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Human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum depends largely on glycolytic pathway for energy metabolism during the intraerythrocytic life stage. Therefore, enzymes of the glycolytic pathway could offer potential drug targets provided novel biochemical and/or structural features of the parasitic enzymes, which distinguish them from the host counterpart, could be identified. 3-Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC catalyzes an important phosphorylation step leading to the production of ATP in the glycolytic pathway. We have expressed recombinant 3-phosphoglycerate kinase of P. falciparum in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein purified from the soluble fraction of E. coli is enzymatically active. The apparent K(m) values determined for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) are 0.63 and 0.52 mM, respectively. The enzyme activity was temperature-sensitive. Suramin was found to inhibit the recombinant enzyme with an IC(50) value of 7 microM. We have crystallized the enzyme form in hexagonal space group P6(1)22 (or its enantiomorphic space group) with unit cell parameters a=b=130.7, c=263.9 A. Native data have been collected at 3.0-A resolution.  相似文献   

GTPase activating protein for ARF GTPAse (ARFGAP) from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was expressed, purified and crystallized. Crystals of ARFGAP belong to trigonal space group P321 (or its enantiomorph) with unit cell parameters a=b=95.89 and c=92.46 A. Diffraction data to 2.4-A resolution have been collected. Calculation of self-rotation function suggested the presence of two molecules in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

Extracellular domains of malaria antigens almost invariably contain disulphide linkages but lack N- and O-linked glycosylation. The best practical approach to generating recombinant extracellular Plasmodium proteins is not established and the problems encountered when using a bacterial expression/refolding approach are discussed in detail. Limited proteolysis experiments were used to identify a relatively non-flexible core region of the Plasmodium falciparum protein apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1), and refolding/purification was used to generate two fragments of AMA1. Several chromatographically distinct AMA1 variants were identified that are presumably differentially refolded proteins. One of these AMA1 preparations proved to be crystallizable and generated two crystal forms that diffracted X-rays to 2 A resolution.  相似文献   

Merozoites of malaria parasites have a membrane-bound serine protease whose solubilization and subsequent activity depend on a parasite-derived glycosylphosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C (GPI-PLC). The GPI-degrading activities from both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium chabaudi have been characterized and partially purified by phenylboronate chromatography. They are membrane-bound, developmentally regulated, calcium-independent enzymes and as such they resemble GPI-PLC of Trypanosoma brucei. Furthermore, a T. brucei GPI-PLC-specific monoclonal antibody (mAT3) immunoprecipitates the plasmodial GPI-degrading activity. Thin-layer chromatography is suggestive of two activities: a GPI-PLC and a phospholipase A.  相似文献   

Exoantigens (E-antigens) of P. falciparum prepared by cationic exchange chromatography from asynchronous culture supernatant were evaluated by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Chromatofocusing, Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Gel Electrophoresis of Derivated ELISA (GEDELISA) and Immunoblotting. Their mol. wt after denaturation and immunoblotting were: 170,000,135,000 and 100,000. Their isoelectric points (pI) in their native forms were: ⩾ 6.3, 4.1 and ⩽ 3.7. Thermostability tests showed that 65% of their antigenic activity remained after 5 min at 100°C. Metabolic labelling with 3H glucosamine, periodate oxidation and borohydride reduction showed that they were in part glycoproteins. These antigens are excreted or secreted during merozoite release and invasion of erythrocytes. Metabolically labelled (3Ft leucine) culture fluid from synchronous P. falciparum cultures was analysed by Inhibition ELISA (ELISA-I) and CounterImmunoElectrophoresis (CIE) to determine the presence of E-antigens. These antigens inhibited the in vitro growth of Plasmodium falciparum.  相似文献   

We have selected eight pyrimethamine resistant mutants of a cloned, drug sensitive, Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite, strain FCR3. The mutants exhibited resistance to between 10 and 200 times higher concentrations of drug than the wild type parasite. The mutants were selected from cultured parasites that were either unmutagenized or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine mutagenized. One mutant was shown to contain a mutant dihydrofolate reductase enzyme in parasite extracts that exhibited (1) a five- to ninefold reduction in its binding of methotrexate, (2) an undetectable enzyme activity based on the spectrophotometric conversion of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate, and (3) essentially normal amounts of the parasite's bifunctional thymidylate synthetase-dihydrofolate reductase enzyme. Other mutants exhibited both normal dihydrofolate reductase specific activity and normal enzyme sensitivity to the inhibitory activity of the drug.  相似文献   

We have cloned, over-expressed and purified enolase from Plasmodium falciparum strain NF54 in Escherichia coli in active form, as an N-terminal His6-tagged protein. The sequence of the cloned enolase from the NF54 strain is identical to that of strain 3D7 used in full genome sequencing. The recombinant enolase (r-Pfen) could be obtained in large quantities (approximately 50 mg per litre of culture) in a highly purified form (> 95%). The purified protein gave a single band at approximately 50 kDa on SDS/PAGE. MALDI-TOF analysis gave a mean +/- SD mass of 51396 +/- 16 Da, which is in good agreement with the mass calculated from the sequence. The molecular mass of r-Pfen determined in gel-filtration experiments was approximately 100 kDa, indicating that P. falciparum enolase is a homodimer. Kinetic measurements using 2-phosphoglycerate as substrate gave a specific activity of approximately 30 U.mg(-1) and K(m2PGA) = 0.041 +/- 0.004 mm. The Michaelis constant for the reverse reaction (K(mPEP)) is 0.25 +/- 0.03 mm. pH-dependent activity measurements gave a maximum at pH 7.4-7.6 irrespective of the direction of catalysis. The activity of this enzyme is inhibited by Na+, whereas K+ has a slight activating effect. The cofactor Mg2+ has an apparent activation constant of 0.18 +/-0.02 mm. However, at higher concentrations, it has an inhibitory effect. Polyclonal antibody raised against pure recombinant P. falciparum enolase in rabbit showed high specificity towards recombinant protein and is also able to recognize enolase from the murine malarial parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, which shares 90% identity with the P. falciparum protein.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum heat shock protein (PfHsp70) has been proposed to be involved in the cytoprotection of the malaria parasite through its action as a molecular chaperone. However, the biochemical and chaperone properties of PfHsp70 have not been elucidated. The heterologous overproduction of P. falciparum proteins in Escherichia coli is problematic because of its AT-rich genome and the usage of codons that are rarely used in E. coli. In this paper, we describe the successful overproduction of (His)(6)-PfHsp70 in E. coli using the pQE30 expression vector system. Initial experiments with E. coli [pQE30/PfHsp70] resulted in the overproduction of the full-length protein and truncated derivatives. The RIG plasmid, which encodes tRNAs for rare codons, was engineered into the E. coli [pQE30/PfHsp70] strain, resulting in significant reduction of the truncated (His)(6)-PfHsp70 derivatives and improved yields of the full-length protein. (His)(6)-PfHsp70 was successfully purified using nickel-chelating Sepharose affinity chromatography and its biochemical properties were determined. The V(max), K(m), and k(cat) for the basal ATPase activity of (His)(6)-PfHsp70 were found to be 14.6 nmol/min/mg, 616.5 microM, and 1.03 min(-1), respectively. Gel filtration studies indicated that (His)(6)-PfHsp70 existed largely as a monomer in solution. This is the first study to biochemically describe PfHsp70 and establishes a foundation for future studies on its chaperone properties.  相似文献   

The degradation of hemoglobin by the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, produces free ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP) as a toxic by-product. In the presence of FP-binding drugs such as chloroquine, FP detoxification is inhibited, and the build-up of free FP is thought to be a key mechanism in parasite killing. In an effort to identify parasite proteins that might interact preferentially with FP, we have used a mass spectrometry approach. Proteins that bind to FP immobilized on agarose include P. falciparum glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (PfGAPDH), P. falciparum glutathione reductase (PfGR), and P. falciparum protein disulfide isomerase. To examine the potential consequences of FP binding, we have examined the ability of FP to inhibit the activities of GAPDH and GR from P. falciparum and other sources. FP inhibits the enzymic activity of PfGAPDH with a Ki value of 0.2 microm, whereas red blood cell GAPDH is much less sensitive. By contrast, PfGR is more resistant to FP inhibition (Ki > 25 microm) than its human counterpart. We also examined the ability of FP to inhibit the activities of the additional antioxidant enzymes, P. falciparum thioredoxin reductase, which exhibits a Ki value of 1 microm, and P. falciparum glutaredoxin, which shows more moderate sensitivity to FP. The exquisite sensitivity of PfGAPDH to FP may indicate that the glycolytic pathway of the parasite is particularly susceptible to modulation by FP stress. Inhibition of this pathway may drive flux through the pentose phosphate pathway ensuring sufficient production of reducing equivalents to counteract the oxidative stress induced by FP build-up.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the fatal form of malaria, synthesizes GMP primarily from IMP and, hence, needs active GMPS (GMP synthetase) for its survival. GMPS, a G-type amidotransferase, catalyses the amination of XMP to GMP with the reaction occurring in two domains, the GAT (glutamine amidotransferase) and ATPPase (ATP pyrophosphatase). The GAT domain hydrolyses glutamine to glutamate and ammonia, while the ATPPase domain catalyses the formation of the intermediate AMP-XMP from ATP and XMP. Co-ordination of activity across the two domains, achieved through channelling of ammonia from GAT to the effector domain, is the hallmark of amidotransferases. Our studies aimed at understanding the kinetic mechanism of PfGMPS (Plasmodium falciparum GMPS) indicated steady-state ordered binding of ATP followed by XMP to the ATPPase domain with glutamine binding in a random manner to the GAT domain. We attribute the irreversible, Ping Pong step seen in initial velocity kinetics to the release of glutamate before the attack of the adenyl-XMP intermediate by ammonia. Specific aspects of the overall kinetic mechanism of PfGMPS are different from that reported for the human and Escherichia coli enzymes. Unlike human GMPS, absence of tight co-ordination of activity across the two domains was evident in the parasite enzyme. Variations seen in the inhibition by nucleosides and nucleotide analogues between human GMPS and PfGMPS highlighted differences in ligand specificity that could serve as a basis for the design of specific inhibitors. The present study represents the first report on recombinant His-tagged GMPS from parasitic protozoa.  相似文献   

Generation of phosphocholine by choline kinase is important for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis via Kennedy pathway and phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis is essential for intraerythrocytic growth of malaria parasite. A putative gene (Gene ID PF14_0020) in chromosome 14, having highest sequence homology with choline kinase, has been identified by BLAST searches from P. falciparum genome sequence database. This gene has been PCR amplified, cloned, over-expressed and characterized. Choline kinase activity of the recombinant protein (PfCK) was validated as it catalyzed the formation of phosphocholine from choline in presence of ATP. The K(m) values for choline and ATP are found to be 145+/-20 microM and 2.5+/-0.3 mM, respectively. PfCK can phosphorylate choline efficiently but not ethanolamine. Southern blotting indicates that PfCK is a single copy gene and it is a cytosolic protein as evidenced by Western immunoblotting and confocal microscopy. A model structure of PfCK was constructed based on the crystal structure of choline kinase of C. elegans to search the structural homology. Consistent with the homology modeling predictions, CD analysis indicates that the alpha and beta content of PfCK are 33% and 14%, respectively. Since choline kinase plays a vital role for growth and multiplication of P. falciparum during intraerythrocytic stages, we can suggest that this well characterized PfCK may be exploited in the screening of new choline kinase inhibitors to evaluate their antimalarial activity.  相似文献   

The intraerythrocytic malaria parasite constructs an intracellular haem crystal, called haemozoin, within an acidic digestive vacuole where haemoglobin is degraded. Haem crystallization is the target of the widely used antimalarial quinoline drugs. The intracellular mechanism of molecular initiation of haem crystallization, whether by proteins, polar membrane lipids or by neutral lipids, has not been fully substantiated. In the present study, we show neutral lipid predominant nanospheres, which envelop haemozoin inside Plasmodium falciparum digestive vacuoles. Subcellular fractionation of parasite-derived haemozoin through a dense 1.7 M sucrose cushion identifies monoacylglycerol and diacylglycerol neutral lipids as well as some polar lipids in close association with the purified haemozoin. Global MS lipidomics detects monopalmitic glycerol and monostearic glycerol, but not mono-oleic glycerol, closely associated with haemozoin. The complex neutral lipid mixture rapidly initiates haem crystallization, with reversible pH-dependent quinoline inhibition associated with quinoline entry into the neutral lipid microenvironment. Neutral lipid nanospheres both enable haem crystallization in the presence of high globin concentrations and protect haem from H2O2 degradation. Conceptually, the present study shifts the intracellular microenvironment of haem crystallization and quinoline inhibition from a polar aqueous location to a non-polar neutral lipid nanosphere able to exclude water for efficient haem crystallization.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface proteins are thought to play an important role during the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites. In this article the strategies for the chromatographic isolation and for the functional and molecular characterisation of isolated antigens from freshly harvested Plasmodium falciparum merozoites from cultures are described.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of the most serious form of malaria. Although a combination of control measures has significantly limited malaria morbidity and mortality in the last few years, it is generally agreed that sustained control or even eradication will require additional tools including an effective malaria vaccine. Merozoite surface protein 4, MSP4, which is present during the asexual stage of P. falciparum, is a recognized target that would be useful in a subunit vaccine against blood stages of malaria. Falciparum malaria is most prevalent in developing countries, and this in turn leads to a requirement for safe, low-cost vaccines. We have attempted to utilize the nonpathogenic, gram-positive organism Bacillus subtilis to produce PfMSP4. PfMSP4 was secreted into the culture medium at a yield of 4.5 mg/L. Characterization studies including SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry, and N-terminal sequencing indicated that the B. subtilis expression system secreted a full length PfMSP4 protein compared to a truncated version in Escherichia coli. Equivalent amounts of purified B. subtilis and E. coli-derived PfMSP4 were used for immunization studies, resulting in statistically significant higher mean titer values for the B. subtilis-derived immunogen. The mouse antibodies raised against B. subtilis produced PfMSP4 that were reactive to parasite proteins as evidenced by immunoblotting on parasite lysate and indirect immunofluorescence assays of fixed parasites. The B. subtilis expression system, in contrast to E. coli, expresses higher amounts of full length PfMSP4 products, decreased levels of aggregates, and allows the development of simplified downstream processing procedures.  相似文献   

The important role of pyruvate kinase during malarial infection has prompted the cloning of a cDNA encoding Plasmodium falciparum pyruvate kinase (pfPyrK), using mRNA from intraerythrocytic-stage malaria parasites. The full-length cDNA encodes a protein with a computed molecular weight of 55.6 kDa and an isoelectric point of 7.5. The purified recombinant pfPyrK is enzymatically active and exists as a homotetramer in its active form. The enzyme exhibits hyperbolic kinetics with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate and ADP, with K(m) of 0.19 and 0.12 mM, respectively. pfPyrK is not affected by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, a general activating factor of pyruvate kinase for most species. Glucose-6-phosphate, an activator of the Toxoplasma gondii enzyme, does not affect pfPyrK activity. Similar to rabbit pyruvate kinase, pfPyrK is susceptible to inactivation by 1mM pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, but to a lesser extent. A screen for inhibitors to pfPyrK revealed that it is markedly inhibited by ATP and citrate. Detailed kinetic analysis revealed a transition from hyperbolic to sigmoidal kinetics for PEP in the presence of citrate, as well as competitive inhibitory behavior for ATP with respect to PEP. Citrate exhibits non-competitive inhibition with respect to ADP with a K(i) of 0.8mM. In conclusion, P. falciparum expresses an active pyruvate kinase during the intraerythrocytic-stage of its developmental cycle that may play important metabolic roles during infection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Using fluorogenic substrates and polyacrylamide gels we detected in cell-free extracts of Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi and Plasmodium berghei only a single aminopeptidase. A comparative study of the aminopeptidase activity in each extract revealed that the enzymes have similar specificities and kinetics, a near-neutral pH optima of 7.2 and are moderately thermophilic. Each has an apparent molecular weight of 80,000 ± 10,000, determined by high performance liquid chromatography on a calibrated SW500 column. Whilst the P. c. chabaudi and P. berghei activity co-migrate in native polyacrylamide gels, that of P. falciparum migrates more slowly. The three enzymes can be selectively inhibited by ortho -phenanthroline and are thus metallo-aminopeptidases; however, in contrast to other aminopeptidases the metal co-factor does not appear to be Zn2+.  相似文献   

PDC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) is a multi-enzyme complex comprising an E1 (pyruvate decarboxylase), an E2 (dihydrolipomide acetyltransferase) and an E3 (dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase). PDC catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvate and forms acetyl-CoA and NADH. In the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the single PDC is located exclusively in the apicoplast. Plasmodium PDC is essential for parasite survival in the mosquito vector and for late liver stage development in the human host, suggesting its suitability as a target for intervention strategies against malaria. Here, PfaE3 (P. falciparum apicoplast E3) was recombinantly expressed and characterized. Biochemical parameters were comparable with those determined for E3 from other organisms. A homology model for PfaE3 reveals an extra anti-parallel β-strand at the position where human E3BP (E3-binding protein) interacts with E3; a parasite-specific feature that may be exploitable for drug discovery against PDC. To assess the biological role of Pfae3, it was deleted from P. falciparum and although the mutants are viable, they displayed a highly synchronous growth phenotype during intra-erythrocytic development. The mutants also showed changes in the expression of some mitochondrial and antioxidant proteins suggesting that deletion of Pfae3 impacts on the parasite''s metabolic function with downstream effects on the parasite''s redox homoeostasis and cell cycle.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, was recently shown to operate a branched pathway of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism. To identify and characterize membrane transporters required for such TCA metabolism in the parasite, we isolated a cDNA for a dicarboxylate–tricarboxylate carrier homolog (PfDTC), synthesized the encoded protein with the use of a cell-free translation system, and determined the substrate specificity of its transport activity with a proteoliposome reconstitution system. PfDTC was found to mediate efficient oxoglutarate–malate, oxoglutarate–oxaloacetate, or oxoglutarate–oxoglutarate exchange across the liposome membrane. Our results suggest that PfDTC may mediate the oxoglutarate–malate exchange across the inner mitochondrial membrane required for the branched pathway of TCA metabolism in the malaria parasite.  相似文献   

The resurgence of drug-resistant apicomplexa, in particular Plasmodium falciparum, the most fatal human malarial parasite, has focused attention on the recent discovery of the shikimate pathway in these organisms, as it may provide the urgently required, novel drug targets resulting from the absence of this pathway in mammals. The direction of a parasiticidal drug design programme obviously requires knowledge of the subcellular localization and indeed full characterization of the possible enzyme targets. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of chorismate synthase from P. falciparum and present the first biochemical and immunological studies of an enzyme of the shikimate pathway from an apicomplexan parasite. We show that this chorismate synthase does not possess an intrinsic flavin reductase activity and is therefore monofunctional like the plant and bacterial chorismate synthases. Highest immunological cross-reactivity was found with a plant chorismate synthase. However, in contrast to the plant enzyme, which is located to the plastid, P. falciparum chorismate synthase is found in the parasite cytosol, akin to the fungal enzymes that possess an intrinsic flavin reductase activity (i.e. are bifunctional). Thus, P. falciparum chorismate synthase has a combination of properties that distinguishes it from other described chorismate synthases.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte invasion by the malaria merozoite is prevented by serine protease inhibitors. Various aspects of the biology of Plasmodium falciparum subtilisin-like protease-1 (PfSUB-1), including the timing of its expression and its apical location in the merozoite, suggest that this enzyme is involved in invasion. Recombinant PfSUB-1 expressed in a baculovirus system is secreted in the p54 form, noncovalently bound to its cognate propeptide, p31. To understand the role of p31 in PfSUB-1 maturation, we examined interactions between p31 and both recombinant and native enzymes. CD analyses revealed that recombinant p31 (rp31) possesses significant secondary structure on its own, comparable with that of folded propeptides of some bacterial subtilisins. Kinetic studies demonstrated that rp31 is a fast binding, high affinity inhibitor of PfSUB-1. Inhibition of two bacterial subtilisins by rp31 was much less effective, with inhibition constants 49-60-fold higher than that for PfSUB-1. Single (at the P4 or P1 position) or double (at P4 and P1 positions) point mutations of residues within the C-terminal region of rp31 had little effect on its inhibitory activity, and truncation of 11 residues from the rp31 C terminus substantially reduced, but did not abolish, inhibition. None of these modifications prevented binding to the PfSUB-1 catalytic domain or rendered the propeptide susceptible to proteolytic digestion by PfSUB-1. These studies provide new insights into the function of the propeptide in PfSUB-1 activation and shed light on the structural requirements for interaction with the catalytic domain.  相似文献   

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