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To investigate seasonal variation in the community structureof appendicularians, vertical hauls (0–500 m) with a Norpacnet were made at an offshore station in Toyama Bay at intervalsof 2–4 weeks from February 1990 to January 1991. Additionalsamples were collected with MTD nets at 12–17 differentdepth layers between the surface and a depth of 600–700m at the same position in June, September and December 1986,and March 1992, to examine the vertical distribution of appendicularians.Twenty-one species (including two unidentified species) belongingto five genera were found, and the dominant species were dividedinto three groups by their occurrence period. Oikopleura longicauda,Fritillaria borealis f. typica and F. borealis f. sargassi occurredthroughout most of the year. Fritillaria pellucida, O. fusiformisand O. rufescens were found in summer and autumn. Oikopleuradioica was found in spring and winter. Oikopleura longicaudawas overwhelmingly the most abundant species throughout theyear. This species was always distributed in the upper 100 mdepth, with a peak at a depth of 0–50 m that correspondedto the peak of chlorophyll a concentration during the day andnight in all seasons. The day–night vertical distributionpatterns of F. borealis f. typica, F. pellucida, O. fusiformisand O. rufescens were similar to that of O. longicauda. Seasonalvariations in abundance of appendicularians are considered tobe the result of biological factors rather than physical factorssuch as temperature and salinity. In particular, O. dioica seemsto be affected by food availability.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and abundance of mixotrophic nanoplanktonwas examined during two cruises to the Sargasso Sea south ofBermuda. Fluorescently labeled bacteria and cyanobacteria wereused as tracers of ingestion in experiments designed to determineabundances of mixotrophic nanoplankton. Phagotrophic nanoplanktonic(2–20 µm) algae ranged from undetectable to >100ml–1, and were more abundant near the surface (up to 140ml–1) than in the deeper euphotic zone. On two occasions,50% of the phototrophic nanoplankton in surface waters wereobserved with ingested fluorescent tracers. The contributionof mixotrophic algae to the total phototrophic nanoplanktonassemblage in the deep chlorophyll maximum, however, did notexceed 0.5%. It is possible that mixotrophic algae were moreabundant in the deep chlorophyll maximum, but were not phagotrophicallyactive. Two 4 day experimental incubations were subsequentlycarried out to examine the adaptive significance of phagotrophicbehavior for algae in surface waters of the Sargasso Sea. Greatermixotrophic nanoplankton abundances were observed in treatmentsthat received no nutrient inputs and were limited by the availabilityof inorganic nutrients during the experiments. A decrease inthe abundance of mixotrophic algae or a decrease in their phagotrophicactivity occurred with nutrient enrichment. Based on the experimentalresults, we suggest that phagotrophy was a mechanism by whichthese algae supplemented nutrient acquisition during periodsof low dissolved nutrient concentrations. Higher abundancesof mixotrophic nanoplankton observed in the upper 50 m of theSargasso Sea may have been due to the generally low nutrientconcentrations in these waters.  相似文献   

Fine-scale vertical (5 – 40 m) and horizontal (50 –500 m) patterns of temperature, chlorophyll and abundance ofzooplankton species were sampled with a pump filtration systemin the surface waters offshore of San Diego in May and October,1978. Intense and consistent patterns were most apparent invertical profiles. Herbivorous zooplankton were more consistentlyassociated with the estimated primary productivity maximum thanwith the deeper chlorophyll maximum layer, which representeda phytoplankton biomass maximum. Predators were positively correlatedwith abundant potential prey species. Variations in body lengthwith depth suggest that these fine-scale patterns were sufficientlystable to influence zooplankton growth. Consequences for grazingand predator – prey interactions in pelagic ecosystemsare discussed. 1Present address: NOAA/NMFS Southwest Fisheries Center, PO Box271, La Jolla, CA 92038, USA  相似文献   

The tintinnids were studied as part of a microplankton investigationin the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) (Red Sea) based on stratified samplescollected at a reference station over a period of one year (1974–75).The results of this study were compared to the data obtainedfrom the same area in the course of a previous survey (1970–71). The ranges of abundance of the tintinnids as a whole and ofthe leading species of this group were determined from 0–50m, 50–100 m and thereafter at intervals of 100 m downto a depth of 600 m for the samples collected during 1974–75.For those collected during 1970–71, the ranges of abundancewere determined at two depths in vertical profiles over thewater column from 50 and 200 m to the surface. Two distinct peaks were noted, one in November-December anda second in February-March. A third minor peak occurred duringJune-July. The main winter peak of February-March occurred duringthe turnover period characterized by two uniform temperaturesof 21°C or less throughout the water column. The seasonaland spatial distribution of the tintinnids closely followedthat of the main phytoplankton groups, with greatest abundancerecorded in the upper 100 m. The species composition of the tintinnids during the annualpeaks changed from season to season and from year to year. However,8 species of a total of 42 recorded during the investigationwere responsible for the annual peaks during both years. Amongthe environmental parameters monitored during the 1974–75survey only the temperature factor could be related to the distributionpattern of one of the 8 leading species of tintinnids. A summer submergence to deeper levels has been noted in regardto some of the prevailing species.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytoplankton cell abundance, carbon(C) biomass and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was analysedduring three summers (1996, 1997 and 1999) in a seasonal sea-icearea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of thestudy was to assess interannual variability in phytoplanktonspatial distribution and the mechanisms that regulate phytoplanktonaccumulation in the water column. Phytoplankton C biomass andChl a distributions were consistent from year to year, exhibitinga negative on/offshore gradient. The variations in C concentrationhad a close and non-linear relationship with the upper mixedlayer depth, suggesting that the vertical mixing of the watercolumn is the main factor regulating phytoplankton stock. Themagnitude of C gradients was 5-fold higher during 1996 thanduring 1997 and 1999. This was ascribed to interannual variationsin the concentration of diatom blooms in the region influencedby sea-ice melting. Vertical distribution of the phytoplankton,as estimated from Chl a profiles, also varied along an on/offshoregradient: Chl a was distributed homogeneously in the upper mixedlayer in coastal and mid-shelf stations and concentrated inthe deep layer (40–100 m) occupied by the winter waters(WW, remnants of the Antarctic surface waters during summer)in more offshore stations. The region with a deep Chl a maximumlayer (DCM layer) was dominated by a phytoplankton assemblagecharacterized by a relatively high concentration of diatoms.The extent of this region varied from year to year: it was restrictedto pelagic waters during 1996, extended to the shelf slope during1997 and occupied a major portion of the area during 1999. Itis hypothesized that iron depletion in near surface waters dueto phytoplankton consumption, and a higher concentration inWW, regulated this vertical phytoplankton distribution pattern.Furthermore, we postulate that year-to-year variations in thespatial distribution of the DCM layer were related to interannualvariations in the timing of the sea-ice retreat. The similaritybetween our results and those reported in literature for otherareas of the Southern Ocean allows us to suggest that the mechanismsproposed here as regulating phytoplankton stock in our areamay be applicable elsewhere.  相似文献   

Studies of the community structure and biomass of deep copepodsbelow 500 m from R/V Atlantis II cruises AII49 and AII59 inMay–June 1969 and September–October 1970 denoteuniformity in deep assemblages among all major Mediterraneansubregions. Of the 65 copepod species recorded from 600–2500m, 45 were common for both Western and Eastern basins Eightof these species were dominant for all deep Mediterranean waters,comprising 77% of the deep plankton population The uniformityof deep copepod assemblages was confirmed by the Mantel testapplied to a simulated sampling procedure Only in terms of biomassdid Western and Eastern basins show appreciable regional differenceswith highest values for density and volume characterizing Westernstations 1Died tragically at sea during the course of a cruise on December15, 1988  相似文献   

Environmental control of zooplankton biomass size structure(53–100, 100–202, 202–500 and >500 µm)was investigated in the three limnetic strata of 25 southernQuébec Shield lakes, Canada. Among-lake differences werethe greatest source of variation of zooplankton biomass, whereasthe strong lake–by–stratum interaction observedindicated that the vertical variations of zooplankton biomassand its size fractions were not constant from lake to lake.The analysis of spatial and local factors based on thermal stratais consistent with conceptual models of predation and nutrientcontrol on the biomass and size structure of the zooplankton.Productivity of the aquatic systems, which was driven by lakedepth, flushing rate and total phosphorus concentration, wasthe primary factor influencing total zooplankton biomass andsize structure at among-lake scale in epilimnetic waters. Theeffects of the planktivorous fish on the large zooplankton biomass(>500 µm) was more clearly perceived when the effectof lake depth was removed by partial redundancy analysis. Thisstudy showed that although bottom-up and top-down forces arecomplementary in structuring of zooplankton communities, theycan also act differently on the community attributes (e.g. biomassand size structure). Among-lake zooplankton biomass is predictablefrom lake trophy, but the size structure and vertical distributionof zooplankton communities appear to be controlled by lake stratificationand by inference to interactions with size selective predationby fish. In metalimnetic waters, the 53–100 and 100–202µm zooplankton biomass fractions were primarily dependenton abiotic factors, while the 202–500 and >500 µmfractions were related to planktivory and picophytoplanktonconcentrations. The well-oxygenated and cold hypolimnetic watersof some lakes offered a refuge from surface turbulence and planktivoryto large zooplankton size fractions (202–500 and >500µm).  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of investigations of the ecologyof reefs and banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Nearshoresurface waters are turbid out to approximately the 10 m isobath.A turbid nepheloid layer up to 20 m in thickness exists beyondthis depth. Seasonal temperature and salinity variability ishigh in nearshore waters. At the shelf edge, the temperatureto 50 m depth remains above 19°C. Topographic prominencesare common in the region. Most are surface expressions of thediapirism of underlying salt domes derived from deeply buriedJurassic salt deposits. Biotic zonation on the banks is primarilydepth related. Zones of major reef-building include the Diploria-Montastrea-Porites Zone (15–36 m), the Madracis Zone (28–46m), the Stephanocoenia-Millepora Zone (36–52 m), and theAlgal-Sponge Zone (45–98 m). A zone of minor reefbuildingon some banks is the Millepora Zone (18–52 m). An AntipatharianTransitional Zone exists from 56 to over 100 m on some banks.The Nepheloid Zone near the base of the banks is a zone of noreef-building. Not all zones are present on all banks. The communitystructure and depths of these zones depend on and are modifiedby the regional current regime, depth of the bank crests, substratecharacteristics, winter temperature minima, river influences,and the relative depth and thickness of the nepheloid layer.Nearshore communities are warm temperate in nature, though tropicalorganisms are occasionally abundant. Progressing offshore, thebenthos becomes increasingly tropical. The northerly locationand isolated nature of the Flower Gardens have lead to reducedcommunity diversity (e.g., only 18 of the 55 Western Atlantichermatypic coral species exist), but not reduced abundancesor growth rates of the species present. Assemblages on otherbanks exist below the tolerance limits of thriving tropicalreefs due to their frequent immersion in turbid water, excessivecrest depths, or lower minimum winter temperatures.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns in phytoplankton size fractions were studiedfor >1 year on the shelf south of Kingston, Jamaica. On average,in the East Channel, total chlorophyll was partitioned as 42%netplankton (>20 µm), 30% nanoplankton (2–20µm) and 28% picoplankton (0.2–2 µm); correspondingaverages for size-fractionated primary production were 27, 30and 43%. Netplankton was more variable than the other size fractions,and it predominated at times of high total chlorophyll concentration.When total chlorophyll was low, picoplankton predominated. Regressionmodels using wind and rainfall parameters could explain up to46% of the variation in chlorophyll concentrations. In theseregression models, the variation accounted for was always greatestfor the net- and least for the picoplankton. A suggested mechanismfor meteorological-phytoplankton coupling is that during periodsof easterly winds (90–150°), offshore water (in whichpicoplankton dominates) is advected onto the shelf, either displacingor diluting the nearshore water. At times of weaker westerlywinds (230–290°) there is a persistence of the phytoplanktoncommunity in nutrient-rich shelf waters and net- and nanoplanktonbiomass increases.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in the centraland eastern Arabian Sea was investigated during the winter monsoonin 1995. Samples were analysed from discrete depth zones definedaccording to oxygen and temperature profiles of the water column.Zooplankton had higher standing stock in the mixed layer comparedto the strata below. The mixed layer had 78.5% of the totalcolumn biomass, while the deepest (500–1000 m) layer accountedfor only 0.9%. The stratum between 500 and 1000 m had the lowestabundance of copepods as well as other zooplankton. A notablefeature was that zooplankton biomass and density did not showmuch variations between coastal and offshore regions. Copepodawere the dominant group. Herbivores were generally more abundantat all depths. A total of 94 species of calanoid copepods wereidentified. Based on vertical distributions, they were assignedto four groups: (i) species restricted to the upper 200 m; (ii)predominantly surface-living species with tails to deeper waters;(iii) sparser deeper-living species generally confined below300 m; (iv) species occurring throughout the water column. Diversitywas fairly high in all strata with equitability being higherin the deeper strata.  相似文献   

Clausocalanid copepods dominate subtropical mesozooplanktoncommunities. Their life cycles, however, are generally unknown.Here, we follow the seasonal population development and reproductivebiology of Red Sea clausocalanids in the northern Gulf of Aqaba,between February 2002 and December 2003. Monthly vertical haulstaken with a Nansen net (200-µm mesh size) between 100m and the surface revealed four species, including a new record(Clausocalanus minor) for the area. Ctenocalanus vanus abundancespeaked during winter and spring, followed by Clausocalanus farranipeaking in spring and, additionally, in June 2003. In 2002,the abundance of Clausocalanus furcatus showed no distinct seasonaldevelopment of abundance, whereas in 2003, it reached high densitiesin January, July and November. Overall, C. vanus dominated theclausocalanid community during the first half of the year andC. furcatus during the second half of the year, whereas thepercentage of C. farrani remained fairly stable throughout bothyears. The correlation between the environmental parameters(temperature and chlorophyll a concentration) and the proportionof mature gonads was significant only between C. vanus and temperature.Incubation experiments showed that egg production rates variedbetween 0–3.3 and 1.8–9.2 eggs female–1 day–1in C. farrani and C. furcatus, respectively. Endoparasitismby dinoflagellates and the occurrence of intersexes were foundin all three species, with C. farrani being the most affected.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton from the Levantine Basin, Eastern Mediterranean,were analysed for composition and vertical distribution fromthe surface to 4000 m, with special emphasis on calanoid copepods.Copepods were dominant, ostracods and chaetognaths ranked next.Zooplankton abundance and biomass were highest in the top 100m layer. A secondary concentration maximum was between 450 and750 m. The exponential decrease of zooplankton with depth wasstronger than in the open ocean, but less strong than in theRed Sea. Similarly to the Red Sea, three genera among calanoidcopepods were predominant in the deep sea. As with the WesternMediterranean, but different from the Red Sea, populations ofmesopelagic and one bathypelagic species were found to occurwell below 1250 m to depths of at least 3000 m. Similarly toboth seas, long-range vertical migrators were rare, those presentmainly belonging to the genus Pleuromamma, and diel migrationswere restricted to the upper 600 or 1000 m. Due to the hightemperatures in the deep water bodies of the Levantine and RedSeas, the decomposition of sedimentary particles is assumedto be accelerated. This prevents much detritus from reachingthe sea floor which may explain the anomalous low abundancesof deep-sea zooplankton and benthos. Though the similaritiesto the Red Sea seem to be strong, the Levantine Sea is likelyto hold an intermediate position between the open ocean andthe Western Mediterranean on one side and the Red Sea on theother side.  相似文献   

Published data on the biomass and specific respiration ratesof mesozooplankton in the oceans across all latitudes were combinedto assess their community respiration on a global basis. Mesozooplanktonbiomass was higher in boreal/anti-boreal and polar waters, intermediatein equatorial waters and lowest in the subtropical gyres. Specificrespiration rates were the highest in equatorial waters anddecreased rapidly poleward. Global community respiration ofmesozooplankton in the upper 200 m of the oceans integratedover all latitudes was 10.4 ± 3.7 (SE) Gt C year–1(n = 838). Below the epipelagic zone, mesozooplankton respirationliving in the mesopelagic (200–1000 m) and bathypelagic(below 1000 m) zones was estimated as 2.2 ± 0.4 (n =57) and 0.40 ± 0.2 (n = 12) Gt C year–1, respectively.Thus, global depth-integrated mesozooplankton respiration was13.0 ± 4.2 Gt C year–1 (17–32% of globalprimary production), which is 3–8-fold higher than thevalues assigned to mesozooplankton respiration in recent estimatesof total respiration in the ocean. Thus, it appears that mesozooplanktonrepresent a major, but neglected component of the carbon cyclein the ocean.  相似文献   

Relatively warm (12.50–12.75°C) and high-salinity[<35.640 practical salinity units (PSU)] water flowing eastwardwas detected at the shelf-break during a cruise carried Outin the southern Bay of Biscay in Spring 1987. The slope currentinduced the formation of a convergent front separating well-mixedoceanic waters from haline-stratified coastal waters. Very highconcentrations of dissolved oxygen (295 µmol kg–1)and chlorophyll a(>4.5 mg m–3) were found at the outeredge of the frontal boundary. Small autotrophic flagellatesdominated the phytoplankton community. Primary production peakedat the boundary region. Estimated phytoplankton growth ratesindicated that active growth was taking place, with lower turnovertimes integrated over the water column at the frontal station(2.5–5 days) than at coastal (1.5–2.8 days) or oceanic(1.5–3.5 days) stations. The lowest doubling times (1–2days) were calculated for surface frontal populations. Accumulationof zooplankton was also observed associated with the convergentphysical structure, although this relationship was less markedthan for phytoplankton. Copepods, mainly Paracalanus parvus,Acartia clausi and Oithona helgolandica, formed the bulk ofthe mesozooplankton biomass. Compatibility between the sizeof phytoplankton cells and copepod size spectra indicate highfood availability for these animals, particularly in the vicinityof the front. The distribution of fish eggs and fish larvaewas also coupled with the slope current-induced front. Sardinelarvae were more abundant at the coastal side of the front,whereas larval stages of blue whiting reached the highest densitiesat off-shelf stations. Larvae of lamellibranch molluscs andbryozoa were restricted to nearshore waters, as the frontalboundary prevented larval dispersion to the open ocean. Theresults presented in this paper suggest that the Iberian slopecurrent and its associated shelf-break frontal structure werecrucial in controlling phytoplankton primary production, activityof grazers, distribution of larvae of fishes and benthic invertebrates,and ultimately in determining the structure of the pelagic foodweb in the southern Bay of Biscay during the seasonal periodof vertical mixing.  相似文献   

The qualitative composition, numerical abundance and verticaldistribution of radiolarians, tintinnines, nauplii and smallcopepod assemblages were studied in the central area of theSouthern Adriatic Pit at three stations during 10 cruises fromOctober 1985 to May 1990. The samples were collected with aplankton net of 53 µm mesh size equipped with a closingsystem in eight vertical layers. Data are presented for 53 radiolarians,61tintinnines and for the first time for 22 poecilostomatoidspecies in the Adriatic Sea. According to the numerical abundanceof assemblages and the frequency of occurrence of the bulk ofthe individual species population in the water column, fourcommunities could be defined: the surface (0–50 m), thesubsurface (50–100m), the midwater (100–600 m) andthe deep-sea community (below 600 m). The euphotic layer wascharacterized by tintinnines, copepod nauplii, cyclopoids andjuvenile calanoid copepods, while radiolarians and poecilostomatoidcopepods dominated in the deeper layers. The highest numericaldifferences between stations and seasons were noted only onthe surface. Towards the deeper layers, the differences wereconstantly smaller, and below400 m there was a uniform distributionof all assemblages. This research, on the basis of the numericalabundance of protozoans and micrometazoans, shows that the centralpart of the South Adriatic Pit is considerably richer than mentionedby earlier authors.  相似文献   

We estimate that Neocalanus tonsus makes a contribution to downwardscarbon flux of 1.7–9.3 g C m–2 year–1, insubantarctic waters, the Subtropical Front and waters immediatelyto the north, based on its ontogenetic vertical migration minusthe biomass of eggs, the products of which are returned to thesurface the following season. This flux is an order of magnitudegreater than that estimated (0.27 g C m–2 year–1)for vertical migration of large copepods in the North Atlantic.Over the total 55.6 x 106 km2 where N. tonsus is distributed,0.17 Gt C year–1 are estimated to be lost annually tothe ocean interior. In subantarctic water, this loss represents1.4% of primary production and is 14% greater than the measuredsedimented particulate organic carbon (POC) at 300 m. Similarly,in subtropical water, carbon loss to the ocean interior fromN. tonsus seasonal migration is estimated to be 13% lower thanmeasured POC flux. Nevertheless, N. tonsus was never found intime-incremental sediment trap samples. We hypothesize thatthe apparently proportionally different role of downwards seasonalmigration of large copepods relative to sedimented POC in theNorth Atlantic compared with the subarctic North Pacific andSouthern Ocean arises because of a combination of differencesin the nutrient status of these oceans, differences in the rateof development of grazer populations in spring, and differencesin life history characteristics of large copepods. The fluxdue to the behaviour of N. tonsus in different parts of itsrange, put into the context of the estimated global-mean netflux of 1.7–3.7 g C m–2 year–1 taken up bythe ocean, may be a regionally significant amount. The summerdownward migration of N. tonsus, however, does not entirelyexplain the observed seasonal variation in regional measurementsof pCO2 off New Zealand.  相似文献   

The distribution of bacterial and archaeal species in Crater Lake plankton varies dramatically over depth and with time, as assessed by hybridization of group-specific oligonucleotides to RNA extracted from lakewater. Nonmetric, multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis of relative bacterial phylotype densities revealed complex relationships among assemblages sampled from depth profiles in July, August and September of 1997 through 1999. CL500-11 green nonsulfur bacteria (Phylum Chloroflexi) and marine Group I crenarchaeota are consistently dominant groups in the oxygenated deep waters at 300 and 500 m. Other phylotypes found in the deep waters are similar to surface and mid-depth populations and vary with time. Euphotic zone assemblages are dominated either by β-proteobacteria or CL120-10 verrucomicrobia, and ACK4 actinomycetes. MDS analyses of euphotic zone populations in relation to environmental variables and phytoplankton and zooplankton population structures reveal apparent links between Daphnia pulicaria zooplankton population densities and microbial community structure. These patterns may reflect food web interactions that link kokanee salmon population densities to community structure of the bacterioplankton, via fish predation on Daphnia with cascading consequences to Daphnia bacterivory and predation on bacterivorous protists. These results demonstrate a stable bottom-water microbial community. They also extend previous observations of food web-driven changes in euphotic zone bacterioplankton community structure to an oligotrophic setting.  相似文献   

The vertical disthbution of chlorophyll, zooplankton and physicalstructure were measured using a pumping system and CTD on twocruises in the Gulf of Maine during June and September 1982.The vertical distribution of chlorophyll was closely relatedto the density structure of the water column. In waters witha pronounced pycnocline subsurface chiorphyll maxima (SCM) werelocated at or just above the pycnocline. Chlorophyll concentrationswere maximal in the surface waters at those stations sampledin June where the pycnocline was not well defined. The relationshipbetween the zooplankton and chlorophyll distribution differedbetween cruises. In June, the zooplankton, particularly post-naupliarcopepods, were associated with the depth of the chlorophyllmaxirnum, while in September the post-naupliar copepods weremost abundant in the surface waters above the SCM at the stratifiedstations. During the September cruise we observed that the copepodnauplii were most abundant at the depth of the SCM, and thatthe larger protozoans (>35 µm) were most abundant atdepths of 55–85 m, which were well below the SCM and pycnocline. *Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Contribution No. 83025  相似文献   

Sharks are top predators in many marine ecosystems and can impact community dynamics, yet many shark populations are undergoing severe declines primarily due to overfishing. Obtaining species-specific knowledge on shark spatial ecology is important to implement adequate management strategies for the effective conservation of these taxa. This is particularly relevant concerning highly-mobile species that use wide home ranges comprising coastal and oceanic habitats, such as tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier. We deployed satellite tags in 20 juvenile tiger sharks off northeastern Brazil to assess the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on depth and temperature usage. Sharks were tracked for a total of 1184 d and used waters up to 1112 m in depth. The minimum temperature recorded equaled 4°C. All sharks had a clear preference for surface (< 5 m) waters but variability in depth usage was observed as some sharks used mostly shallow (< 60 m) waters whereas others made frequent incursions into greater depths. A diel behavioral shift was detected, with sharks spending considerably more time in surface (< 10 m) waters during the night. Moreover, a clear ontogenetic expansion in the vertical range of tiger shark habitat was observed, with generalized linear models estimating a ~4-fold increase in maximum diving depth from 150- to 300-cm size-classes. The time spent in the upper 5 m of the water column did not vary ontogenetically but shark size was the most important factor explaining the utilization of deeper water layers. Young-of-the-year tiger sharks seem to associate with shallow, neritic habitats but they progressively move into deeper oceanic habitats as they grow larger. Such an early plasticity in habitat use could endow tiger sharks with access to previously unavailable prey, thus contributing to a wider ecological niche.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton assemblages in the deep chlorophyll maximum andnear-surface layers were compared at seven stations in the inshoreand offshore waters of the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Thestudy included the entire spectrum of taxonomic categories overa wide size range, comprising the nano/pico phytoplankton componentsdown to 1 µm and the larger phytoplankters consistingprimarily of diatoms and dino-flagellates. The coccolithophorids<20 µm and the monads constituted the most abundantcomponents of the phytoplankton at the deep chlorophyll maximum(DCM) and near surface layer. Certain individual species, mainlypennate diatoms and smaller dinoflagellates, seemed to adaptto the DCM to form a characteristic association.  相似文献   

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