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Community respiration (R) was determined in Bransfield Straitfrom oxygen changes in water samples incubated in borosilicatebottles maintained at in situ temperature. The respiratory electrontransport system (ETS) activity of seawater communities wasalso measured from the same samples. Both data sets were relatedby the regression equation: log R (mg O2 m–3 day–1)=0.462+0.730xlogETS activity mg O2 m–3 day–1) (r=0.80, n=23). Fromthis equation and 37 ETS activity depth profiles, we calculatedthe integrated (0–100 m) community respiration as beingin the range 1.2–4.5 g O2 m–2 day–1 (mean=2.2).These values do not differ significantly from other publishedresults for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of unity, the areal respiration ranges between 0.45and 1.69 g C m–2 day–1 (mean=0.8). This would representan important sink for the primary production reported for BransStrait. The spatial distribution of community respiration showedhigher values associated with the warmer and phytoplankton-richwaters outflowing from Gerlache Strait into Bransfield Strait,and with the front that separates Bellingshausen Sea watersfrom Weddell Sea waters. We suggest that this pattern of distributionmay be related to the transport of organic matter by the BransfieldCurrent along the front.  相似文献   

Zooplankton biomass (as dry weight), respiration and ammonia excretion were studied in three different size classes (200–500, 500–1000 and >1000 μm) in the Bransfield Strait during December 1991. Average mesozooplankton biomass was 86.45 ± 56.74 mg · dry weight · m−2, which is in the lower range of the values cited in the literature for polar waters. Higher biomass was observed in the Weddell water. The small size fraction accounted for about 50% of total biomass while the largest one represented 35%. Rather high metabolic rates were found, irrespective of whether the organisms were incubated in the presence of food. No significant differences were observed in mass specific respiration and ammonia excretion rates between different temperatures of incubation (0.2–2.3°C) and between the size classes studied. Because of the very low biomass values observed, the metabolic requirements of mesozooplankton during December represented a small fraction of the primary production. Accepted: 5 September 1998  相似文献   

The present paper describes latitudinal and vertical changes in the composition, abundance and diversity of copepods in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean, during the end of austral summer along a transect on 66°30′E between 43 and 62°S, within three layers (600–0, 200–0, 100–0 m). Highest copepod densities were noted in the central part of the transect, between the Antarctic Divergence and the Antarctic Convergence, with a maximum in the Antarctic Divergence zone, particularly in the upper levels of the water column. A total number of 80 copepod species were identified over the entire survey area. The south end and the central part of the transect comprised a small number of species. North of the Antarctic Convergence, this number increased markedly with the progressive disappearence of those species characteristic of Antarctic waters and their replacement by temperate and subtropical species. Generally, small copepods, particularly Oithona similis, Oithona frigida and Ctenocalanus citer, dominated in numbers in both Antarctic and sub-Antarctic areas. The contribution of large species to total copepod numbers was much lower, with Calanus simillimus in the central part of the transect, Pleuromamma borealis in the subtropical zone and Calanus propinquus in the southern part. Correspondence analysis showed a marked latitudinal gradient in population structure with four groups of samples and species corresponding to four latitudinal zones. Community structure (species richness, relative dominance index, evenness, Shannon species diversity index) and species abundance patterns (as rank-frequency diagrams) suggested that the maturity and species richness increased gradually from south to north. A low diversity index and evenness were observed in the area of the Antarctic Divergence, whereas the convergence zone showed high diversity and evenness. Conversely, the frontal zone showed high diversity and evenness. Distribution appeared unrelated to chlorophyll concentrations and on the large scale was related to the hydrologic characteristics. Received: 8 May 1996 / Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

During a 1993 austral spring cruise, a complex biomass was encounterednear South Orkney Island that ranged from a low-biomass, Chaetocerostortissimus assemblage south of the front towards the ice edge,to a high-biomass, Thalassiosira gravida-dominated assemblageat the northern edge. The maximum levels of chlorophyll (Chl)a (up to 6 mg m–3) were higher than those observed inprevious high-performance liquid chromatography-based studiesof pigments in the pelagic Southern Ocean. The non-photosyntheticpigment chlorophyllide a comprised up to 75% of the chlorophyllouspigments in the southern assemblage, but < 5% in the northernassemblage. Concentrations of the xanthophylls diadinoxanthin(DD) and diatoxanthin (DT), used as indicators of mean irradiance,indicated low-light-adapted populations. Low-light DD + DT/Chla ratios in surface waters indicated that vertical mixing limitedphytoplankton residence time in the near-surface layer, andthus limited exposure to maximum irradiance. Deck incubationsof natural assemblages indicated that the dark epoxidation reaction(i.e. the return of DT to DD) was a two-step reaction with theinitial rate being more rapid (t1/2 = 9.5 min) than the second(t1/2 = 55 min). Fucoxanthin, a major diatom pigment, was morestable chemically in the water column than Chl a, and the verticalprofiles of fucoxanthin followed those of chlorophyllide a insome cases. The formation and apparent stability of chlorophyllidea and fucoxanthin are important considerations when estimatingphotosynthetically active biomass over large regions of theocean.  相似文献   

Diel variation in feeding rates of Eudiaptomus graciloides wasmeasured in situ with the gut fluorescence method during Mayand June in the eutrophic Frederiksborg Slotss Pronounced dielperiodicity occurred in both periods with highest feeding ratesduring the night. The food concentration as well as the periodicitywas almost constant with depth, indicating that the feedingactivity represents a behavioral periodicity. The gut evacuationmeasured in the laboratory on field-collected copepods was exponentialand temperature-dependent. The exponential decline in gut contentwas found for both copepods feeding continuously and when feedinghad ceased. Considering spatial and temporal variation in feedingactivity, daily ratios were 61–68 body carbon per day,and higher than if calculated from existing laboratory dataof short-term feeding dates.  相似文献   

Journal of Plankton Research, 8, 973–983, 1986 FIg. 2. Time-dependent changes in the gut content (percentageof initial ng pigment) of E. gro.ciloides at different temperaturesunder simultaneous feeding. Fig. 4. The relationship between instantaneous evacuation rateand temperature of E. graciloides. The regresston equation forfeeding animals: y = 0.0044 e(0.141 ) (r2 = 0.90). For comparisonthe results of non-feeding animals are indicated with open circles.  相似文献   

Egg hatching times of Antarctic copepods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Egg hatching times were determined at a range of temperatures for four species of commonly occurring Antarctic copepods. At a given temperature the eggs of Rhincalanus gigas took longest to hatch, up to 9 days at 0°C, followed by those of Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and Calanus simillimus. A Bělehrádeks temperature function with the parameter b fixed at −2.05 accounted for >95% of the variance for each species. There was an approximate doubling in hatching times between 5°C and 0°C for R. gigas and for the other species the increase in embryonic duration was 40–50% at the lower temperature. Received: 27 March 1997 / Accepted: 17 August 1997  相似文献   

D. F. PARMELEE 《Ibis》1988,130(3):438-443
Antarctic Terns Sterna vittata (Fig. 1) may display two very different migratory behaviours. According to Cooper (1976), the terns breeding on Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic fly thousands of kilometers to the coasts of Africa where they moult. Antarctic Terns that inhabit the more southern and colder Antarctic Peninsula region moult on their breeding grounds. An early account of these seemingly resident peninsular terns (Holdgate 1963) leaves little doubt that at least part of the tern population wintered in the vicinity of Arthur Harbor (64°46'S 64°03'W), Anvers Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Watson (1975) stated that adult Antarctic Terns are generally sedentary around many insular breeding stations, moving only to the nearest open water in winter. During the years 1975 through 1978, 19 tern specimens of different sexes and ages were collected at Arthur Harbor in the non-breeding season near U.S. Palmer Station. An additional eight terns were collected at sea a short distance from Anvers Island during the non-breeding season in 1985 (Pietz & Strong, in press). I found that the adult birds taken at the height of winter weighed significantly more than the 150–180 g of a normal breeding Antarctic Tern. This unexpected discovery prompted me to examine the weights of an additional 34 specimens that had been collected at or near Anvers Island during several breeding seasons. By comparing the weights of adult terns by sex, age, and collection date (Fig. 2, Table 1) I found that both males and females weighed significantly more in the winter non-breeding season (April-September) than in the summer breeding season (October-March) (t24 = 6·57, P < 0·001, and t16 = 5·71, P < 0·001, respectively). No significant differences were detected between male and female weights in summer (t23 = 0·76, P > 0·20) or winter (t17 = 1·16, P > 0·20). In short, it appears that body-weights of adult terns rise rather dramatically following breeding, attain a peak in mid-winter, and then fall at the approach of the next breeding season (Fig. 2). I suggest that this increased body-weight is an adaptation to the austral winter rather than simply a recovery from weight loss due to energetic costs of breeding and moulting.  相似文献   

D. F. PARMELEE 《Ibis》1988,130(4):438-443
Antarctic Terns Sterna oittata (Fig. 1) may display two very different migratory behaviours. According to Cooper (1976), the terns breeding on Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic fly thousands of kilometers to the coasts of Africa where they moult. Antarctic Terns that inhabit the more southern and colder Antarctic Peninsula region moult on their breeding grounds. An early account of these seemingly resident peninsular terns (Holdgate 1963) leaves little doubt that at least part of the tern population wintered in the vicinity of Arthur Harbor (64°46′S 64°03′W), Anvers Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Watson (1975) stated that adult Antarctic Terns are generally sedentary around many insular breeding stations, moving only to the nearest open water in winter. During the year 1975 through 1978, 19 tern specimens of different sexes and ages were collected at Arthur Harbor in the non-breeding season near U.S. Palmer Station. An additional eight terns were collected at a sea short distance from Anvers Island during the non-breeding season in 1985 (Pietz & Strong, in press). I found that the adult birds taken at the height of winter weighed significantly more than the 150-180g of a normal breeding Antarctic Tern. This unexpected discovery prompted me to examine the weights of an additional 34 specimens that had been collected at or near Anvers Island during several breeding seasons. By comparing the weights of adult terns by sex, age, and collection date (Fig. 2, Table 1) I found that both males and females weighed significantly more in the winter non-breeding season (April-September) than in the summer breeding season (October-March) (t24= 6.57, P < 0.001, and t16= 5.71, P < 0.001, respectively). No significant differences were detected between male and female weights in summer(t23=0.76, P >0.20) or winter (t17=1.16, P0.20). In short, it appears that body-weights of adult terns rise rather dramatically following breeding, attain a peak in mid-winter, and then fall at the approach of the next breeding season (Fig. 2). I suggest that this increased body-weight is an adaptation to the austral winter rather than simply a recovery from weight loss due to energetic costs of breeding and moulting.  相似文献   

The herbivorous Antarctic copepod Calanoides acutus overwinters inactively in a resting stage (diapause) at depths below 500 m. It is assumed that during diapause C. acutus is neutrally buoyant in order to retain energy reserves otherwise depleted by swimming activities. However, so far, no experimental observations on its buoyancy have been reported and our knowledge of buoyancy regulation mechanisms is incomplete. In the present study, species-specific differences in buoyancy were assessed visually. Observations were made of specimens from the diapausing cohort of C. acutus and compared to another herbivorous copepod Calanus propinquus, which overwinters actively feeding in the upper water layers. Freshly caught copepods were anaesthetized in a 3-amino-benzoic acid ethyl ester (MS222) in seawater solution in order to exclude the influence of swimming movements on buoyancy control. It was shown that C. propinquus was negatively buoyant, whereas diapausing C. acutus remained neutrally buoyant. This is the first record that neutral buoyancy in diapausing copepods is maintained by the biochemical body composition without the additional need of swimming movements.  相似文献   

During the EPOS leg 2 cruise of the RV Polarstern, carried out in late austral spring of 1988–1989, the composition of phytoplankton in relation to the distribution of hydrographic parameters was studied in four successive transects carried out along 49°W and 47°W, across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence (WSC) and the marginal ice zone (which overlapped in part). In all transects, a maximum of phytoplankton biomass was found in the WSC, in surface waters stabilized by ice melting. Different phytoplankton assemblages could be distinguished. North of the Scotia Front (the northern limit of the WSC) diatoms with Chaetoceros neglectus, Nitzschia spp. and (Thalassiosira gravida) dominated the phytoplankton community. This assemblage appeared to have seeded a biomass maximum which occupied, during the first transect, an area of the WSC, south of the Scotia Front. The southernmost stations of the first transect and all the stations to the south of the Scotia Front in the other transects were populated by a flagellate assemblage (with a cryptomonad, Pyramimonas spp. and Phaeocystis sp.) and an assemblage of diatoms (Corethron criophilum and Tropidoneis vanheurkii among others) associated to the presence of ice. During the last three transects, the flagellate assemblage formed a bloom in the low salinity surface layers of the WSC zone. The bulk of the biomass maximum was formed by the cryptomonad which reached concentrations up to 4×106 cells l–1 towards the end of the cruise. Multivariate analysis is used to summarize phytoplankton composition variation. The relationships between the distribution of the different assemblages and the hydrographic conditions indicate that the change of dominance from diatoms to flagellates in the WSC zone was related to the presence of water masses from different origin.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Gut evacuation and absorption efficiency of walleye larvae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Gut evacuation and absorption efficiency in zooplanktivorous walleye Stizostedion vitreum larvae (10–19 mm; 0.53–6.8 mg dry weight) were examined in the laboratory. The decline in dry weight of whole digestive tract contents was examined at 15, 20, and 25) C in discontinuous feeding larvae. The observed relationship between short-term evacuation rate and gut fullness indicated that evacuation approximated most closely an exponential decline. When gut evacuation rate, R , was calculated as the slope of loge gut fullness v . time there were significant effects of temperature and walleye size on R . Gut evacuation rate was higher at 20° C than at 15 or 25° C and declined with increasing walleye dry weight. Absorption efficiency at 20° C was examined by qualitative analysis of food and faeces. Apparent digestibility, D a, of crustacean zooplankton increased with gut retention time and declined with walleye dry weight. Maximum D a was estimated to be 79% of organic matter from food retained in the gut for 6 h.  相似文献   

南极磷虾是一种典型的集群性海洋生物,其集群特征为行为生态学研究领域的重要内容之一。南极磷虾在南设得兰群岛周围高度密集分布,然而磷虾集群形状和大小的机制解释仍存在较大的争议。基于南设得兰群岛周边水域收集的Simrad EK80声学数据,本研究利用Echoview V6.16软件,对声学数据进行了分析,并对磷虾集群特征进行了划分。通过主坐标分析(PCoA)检验了环境因素(表温和海况)以及时空因素对各类型磷虾集群产生的影响。结果表明:海况对磷虾集群影响较大,光照强度次之;块状小型集群的时空分布较广,夜间与白天均占有较高比例(>30%);小型集群更易出现在白天,而大型集群则更多出现在深夜; 2月,磷虾集群与海况及纬度显著相关; 3月,集群与时段显著相关; 4月,集群与时段及海况显著相关。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic oxygen production by phytoplankton and community respiration in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean were estimated from changes in oxygen concentrations in light and dark bottles. Gross production varied between 0.1 and 5.1 µmol O2 l-1 day-1. In the same water, community respiration (the sum of oxygen consumption by heterotrophs and phytoplankton) was 0.4-3.6 µmol O2 l-1 day-1, which accounted for 47-343% of the gross production. Algal and heterotrophic respirations were distinguished using some assumptions. These estimates showed that heterotrophic respiration accounted for most of the community respiration (70-91% depending upon the assumptions), indicating that heterotrophic respiration plays an important role in the mineralization of phytoplankton production in the surveyed sea area. Gross production rate correlated with chlorophyll a concentration, showing that the photosynthetic production rate of oxygen depends on the abundance of phytoplankton. Moreover, there was a significant relationship between gross production and community respiration rates. These regression equations suggested that negative net production occurred under the usually low concentration of chlorophyll observed in the Indian sector of the Antarctic Ocean. Hence, the net exchange of carbon dioxide due to biological processes through the sea surface seemed to be not as large as expected in the Antarctic Ocean, although the number of data were limited at this stage.  相似文献   

In spring 1994, within the ROSSMIZE research project, combined measurements of nitrogen (15N) and carbon (14C) uptake were made in the Ross Sea, passing from the McMurdo polynya to the ice-covered area in the north, in order to study the effect of environmental conditions (light availability, ice cover, vertical stability) on the coupling of N and C cycles. Nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) and carbon uptakes were measured under simulated in situ conditions. The obtained results revealed, in most situations, much higher C:N uptake ratios than the Redfield ratio for phytoplankton composition; only in the inner part of the pack ice C:N uptake was lower than the balanced composition ratio. The high uptake ratios are ascribed to a larger C requirement during early phases of bloom evolution and to a greater importance of nitrogen sources, such as urea and other dissolved organic compounds, which were not measured in this study. In contrast, the lower C:N ratios in most of the pack-ice environment are ascribed to reduced photosynthesis in comparison to nutrient assimilation at low irradiances and to an increased importance of bacterial processes. Accepted: 3 January 2000  相似文献   

The presence and the comparative distribution of regulatory peptides and serotonin in the gut of four species of Antarctic notothenioid fishes [Cryodraco antarcticus and Chionodraco hamatus (Channichthyidae), and Trematomus bernacchii and Trematomus newnesi (Nototheniidae)], were immunohistochemically studied. In these species, numerous immunoreactive (IR) endocrine cells and nerve elements were detected. In the nototheniids most of the IR nerve fibres were of the intrinsic type, while most of the IR nerve fibres of the channichthyid intestine, besides insulin-like IR fibres, seemed to be of the extrinsic type. The intensity and frequency of immunopositivity are not the same in channnichthyids and nototheniids; the species belonging to the first family show many differences from the teleosts living in temperate water. The finding of insulin-like endocrine cells and nerve fibres in the gut wall of Cryodraco antarcticus is exceptional for vertebrates and deserves special attention.A preliminary account of this work was presented to the VII International Ichthyology Congress, Den Haag, 26–30 August 1991  相似文献   

The photosynthesis-irradiance relationships (P-I curves) ofnatural plankton samples were studied in the Weddell Sea ice-edgezone, between Elephant Island and South Orkney Islands, duringthe austral summer of 1988–89. Three water bodies weredistinguished in the region: Bellingshausen Sea waters modifiedafter flowing through Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait, WeddellSea waters and Weddell Sea waters modified by melting. The stationssituated in modified Bellingshausen waters showed a net phytoplanktoncomposition which was different from that of the other two waterbodies. Weddell Sea waters and Weddell Sea waters modified bymelting of sea ice had the same net phytoplankton composition.In the area of modified Weddell Sea waters, there was an accumulationof phytoplankton in the upper 40 m (>4 mg Chl m–1).pB, and  相似文献   

Twenty one species of seabirds plus fur seals were observed at sea near the Antarctic Peninsula, between 60 °–68 °S, in May and June 1986, a season for which few published observations of marine animals are available for this area. Here we describe and quantify the importance of fishing activities as well as sea-ice cover and other environmental variables to the distribution patterns of birds and seals. The most striking aspect of the winter avifauna was its pronounced concentration near fishing trawlers operating on the continental shelf to the north and west of Elephant Island, and its temporal shift in response to the seasonal advance of the ice edge.  相似文献   

Different approaches to the study of life cycle strategies of Antarctic copepods are described in an attempt to shed new light on our present knowledge. To date, most studies were carried out on abundance, horizontal and vertical distribution and stage composition during different seasons and in various regions. Hence, the seasonal pictures had to be compiled from different years and sampling regions. The physiological method includes measurements on e.g. egg production, feeding, respiration and excretion rates, C:N and O:N ratios, lipid and protein contents. However, both physiological and biochemical data are still rare. Results of field observations are given in this paper for investigations conducted within the last 15 years in the eastern Weddell Sea, while data of physiological parameters are based on a broader geographical region. In the eastern Weddell Sea, eight copepod species account for about 95% of copepod abundance and for more than 80% of copepod biomass. Within the calanoids, the small species Microcalanus pygmaeus dominates by numbers with 66%, while the large species Calanoides acutus and Calanus propinquus comprise together 52% of the biomass. Species abundance is lowest in winter and highest in summer/autumn, however, seasonal changes in the abundance of M. pygmaeus are small and this species occurs in similar quantities throughout the year. All copepod species show a distinct seasonal vertical distribution pattern and they occur in upper water layers in summer, in contrast to the other seasons. However, the depth layers of maximum concentration differ between species. The ontogenetic vertical migration is most pronounced in C. acutus and relatively weak in C. propinquus. The age structure also shows seasonal differences with the youngest population observed in summer for C. acutus, C. propinquus, Ctenocalanus citer or autumn for Metridia gerlachei, whereas the M. pygmaeus population is oldest during summer. The youngest copepodite stage and the males are not always present in C. acutus and C. propinquus. In contrast, all developmental stages and both sexes occur throughout the year in M. gerlachei, M. pygmaeus and C. citer. Gonad maturation in the dominant calanoid species proceeds well before the onset of phytoplankton production in the eastern Weddell Sea. However, the highest portion of females with ripe gonads and hence highest egg production rates coincide with the productive period in spring and summer. In autumn, ovaries of the three larger species C. acutus, C. propinquus and M. gerlacheiare all spent. In contrast, the percentage of ripe females of the two smaller species, C. citer and M. pygmaeus, stays high in autumn. Egg production rates are highly variable within one region and species. Many copepods accumulate large depots of lipid, mainly wax esters. In contrast, five species (C. propinquus, C. simillimus, Euchirella rostromagna, Stephos longipes and Paralabidocera antarctica) almost exclusively synthesise triacylglycerols and not wax esters. The lipid content exhibits distinct seasonal patterns, and is highest in autumn. A seasonal difference is also obvious in metabolic activities with lowest rates during the dark season. The adaptation to the pronounced seasonality in the Southern Ocean differs greatly between copepod species, and most Antarctic copepods stay active during the dark season. Calanoides acutus seems to be the only true diapause species. Calculations of summer developmental rates and winter mortality rates of the large species C. acutus and C. propinquus suggest that both species have a 1-year life cycle with few females overwintering and probably spawning a second time. In contrast, a 2-year life cycle is more likely in R. gigas. However, life cycle durations of all species studied are still uncertain and regional differences are very probable.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated primary production was measured by carbon-14 uptake incubations on three transects between 47°S and 59°30S along 6°W in October/November 1992. Open Antarctic Circumpolar Current and ice-covered Weddell Gyre water showed comparable low productivity (0.3 gCm–2 day–1) and size distribution. Picoplankton (<2 m) was the dominant size fraction, contributing approximately half to the total water column production. The significance of larger (>20 m) phytoplankton was only minor. Productivity in the Polar Front Zone north of 50°S, with higher water column stability, was up to 10 times higher with microplankton (>20 m) being predominant. No ice-edge bloom occurred over the 2 months study period; this is explained by non-favourable hydrographic conditions for blooming and the lack of melt-water lenses upon ice retreat. Picoplankton tended to make higher contributions at lower water column stability, and microplankton to make higher contributions at higher stability. Mixing, together with light climate, are discussed as the driving forces for Antarctic primary production and for its size structure.  相似文献   

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