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Seven Tn904 insertion mutants of pTi Ach5 affecting Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence were studied. The mutant character was shown to be plasmid borne. Four of these mutants were avirulent and carried an insertion in restriction endonuclease HpaI fragment 12, a 3.3-megadalton fragment, which therefore appears to be a Ti plasmid region essential for virulence. Two mutants were attenuated in virulence. The inserts mapped close to HpaI fragment 12. One mutant giving rise to small tumors with excessive adventitious root formation on Kalanchoe daigremontiana carried an insertion in the right side of the common sequence in the deoxyribonucleic acid of the Ti plasmid detected in crown gall tumors. The insertion behavior of Tn904 was studied by analyzing 11 independently isolated and randomly chosen mutants. The Tn904 inserts did not affect oncogenicity, tumor morphology, bacterial transfer functions, octopine catabolism functions, or vital parts of the Ti plasmid, such as the origin of replication. Most of the Tn904 inserts were concentrated in a small part of the map. The size of additional deoxyribonucleic acid as a result of Tn904 inserts varied between 5 and 15 megadaltons. In two cases a Ti plasmid was found with two Tn904 insertions at different positions.  相似文献   

An Agrobacterium tumefaciens suspension induces a strong agglutination of aldehyde-fixed pig erythrocytes at pH 5.0. The agglutination is inhibited by some polysaccharides, such as fucoidin, and also when the pH is raised to 7.0. Lectins (sugar-binding proteins) associated with the bacterial cell wall of A. tumefaciens strain 84.5 were directly evidenced by spectrofluorimetry using fluoresceinylated neoglycoproteins. The specific binding of the fluorescein-labelled neoglycoprotein bearing alpha-L-fucoside residues was also optimal at pH 5.0. A lectin was purified by affinity chromatography on agarose substituted with alpha-L-fucopyranoside. Furthermore, the haemagglutination activity of this lectin was inhibited by polysaccharides isolated from poplar leaves.  相似文献   

The synthesis of periplasmic beta(1-2)glucan is required for crown gall tumor formation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and for effective nodulation of alfalfa by Rhizobium meliloti. The exoC (pscA) gene is required for this synthesis by both bacteria as well as for the synthesis of capsular polysaccharide and normal lipopolysaccharide. We tested the possibility that the pleiotropic ExoC phenotype is due to a defect in the synthesis of an intermediate common to several polysaccharide biosynthetic pathways. Cytoplasmic extracts from wild-type A. tumefaciens and from exoC mutants of A. tumefaciens containing a cloned wild-type exoC gene synthesized in vitro UDP-glucose from glucose, glucose 1-phosphate, and glucose 6-phosphate. Extracts from exoC mutants synthesized UDP-glucose from glucose 1-phosphate but not from glucose or glucose 6-phosphate. Membranes from exoC mutant cells synthesized beta(1-2)glucan in vitro when exogenous UDP-glucose was added and contained the 235-kilodalton protein, which has been shown to carry out this synthesis in wild-type cells. We conclude that the inability of exoC mutants to synthesize beta(1-2)glucan is due to a deficiency in the activity of the enzyme phosphoglucomutase (EC, which in wild-type bacteria converts glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate, an intermediate in the synthesis of UDP-glucose. This interpretation can account for all of the deficiencies in polysaccharide synthesis which have been observed in these mutants.  相似文献   

Three Agrobacterium tumefaciens mutants with chromosomal mutations that affect bacterial virulence were isolated by transposon mutagenesis. Two of the mutants were avirulent on all hosts tested. The third mutant, Ivr-211, was a host range mutant which was avirulent on Bryophyllum diagremontiana, Nicotiana tabacum, N. debneyi, N. glauca, and Daucus carota but was virulent on Zinnia elegans and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). That the mutant phenotype was due to the transposon insertion was determined by cloning the DNA containing the transposon insertion and using the cloned DNA to replace the wild-type DNA in the parent bacterial strain by marker exchange. The transposon insertions in the three mutants mapped at three widely separated locations on the bacterial chromosome. The effects of the mutations on various steps in tumor formation were examined. All three mutants showed no alteration in binding to carrot cells. However, none of the mutants showed any induction of vir genes by acetosyringone under conditions in which the parent strain showed vir gene induction. When the mutant bacteria were examined for changes in surface components, it was found that all three of the mutants showed a similar alteration in lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS from the mutants was larger in size and more heavily saccharide substituted than LPS from the parent strain. Two of the mutants showed no detectable alteration in outer membrane and periplasmic space proteins. The third mutant, Ivr-225, was missing a 79-kDa surface peptide. The reason(s) for the failure of vir gene induction in these mutants and its relationship, if any, to the observed alteration in LPS are unknown.  相似文献   

Expression of Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence (vir) genes is dependent on the presence of a conserved 'vir box' sequence in their 5' nontranscribed regions. The location and number of these sequences vary considerably in different vir genes. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to identify the functional vir box(es) of virB, virC and virD. For virB expression both vir box B1 and B2 are required but only the vir box B1 is absolutely essential. Of the five vir boxes of virC and virD two are required for virC expression while only one vir box is required for virD expression. To investigate the minimum sequences necessary for vir gene induction a deletion derivative of virE that lacks the vir box region was used. This mutant is not induced by acetosyringone. The inducibility of this promoter was restored when a synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide dGTTTCAATTGAAAC was introduced at a location analogous to that of the wild type vir box sequence. Mutational analysis indicate that the functional vir box sequence is 14 residues in length, contains a dyad symmetry and has the consensus sequence d ryTncAaTTGnAaY [corrected] (r = purine, y = pyrimidine).  相似文献   

Mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens which affect virulence or the ability to catabolize octopine were isolated after Tn5-induced mutagenesis. Of 8,900 colonies tested, 7 mutants with Tn5 insertions in a specific region of other Ti plasmid unable to catabolize octopine were isolated. Thirty-seven mutants affected in tumorigenesis resulted from insertions in the Ti plasmid and the Agrobacterium chromosome. Of these mutations, 12 were chromosomal and 25 mapped on the plasmid. Twenty-three mapped within a 20-megadalton region, which is distinct from the Ti plasmid sequences found stably integrated into the plant cell genome T-deoxyribonucleic acid). Included in these were mutants that were either a virulent or produced tumors with unusual morphologies. Three mutants contained insertions in the T-deoxyribonucleic acid. These three mutants incited tumors which synthesized octopine but had an altered morphology due to either extensive proliferation of shoots or roots from the tumor callus. Three additional mutants not caused by Tn5 contained mutations in the Ti plasmid.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effect of the host on the genetic stability of bacterial plant pathogens. Crown gall, a plant disease caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, may represent a useful model to study this effect. Indeed, our previous observations on the natural occurrence and origin of nonpathogenic agrobacteria suggest that the host plant might induce loss of pathogenicity in populations of A. tumefaciens. Here we report that five different A. tumefaciens strains initially isolated from apple tumors produced up to 99% nonpathogenic mutants following their reintroduction into axenic apple plants. Two of these five strains were also found to produce mutants on pear and/or blackberry plants. Generally, the mutants of the apple isolate D10B/87 were altered in the tumor-inducing plasmid, harboring either deletions in this plasmid or point mutations in the regulatory virulence gene virG. Most of the mutants originating from the same tumor appeared to be of clonal origin, implying that the host plants influenced agrobacterial populations by favoring growth of nonpathogenic mutants over that of wild-type cells. This hypothesis was confirmed by coinoculation of apple rootstocks with strain D10B/87 and a nonpathogenic mutant.  相似文献   

The periplasmic cyclic beta-1,2-glucan of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is believed to maintain high osmolarity in the periplasm during growth of the bacteria on low-osmotic-strength media. Strains with mutations in the chvA or chvB gene do not accumulate beta-1,2-glucan in their periplasm and exhibit pleiotropic phenotypes, including inability to form crown gall tumors on plants. We examined the effects of medium osmolarity to determine whether some or all of these phenotypes result from suboptimal periplasmic osmolarity. The mutants grew more slowly than wild-type cells and exhibited altered periplasmic and cytoplasmic protein content when cultured in low-osmotic-strength media, but not when cultured in high-osmotic-strength media. These observations support a role for periplasmic glucan in osmoadaptation. However, the mutants were avirulent and exhibited reduced motility regardless of the osmolarity of the medium. Therefore, beta-1,2-glucan may play roles in virulence and motility that are unrelated to its role in osmoadaptation.  相似文献   

Zhu H  Shuman S 《Nucleic acids research》2007,35(11):3631-3645
Agrobacterium tumefaciens encodes a single NAD+-dependent DNA ligase and six putative ATP-dependent ligases. Two of the ligases are homologs of LigD, a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes end-healing and end-sealing steps during nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). Agrobacterium LigD1 and AtuLigD2 are composed of a central ligase domain fused to a C-terminal polymerase-like (POL) domain and an N-terminal 3′-phosphoesterase (PE) module. Both LigD proteins seal DNA nicks, albeit inefficiently. The LigD2 POL domain adds ribonucleotides or deoxyribonucleotides to a DNA primer-template, with rNTPs being the preferred substrates. The LigD1 POL domain has no detectable polymerase activity. The PE domains catalyze metal-dependent phosphodiesterase and phosphomonoesterase reactions at a primer-template with a 3′-terminal diribonucleotide to yield a primer-template with a monoribonucleotide 3′-OH end. The PE domains also have a 3′-phosphatase activity on an all-DNA primer-template that yields a 3′-OH DNA end. Agrobacterium ligases C2 and C3 are composed of a minimal ligase core domain, analogous to Mycobacterium LigC (another NHEJ ligase), and they display feeble nick-sealing activity. Ligation at DNA double-strand breaks in vitro by LigD2, LigC2 and LigC3 is stimulated by bacterial Ku, consistent with their proposed function in NHEJ.  相似文献   

The virE locus that is responsible for the efficiency of infection by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (T. Hirooka and C. Kado, J. Bacteriol. 168:237-243, 1986) is located next to the right boundary of the virulence (Vir) region of the nopaline plasmid pTiC58. This locus is very similar to the virE locus of octopine type Ti plasmids on the basis of nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons as well as genetic complementation analyses. The nucleotide sequence of virE revealed three open reading frames, arranged as an operon, with a potential coding capacity for proteins of 9, 7.1, and 63.5 kilodaltons. The promoter region of virE was analyzed by using gene fusions to promoterless cat and lux genes. Two different promoters were detected, one which operates in A. tumefaciens and one which operates in Escherichia coli. virE is transcribed from left to right toward the T region. In A. tumefaciens, the expression of virE was induced by acetosyringone and required the presence of pTiC58.  相似文献   

Thirteen strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens isolated from grapevine tumors in northern China were surveyed. These strains varied in their host range properties, although all were tumorigenic on grapevines. Twelve of these strains belonged to Agrobacterium sp. biotype 3, and 11 strains resulted in the synthesis of the opine octopine in tumor tissue. Interestingly, one strain resulted in accumulation of arginine, a previously unrecognized opine, in tumor tissue. Although DNA in most of these strains showed homology to the previously characterized transferred DNA and vir loci, some virulent strains showed little or no homology to these loci. Thus, some of these strains represent widely divergent examples of Agrobacterium sp. The DNA in most strains exhibited little or no homology to a wide-host-range virA locus but did show strong homology to a limited-host-range virA locus. This finding further supports the idea that Agrobacterium strains associated with grapevines may have a specific virA locus.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages GS2 and GS6 for Agrobacterium tumefaciens were shown by electron microscopy to adsorb to flagella. This specificity was confirmed by the finding that phage-resistant mutants were nonmotile. Such mutants retained tumor-inducing virulence and ability to attach to plant cells, indicating that motility was not required for these properties. Both phages had contractile tails and appeared similar in the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Physical characterization of 13 transposon Tn5 insertions within the agrocinopine-independent, transfer-constitutive Ti plasmid pTiC58Trac identified three separate loci essential for conjugation of this nopaline/agrocinopine A + B-type Ti plasmid. Complementation analysis with relevant subcloned DNAs indicated that the three physically separated blocks of conjugal genes constitute distinct complementation groups. Two independent Tn5 insertions within the wild-type, agrocinopine-dependent, repressed pTiC58 plasmid resulted in constitutive expression of conjugal transfer. These two insertions were physically indistinguishable and could not be complemented in trans. However, the Trac phenotype resulted when the Tn5-mutated fragment cointegrated into the wild-type Ti plasmid. While the spontaneous Trac mutant Ti plasmids were also derepressed for agrocinopine catabolism, those generated by Tn5 insertions remained inducible, indicating that this apparent cis-acting site is different from that affected in the spontaneous mutants. No chromosomal Tn5 insertion mutations were obtained that affected conjugal transfer. An octopine-type Ti plasmid, resident in different Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutants, transferred at normal frequencies, demonstrating that this virulence locus affecting plant cell binding is not required for Ti plasmid conjugation. None of our conjugal mutants limited tumor development on Kalanchoe diagremontiana. Known lesions in pTiC58 vir loci had no effect on conjugal transfer of this Ti plasmid. These results show that pTiC58 Ti plasmid conjugal transfer occurs by functions independent of those required for transfer of DNA to plant cells.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants with Tn5 insertions in the vir region of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens TiC58 plasmid are unable to form crown-gall tumors. Complementation tests of these vir region mutants were carried out by constructing merodiploids in a recombination-deficient strain. Each merodiploid possessed a mutant TiC58 plasmid and a recombinant plasmid containing either the homologous wild-type DNA region or the homologous region containing a second Tn5 insertion. The analysis identified six complementation groups. Mutations in one of these complementation groups were not complemented in trans and represent a cis-dominant locus. The mutation in one complementation group showed variation in host range.  相似文献   

Transfection and transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Summary The freeze thaw transfection procedure of Dityatkin et al. (1972) was adapted for the transfection and transformation of A. tumefaciens. Transfection of the strains B6S3 and B6-6 with DNA of the temperate phage PS8cc186 yielded a maximum frequency of 2 10-7 transfectants per total recipient population. In transformation of the strain GV3100 with the P type plasmid RP4 a maximum frequency of 3.5 10-7 transformants per total recipient population was obtained. Agrobacterium Ti-plasmids were introduced in the strain GV3100 with a maximal efficiency of 4.5 10-8. These experiments provide further evidence that the Ti-plasmid is responsible for the oncogenic properties of A tumefaciens and for its capacity to induce opine synthesis in Crown-gall plant cells.  相似文献   

Summary The virG gene of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiBo542 has previously been reported to elicit stronger vir gene expression than its counterpart in the pTiA6 plasmid, a property we call the superactivator phenotype. The DNA sequence of the pTiBo542 virG gene was determined and compared to that of the pTiA6 gene. The DNA sequences of these genes differ at 16 positions: two differences are in the promoter regions, 12 are in the coding regions, and two are in the 3 untranslated regions. The 3 end of the pTiA6 virG gene also contains a probable insertion sequence that is not found downstream of the pTiBo542 gene. The base pair differences in the two coding regions result in only two amino acid differences, both in the amino-terminal halves of the proteins. Five hybrid virG genes were constructed and used to activate the expression of a virB::lacZ gene fusion. Differences in the coding regions of these genes accounted for most of the superactivator phenotype, while differences at the promoter and 3 untranslated regions also contributed. These findings suggest that the properties of these VirG proteins and their quantities are important for vir gene induction, and also suggest a long-term selective pressure for mutations contributing to differences between these two genes.  相似文献   

Thirteen strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens isolated from grapevine tumors in northern China were surveyed. These strains varied in their host range properties, although all were tumorigenic on grapevines. Twelve of these strains belonged to Agrobacterium sp. biotype 3, and 11 strains resulted in the synthesis of the opine octopine in tumor tissue. Interestingly, one strain resulted in accumulation of arginine, a previously unrecognized opine, in tumor tissue. Although DNA in most of these strains showed homology to the previously characterized transferred DNA and vir loci, some virulent strains showed little or no homology to these loci. Thus, some of these strains represent widely divergent examples of Agrobacterium sp. The DNA in most strains exhibited little or no homology to a wide-host-range virA locus but did show strong homology to a limited-host-range virA locus. This finding further supports the idea that Agrobacterium strains associated with grapevines may have a specific virA locus.  相似文献   

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