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Our previous work showed that strains of dinitrogen fixing enterobacter and Klebsiella were found associated with the roots of uncultivated grasses in Finland more commonly than other species of diazotrophic bacteria. In this paper we compare E. agglomerans strains to K. pneumoniae and K. terrigena strains, and show that the E. agglomerans strains fall into two biogroups. The groups differ not only in the utilization of different carbon sources and other physiological characteristics such as the production of indole, but also in the physiology and genetics of nitrogenase activity. Biotype 1 (isolated from Achillea millefolium, Calamagrostis arundinacea, and Phleum pratense) showed active nitrogenase in atmospheric oxygen, whereas biotype 2 (from Phalaris arundinacea) resembled K. pneumoniae in that it was active at reduced oxygen pressure (pO2<-0.002) only. DNA of all strains showed positive hybridization with K. pneumoniae nifHDK genes (pSA30) but differed in the location of the genes. Biotype 1 strains of E. agglomerans carried nifHDK genes on large (105–125 Mdal) plasmids, whereas no plasmid was detected in biotype 2 or in the K. pneumoniae strains isolated from Agrostis stolonifera and Poa pratensis and K. terrigena strain isolated from Carex pallescens. The one K. terrigena strain (isolated from Ph. arundinacea) that was found to contain an indigenous plasmid (80 Mdal) did not carry nifHDK genes on this plasmid.  相似文献   

A pair of small plasmid vectors have been constructed, which complement chlorate-resistant chlB mutants of Escherichia coli to chlorate reduction under anaerobic conditions. This potentially lethal function can be inactivated by the insertion of DNA fragments into a multiple cloning site. After transformation of competent mutant cells with a ligation mixture, simultaneous selection for the plasmid-coded drug resistance and for the inactivation of the complementing gene directly yields colonies, which harbor recombinant plasmids. It is demonstrated that this cloning system can be used with an efficiency beyond 90%. Vector sequences are provided.  相似文献   

A physical and genetical map of the plasmid pEA3 indigenous to Enterobacter agglomerans is presented. pEA3 is a 111-kb large plasmid containing a 23-kb large cluster of nif genes which shows extensive homology (Southern hybridization and heteroduplex analysis) to the entire nif gene cluster of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) M5a1. All the nif genes on pEA3 are organized in the same manner as in K. pneumoniae, except nifJ, which is located on the left end of pEA3 nif gene cluster (near nifQB). A BamHI restriction map of pEA3 and a detailed restriction map of the 23-kb nif region on pEA3 is also presented. The nif genes of pEA3 showed a low level of acetylene reduction in Escherichia coli, demonstrating that these genes are functional and contain the whole genetic information required to fix nitrogen. The origin of vegetative replication (OriV) of pEA3 was localized about 5.5 kb from the right end of the nif gene cluster. In addition to pEA3, large plasmids from four other strains of E. agglomerans showed homology to all the Kp nif genes tested, indicating that in diazotrophic strains of E. agglomerans nif genes are usually located on plasmids. In contrast, in most of the free-living, nitrogen-fixing bacteria the nif genes are on chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary The nitrogen fixation (nif)-gene group of Klebsiella can be transferred onto Enterobacter cloacae by conjugation, using Escherichia coli donor cells carrying the composite self-transmissible nif-plasmid pRD1. To enforce integration and stabilisation, in the present study a derivative of pRD1, viz plasmid pCE1, containing the Mu transposon was used. pCE1:: Mu cts makes Enterobacter cloacae cells nif +, and sensitive to temperature induction of Mu. Few cells survive treatment at 42°C. Seventy-two isolates thus obtained were screened for location of their nif-genes. At least four were found to contain the nif-genes integrated into the chromosome. This was documented by gel electrophoresis of their DNA, and by Southern hybridisation of their DNA with Klebsiella nif-KDH DNA as radioactive probe. The Mu transposon had also become part of their chromosome.  相似文献   

A small plasmid containing the entire nif gene cluster of Enterobacter agglomerans 333 as an excisable cassette has been constructed, using pACYC177 as a vector. Two cosmid clones taken from a gene library of E. agglomerans plasmid pEA3 were used as a source of nif genes. A SmaI fragment of peaMS2-2, containing the H,D,K,Y,E,N,X,U,S,V,W,Z,M,L,A and B genes and an ApaI fragment of peaMS2-16 containing nifA,B,Q,F and J were selected to construct pMH2. The resulting plasmid of 33 kb carries the complete nif gene cluster as a nif cassette on a single XbaI fragment. The nif construct pMH2 in Escherichia coli strains has significant nitrogenase activity compared to wild-type E. agglomerans 333. The nif gene cluster construct was found to be very stable.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a plasmid-borne 3.9 kb XhoI-SmaI fragment comprising the 3′-region of the nifM gene, the nifL and nifA genes and the 5′-region of nifB gene of Enterobacter agglomerans was determined. The genes were identified by their homology to the corresponding nif genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae. A typical σ54-dependent promoter and a consensus NtrC-binding motif were identified upstream of nifL. The predicted amino acid sequence of NifL showed close similarities to NifL of K. pneumoniae and Azotobacter vinelandii. However, no histidine residue was found to correspond to histidine-304 of A. vinelandii NifL, which had been proposed to be required for the repressor activity of NifL. The NifA sequence with a putative DNA binding motif (Q(X3) A (X3) G (X5)I) and an ATP binding site in the C-terminal and central domains, respectively, resembles that of other known NifA proteins. The function of the nifL and nifA genes was demonstrated in vivo using a binary plasmid system by their ability to activate a nifH promoter-lacZ fusion at different temperatures and concentrations of NH 4 + . Maximal promoter activity occurred at 25°C, and it appears that the sensitivity of NifA to elevated temperatures is independent of NifL. The expression of nifL inhibited promoter activity in the presence of NifA when the initial NH 4 + concentration in the medium exceeded 4 mM.  相似文献   

Chlorate reductase has been isolated from the chlorate-respiring bacterium Ideonella dechloratans, and the genes encoding the enzyme have been sequenced. The enzyme is composed of three different subunits and contains molybdopterin, iron, probably in iron-sulfur clusters, and heme b. The genes (clr) encoding chlorate reductase are arranged as clrABDC, where clrA, clrB, and clrC encode the subunits and clrD encodes a specific chaperone. Judging from the subunit composition, cofactor content, and sequence comparisons, chlorate reductase belongs to class II of the dimethyl sulfoxide reductase family. The clr genes are preceded by a novel insertion sequence (transposase gene surrounded by inverted repeats), denoted ISIde1. Further upstream, we find the previously characterized gene for chlorite dismutase (cld), oriented in the opposite direction. Chlorate metabolism in I. dechloratans starts with the reduction of chlorate, which is followed by the decomposition of the resulting chlorite to chloride and molecular oxygen. The present work reveals that the genes encoding the enzymes catalyzing both these reactions are in close proximity.  相似文献   

Cascade regulation of nif gene expression in Rhizobium meliloti   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  

To facilitate the selection of multiple gene integrants in Hansenula polymorpha, a rapid and copy-number-controlled selection system was developed using a vector containing a telomeric autonomous replication sequence and the bacterial aminoglycoside 3-phosphotransferase (APH) gene. Direct use of the unmodified APH gene as a dominant selectable marker resulted in the extremely slow growth of transformants and the frequent selection of spontaneous resistance. For the proper performance of the APHgene, a set of deleted glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoters of H. polymorpha were fused to the APH gene. The fusion construct with the 578-bp GAPDH promoter conferred G418 resistance sufficient to allow rapid growth of transformants, and thus facilitated the selection of transformants with up to 15 tandem copies of the vector. To increase further the integration copy number within the gene-dose-dependent range, the GAPDHpromoter was serially deleted down to the −61 nucleotide. With this weak expression cassette, the integration copy number could easily be controlled between 1 and 50. Tandemly integrated copies of plasmids near the end of the chromosome were mitotically stable over l50 generations. The dosage-dependent selection system of this study would provide a powerful tool for the development of H. polymorpha as an industrial strain to produce recombinant proteins. Received: 23 October 1998 / Received revision: 6 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 1999  相似文献   

The life-science domain has been discussing the merits of data integration for several years. Approximately five years ago, knowledge management promised to solve many of the bottlenecks of the drug discovery pipeline. It was envisioned that companies would purchase off-the-shelf software solutions or hire consultants or informaticians to solve their informatics problems. However, knowledge management has not delivered all that it promised. Better investment in integration is required to deliver a system that significantly reduces the time-to-market and R&D overheads, and increase the rate at which novel chemical entities (NCEs) progress through the pipeline. Such investments require strategic decisions that, if implemented successfully, deliver substantial benefits and act as the bedrock for NCE selection.  相似文献   

Several approaches were used to study the role of GroEL, the prototype chaperonin, in the nitrogen fixation (nif) system. An Escherichia coli groEL mutant transformed with the Klebsiella pneumoniae nif gene cluster accumulated very low to nondetectable levels of nitrogenase components compared with the isogenic wild-type strain or the mutant cotransformed with the wild-type groE operon. In K. pneumoniae, overexpression of the E. coli groE operon markedly accelerated the rate of appearance of the MoFe protein and its constituent polypeptides after the start of derepression. The groEL mutation in E. coli decreased NifA-dependent beta-galactosidase expression from the nifH promoter but did not affect the constitutive expression of nifA from the tet promoter of ntr-controlled expression from the nifLA promoter. The possibility that GroEL is required for the correct folding of NifA was supported by coimmunoprecipitation of NifA with anti-GroEL antibodies. Kinetic analyses of nitrogenase assembly in 35S pulse-chased K. pneumoniae pointed to the existence of high-molecular-weight intermediates in MoFe protein assembly and demonstrated the transient binding of newly synthesized NifH and NifDK to GroEL. Overall, these results indicate that GroEL fulfills both regulatory and structural functions in the nif system.  相似文献   

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