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The distance-dependent structure-derived potentials developed so far all employed a reference state that can be characterized as a residue (atom)-averaged state. Here, we establish a new reference state called the distance-scaled, finite ideal-gas reference (DFIRE) state. The reference state is used to construct a residue-specific all-atom potential of mean force from a database of 1011 nonhomologous (less than 30% homology) protein structures with resolution less than 2 A. The new all-atom potential recognizes more native proteins from 32 multiple decoy sets, and raises an average Z-score by 1.4 units more than two previously developed, residue-specific, all-atom knowledge-based potentials. When only backbone and C(beta) atoms are used in scoring, the performance of the DFIRE-based potential, although is worse than that of the all-atom version, is comparable to those of the previously developed potentials on the all-atom level. In addition, the DFIRE-based all-atom potential provides the most accurate prediction of the stabilities of 895 mutants among three knowledge-based all-atom potentials. Comparison with several physical-based potentials is made.  相似文献   

Structure prediction on a genomic scale requires a simplified energy function that can efficiently sample the conformational space of polypeptide chains. A good energy function at minimum should discriminate native structures against decoys. Here, we show that a recently developed, residue-specific, all-atom knowledge-based potential (167 atomic types) based on distance-scaled, finite ideal-gas reference state (DFIRE-all-atom) can be substantially simplified to 20 residue types located at side-chain center of mass (DFIRE-SCM) without a significant change in its capability of structure discrimination. Using 96 standard multiple decoy sets, we show that there is only a small reduction (from 80% to 78%) in success rate of ranking native structures as the top 1. The success rate is higher than two previously developed, all-atom distance-dependent statistical pair potentials. Applied to structure selections of 21 docking decoys without modification, the DFIRE-SCM potential is 29% more successful in recognizing native complex structures than an all-atom statistical potential trained by a database of dimeric interfaces. The potential also achieves 92% accuracy in distinguishing true dimeric interfaces from artificial crystal interfaces. In addition, the DFIRE potential with the C(alpha) positions as the interaction centers recognizes 123 native structures out of a comprehensive 125-protein TOUCHSTONE decoy set in which each protein has 24,000 decoys with only C(alpha) positions. Furthermore, the performance by DFIRE-SCM on newly established 25 monomeric and 31 docking Rosetta-decoy sets is comparable to (or better than in the case of monomeric decoy sets) that of a recently developed, all-atom Rosetta energy function enhanced with an orientation-dependent hydrogen bonding potential.  相似文献   

One of the common methods for assessing energy functions of proteins is selection of native or near-native structures from decoys. This is an efficient but indirect test of the energy functions because decoy structures are typically generated either by sampling procedures or by a separate energy function. As a result, these decoys may not contain the global minimum structure that reflects the true folding accuracy of the energy functions. This paper proposes to assess energy functions by ab initio refolding of fully unfolded terminal segments with secondary structures while keeping the rest of the proteins fixed in their native conformations. Global energy minimization of these short unfolded segments, a challenging yet tractable problem, is a direct test of the energy functions. As an illustrative example, refolding terminal segments is employed to assess two closely related all-atom statistical energy functions, DFIRE (distance-scaled, finite, ideal-gas reference state) and DOPE (discrete optimized protein energy). We found that a simple sequence-position dependence contained in the DOPE energy function leads to an intrinsic bias toward the formation of helical structures. Meanwhile, a finer statistical treatment of short-range interactions yields a significant improvement in the accuracy of segment refolding by DFIRE. The updated DFIRE energy function yields success rates of 100% and 67%, respectively, for its ability to sample and fold fully unfolded terminal segments of 15 proteins to within 3.5 A global root-mean-squared distance from the corresponding native structures. The updated DFIRE energy function is available as DFIRE 2.0 upon request.  相似文献   

The conformations of loops are determined by the water-mediated interactions between amino acid residues. Energy functions that describe the interactions can be derived either from physical principles (physical-based energy function) or statistical analysis of known protein structures (knowledge-based statistical potentials). It is commonly believed that statistical potentials are appropriate for coarse-grained representation of proteins but are not as accurate as physical-based potentials when atomic resolution is required. Several recent applications of physical-based energy functions to loop selections appear to support this view. In this article, we apply a recently developed DFIRE-based statistical potential to three different loop decoy sets (RAPPER, Jacobson, and Forrest-Woolf sets). Together with a rotamer library for side-chain optimization, the performance of DFIRE-based potential in the RAPPER decoy set (385 loop targets) is comparable to that of AMBER/GBSA for short loops (two to eight residues). The DFIRE is more accurate for longer loops (9 to 12 residues). Similar trend is observed when comparing DFIRE with another physical-based OPLS/SGB-NP energy function in the large Jacobson decoy set (788 loop targets). In the Forrest-Woolf decoy set for the loops of membrane proteins, the DFIRE potential performs substantially better than the combination of the CHARMM force field with several solvation models. The results suggest that a single-term DFIRE-statistical energy function can provide an accurate loop prediction at a fraction of computing cost required for more complicate physical-based energy functions. A Web server for academic users is established for loop selection at the softwares/services section of the Web site http://theory.med.buffalo.edu/.  相似文献   

An accurate scoring function is a key component for successful protein structure prediction. To address this important unsolved problem, we develop a generalized orientation and distance-dependent all-atom statistical potential. The new statistical potential, generalized orientation-dependent all-atom potential (GOAP), depends on the relative orientation of the planes associated with each heavy atom in interacting pairs. GOAP is a generalization of previous orientation-dependent potentials that consider only representative atoms or blocks of side-chain or polar atoms. GOAP is decomposed into distance- and angle-dependent contributions. The DFIRE distance-scaled finite ideal gas reference state is employed for the distance-dependent component of GOAP. GOAP was tested on 11 commonly used decoy sets containing 278 targets, and recognized 226 native structures as best from the decoys, whereas DFIRE recognized 127 targets. The major improvement comes from decoy sets that have homology-modeled structures that are close to native (all within ∼4.0 Å) or from the ROSETTA ab initio decoy set. For these two kinds of decoys, orientation-independent DFIRE or only side-chain orientation-dependent RWplus performed poorly. Although the OPUS-PSP block-based orientation-dependent, side-chain atom contact potential performs much better (recognizing 196 targets) than DFIRE, RWplus, and dDFIRE, it is still ∼15% worse than GOAP. Thus, GOAP is a promising advance in knowledge-based, all-atom statistical potentials. GOAP is available for download at http://cssb.biology.gatech.edu/GOAP.  相似文献   

Radius of gyration is indicator of compactness of protein structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Search and study of the general principles that govern kinetics and thermodynamics of protein folding generate a new insight into the factors controlling this process. Statistical analysis of radii of gyration for 3769 protein structures from four general structural classes (all-alpha, all-beta, alpha/beta, alpha + beta) demonstrates that each class of proteins has its own class-specific radius of gyration, which determines compactness of protein structures: alpha-proteins have the largest radius of gyration. This indicates that they are less tightly packed than beta- and alpha + beta-proteins. Finally, alpha/beta-proteins are the most tightly packed proteins with the least radius of gyration. It should be underlined that radius of gyration normalized on the radius of gyration of ball with the same volume, is independent of the length in comparison with such parameters as compactness and number of contacts per residue.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Liu S  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2005,60(2):314-318
We entered the CAPRI experiment during the middle of Round 4 and have submitted predictions for all 6 targets released since then. We used the following procedures for docking prediction: (1) the identification of possible binding region(s) of a target based on known biological information, (2) rigid-body sampling around the binding region(s) by using the docking program ZDOCK, (3) ranking of the sampled complex conformations by employing the DFIRE-based statistical energy function, (4) clustering based on pairwise root-mean-square distance and the DFIRE energy, and (5) manual inspection and relaxation of the side-chain conformations of the top-ranked structures by geometric constraint. Reasonable predictions were made for 4 of the 6 targets. The best fraction of native contacts within the top 10 models are 89.1% for Target 12, 54.3% for Target 13, 29.3% for Target 14, and 94.1% for Target 18. The origin of successes and failures is discussed. .  相似文献   

Statistical energy functions are discrete (or stepwise) energy functions that lack van der Waals repulsion. As a result, they are often applied directly to a given structure (native or decoy) without further energy minimization being performed to the structure. However, the full benefit (or hidden defect) of an energy function cannot be revealed without energy minimization. This paper tests a recently developed, all-atom statistical energy function by energy minimization with a fixed secondary helical structure in dihedral space. This is accomplished by combining the statistical energy function based on a distance-scaled finite ideal-gas reference (DFIRE) state with a simple repulsive interaction and an improper torsion energy function. The energy function was used to minimize 2000 random initial structures of 41 small and medium-sized helical proteins in a dihedral space with a fixed helical region. Results indicate that near-native structures for most studied proteins can be obtained by minimization alone. The average minimum root-mean-squared distance (rmsd) from the native structure for all 41 proteins is 4.1 A. The energy function (together with a simple clustering of similar structures) also makes a reasonable selection of near-native structures from minimized structures. The average rmsd value and the average rank for the best structure in the top five is 6.8 A and 2.4, respectively. The accuracy of the structures sampled and the structure selections can be improved significantly with the removal of flexible terminal regions in rmsd calculations and in minimization and with the increase in the number of minimizations. The minimized structures form an excellent decoy set for testing other energy functions because most structures are well-packed with minimum hard-core overlaps with correct hydrophobic/hydrophilic partitioning. They are available online at http://theory.med.buffalo.edu.  相似文献   

The accuracy of model selection from decoy ensembles of protein loop conformations was explored by comparing the performance of the Samudrala-Moult all-atom statistical potential (RAPDF) and the AMBER molecular mechanics force field, including the Generalized Born/surface area solvation model. Large ensembles of consistent loop conformations, represented at atomic detail with idealized geometry, were generated for a large test set of protein loops of 2 to 12 residues long by a novel ab initio method called RAPPER that relies on fine-grained residue-specific phi/psi propensity tables for conformational sampling. Ranking the conformers on the basis of RAPDF scores resulted in selected conformers that had an average global, non-superimposed RMSD for all heavy mainchain atoms ranging from 1.2 A for 4-mers to 2.9 A for 8-mers to 6.2 A for 12-mers. After filtering on the basis of anchor geometry and RAPDF scores, ranking by energy minimization of the AMBER/GBSA potential energy function selected conformers that had global RMSD values of 0.5 A for 4-mers, 2.3 A for 8-mers, and 5.0 A for 12-mers. Minimized fragments had, on average, consistently lower RMSD values (by 0.1 A) than their initial conformations. The importance of the Generalized Born solvation energy term is reflected by the observation that the average RMSD accuracy for all loop lengths was worse when this term is omitted. There are, however, still many cases where the AMBER gas-phase minimization selected conformers of lower RMSD than the AMBER/GBSA minimization. The AMBER/GBSA energy function had better correlation with RMSD to native than the RAPDF. When the ensembles were supplemented with conformations extracted from experimental structures, a dramatic improvement in selection accuracy was observed at longer lengths (average RMSD of 1.3 A for 8-mers) when scoring with the AMBER/GBSA force field. This work provides the basis for a promising hybrid approach of ab initio and knowledge-based methods for loop modeling.  相似文献   

Protein decoy data sets provide a benchmark for testing scoring functions designed for fold recognition and protein homology modeling problems. It is commonly believed that statistical potentials based on reduced atomic models are better able to discriminate native-like from misfolded decoys than scoring functions based on more detailed molecular mechanics models. Recent benchmark tests on small data sets, however, suggest otherwise. In this work, we report the results of extensive decoy detection tests using an effective free energy function based on the OPLS all-atom (OPLS-AA) force field and the Surface Generalized Born (SGB) model for the solvent electrostatic effects. The OPLS-AA/SGB effective free energy is used as a scoring function to detect native protein folds among a total of 48,832 decoys for 32 different proteins from Park and Levitt's 4-state-reduced, Levitt's local-minima, Baker's ROSETTA all-atom, and Skolnick's decoy sets. Solvent electrostatic effects are included through the Surface Generalized Born (SGB) model. All structures are locally minimized without restraints. From an analysis of the individual energy components of the OPLS-AA/SGB energy function for the native and the best-ranked decoy, it is determined that a balance of the terms of the potential is responsible for the minimized energies that most successfully distinguish the native from the misfolded conformations. Different combinations of individual energy terms provide less discrimination than the total energy. The results are consistent with observations that all-atom molecular potentials coupled with intermediate level solvent dielectric models are competitive with knowledge-based potentials for decoy detection and protein modeling problems such as fold recognition and homology modeling.  相似文献   

Zhang H 《Proteins》1999,34(4):464-471
A new Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm has been developed to test protein potential functions and, ultimately, refine protein structures. The main principle of this algorithm is, in each cycle, a new trial conformation is generated by carrying out a short period of molecular dynamics (MD) iterations with a set of random parameters (including the MD time step, the number of MD steps, the MD temperature, and the seed for initial MD velocity assignment); then to accept or reject the new conformation on the basis of the Metropolis criterion. The novelty in this paper is that the potential in MD iterations is different from that in the MC step. In the former, it is a molecular mechanics potential, in the latter it is a knowledge-based potential (KBP). Directed by the KBP, the MD iteration is used to search conformational space for realistic conformations with low KBP energy. It circumvents the difficulty in using KBP functions directly in MD simulation, as KBP functions are typically incomplete, and do not always have continuous derivatives required for the calculation of the forces. The new algorithm has been tested in explorations of conformational space. In these test calculations the KBP energy was found to drop below the value for the native conformation, and the correlation between the root mean square deviation (RMSD) and the KBP energy was shown to be different from the test results in other references. At the present time, the algorithm is useful for testing new KBP functions. Furthermore, if a KBP function can be found for which the native conformation has the lowest energy and the energy/RMSD correlation is good, then this new algorithm also will be a tool for refinement of the theory-based structural models.  相似文献   

How to refine a near‐native structure to make it closer to its native conformation is an unsolved problem in protein‐structure and protein–protein complex‐structure prediction. In this article, we first test several scoring functions for selecting locally resampled near‐native protein–protein docking conformations and then propose a computationally efficient protocol for structure refinement via local resampling and energy minimization. The proposed method employs a statistical energy function based on a Distance‐scaled Ideal‐gas REference state (DFIRE) as an initial filter and an empirical energy function EMPIRE (EMpirical Protein‐InteRaction Energy) for optimization and re‐ranking. Significant improvement of final top‐1 ranked structures over initial near‐native structures is observed in the ZDOCK 2.3 decoy set for Benchmark 1.0 (74% whose global rmsd reduced by 0.5 Å or more and only 7% increased by 0.5 Å or more). Less significant improvement is observed for Benchmark 2.0 (38% versus 33%). Possible reasons are discussed. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We develop coarse-grained, distance- and orientation-dependent statistical potentials from the growing protein structural databases. For protein structural classes (alpha, beta, and alpha/beta), a substantial number of backbone-backbone and backbone-side-chain contacts stabilize the native folds. By taking into account the importance of backbone interactions with a virtual backbone interaction center as the 21st anisotropic site, we construct a 21 x 21 interaction scheme. The new potentials are studied using spherical harmonics analysis (SHA) and a smooth, continuous version is constructed using spherical harmonic synthesis (SHS). Our approach has the following advantages: (1) The smooth, continuous form of the resulting potentials is more realistic and presents significant advantages for computational simulations, and (2) with SHS, the potential values can be computed efficiently for arbitrary coordinates, requiring only the knowledge of a few spherical harmonic coefficients. The performance of the new orientation-dependent potentials was tested using a standard database of decoy structures. The results show that the ability of the new orientation-dependent potentials to recognize native protein folds from a set of decoy structures is strongly enhanced by the inclusion of anisotropic backbone interaction centers. The anisotropic potentials can be used to develop realistic coarse-grained simulations of proteins, with direct applications to protein design, folding, and aggregation.  相似文献   


Arriving at the native conformation of a polypeptide chain characterized by minimum most free energy is a problem of long standing interest in protein structure prediction endeavors. Owing to the computational requirements in developing free energy estimates, scoring functions—energy based or statistical—have received considerable renewed attention in recent years for distinguishing native structures of proteins from non-native like structures. Several cleverly designed decoy sets, CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) structures and homology based internet accessible three dimensional model builders are now available for validating the scoring functions. We describe here an all-atom energy based empirical scoring function and examine its performance on a wide series of publicly available decoys. Barring two protein sequences where native structure is ranked second and seventh, native is identified as the lowest energy structure in 67 protein sequences from among 61,659 decoys belonging to 12 different decoy sets. We further illustrate a potential application of the scoring function in bracketing native-like structures of two small mixed alpha/beta globular proteins starting from sequence and secondary structural information. The scoring function has been web enabled at www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/utility/proteomics/energy.jsp  相似文献   

Soto CS  Fasnacht M  Zhu J  Forrest L  Honig B 《Proteins》2008,70(3):834-843
We describe a fast and accurate protocol, LoopBuilder, for the prediction of loop conformations in proteins. The procedure includes extensive sampling of backbone conformations, side chain addition, the use of a statistical potential to select a subset of these conformations, and, finally, an energy minimization and ranking with an all-atom force field. We find that the Direct Tweak algorithm used in the previously developed LOOPY program is successful in generating an ensemble of conformations that on average are closer to the native conformation than those generated by other methods. An important feature of Direct Tweak is that it checks for interactions between the loop and the rest of the protein during the loop closure process. DFIRE is found to be a particularly effective statistical potential that can bias conformation space toward conformations that are close to the native structure. Its application as a filter prior to a full molecular mechanics energy minimization both improves prediction accuracy and offers a significant savings in computer time. Final scoring is based on the OPLS/SBG-NP force field implemented in the PLOP program. The approach is also shown to be quite successful in predicting loop conformations for cases where the native side chain conformations are assumed to be unknown, suggesting that it will prove effective in real homology modeling applications.  相似文献   

A low-resolution scoring function for the selection of native and near-native structures from a set of predicted structures for a given protein sequence has been developed. The scoring function, ProVal (Protein Validate), used several variables that describe an aspect of protein structure for which the proximity to the native structure can be assessed quantitatively. Among the parameters included are a packing estimate, surface areas, and the contact order. A partial least squares for latent variables (PLS) model was built for each candidate set of the 28 decoy sets of structures generated for 22 different proteins using the described parameters as independent variables. The C(alpha) RMS of the candidate structures versus the experimental structure was used as the dependent variable. The final generalized scoring function was an average of all models derived, ensuring that the function was not optimized for specific fold classes or method of structure generation of the candidate folds. The results show that the crystal structure was scored best in 64% of the 28 test sets and was clearly separated from the decoys in many examples. In all the other cases in which the crystal structure did not rank first, it ranked within the top 10%. Thus, although ProVal could not distinguish between predicted structures that were similar overall in fold quality due to its inherently low resolution, it can clearly be used as a primary filter to eliminate approximately 90% of fold candidates generated by current prediction methods from all-atom modeling and further evaluation. The correlation between the predicted and actual C(alpha) RMS values varies considerably between the candidate fold sets.  相似文献   

Huang SY  Zou X 《Proteins》2011,79(9):2648-2661
In this study, we have developed a statistical mechanics-based iterative method to extract statistical atomic interaction potentials from known, nonredundant protein structures. Our method circumvents the long-standing reference state problem in deriving traditional knowledge-based scoring functions, by using rapid iterations through a physical, global convergence function. The rapid convergence of this physics-based method, unlike other parameter optimization methods, warrants the feasibility of deriving distance-dependent, all-atom statistical potentials to keep the scoring accuracy. The derived potentials, referred to as ITScore/Pro, have been validated using three diverse benchmarks: the high-resolution decoy set, the AMBER benchmark decoy set, and the CASP8 decoy set. Significant improvement in performance has been achieved. Finally, comparisons between the potentials of our model and potentials of a knowledge-based scoring function with a randomized reference state have revealed the reason for the better performance of our scoring function, which could provide useful insight into the development of other physical scoring functions. The potentials developed in this study are generally applicable for structural selection in protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

Arriving at the native conformation of a polypeptide chain characterized by minimum most free energy is a problem of long standing interest in protein structure prediction endeavors. Owing to the computational requirements in developing free energy estimates, scoring functions--energy based or statistical--have received considerable renewed attention in recent years for distinguishing native structures of proteins from non-native like structures. Several cleverly designed decoy sets, CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) structures and homology based internet accessible three dimensional model builders are now available for validating the scoring functions. We describe here an all-atom energy based empirical scoring function and examine its performance on a wide series of publicly available decoys. Barring two protein sequences where native structure is ranked second and seventh, native is identified as the lowest energy structure in 67 protein sequences from among 61,659 decoys belonging to 12 different decoy sets. We further illustrate a potential application of the scoring function in bracketing native-like structures of two small mixed alpha/beta globular proteins starting from sequence and secondary structural information. The scoring function has been web enabled at www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/utility/proteomics/energy.jsp.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that atomic burials, as measured by their distances from the structural geometrical center, contain sufficient information to determine the tertiary structure of globular proteins. We report Monte Carlo simulated annealing results of all-atom hard-sphere models in continuous space for four small proteins: the all-beta WW-domain 1E0L, the alpha/beta protein-G 1IGD, the all-alpha engrailed homeo-domain 1ENH, and the alpha + beta engineered monomeric form of the Cro protein 1ORC. We used as energy function the sum over all atoms, labeled by i, of |R(i) - R(i) (*)|, where R(i) is the atomic distance from the center of coordinates, or central distance, and R(i) (*) is the "ideal" central distance obtained from the native structure. Hydrogen bonds were taken into consideration by the assignment of two ideal distances for backbone atoms forming hydrogen bonds in the native structure depending on the formation of a geometrically defined bond, independently of bond partner. Lowest energy final conformations turned out to be very similar to the native structure for the four proteins under investigation and a strong correlation was observed between energy and distance root mean square deviation (DRMS) from the native in the case of all-beta 1E0L and alpha/beta 1IGD. For all alpha 1ENH and alpha + beta 1ORC the overall correlation between energy and DRMS among final conformations was not as high because some trajectories resulted in high DRMS but low energy final conformations in which alpha-helices adopted a non-native mutual orientation. Comparison between central distances and actual accessible surface areas corroborated the implicit assumption of correlation between these two quantities. The Z-score obtained with this native-centric potential in the discrimination of native 1ORC from a set of random compact structures confirmed that it contains a much smaller amount of native information when compared to a traditional contact Go potential but indicated that simple sequence-dependent burial potentials still need some improvement in order to attain a similar discriminability. Taken together, our results suggest that central distances, in conjunction to physically motivated hydrogen bond constraints, contain sufficient information to determine the native conformation of these small proteins and that a solution to the folding problem for globular proteins could arise from sufficiently accurate burial predictions from sequence followed by minimization of a burial-dependent energy function.  相似文献   

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