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Synopsis It may be assumed that, histochemically, carboxyl groups and sulphate half-ester groups of muco electrolyte concentration of the dye baths in the two steps of a sequential Alcian Yellow-Alcian Blue method. In the present study the specificity and reliability of this method has been investigated.When the staining conditions were the same in both steps, the second dye (Alcian Blue) was found to stain mucosubstances in spite of the prior staining with Alcian Yellow. Binding of Alcian Blue was observed in all but very dilute Alcian Blue solutions. The degree of Alcian Blue binding depended on the dye concentration and staining time of the second step (Alcian Blue), and it varied widely for different mucosubstances. Although an incomplete saturation of anionic groups with dye molecules in the first step cannot be completely excluded, it is thought that Alcian Blue displaces Alcian Yellow from the carboxyl and sulphate groups of mucosubstances in tissue sections.It seems that the sequential Alcian Yellow-Alcian Blue method, under the conditions investigated, does not provide a reliable means for differentiating carboxyl and sulphate groups of mucosbstances in tissue sections simultaneously, because the second dye obviously is capable of displacing the first dye from sulphate groups. However, it is possible to distinguish non-sulphated acid mucosaccharides from sulphated mucosaccharides.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharide fragments of glycosaminoglycans may be separated for rapid analysis by electrophoresis through a 10% polyacrylamide matrix. An extensive ladder-like set of bands is observed for partial testicular hyaluronidase digests of chondroitin 4- or 6-sulphate, and for dermatan sulphate. Co-electrophoresis of purified oligosaccharides has established that the major bands of these patterns represent fragments differing in chain length by one disaccharide unit, with the smallest fragments having the greatest mobility. Additional minor bands, representing heterogeneity in the repeating unit structure, are also observed. There are slight differences in the mobilities of oligosaccharides derived from the three major types of sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Alcian Blue is employed for visualization of the digest fragments. Sample loads of 5-10 micrograms per band appear optimum. The smallest oligosaccharide which may be stained by this method is the hexasaccharide. After consideration of this effect, a good correlation is found to exist between densitometric scans of the gel-electrophoretic patterns and gel-filtration chromatographic profiles based on uronic acid concentration.  相似文献   

Synopsis The effect of pH on Alcian Blue staining of sialomucins and sulphomucins in human bronchial submucosal glands has been analysed. Using Alcian Blue combined with periodic acid-Schiff, lowering the pH was associated with a decrease in the area staining with Alcian Blue and an increase in that staining with periodic acid-Schiff, save in one bronchus with a large sulphomucin content, in which an increase in the area staining with Alcian Blue was found at pH1.0. In all bronchi, an increase in the intensity of Alcian Blue staining was found at this pH. Sialomucin sensitive to sialidase was found to lose Alcian Blue staining at a higher pH than sialomucin resistant to the enzyme. Some sulphomucins stained with Alcian Blue throughout the pH range studied and some only at the more acid pH levels. At pH1.0 Alcian Blue stained only sulphomucins, thus distinguishing them from sialomucins. Alcian Blue staining combined with the high iron diamine technique has enabled three sulphate groups to be identified: one stained with high iron diamine, the other two did not, and, of the latter, one stained with Alcian Blue at pH 2.6 and1.0, and the other only at pH1.0.  相似文献   

Synopsis Polyacrylamide films containing different glycosaminoglycans have been applied to the study of the Alcian Blue and combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining procedures. It was found that the polyacrylamide matrix can be interpreted as some kind of barrier around the substrate molecules, a situation which can be compared to a certain extent with what occursin situ, where complex protein molecules can likewise form a barrier.The Alcian Blue staining of the model films was found to follow the Lambert-Beer law. The time to reach optimal dye binding depended on the concentration of the glycosaminoglycan enclosed in the model films and on the concentration of Alcian Blue in the dye solution. Lowering the pH of the dye solution appeared to increase the rate of staining. Optimal staining of model films in the presence of salt or urea was not possible, because under these conditions the pores of the polyacrylamide matrix became blocked. Alcian Blue was found to bind irreversibly to the glycosaminoglycan molecules enclosed in the polyacrylamide films.The results of the combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining applied to model films appeared to be highly dependent on the amount of Alcian Blue bound to the glycosaminoglycan in the first step of the double staining procedure. No specific differences were noticed between the behaviour of the different glycosaminoglycan-Alcian Blue complexes towards the Safranin O binding in the mext step. As the theoretical basis for the application of the combined Alcian Blue-Safranin O staining was also found not to be completely valid, the conclusion was reached that this double staining cannot be used for the histochemical identification of glycosaminoglycans. The colour retained by a certain glycosaminoglycan-containing part of the specimen only delivers information about the accesibility of that part for Alcian Blue.  相似文献   

Synopsis This study is concerned with the staining of epithelial acid glycoproteins by Alcian Blue at various pH levels. A detailed analysis of the effect of pH on Alcian Blue staining of epithelial tissues at selected sites was made. Alcian Blue was combined with the periodic acid-Schiff technique, the Alcian Blue being used at pH levels between 2.6 and 0.5.Animal salivary glands, human foetal tracheal gland and epithelial goblet cells of the adult bronchial mucosa were chosen for study because the nature of their acid glycoprotein is known and is relatively simple.In sites containing sialomucin alone, no Alcian Blue staining took place below pH 1.5. A difference was demonstrated between sialidase-sensitive sialomucin which stained only between pH 2.6 and 1.7, and sialidase-resistant sialomucin which stained between pH 2.6 and 1.5. Two types of sulphomucin were identified: the usual one stained with Alcian Blue at all the pH levels studied, and the other, in the canine gland, stained only at the most acid pH levels, that is, between pH 1.5 and 0.5.  相似文献   

The critical electrolyte concentration principle was applied to the Alcian Blue staining of rat epiphyseal cartilage proteoglycans for electron microscopy. The distribution and structure of material in glutaraldehyde-fixed cartilage stained at pH 5.8 without MgCl2 and in the presence of 0.05, 0.4, 0.5, 0.9 and 1.0 M MgCl2 was compared with that produced by simultaneous staining and fixation at neutral pH. Both methods resulted in staining of intracellular material within vacuoles as well as staining of non-collagenous matrix material. The structure and distribution of Alcian Blue-positive matrix material consisted of rounded or polygonal granules which accumulated around cells in the proliferative and hypertrophied zones. A similar pattern of distribution was observed in samples stained in the presence of 0.4 or 0.5 M MgCl2. In these cases, however, the stained material exhibited a ribbon-like configuration and granules were few in number. Increasing the MgCl2 concentration to 1.0 M resulted in a marked reduction of Alcian Blue stained material. No ribbon-like structures were observed, and matrix granules were reduced in both number and size. The decreased staining associated with increased electrolyte concentration lends support to the concept that epiphyseal cartilage matrix granules are composed primarily of chondroitin sulphate, and suggest that this same material is present in vacuoles associated with the Golgi apparatus in chondrocytes of the proliferative and hypertrophying zones.  相似文献   

Summary The application of the critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) concept to the differentiation of acidic glycosaminglycans (mucopolysaccharides) is described. Alcian Blue 8GX stains with increasing selectivity as increasing amounts of magnesium chloride are incorporated into the dye solution. Model experiments with pure polyanions, or artifically carboxylated, phosphorylated and sulphated liver sections, showed that binding of dye to carboxylate or phosphate groups ceased at low electrolyte concentrations (< 0.3M) whereas dye continued to be held by sulphate ester groups at concentrations five to ten times as high. The similarity to the well established cetylpyridinium system for polyanion fractionation is discussed.Sections of tissues chosen to contain predominantly or characteristically carboxylated mucins, and/or sulphate ester polyanions showed a staining pattern entirely similar to the model sections. Goblet cell mucin in rat ileum stained at < 0.4M MgCl2, Cartilage at < 0.6M MgCl2, mast cells at < 0.75M, and corneal stroma at < 1.0M. These results are in agreement with the known contents of sialo-mucin, chondroitin sulphate, heparin and keratansulphate, respectively. The conditions in which this principle can be used in a practical technique are described.The new and more precise terminology of Jeanloz (1960) is used in preference to the older nomenclature.  相似文献   

Synopsis Polyanions at the nodes of Ranvier of peripheral nerve fibres have been studied with cationic stais including colloidal iron, inorganic salts and Alcian Blue. The various cations were found to differ in their interactions with tissue macromolecules. Such differences have been examined critically in an attempt to understand the underlying physico-chemical principles involved in the histochemical demonstration of acidic macromolecules. In addition, certain phenomena associated with polyanions, such as ion-exchange, demonstrated in the present study, are discussed in relation to the possible physiological function of such macromolecules at nodes of Ranvier in the conduction of the nerve impulse.  相似文献   

Summary The glycocalyx of absorptive cells in large intestinal hyperplastic polyp was characterized histochemically at the electron microscope level by the use of the Alcian Blue pH2.5 and high iron diamine techniques with the aim of comparing their ability in preserving the fine reticular network of the structure. Both the reagents stained glycocalyx, indicating the presence of sulphated acidic glycoconjugates. However, they showed different degrees of condensation of the reactive sites. Alcian Blue preserved its filamentous appearance better.  相似文献   

It is believed that the uptake mechanism of some nutrients by Paramecium tetraurelia primarily involves transport through the cell surface, whereas the uptake of other compounds appears to be restricted to bulk transport during food vacuole (phagosome) formation. In this study, we established that, in axenically grown cells, food vacuole formation occurred at continuous rates over long periods. This information allows quantitation of the volume of media taken up by bulk transport. India ink and latex beads were shown to be inert food vacuole markers and carmine was found to have an initial stimulatory effect on phagosome formation rates. Cultures grown for 3.5 h or longer with the glycocalyx stain Alcian Blue, contained only three phagosomes/cell, whereas cells cultured with the other markers contained 15 phagosomes/cell. Electron microscopy of fecal material that accumulated at the bottom of Alcian Blue-grown cells demonstrated the presence of membranes, suggesting that the vacuolar membrane was eliminated during defecation. Neither cell lysis nor the formation of autophagous vacuoles was detected in Alcian Blue-grown cells, indicating that the stain was not cytotoxic at the concentrations used. Thus it appeared that the binding of Alcian Blue to the digestive vacuole membrane resulted in a loss of the vacuole membranes from the cell which reduced the amount of membranes retrieved and recycled and hence eventually reduced the rate of phagosome formation. Alcian Blue-treated cultures exhibited decreased rate of growth and final density, which is consistent with a decrease in bulk transport of nutrients resulting from reduced membranes of digestive cycle organelles available in the cell.  相似文献   

A sensitive method has been developed for the visualization of nonradiolabeled glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using fixation with azure A followed by staining with ammoniacal silver. This method, which can detect as little as 1-2 ng of a single oligosaccharide species, can be used to stain a few micrograms of a complex oligosaccharide mixture. The combination of gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sequential azure A/silver staining can be applied to the analysis of all the complex glycosaminoglycans (i.e., heparin, heparan sulfate, chondroitin/dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate) and hyaluronate, as well as to comparisons of specificities of the glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes. This procedure may be particularly valuable in situations where the availability of glycosaminoglycan is very limited and/or where radiolabeling is impractical or undesirable.  相似文献   

Summary The specificity of Alcian blue staining has been investigated on a material comprising the adenohypophysis from 26 human foetuses.Two distinct types of alcianophilic cells were observed. The first cell type appears about 28 mm CRL forming small groups at the epithelial-mesenchymal junction and beneath the anlage of the fibrous capsule. Besides its alcianophilic property the cell shows a pronounced maltase-resistant PAS-positivity. The alcianophilia is due to carboxylgroups — probably of proteins as no sialic acid could be detected. By the performic acid — Alcian blue method the cell seems to show a high content of SH and S-S groups.The second type of cell appears about 70 mm CRL and is mostly located singly. It shows a pronounced alcianophilia — probably due to sulphate groups and to some extent to carboxyl groups.The role of the alcianophilic properties of the cells in typing definite cells of the foetal adenohypophysis was discussed. — Finally the pitfalls caused by different fixatives and by the use of the general polychrome staining methods for the typing of pituitary parenchymal cells were discussed.This work was supported by grants from the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, New York, and from the Danish State Research Foundation, Copenhagen.  相似文献   

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