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We examined microsites for the seedling establishment of Tsuga diversifolia, Abies veitchii and Abies mariesii in a subalpine coniferous forest with moss-type undergrowth dominated by Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi on Mt. Fuji, a less-snowy mountain located on the Pacific Ocean side of the central part of Honshu Island, Japan, and compared these microsites with cases in other regions of Japan with different undergrowth vegetation (herb type, dwarf-bamboo type) under snowier conditions. L-shaped size structures with abundant seedlings and small trees were identified for all three species. Established seedlings of T. diversifolia showed remarkable preference for elevated microsites such as fallen logs and convex ground (i.e. ground raised around trunk bases), while A. veitchii and A. mariesii indicated no significant bias toward such elevated microsites in the large seedling stage. However, the relative frequency of T. diversifolia seedlings established on flat ground reached high values of 54–77%, since the relative occupation area of the flat ground was large (85–89%). Such a large share suggests that flat ground should be regarded as the most important microsite for the seedling establishment of T. diversifolia in forests with moss-type undergrowth. This preference trait for T. diversifolia observed with moss-type undergrowth has not been reported in previous studies examining forests with herb- and dwarf bamboo-type undergrowth, where T. diversifolia seedlings are scarce on the ground and restricted to elevated microsites. We conclude that the major microsite for T. diversifolia seedling establishment changes according to the undergrowth vegetation type: a large ground share for moss-type undergrowth and a small ground share for herb- and dwarf bamboo-type undergrowth.  相似文献   

The floristic and structural differentiation of vegetation along the altitudinal gradient in four subalpine forests of different developmental stages on Mt. Fuji has been studied. Near the forest limit a micropattern of vegetation corresponding to the altitudinal zonation has been observed which elucidated the mechanisms of development of the vegetation zonation. As to early stages of vegetation development only two types can be distinguished: the volcanic desert above 1500 m and the pioneer forests below. As to later stages a differentiation of subzones includes from higher to lower altitudes: the Alnus maximowiczii, Betula ermanii, Abies veitchii and Tsuga diversifolia forests. Larix leptolepis and Sorbus americana ssp. japonica, appear as co-dominants in ecotonal communities between the principal subzones and are also important pioneers in early stages. Similarity analyses reveal that the upper subalpine Alnus-Betula forests can be regarded as early successional phases of the climax Abies-Tsuga forests of the lower subalpine zone. The regular arrangement of A. maximowiczii-B. ermanii-A. veitchii is studied along the gradient from the margin to the interior of the forest growing near the forest limit where locally favourable conditions prevail. Growth form, height growth, photosynthetic activity, seed supply, and seedling distribution of the three principal species have been compared, as well as biomass and production relations in contiguous forests of these species. The marginal Alnus type community is productive and disturbance-tolerant, and has a wide ecological and sociological amplitude along the gradient, while the central Abies community is accumulative and disturbance-intolerant, and has a narrower tolerance range, but is superior in competition under stable habitat conditions. A vegetation organization, ‘temporal multi-storeyed structure’, is suggested which means that a zonal pattern of vegetation within a climax region develops by successive replacement of successional species along an environmental gradient.  相似文献   

Seedling and tree-establishment microhabitats of Tsuga diversifolia and Abies mariesii were examined on the herb- and dwarf bamboo-dominated forest floor on Mount Hayachine, a mountain under intermediate snow conditions in northern Honshu, Japan. The four microsite types were fallen logs, buttresses, rocks and ground. The ground substratum was further divided into four subtypes by dominant undergrowth species: Lycopodium, Pteridophyllum, Carex and dwarf bamboo. The establishment of T. diversifolia seedlings on the ground was scarce, and depended mostly on non-ground microsites (i.e. fallen logs, buttresses and rocks). The seedling establishment of A. mariesii was not dependent on specific substrata, although on the ground, establishment sites were limited to the Lycopodium subtype situated on convex sites. Among the microhabitats for seedling establishment, larger trees of A. mariesii rarely occurred on higher portions of the non-ground microsites. In contrast, T. diversifolia could grow up to the height of canopy-layer trees in such microsites. Thus, non-ground microsites seem to be unsuitable for tree establishment in A. mariesii, and are probably useful microhabitats for regenerating T. diversifolia to avoid competition with A. mariesii. We also compared seedling-establishment microhabitats for the two conifers between Mount Hayachine and two other mountain regions under different undergrowth conditions (moss-dominated and dense dwarf bamboo-dominated). Our findings suggested that seedling recruitment in non-ground microsites was primarily determined by undergrowth conditions; T. diversifolia preferred such microsites where the moss-covered area was low, and A. mariesii preferred where dwarf bamboo-covered area was high.  相似文献   

In subalpine forests near the forest limit on Mt. Fuji in central Japan, slush avalanches occasionally destroy forest-floor vegetation through an influx of volcanic gravel from bare upper sites. The vegetation structure of Larix kaempferiAbies veitchii forests near and distant from avalanche paths was investigated to determine the effects of forest-floor disturbance on successional processes. The Larix population in a forest near an avalanche path, where there had been signs of forest-floor disturbance by avalanches, had a discontinuous age structure with three age groups, indicating that Larix seedlings established under the Larix canopy after the forest-floor disturbance. In contrast, the Larix population in a forest distant from avalanche paths, where there had been no forest-floor disturbance, had a continuous age structure, with no plants younger than the 90-year-old trees, indicating that this population had established on bare ground over a long period. These data suggest that the primary requirement for the regeneration of L. kaempferi on the forest floor is a mineral substrate. Conversely, A. veitchii had a continuous age structure in both forests. However, forest-floor disturbances by avalanche(s) may exclude A. veitchii from the forest because A. veitchii is very sensitive to scoria deposition. In conclusion, forest-floor disturbance by avalanche(s) provides L. kaempferi with an opportunity to establish on the forest floor, resulting in the maintenance of Larix forests alongside avalanche paths in the upper subalpine area on Mt. Fuji.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of canopy gaps and forest floor microsites (soil, fallen logs, root-mounds, buttresses and stumps) on regeneration of subalpine forests, the gap regeneration and seedling occurrence of conifers (Abies mariesii, Abies veitchii, Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis and Tsuga diversifolia) were studied in two stands of a subalpine old-growth forest, central Japan. The percentage of gap area to total surveyed area was 11.2–11.3% in the stands. Gap regeneration was not common for P. jezoensis var. hondoensis and T. diversifolia. In contrast, gap regeneration by advanced regeneration was relatively common for Abies. Seedling occurrence of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis and T. diversifolia was restricted on elevated surfaces such as stumps and root-mounds, while Abies seedlings could occur on soil as well as on elevated surfaces. Rotten stumps were the most favorable microsites for conifer seedling occurrence, which covered small area in the forest floor. Although canopy gaps were not always favorable for seedling occurrence, all conifer seedlings were larger under canopy gaps than under closed canopy. Canopy gaps and forest floor microsites clearly affected seedling occurrence and growth of conifers. This suggests that regeneration of conifers is related to the difference of growth advantage under canopy gaps and favorable microsites for seedling occurrence.  相似文献   

Bryophytes form the major seedbed for coniferous trees in the subalpine forests of central Japan. Field experiments were conducted on the floor of a closed stand dominated byTsuga on Mt Fuji to examine the seedling survival ofAbies veitchii andTsuga diversifolia in seven substrate types in relation to the morphological characteristics of the seeds and seedlings. NeitherAbies norTsuga seedlings could survive on dwarf-bamboo litter beyond 2 years after the seed rain.Abies seedlings survived not only in all types of bryophyte communities but also in larch litter. In contrast, the survival ofTsuga seedlings was restricted to communities of smaller-statured bryophytes found on logs. The seeds and 1st year seedlings ofA. veitchii were larger than those ofT. diversifolia. Abies seedlings produced hypocotyls taller than any bryophyte community and radicles which were long enough to penetrate into the moist humus layer, whereasTsuga seedling radicles presumably penetrate into humus only in bryophyte communities forming a thin mat on logs. The effect of bryophytes on survival of tree seedlings therefore depends on the relationships between the morphology of seeds and seedlings and the structure of bryophyte communities.  相似文献   

The regeneration process in a mixed forest was investigated in Nopporo National Forest, Hokkaido. The analysis of age structure in an 80 m×80 m plot revealed that almost all of the species regenerated intermittently. In eleven gaps observed in the plot, the regeneration of a boreal conifer (Abies sachalinensis) was seldom observed. Temperate hardwoods, even climax species (Acer mono, Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata, Tilia japonica), regenerated vigorously in the gaps. The age structure in ten additional plots scattered all over the forest showed that Abies tended to regenerate synchronously. From previous records, regeneration of Abies could be ascribed to catastrophic storms causing serious windfalls. On the other hand, regeneration of the temperate hardwoods was not synchronous but independent in different places within the forest. They could regenerate not only after those catastrophic storms but also after less severe disturbances which caused the death and fall of one or several trees. It is concluded that the coexistence of boreal coniferous species and temperate deciduous broad-leaved species in mixed forests may be maintained not only by the difference in habitat but also by the balance between the less frequent large disturbances, and the more frequent smaller ones.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing (acetylene-reducing) activity of intact saplings ofAlnus maximowiczii was measured under natural conditions in the subalpine zone of Mt Fuji. The nitrogen-fixing activity was detected from the middle of June when expansion of leaves had just begun to the end of October when the shedding of leaves was almost completed. Diurnal changes in the activity were almost parallel with those of ground temperature. The measured nitrogen-fixing activity was related to ground temperature and total leaf area. Using this relation, annual nitrogen fixation was estimated from the data of ground temperature and leaf area measured in the field. The amount of annual nitrogen fixation was almost the same as that of nitrogen used for annual growth. It was concluded that nitrogen fixation by nodules made a considerable contribution to the nitrogen economy in the saplings ofA. maximowiczii.  相似文献   

The slopes of Mt. Koma in Japan are undergoing primary succession as a result of a 1929 eruption. Understory vegetation below a non-native invasive tree species, Larix kaempferi, a native tree, Betula ermanii, and in the open were compared to determine if the non-native tree species was influencing species composition. Larix canopies are significantly larger than Betula canopies. Vegetation under Larix canopies had significantly greater richness and diversity than vegetation in the open, vegetation under Betula was intermediate but was significantly greater than the open in diversity. Vegetation cover was highest under Betula and significantly lower in the open. Larix canopy size was positively correlated with size and number of Salix reinii shrubs. Betula canopy size was positively correlated with size but not with number of Salix reinii shrubs. Species assemblages in the three sites are slightly different as shown by DCA. Due to the limited species pool on Mt. Koma the greatest possible extent of differences between the three microsites is not large. At this point Larix certainly appears to be accelerating succession for the non-tree species. If Larix persists on the slopes then succession would be permanently deflected towards a Larix forest. This would be a case of succession being deflected towards dominance by the introduced species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To compare the nutrient economy of woody plants at timberline of Mt. Fuji, seasonal changes in nitrogen content in leaves were examined. There was remarkable difference in seasonal changes in leaf nitrogen content betweenAlnus maximowiczii and other deciduous trees at same habitat.A. maximowiczii scarcely withdrew the leaf nitrogen to woody part during the shedding period, while the other species withdrew about half of the leaf nitrogen to woody part.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of habitat mosaics on butterfly assemblage on multiple spatial scales: landscape, landscape element, local habitat, and microhabitat, based on the transect counts conducted along a 3.84 km route. The transect route, including 21 local habitats, passed through two distinct areas: 1.65 km of a secondary deciduous Quercus forest and the grove of a shrine in Hiraoka, and 2.19 km of a mosaic of secondary deciduous Quercus forest, grassland, and farmland in Narukawa. The diversity of the landscape elements and species richness were higher in Narukawa than in Hiraoka; the landscape mosaic enhanced the species richness in Narukawa. However, the diversity indices and specialist species (univoltine tree feeder) were decreased in this mosaic landscape. The species richness at local habitats was also increased by the mosaic of microhabitats, such as the herbaceous layer, glade, and mantle in the local habitats, whereas it was decreased by an abundant shrub layer. The ratios of species richness to abundance in the local habitats were lower than expected based on random sampling from the total of Hiraoka and Narukawa. This means that local assemblages were non-random samples from an assemblage on the landscape or regional scale, and were made up by the process of habitat selection of butterfly species in the assemblages on the landscape or regional scale. For conservation of butterfly assemblages, we recommend that woodlands should be kept without fragmentation, but with glades or small grasslands, and with clearance of the shrub layer along the path.  相似文献   

The distribution of the meadow above the timberline and the structure of the forest at and below the timberline were investigated on the southeast slope of Mt. Fuji. At the same time, soil profiles, water content and nutrients in the soil as related to change in the structure of the plant community were examined to obtain the data regarding soil development with the course of succession. In the course of change in structure of forest, the plant community was classified into three types:Salix/Alnus dwarf forest,Larix forest andAbies/Picea forest. The change in the soil profile, from immature to mature soil, was observed. At the timberline the water content increased rapidly from about 10% of bare land to about 25% of timberline. The nitrogen and carbon contents also increased at timberline as compared with bare land. Relationships between successional stage and soil development were clarified on the area from bare land to climax forest. The present state of the timberline at the investigated area is discussed with reference to the course of change in forest structure and soil development. It was concluded that the timberline of the investigated area is in the process of moving to a higher altitude. This conclusion was reasonable in view of the factor of air temperature.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits are clarified for subalpine wave-regeneratedAbies populations in Central Japan, by observations at and near Mt. Shimagare, and by analyzing data from Mt. Asahi. Only dominant trees produce seeds. They begin to reproduce at 50 years in age. Seeding interval is about 4 years. Averaged seed number produced by an adult tree per annum does not change with tree age. Since production rate of an adult tree increases with age, annual reproductive effort decreases with age. For a successfulAbies veitchii tree, lifetime net reproductive effort is 3.7% to seed cones and 0.93% to seeds. It produces 2.6×105 seeds in its life. As the mortality is very low for adult trees, a constant rate of seed fall per unit area is expected over a long period. Only some 0.1% of falling seeds become current-year seedlings. In theAbies population, regenerative opportunity combined with the collapse of mature stands is limited and unpredictable. This regenerative feature is the major driving force promoting observed reproductive traits and high juvenile mortality of this forest tree population in a steady-state.  相似文献   

Patterns of woody plants dispersal in a semi-arid nature reserve situated in Eastern Transvaal, South Africa, revealed that trees have spread from core areas and converted previously open grasslands to densely vegetated woodlands. These patterns were found in catchment areas of the gently undulating terrain which characterizes the region.Two plant communities dominated by Acacia senegal-Acacia tortilis and Euclea divinorum-Acacia nilotica were distinguished. Analysis of nearest-neighbour distances, dispersal patterns of seedlings and mature woody plants identified successional processes. These were manifested through intra and interspecific competition among the dominant tree species. Within each plant community, a transition of relative abundance was occurring namely, A. senegal became dominant in areas previously dominated by A. tortilis while E. divinorum was replacing previous A. nilotica dominance.Comparative assessment of the two plant communities was facilitated by the summary of competition and seedling dispersal indices in a multivariate analysis. Results indicated that tree species had characteristic dispersal strategies. Identification the patterns of woody plants establishment could advance the evaluation of successional dynamics and management of savannas in areas prone to bush encroachment.  相似文献   

Hideyuki Nagao 《Mycoscience》2008,49(6):403-406
Two species were newly identified in Japan. Lachnum lanariceps was characterized by a central and cylindrical stipe and hairs containing pale yellow pigment with red or garnet resinous matter. Lachnum oncospermatum was identified after comparison with the holotype of Dasyscyphus oncospermatis. This fungus has the characteristics of wrinkled apothecium and branched stipe.  相似文献   

Stand dynamics and self-thinning were analyzed in relation to the dynamics of above-ground biomass in natural Abies sachalinensis stands growing on sand dunes in northern Hokkaido, Japan. This was done in order to examine wave-type regeneration in the stands. Fifty-two plots were established in almost pure Abies stands that ranged from saplings to the mature and collapsing growth stages. Above-ground biomass and tree height reached asymptotic levels prior to the collapsing phase, unlike wave-regeneration Abies stands in central Japan and North America. Stand density was high in the young growth stages, but the self-thinning rate, that is, the density decrease per biomass growth in the study stands was greater than in wave-regeneration stands in central Japan, as indicated by a large self-thinning exponent (–1.26 by reduced major axis regression). The range of tree height distribution was very narrow, and the stands vertical structure was typically single-layered. The slenderness ratio of trees was large, except in young stands. In mature and collapsing stands, advanced seedling density increased markedly. These stand and tree characteristics were considered to be correlated with the wave-type regeneration in the study stands, and it is assumed that prevailing winds affect tree mortality.  相似文献   

Seedling establishment ofPolygonum cuspidatum (Seib. et Zucc.) andPolygonum weyrichii (F. Schmit) var.alpinum (Maxim.), dominant early-successional species in a volcanic gravel area on Mt Fuji, Japan, was compared for current-year seedlings at 2500 m a.s.l. The rate of survival in the first winter after germination at 2500 m was 2% and 24% forP. cuspidatum andP. weyrichii seedlings, respectively, and correlated with the upper distribution limit of each (2500–2600 m forP. cuspidatum; 3200–3300 m forP. weyrichii). The critical size for survival was 12 mg dry weight for overwintering current-year seedlings of both species. At 2500 m, the percentage of seedlings that attained the critical size for survival at the end of the first growing season was 19% and 85% forP. cuspidatum andP. weyrichii, respectively. Growth curves indicated that the larger-seeded characteristic ofP. weyrichii contributed to larger end-of-season size and resulted in higher rate of seedling survival at 2500 m, compared with smaller-seededP. cuspidatum. Current-year seedlings ofP. weyrichii, at least up to 3250 m, attained the first year annual growth critical for overwintering and therefore for successful seedling establishment, due to the large-seeded characteristic. At the top (3770 m) beyond the upper distribution limit ofP. weyrichii, most seedlings raised artificially failed to attain the critical size for survival in the first growing period due to the reduced growing period. Failure of seedling establishment would thus appear to restrict the distribution of the species at altitudes higher than 3300 m.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations ofPythium species in three pond waters and mud soils in Sakai, Osaka, were studied for periods of two years and 14 months, respectively. Thirteen species and four groups were isolated from the pond waters while nine species and three groups were obtained from the mud soils. The highest frequency and total number of species were recorded in the cold and moderately warm seasons and the lowest in summer. Most of the species isolated from the pond waters have been previously recorded from aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Conservation of forested riparian ecosystems is of international concern. Relatively little is known of the structure, composition, diversity, and extent of riparian ecosystems in Mexico. We used high- and low-resolution satellite imagery from 2000 to 2006, and ground-based sampling in 2006, to assess the spatial pattern, extent, and woody plant composition of riparian forests across a range of spatial scales for the state of Sonora, Mexico. For all 3rd and higher order streams, river bottomlands with riparian forests occupied a total area of 2,301 km2. Where forested bottomlands remained, on average, 34% of the area had been converted to agriculture while 39% remained forested. We estimated that the total area of riparian forest along the principal streams was 897 km2. Including fencerow trees, the total forested riparian area was 944 km2, or 0.5% of the total land area of Sonora. Ground-based sampling of woody riparian vegetation consisted of 92, 50 m radius circular plots. About 79 woody plant species were noted. The most important tree species, based on cover and frequency, were willow species Salix spp. (primarily S. goodingii and S. bonplandiana), mesquite species Prosopis spp. (primarily P. velutina), and Fremont cottonwood Populus fremontii. Woody riparian taxa at the reach scale showed a trend of increasing diversity from north to south within Sonora. Species richness was greatest in the willow-bald cypress Taxodium distichum var. mexicanum—Mexican cottonwood P. mexicana subsp. dimorphia ecosystem. The non-native tamarisk Tamarix spp. was rare, occurring at just three study reaches. Relatively natural stream flow patterns and fluvial disturbance regimes likely limit its establishment and spread.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the toxicity of the musselMytilus galloprovincialis was compared between two different shellfish farms, 5 km apart, but using the same cultivation technique. The main differences concerned the freshwater influx and the open aspect to the Gulf of Trieste. It is suggested that a deep closed bay and abundant fresh water inflow are the two main conditions for the low toxicity levels in mussels and for shorter periods of danger. A detailed study of the phytoplankton samples revealed the presence of eight species ofDinophysis in the area of both shellfish farms. During the period of the DSP outbreak in Slovenia (autumn and winter 1989).D. fortii andD. acuminata were the most frequentDinophysis species. There was a high positive correlation between the onset of mussel toxicity and the appearance ofDinophysis spp.  相似文献   

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