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A tadpole-induced polyphenism in the salamander Hynobius retardatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.— Larvae of the salamander Hynobius retardatus have two distinct morphs: normal and broad-headed, cannibal morphs. We performed three experiments to differentiate among the following hypotheses: The broad-headed morph is induced to allow: (1) feeding on nutritious conspecifics; (2) exclusion of strong competitors for food or space; or (3) feeding on large, tough prey when smaller prey items are unavailable. When newly hatched larvae were reared with a heterospecific, Rana pirica (an anuran amphibian) tadpoles, the broad-headed morph was induced more frequently compared with those reared with conspecifics. The phenotype expressed depended on the size of the tadpoles: The broad-headed morph occurred more frequently with small and the normal morph with large tadpoles. Metamorphosis occurred sooner in larvae fed conspecifics compared with those fed heterospecific tadpoles, and the mean growth rate of larvae fed conspecifics was significantly faster than that of those fed tadpoles, suggesting that the heterospecific tadpoles were less nutritive than the conspecifics. These results do not support the hypotheses that the broad-headed morph evolved for consuming conspecifics because of their better balance of nutrients or for excluding strong competitors for food or space. We tentatively conclude that the morph evolved to eat large, tough prey, including both conspecifics and heterospecific tadpoles. Because H. retardatus usually spawns very early in the spring in small ponds partially covered with ice and snow, newly hatched larvae may starve from the lack of proper food owing to extremely low water temperatures. Thus, the broad-headed morph of H. retardatus may represent a cold-habitat adaptation to overcome the severe circumstance when the only food items available are relatively large conspecifics or heterospecific tadpoles.  相似文献   

Transition of hemoglobin (Hb) from larval to adult types during the metamorphosis in a salamander Hynobius retardatus has been reported to occur almost independently of thyroid activity, in contrast to the case with many amphibians. In order to obtain further information on the mechanism of the transition in H. retardatus, larval and adult globin cDNAs were cloned, and the globin gene expression was analyzed in normally developing and metamorphosis-arrested animals. Northern hybridization and RT-PCR revealed that larval globin genes were initially expressed 5 days before hatching, and unexpectedly remained expressed even in juveniles 2 years old. The adult globin gene was expressed 19 days after hatching, much earlier than the initiation of morphological metamorphosis. Furthermore, the pattern of globin gene expression in metamorphosis-arrested larvae was almost identical to that in normal controls, suggesting that the transition occurs independently of thyroid hormones. In larvae recovering from anemia, precocious Hb transition, which occurs in Xenopus laevis and Rana catesbeiana, did not occur in H. retardatus. In situ hybridization convincingly demonstrated that the erythropoietic sites are the ventral blood island and the dorsolateral plate at the prehatching stage. During the ontogeny they changed to the liver, kidney, and spleen and were finally restricted to the spleen. Single erythroid cells expressed concurrently larval and adult globin genes, as demonstrated by double in situ hybridization. Thus the transition occurred within a single erythroid cell population, a unique characteristic of H. retardatus. Received: 5 August 1999 / Accepted: 14 October 1999  相似文献   

Organisms sometimes change their phenotype to maximize fitness according to local environments. If the frequency of the broad-headed "cannibal" morph in the larvae of the salamander Hynobius retardatus has been evolutionarily maintained at a certain level within a population as a result of local adaptation, variations in its frequency should be found among different populations with environmental variation. We investigated whether variations in the frequency of the broad-headed morph were present in 2 different populations, Nopporo (a low-density population) and Erimo (a high-density population), by raising larvae from the respective populations under the same experimental conditions. The occurrence rate of the broad-headed "cannibal" morph was significantly different between the 2 populations when examined with different experimental larval densities. These results suggest that the reaction norm with respect to the frequency of the broad-headed morph is different between the Nopporo and Erimo populations. Because the local populations are assumed to be selected for under different environments, the different reaction norm might have evolved in response to different selection pressures.  相似文献   

When premetamorphic larvae of the salamander Hynobius retardatus were treated with potent goitrogens, or subjected to thyroidectomy, their metamorphosis was completely arrested. The pituitary gland of the arrested larvae consisted mostly of the hypertrophied Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) cells that are called "thyroidectomy cells". The development and dynamics of the TSH cells were studied by investigating uptake of BrdU into pituitary cell nuclei and by double-staining immunohistochemistry using anti-pituitary specific antibodies. The majority of the BrdU-positive cells expressed the TSHbeta antigen, suggesting that TSH cells increased in number by their extensive proliferation in the pituitary glands of the goitrogen-treated larvae. On the other hand, double-staining immunohistochemistry showed that several prolactin (PRL) immunoreactive cells coexpressed TSHbeta within single cells even in normal controls. Furthermore, pituitary cells coexpressing PRL and TSHbeta increased in number in the goitrogen-treated larvae. Whereas cells coexpressing GH and TSHbeta were not observed in normal controls, they appeared in the pituitary glands of the goitrogen-treated larvae. These results provide morphological evidence for considerable phenotypic plasticity in the pituitary cells of H. retardatus.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that the conversion of hemoglobins (Hbs) from the larval to the adult type occurred within a single erythroid cell population in a salamander, Hynobius retardatus ("Hb switching" model), whereas the transition involves replacement of red-blood-cell (RBC) populations ("RBC replacement" model) in many amphibians (M. Yamaguchi, H. Takahashi, and M. Wakahara, 2000, Dev. Gene Evol. 210, 180-189). To further characterize the Hb transition, developmental changes in the erythropoietic sites have been intensively analyzed using larval- and adult-specific globin antibodies and globin and GATA-3 RNA probes. Cells of the ventral blood island (VBI) and the dorsolateral plate (DLP) in embryos differentiate in situ to erythroid cells that contain larval globin mRNA, suggesting that both the VBI and the DLP contribute to "primitive" erythropoiesis. In contrast, the expression pattern of the GATA-3 gene suggests that cells of the DLP may contribute to "definitive" hematopoiesis. In order to determine whether it is possible to define a definitive erythropoiesis in H. retardatus or not, further experiments were done: (1) when metamorphosing larvae were treated with phenylhydrazine to induce anemia and then bled at the postmetamorphic stage after recovery from the anemia, a precocious Hb transition was observed in these animals; (2) an RBC population expressing only adult Hb was confirmed by subtracting the number of RBCs expressing larval Hb from the total number of RBCs during metamorphosis. All these results support the existence of a definitive erythroid cell population that contributes only adult RBCs in this species.  相似文献   

Precocious maturation of testes occurs in goitrogen-treated larvae of a salamander Hynobius retardatus, a particular population of which has been reported to show a neotenic reproduction in a specific environment. Similar precocious growth of testes also was confirmed in thyroidectomized larvae in this study. A possible involvement of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the precocious maturation of testes was examined in metamorphosis-arrested larvae whose thyroid or pituitary glands had been removed surgically at embryonic stages or which had been reared in goitrogens. The pituitary glands of both the thyroidectomized and goitrogen-treated larvae contained extraordinarily large number of TSH cells, which were called "thyroidectomy cells." When homogenates of the pituitary glands from the goitrogen-treated larvae were injected into the hypophysectomized larvae for a month, the testes grew larger than those in larvae injected with the pituitary glands from normally metamorphosed controls. These results are consistent with the idea that an extraordinarily high concentration of TSH, which is induced by either thyroidectomy or goitrogen-treatment, causes the precocious maturation of testes in the metamorphosis-arrested larvae of Hynobius retardatus. In contrast to the precocious testicular development, ovarian development in the metamorphosis-arrested larvae was almost identical to that in normally metamorphosed animals within our experimental period. This also suggests that in males the absence of thyroid hormones allows a gonadal response that in females may require another activator in addition to or following thyroid axis stimulation.  相似文献   

At our laboratory, we have recently demonstrated the immunohistochemical expression of aromatase P450 in the pituitary glands of adult rats; this expression was seen to be sex-dependent. In order to determine whether the changes in the expression of the enzyme are related to changes in the gonadal sphere and whether the expression of the enzyme is related to the postnatal differentiation of hypophyseal cytology, in the present work we performed an immunohistochemical study in the rat pituitary gland from birth to old age. The immunohistochemical reaction to aromatase was evident and very generalized at 7 days after birth, with no large differences between the male and female animals. At 14 days the immunohistochemical reaction was decreased in the females, with no changes in the males. At 17 days, aromatase immunoreactivity in the pituitary glands of female rats was very weak whereas the males showed large numbers of reactive cells. These observations were further pronounced at 21 days and 2 months of life. At 24 months, the immunoreactivity found in the pituitary glands of the male rats had almost completely disappeared. Our results show that a postnatal differentiation in the immunohistochemical expression of aromatase occurs; this is tightly linked to sexual activity and is lost in old age. This suggests that hypophyseal aromatase would be related to the mechanisms of action of gonadal steroids on hypophyseal differentiation and secretion.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to reveal effects of in ovo injection of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (Fadrozole) or estradiol at day 3 of incubation on mRNA levels of P45017alphahydroxylase (P450c17), P450 aromatase (P450arom) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the chicken gonads. The mRNA levels in the gonads at days 4-8 of incubation were assessed by in situ hybridization analysis using digoxigenin labeling method. The in situ hybridization data were analyzed by relative expression of specific hybridizable signals of each mRNA corrected by the non-specific background by employing an image analyzer. P450c17 mRNA expression increased rapidly at day 6 of incubation in the male but decreased thereafter. In contrast to the transient expression in the male, the expression was gradually increased in the female. P450arom mRNA was not expressed in the male but was detectable in the female as early as day 6 and increased subsequently with days of incubation. AMH mRNA was expressed as early as day 5 of incubation followed by a sharp increase on day 6, which was maintained in the male thereafter. In contrast, the female showed very little expression. The injection of Fadrozole caused no effect on P450c17 mRNA expression, while it suppressed P450arom mRNA expression but increased AMH mRNA expression in the female. In contrast, the injection of estradiol induced P450arom mRNA expression significantly but suppressed AMH mRNA expression in the male. These results indicate that expression of P450arom and AMH is sexually dimorphic and is reciprocally regulated during early ontogenic life in chicken gonads.  相似文献   



The enzyme cytochrome P450 aromatase, catalysing the conversion of androgens into estrogens, has been detected in normal human testicular cells suggesting a physiological role of local estrogen biosynthesis on spermatogenesis control. Estrogens, regulating cell growth and apoptosis, can also be involved in tumorigenesis process, but the possible link between estrogens and testicular neoplastic process is, up to now, scarcely known. This study examined aromatase expression in human seminoma, which is the most common germ cell tumour of the testis.  相似文献   

In Hynobius retardatus, most larvae in regions of low elevation metamorphose by autumn of the same year. However, larvae of some populations found in cold, mountainous ponds cannot metamorphose within the year and become aged, overwintered larvae. Gonadal development in larvae under the age of 1 year (larvae developed from eggs spawned in the same year) and in aged, overwintered larvae (spawned and hatched in previous years) was examined at the same developmental stage (stage 63, full-grown larval stage). The number of germ cells and the cross-sectional areas of the gonads were much larger in 2-season-overwintered (third year) larvae than in larvae under the age of 1 year.To obtain reliable probes for investigating the possible contribution of TSH, FSH and LH to metamorphosis and gonadal development, cDNAs for Hynobius TSHbeta, FSHbeta and LHbeta genes were cloned. Their expressions were analyzed by means of semi-quantitative RT-PCR in larvae under the age of 1 year and in 2-season-overwintered larvae. No differences were observed in expression levels of either TSHbeta or LHbeta between larvae under the age of 1 year and the overwintered larvae. In contrast, expression of FSHbeta was much higher in the overwintered larvae than in larvae under the age of 1 year. These results suggest that gonadal development proceeds gradually with age even in the overwintered larvae, but that metamorphosis is retarded, probably due to the larvae's cold habitat. Heterochronic development of gonads and external morphology has been demonstrated in H. retardatus, suggesting a potency for neotenic reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

A better understanding of vertebrate sexual differentiation could be provided by a study of models in which genetic sex determination (GSD) of gonads can be reversed by temperature. In the newt Pleurodeles waltl, a P450 aromatase cDNA was isolated from adult gonads, and the nucleotide or deduced amino acid sequences showed a high level of identity with various vertebrate species. In adults, aromatase expression was found in gonads and brain. In developing gonads, the expression was found to fit with the thermo-sensitive period (TSP) and was detected in both ZZ and ZW larvae, as well as in ZW submitted during the whole TSP to a masculinizing temperature. In the latter individuals, in situ hybridization and semi quantitative RT-PCR showed that, at the end of TSP, aromatase expression was at the same level than in normal ZZ larvae and was significantly lower than in normal ZW ones. Furthermore, temperature-induced down regulation did not occur when heating was performed at the end of TSP. Our results confirm the importance of aromatase regulation in female versus male differentiation and demonstrate that a down regulation of aromatase expression is involved in the process of sex reversal.  相似文献   

The cyp19 encodes P450 aromatase, the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of estrogens from androgens. Estrogens affect the dimorphic, anatomical, functional and behavioral aspects of development of both males and females. In zebrafish, two cyp19 genes, cyp19a and cyp19b were found. They are expressed in ovary and brain, respectively. Expression of cyp19b can be detected by 11 days post-fertilization (dpf) by in situ hybridization in the olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalic region and the hypothalamus of the brain in both male and female, where it is generally known to be affecting the reproductive function and sexual behavior. COS-1 clones permanently expressing the enzymes have been isolated. Both aromatase enzymes encoded by these two genes are functional in COS-1 cells and they can use androstenedione and testosterone equally efficiently. The presence of two functional cyp19 in zebrafish has its evolutionary and physiological importance.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA cloning and tissue distribution of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) protein were studied during ontogeny by immunohistochemistry in the external gills, and the kidney, pronephros and mesonephros, of the Japanese black salamander, Hynobius nigrescens (Family Hynobiidae; a primitive caudate species). The amino acid sequence of Hynobius ENaCα is 64 and 63% identical to Bufo ENaCα and Rat ENaCα, respectively. In aquatic larva salamander at the digit differentiation stage, Hynobius ENaCα mRNA was expressed in the external gills and pronephros. In the adult, the mRNA was expressed in the skin and the mesonephros. In the larvae, juvenile, and adult specimens, Hynobius ENaCα immunoreactivity was observed at the apical cell membrane of the external gills, late parts of the distal tubules, and mesonephric duct in the kidney. Colocalization of the apical Hynobius ENaCα and the basolateral Na(+) ,K(+) -ATPase was observed in the tubular cells of pronephros and mesonephros. These results suggest that Hynobius ENaCα plays an important role in the regulation of sodium transport in the external gills and pronephros of aquatic larvae, and in the skin and mesonephros of terrestrial adult. This is the first study to indicate ENaC expression during ontogeny in amphibians. Since no orthologs or paralogs for ENaC have been found, so far, in databases of the genomes of teleosts, it is assumed that ENaC might have played a role in terrestriality during the evolution of early tetrapods, the origin of lissamphibians.  相似文献   

Sexual differentiation of embryonic gonads was studied by immunocytochemical analysis of cytoskeleton, basement membrane and extracellular matrix. The epithelial cells of the prospective gonadal region in both sexes contained vimentin and desmin intermediate filament proteins but not cytokeratin. Basement membrane components laminin, collagen types IV and V, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and fibronectin were seen in an unorganized form in the extracellular space. The development of the gonads started by proliferation of the pregonadal epithelial cells, which formed separate clusters and loose mesenchyme. In the male gonad the clusters joined together into elongated cords, outlined by basement membrane components. The cord cells became polarized epithelial cells, and cytokeratin appeared with the disappearance of desmin in their cytoplasm. Desmin and vimentin remained in the interstitial cells. In the female gonad the clusters were smaller, and the cords were irregular in shape and size. Desmin disappeared from the cord cells and cytokeratin appeared, but more slowly and less well polarized than in the testis. The present results show that after common early development, the sexual differences in gonads emerge as different organization of the internal epithelial tissue with different timing of changes in intra- and extracellular components.  相似文献   

We characterized testicular equine aromatase and its expression. A 2707 bp cDNA was isolated, it encoded a polypeptide of 503 residues with a deduced molecular mass of 57.8 kDa. The sequence features were those of a cytochrome P450 aromatase, with a 78% polypeptide identity with the human counterpart. The gene has a minimal length of 74 kb comprising at least 9 exons and expresses a 2.8 kb mRNA in the testis. Transient cDNA transfections in E293 cells and in vitro translations in a reticulocyte lysate system allowed aromatase protein and activity detections. The activity increased with androstenedione as substrate in a dose-dependent manner. The isolation of testicular aromatase by a new immunoaffinity method demonstrated that the protein could exist either glycosylated or not with a 2 kDa difference. All these results taken together allow new structural studies to progress in the understanding of this cytochrome P450.  相似文献   

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