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Abstract The optimal conditions for toxoiding a pertussis toxin (PT) preparation with 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide · HCl (EDAC) were determined. The prime factor affecting the toxoiding of PT was the EDAC to protein ratio. A ratio of 40–80 : 1 EDAC to protein by weight was optimal for abolishing the acute toxicity, histamine-sensitising and leucocytosis-promoting activities associated with PT, whilst maintaining the antigenicity of the vaccine antigens. An EDAC-toxoid also manifested no late histamine-sensitising activity. Duration of exposure to EDAC, temperature and pH value of the reaction were found not be be critical for toxoiding. The data indicated that the use of EDAC for toxoiding PT in a B. pertussis extract is a simple and reproducible procedure and should be considered as a method for the production of acellular pertussis vaccines.  相似文献   

The noradrenaline-induced pigment aggregation within the melanophores of the cuckoo wrasse ( Labrus ossifagus L.) has been shown to be mediated by postsynaptic alpha2-adrenoceptors which in turn act via an inhibitory control of adenylate cyclase. In a previous paper it was shown that pertussis toxin (PT) caused a blockade of noradrenaline-induced pigment aggregation. Based on these findings, an assay for PT has been developed. The method involves toxin titration directly on isolated fish scales from L. ossifagus , takes about 2 h to perform and needs no sophisticated equipment. The method allows detection of femtogram quantities of toxin per ml. The effect of purified PT was neutralized by antiserum. Some preliminary results indicate that it is possible to detect PT-like activity in sputum samples from patients with suspected whooping cough, whereas no PT-like activity could be detected in samples from healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

Speculation that the Japanese modified intra-cerebral challenge assay, which is used in several countries for control of acellular pertussis vaccines, depends on the presence of small amounts of active pertussis toxin led to an assumption that it may not be appropriate for highly toxoided or genetically detoxified vaccines. Consequently, at the recommendation of a World Health Organisation AD Hoc Working Group on mouse protection models for testing and control of acellular pertussis vaccine, the effect of pertussis toxin on the modified intra-cerebral challenge assay (modified Kendrick, MICA) was evaluated in an international collaborative study. Results of this study showed that for genetically detoxified vaccines both with and without active pertussis toxin the MICA clearly distinguished mice vaccinated with acellular vaccines from unvaccinated mice and gave a significant dose–response relationship. However, vaccine samples containing active pertussis toxin (5 or 50 ng/single human dose) appeared to be more potent than the equivalent sample without active pertussis toxin. Similar results were also given by two respiratory infection models (intranasal and aerosol) included in the study. The results also indicated that the effect of pertussis toxin may vary depending on mouse strain.  相似文献   

A simple novel approach for the purification of pertussis toxin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Pertussis toxin (PT) was purified from concentrated culture supernatants of Bordetella pertussis by a single step based on affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose 6B with a recovery of 36% in two fractions. The fraction of highest specific activity (0.91 mg of toxin per mg protein) constituted 15.3% of toxin content in crude material and appeared homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It exhibited the five bands corresponding to toxin subunits. The purified fraction induced clustering of Chinese hamster ovary cells at as little as 0.06 ng per ml. PT solution gave a single precipitation line with rabbit immune serum raised against crude Bordetella pertussis supernatant.  相似文献   

This study describes the expression, purification, and characterization of a recombinant fusion toxin, DAB(389)TTC, composed of the catalytic and membrane translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DAB(389)) linked to the receptor binding fragment of tetanus toxin (C-fragment). As determined by its ability to inhibit cellular protein synthesis in primary neuron cultures, DAB(389)TTC was approximately 1,000-fold more cytotoxic than native diphtheria toxin or the previously described fusion toxin, DAB(389)MSH. The cytotoxic effect of DAB(389)TTC on cultured cells was specific toward neuronal-type cells and was blocked by coincubation of the chimeric toxin with tetanus antitoxin. The toxicity of DAB(389)TTC, like that of diphtheria toxin, was dependent on passage through an acidic compartment and ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of the DAB(389) catalytic fragment. These results suggest that a catalytically inactive form of DAB(389)TTC may be useful as a nonviral vehicle to deliver exogenous proteins to the cytosolic compartment of neurons.  相似文献   

The nine ptl genes (A-I) are required for efficient secretion of pertussis toxin past the outer membrane. Mutations were made in ptlA-H by filling in unique restriction sites, generating in-frame deletions, or inserting a FLAG epitope tag. The mutations were cloned into a suicide shuttle plasmid containing the ptxptl operon and introduced into the adenylate cyclase locus of the chromosome of a Bordetella pertussis strain deleted for ptx. The wild-type ptxptl operon restored pertussis toxin expression and secretion. The ptl mutant constructs also restored expression of periplasmic pertussis toxin to the ptx deletion strain but the mutants had a statistically significant decrease in secretion of pertussis toxin of between 5- to 35-fold, suggesting all of the ptl genes must be intact for efficient pertussis toxin secretion. The mutations were also introduced into the adenylate cyclase locus of a wild-type ptxptl strain, resulting in a ptl diploid strain. The PtlC, PtlD, PtlE, PtlF, PtlG and PtlH mutants exerted dominance over the wild-type allele.  相似文献   

用于胚胎干细胞分离培养的滋养层细胞株的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
具有发育全能性的胚干细胞在分离培养时必须依赖滋养层细胞~[1],本研究旨在建议一个可供使用的滋养层细胞株。将小鼠胎仔去头、内脏、四肢后用胰酶消化,用作成纤维细胞的初代培养,2~36后继代培养,并开始进行选择和株化,获得的继代培养的成纤维细胞可用于制备胚干细胞培养所需滋养层,亦可冷冻保存备用。本实验所建立的小鼠成纤维细胞系,已成功地用于胚干细胞的分离培养,证明可作为分离培养胚干细胞时所需的滋养层细胞来源。  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin formed a stable complex with human (Hp). Hemagglutinating activity of the toxin was inhibited in the presence of Hp, but leukocytosis activity was not.An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the toxin, Hp-ELIS, was developed on the basis of its specific affinity for Hp. A polystyrene microplate coated with Hp was incubated with samples containing the toxin. The bound was measured by sequential reaction with antipertussis toxin goat IgG, alkaline-labelled anti-goat IgG and p-nitrophenylphosphate.The Hp-ELISA method showed high specificity, high sensitivity and good correlation with leukocytes promoting activity in vivo. One ng of pertussis toxin could be detected within 3 h.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin (PTx) is a major virulence factor produced by Bordetella pertussis and, in its detoxified form PTd, is an important component of pertussis vaccines. The in vivo histamine sensitization test (HIST) is currently used for the safety testing of these vaccines. However, an alternative test is needed because of large assay variability and ethical concerns with regard to animal usage. PTx has two functionally distinct domains: the enzymatic A-protomer and the B-oligomer that facilitates host-cell binding and entry of PTx into the cell. The development of a quantitative PTx binding assay using glycoproteins or defined oligosaccharides is reported. PTx was found to bind preferentially to multiantennary N-glycans, with the highest binding toward the fully sialylated structures. In contrast, PTd lost the ability of PTx to bind to sialylated multiantennary structures but retained some capacity to bind to neutral multiantennary structures. The developed assay was shown to be specific, sensitive, and robust and could be used for investigating the mechanisms of PTx detoxification and for monitoring PTx binding activity in vaccine formulations. This assay could also be used to complement a PTx-enzymatic assay, developed recently, and together they may form the basis of a potential alternative in vitro assay to replace the in vivo HIST.  相似文献   

The response of the musculature of male Schistosoma mansoni to various physical and ionic environments was determined. Contractile activity and tension of the parasite's musculature decreased when they were incubated in buffered salt solutions having an osmolality greater than 300 mOsm, a pH less than 6.8, or a temperature greater than 39 C. Except for potassium, high concentrations of inorganic ions reduced the tension of the parasite's musculature; high concentrations of potassium increased tension. In general the contraction rate of the male schistosome decreased when the concentration of an inorganic ion was below or above that found in Hanks' balanced salts solution. These results indicate that the musculature of S. mansoni is similar to smooth muscle found in mammals.  相似文献   

Summary A new insoluble chromogenic substrate for the determination of proteolytic activity was developed. This substrate was prepared by incorporating black drawing ink into casein and heating this complex at 200°C for 4 h. It is especially suitable for determining the activity of alkaline bacterial proteinases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The NG2 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan inhibits neurite outgrowth from neonatal rat cerebellar granule neurons when presented to the neurons as a component of the substrate. To begin to understand the cellular mechanisms by which this inhibition occurs, we investigated the hypothesis that cerebellar granule neurons express cell surface receptors for NG2 and that these receptors are linked to cellular signaling pathways. Here, we show that the NG2 core protein binds specifically and with high affinity to cerebellar granule neurons. Using protein cross-linking techniques and immunoprecipitation, a 280-kDa membrane cell surface protein of granule neurons was identified as an NG2-binding site. Treatment of the neurons with pertussis toxin reversed the growth inhibition, suggesting a role for pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins in the inhibitory response. Treatment of the neurons with pharmacological agents that increase either intracellular calcium or intracellular cyclic AMP levels partially reversed the growth inhibition induced by NG2. These results suggest that the growth-inhibitory actions of NG2 proteoglycan are due to an interaction with a specific cell surface receptor that is linked, either directly or indirectly, to intracellular second messenger systems.  相似文献   

直接培养法检测支原体方法的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用牛心消化液,加入支原体营养成份及琼脂,制备成固体培养基。以此培养基检测支原体,并根据其灵敏度及适用性确定培养基的配方。结果表明,用此法可以检测牛血清、胰酶、细胞及疫苗中的支原体生长,并且检测时间短,重复性好,灵敏度高,可以用于生物制品的质量控制。  相似文献   

Regulatory authorities require safety and potency testing prior to the release of each production lot of acellular pertussis (aP)-containing vaccines. Currently, the murine histamine sensitization test (HIST) is used to evaluate the presence of residual pertussis toxin in aP containing vaccines. However, the testing requires the use of a significant number of mice and results in unrelieved pain and distress. NICEATM, ICCVAM, their partners in the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods, and the International Working Group for Alternatives to HIST organized a workshop to discuss recent developments in alternative assays to the HIST, review data from an international collaborative study on non-animal alternative tests that might replace the HIST, and address the path toward global acceptance of this type of method. Currently, there are three potential alternative methods to HIST. Participants agreed that no single in vitro method was sufficiently developed for harmonized validation studies at this time. It is unlikely that any single in vitro method would be applicable to all aP vaccines without modification, due to differences between vaccines. Workshop participants recommended further optimization of cell-based assays under development. Participants agreed that the next international collaborative studies should commence in 2013 based on discussions during this workshop.  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin (DT) forms cation selective channels at low pH in cell membranes and planar bilayers. The channels formed by wild-type full length toxin (DT-AB), wild-type fragment B (DT-B) and mutants of DT-B were studied in the plasma membrane of Vero cells using the patch-clamp technique. The mutations concerned certain negatively charged amino acids within the channel-forming transmembrane domain (T-domain). These residues might interact electrostatically with cations flowing through the channel, and were therefore exchanged for uncharged amino acids or lysine. The increase in whole-cell conductance induced by toxin, Δg m , was initially determined. DT-AB induced a ∼10-fold lower Δg m than DT-B. The mutations DT-B E327Q, DT-B D352N and DT-B E362K did not affect Δg m , whereas DT-B D295K, DT-B D352K and DT-B D318K drastically reduced Δg m . Single channel analysis of DT-B, DT-AB, DT-B D295K, DT-B D318K and DT-B E362K was then performed in outside-out patches. No differences were found for the single-channel conductances, but the mutants varied in their gating characteristics. DT-B D295K exhibited only a very transient channel activity. DT-AB as well as DT-B D318K displayed significantly lower open probability and mean dwell times than DT-B. Hence, the lower channel forming efficiency of DT-AB and DT-B D318K as compared to DT-B is reflected on the molecular level by their tendency to spend more time in the closed position and the fast flickering mode. Altogether, the present work shows that replacements of single amino acids distributed throughout a large part of the transmembrane domain (T-domain) strongly affect the overall channel activity expressed as Δg m and the gating kinetics of single channels. This indicates clearly that the channel activity observed in DT-exposed Vero cells at low pH is inherent to DT itself and not due to DT-activation of an endogenous channel. Received: 20 June 1996/Revised: 8 November 1996  相似文献   

Summary A pea vicilin promoter-diphtheria toxin A (DTx-A) chain gene fusion was introduced into Arabidopsis and tobacco. The chimeric Dtx-A gene behaves as a dominant, seed-lethal, Mendelian factor, and the segregation ratios are consistent with the numbers of integrated copies as revealed by Southern blotting. Germination deficiency results from distinct developmental abnormalities, thus allowing genetic dissection of seed development. The endosperm is affected first in both species. In Arabidopsis, full cellularization of the initially syncytial endosperm does not take place, which results in shrinkage and a shriveled appearance of the mature dry seed. The embryo, which appears structurally normal and lacks visible lesions, ceases to develop at the partially recurved cotyledon stage and does not use the remaining endosperm. In tobacco, peripheral degeneration and premature termination of cellular endosperm development occurs at the cotyledon initiation stage. Lesions appear in the cotyledons at the advanced cotyledon stage, but the embryo continues to grow and attains nearly the same size and level of differentiation as mature wild-type embryos before degeneration and intracellular disintegration take place throughout. Accumulation of protein bodies and other cytoplasmic inclusions is very limited and occurs only in few cells. The timing and distribution of lesions follow a pattern typical for accumulation of protein bodies in wild-type seeds. These observations are consistent with expression of the vicilin promoter in the enlargement phase of cell differentiation. A novel tissue interaction arises, when the embryo uses up all the arrested endosperm: the embryo proves to be capable of absorbing the parenchyma layers of the integument, which are normally obliterated by, and incorporated into, the endosperm. The mature seed thus consists of a seed coat of one rigid cell layer, and a degenerated embryo. The genetic ablation technique has thus contributed to the establishment of the sequence of events and elucidation of the role of different cell lineages and tissues in seed development.  相似文献   

In order to examine alterations in the phosphorylation state of proteins involved in insulin action that might accompany the reduced growth state of density-arrested cells, we measured the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of the receptor and high Mr cellular substrates of the receptor kinase in rat hepatoma cells at different cell densities. As cell density increased from 2 × 105 to 3.2 × 106 per 35-mm well, the rate of DNA synthesis fell to 22% of control, while insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of high Mr receptor substrates (“pp185”) was enhanced to 198% of control, without a change in the abundance of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 protein. In anti-IRS-1 immunoprecipitates, tyrosine phosphorylation was increased by only 30%, suggesting that increased tyrosine phosphorylation of additional high Mr proteins (e.g., IRS-2) accounted for much of the observed increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of the receptor substrates. In spite of increased tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and total pp185-related proteins, however, cells studied at high growth density exhibited a 25% decrease in IRS-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase activity and only a 39% increase in phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase activity in antiphosphotyrosine immunoprecipitates. To explore the potential role of hepatic protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) in the hyperphosphorylation of pp185 proteins, we found by immunoblotting that at high cell density the intracellular PTPase PTP18 and the transmembrane PTPase LAR were reduced in abundance by 49% and 55%, respectively, while the abundance of the SH2-domain containing PTPase SH-PTP2 was increased by 48%. These data demonstrate that the attenuation of post-receptor signaling by insulin in hepatoma cells at increasing growth density involves changes in endogenous substrate phosphorylation which may result from alterations in specific PTPases implicated in the regulation of the insulin action pathway. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When conidia of Beauveria bassiana are injected into the hemocoel of corn earworm larvae, it appears that a positive correlation exists between exocellular proteolytic activity of the fungus and entomopathological manifestations. Once inside the hemolymph, defense mechanisms (including phagocytosis) are incapable of overcoming the fungus and one important event in a terminal mycocidal cascade involves preferential invasion of the gut wall. Such invasion helps explain the observed inhibition of feeding by infected larvae. Although histopathological changes seen in gut tissues suggest that a gut toxin is produced, evidence for such a toxin could not be obtained in preliminary tests. Biochemical changes are seen in hemolymph components; however, these are viewed as being due to general starvation rather than to specific activities of the fungus, at least up to the time that a general mycosis is established. With the host larva under physiological stress (starvation, nutrient depletion, and, possibly, toxin production in gut tissues) and failure of defense mechanisms, the infection spreads quickly and a terminal mycosis results.  相似文献   

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