to 4 +/- 1% (P less than 0.05). In contrast, the change in percentage degradation was relatively gradual, rising steadily from the control value of 15 +/- 2 to 33 +/- 2% at 4 micrograms/ml (P less than 0.05). The increase in degradation, while significant, could not account for the total decrease in collagen production. We conclude that prostaglandin E1 exerts its inhibitory effect on collagen production in two essentially independent ways: lowering the rate of synthesis and increasing intracellular degradation. However, the decrease in synthesis is greater than the increase in degradation.  相似文献   

The transport of glycine was studied in cultured human fibroblasts. The amino acid entered the cell by Na+-dependent and Na+-independent mechanisms. Na+-independent glycine (0.1 mM) transport was less than 10% of total uptake and occurred by a mechanism formally indistinguishable from diffusion. Two distinct routes contributed to Na+-dependent glycine transport. The first route was identified with system A because it was inhibited by MeAIB and underwent adaptive regulation. The second route was identified with system ASC as it was inhibited by L-alanine, but not by MeAIB. Kinetic analysis revealed that the two systems operated glycine transport with the same Km of 1.6 mM, a value unusually high for system ASC.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize basal degradation of newly synthesized collagen in human fetal lung fibroblasts. Analysis of 22 separate determinations showed that in cells incubated under normal conditions, the level of intracellular degradation was normally distributed with a mean of 15.2% and a standard deviation of 2.6%. Within each experiment, however, the uncertainty (standard deviation) in determining degradation was very small, usually less than 1.5%. Consideration of the large variation between experiments and the ability of our analytic technique to detect small, but "statistically significant," differences between groups within the same experiment led us to formulate two criteria for determining whether degradation measured in cultures exposed to some agent differs in a "biologically significant" way from degradation measured in control cultures. These criteria were used to evaluate the effects of the following proteinase inhibitors on basal degradation: NH4Cl, which increases the pH of subcellular compartments that are normally acidic; and leupeptin and Na-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone (TLCK), which are inhibitors of lysosomal cathepsins (B and L) that degrade collagen. NH4Cl (16 mM) lowered degradation to an extent that was both statistically and biologically significant, but neither leupeptin nor TLCK affected degradation. The effect of NH4Cl on degradation was independent of its inhibitory effects on production of collagen, protein, and ATP. These results suggest that basal degradation occurs in, or beyond, an acidic (i.e., NH4Cl-sensitive) but nonlysosomal compartment of the cell, and that NH4Cl inhibits processing within, or transport to, that compartment. This is the first report of an agent that inhibits basal degradation of newly synthesized collagen in soft tissue fibroblasts.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that dermis from subjects with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen contains approximately 5% of normal levels of hydroxylysine and sonicates of skin fibroblasts contain less than 15% of normal levels of collagen lysyl hydroxylase activity. However, cultures of dermal fibroblasts from two siblings with hydroxylysine-deficient collagen (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type VI) compared to fibroblasts from normal subjects synthesize collagen containing approximately 50% of normal amounts of hydroxylysine. The lysyl hydroxylase deficient cultures synthesize both Type I and Type III collagen in the same proportion as control cultures. Both alpha 1(I) and alpha 2 chains are similarly reduced in hydroxylysine content. Collagen prolyl hydroxylation by normal collagen lysyl hydroxylation is the same with or without ascorbate supplementation. In mutant cells the rate of prolyl hydroxylation measured after release of inhibition by alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl is the same as in control cells. The rate of lysyl hydroxylation is reduced in mutant cells but only to approximately 50% of normal.  相似文献   

PtdIns liposomes, at a concentration of 40 microM, induced in FLF the synthesis of t-PA-Ag, and enhanced 45Ca2+ uptake. The induction of t-PA-Ag biosynthesis by PtdIns liposomes in FLF was inhibited by 5-15 microM verapamil, an inhibitor of Ca2+ uptake via the so-called "slow channels" by 0.5-10 microM TFP, an inhibitor of Ca2+ transport ATPase, and by 10-90 microM TMB-8, an inhibitor of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. t-PA-Ag secretion was inhibited by decreasing the Ca2+ concentration less than 1.2 mM. On the other hand, addition of 0.08 microM of calcium ionophore A23187 increased t-PA-Ag biosynthesis after 72 hr of incubation by 247% (P less than 0.01). These data support previous results and indicate that the synthesis of t-PA in FLF is Ca2+ dependent. Thus, it is suggested that PtdIns liposomes increase t-PA biosynthesis by affecting calcium metabolism.  相似文献   

Several previous studies have shown that glycolipids isolated from plasma membranes of cultured cells and added to cells in culture inhibit the growth rate in a concentration-dependent fashion. In order to investigate the possible involvement of glycolipids in the growth regulation of normal cells by cell-cell contacts, we tested the effect of immobilized glycolipids, isolated from human fibroblasts, on the DNA synthesis of freshly seeded fibroblasts. Gangliosides inhibited DNA synthesis to a great extent, whereas neutral glycolipids had only a minor effect. The degree of inhibition of DNA synthesis by immobilized gangliosides depended both on the cell density of the cultures from which the gangliosides were isolated and on the pretreatment of the immobilized gangliosides: Preincubation with DMEM without FCS of immobilized gangliosides, isolated from confluent cultures, resulted in a 75% inhibition of growth rate of embryonal human lung fibroblasts (FH109) cultured on immobilized gangliosides. Under the same conditions, gangliosides from sparse cultures reduced the growth rate by about 30%. On the other hand, the degree of inhibition exerted by immobilized gangliosides isolated from confluent cultures was found to be greatly reduced by preincubation with DMEM with FCS, whereas the slight inhibition of growth rate, exerted by gangliosides from sparse cultures, was found to be reversed into a slight stimulation of growth rate after preincubation with complete medium. Concomitantly with the reduction of the inhibition of DNA synthesis, it was found that the complete medium, used for preincubation of the gangliosides, was no longer able to support DNA synthesis to the same extent as untreated complete medium. The data suggest that gangliosides bind growth-supporting factors of the serum, gangliosides isolated from sparse cultures being more potent in the binding of these molecules than gangliosides isolated from dense cultures.  相似文献   

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