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To screen for effective small interference RNA (siRNA), a simple and visualized method was developed using the green fluorescence protein (GFP) as a reporter. Candidate siRNAs targeting macrophage migration inhibition factor genes (MIF) were identified. By using the pEGFP-N3 vector, the MIF-GFP expression plasmid, pEGFP-MIF, was constructed with the same Kozak consensus translation initiation site and start code ATG for the MIF-EGFP coding sequence. Based on the siRNA expression vector pSilencer-4.1, 3 candidate MIF siRNA expression plasmids were constructed and co-transfected with the pEGFP-MIF into the HEK293 cells, respectively. The GFP expression in HEK293 cells could be viewed by fluorescence microscopy and the MIF mRNA expressions were determined by real-time quantitative PCR. The 3 candidate MIF siRNA expression plasmids were also co-transfected with the MIF expression plasmid into the HEK293 cells, respectively, and the MIF mRNA expressions were determined by real-time quantitative PCR. The results show that the down-regulated expression of the MIF mRNA was consistent with the GFP expression and the same effective MIF siRNAs were screened by using the pEGFP-MIF or MIF expression plasmid with the candidate MIF siRNAs expression plasmids. Therefore, by using the GFP as a reporter, a useful method was provided to screen for effective siRNAs targeting specific genes co-expressed with the GFP. This may be a good strategy for screening for effective siRNAs targeting different genes. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2007, 23(3): 231–235 [译自: 中国生物化学与分子生物学报]  相似文献   

用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为报告分子筛选有效的siRNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 建立一种利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为报告分子筛选能有效抑制目的基因表达的siRNA的方法.以巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)基因为研究对象,筛选能有效沉默MIF表达的质粒载体介导的siRNA.构建拥有同一Kozak共有翻译启始序列、翻译启始密码子ATG的MIF-GFP融合表达载体pEGFP-MIF.分别将3个靶向MIF的siRNA表达质粒与pEGFP-MIF共转化HEK293细胞,在荧光显微镜下观察HEK293细胞中GFP的表达,并用荧光定量PCR检测HEK293细胞中MIF mRNA的表达水平.同时,将MIF siRNA表达质粒分别与MIF表达载体共转化HEK293细胞,用荧光定量PCR检测HEK293细胞中MIF mRNA的表达水平.定量PCR结果显示,GFP表达低的细胞中,MIF mRNA的表达也明显降低;利用pEGFP-MIF和MIF表达载体筛选到的有效MIF siRNA的结果一致.因此,建立了目的基因与GFP融合表达,以GFP作为报告分子来筛选抑制目的基因表达siRNA的方法,并为进行多个基因的有效siRNA的筛选提供解决方案.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has emerged as a powerful reporter molecule for monitoring gene expression, protein localization, and protein-protein interaction. However, the detection of low concentrations of GFPs is limited by the weakness of the fluorescent signal and the low photostability. In this report, we observed the proximity of single GFPs to metallic silver nanoparticles increases its fluorescence intensity approximately 6-fold and decreases the decay time. Single protein molecules on the silvered surfaces emitted 10-fold more photons as compared to glass prior to photobleaching. The photostability of single GFP has increased to some extent. Accordingly, we observed longer duration time and suppressed blinking. The single-molecule lifetime histograms indicate the relatively heterogeneous distributions of protein mutants inside the structure.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】分析丛枝菌根(Arbuscualr Mycorrhizal, AM)真菌珠状巨孢囊霉(Gigaspora margarita) MAFF 520054孢子伴生细菌的定殖情况,明确其生态位点,以及为进一步分析其种群生态或功能提供信息。【方法】以载体pNF8(gfp-mut1)对6株珠状巨孢囊霉MAFF 520054 孢子伴生细菌进行绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记,并通过荧光显微镜和平板计数的方法研究标记菌株对真菌宿主的定殖位点和不同条件下的定殖数量动态。【结果】对粘状芽孢杆菌(Peanibacillus spp.)M060106-1和M061122-6、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)M061122-10和短小芽孢杆菌(Brevibacillus sp.)M061122-12成功进行了GFP标记,其均具有较好的质粒稳定性,且与出发株的基本性状一致,适合短期内进行环境定殖研究。所有菌株均能定殖珠状巨孢囊霉MAFF 520054孢子壁,而M061122-6和M061122-12还能够定殖其菌丝;不同pH值条件下,各菌株定殖珠状巨孢囊霉MAFF 520054孢子的数量动态均为先上升后下降,pH值对各菌株的定殖数量有不同的影响;各GFP菌株对低活力的珠状巨孢囊霉孢子定殖数量高于高活力的孢子,且对高活力孢子的定殖数量动态不同。【结论】分离的珠状巨孢囊霉孢子伴生细菌能够重新定殖其孢子,菌株的定殖能力受其特性及外界因子的影响,为进一步分析AM真菌伴生细菌的种群生态及功能提供了信息。  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and convenient method for detecting a specific bacterium was developed by using a GFP phage. Here we describe a model system that utilizes the temperate Escherichia coli-restricted bacteriophage lambda, which was genetically modified to express a reporter gene for GFP to identify the colon bacillus E. coli in the specimen. E. coli infected with GFP phage was detected by GFP fluorescence after 4-6 hr of incubation. The results show that a few bacteria in a specimen can be detected under fluorescence microscopy equipped with a sensitive cooled CCD camera. When E. coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis were mixed in a solution containing GFP phage, only E. coli was infected, indicating the specificity of this method. The method has the following advantages: 1) Bacteria from biological samples need not be purified unless they contain fluorescent impurities; 2) The infection of GFP phage to bacteria is specific; 3) The fluorescence of GFP within infected bacteria enables highly sensitive detection; 4) Exogenous substrates and cofactors are not required for fluorescence. Therefore this method is suitable for any phage-bacterium system when bacteria-specific phages are available.  相似文献   

目的:建立在鸭胚成纤维细胞(DEF)中进行RNA干扰(RNAi)的技术平台,为鸭基因组功能的研究提供新的技术手段。方法:以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因为报告基因,脂质体转染化学合成的GFP特异小干扰RNA(GFP-siRNA),用流式细胞仪测定GFP-siRNA对重组腺病毒(Adv-GFP)介导的GFP基因在DEF中表达的干扰效果。结果:200MOI(感染复数)Adv-GFP介导的GFP基因在DEF中表达效率最高,为31.20%±3.1l%,对DEF的活力无明显影响;GFP-siRNA能有效干扰GFP基因在DEF中的表达,相对抑制率为98.56%。结论:在DEF中进行RNAi是可行的,Adv-GFP是介导外源基因在DEF中表达较为理想的载体;首次建立了在DEF中进行RNAi的技术平台,为鸭基因组的功能等研究提供了新的技术手段。  相似文献   

Transgenic Phytophthora palmivora strains that produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) or beta-glucuronidase (GUS) constitutively were obtained after stable DNA integration using a polyethylene-glycol and CaCl2-based transformation protocol. GFP and GUS production were monitored during several stages of the life cycle of P. palmivora to evaluate their use in molecular and physiological studies. 40% of the GFP transformants produced the GFP to a level detectable by a confocal laser scanning microscope, whereas 75% of the GUS transformants produced GUS. GFP could be visualised readily in swimming zoospores and other developmental stages of P. palmivora cells. For high magnification microscopic studies, GFP is better visualised and was superior to GUS. In contrast, for macroscopic examination, GUS was superior. Our findings indicate that both GFP and GUS can be used successfully as reporter genes in P. palmivora.  相似文献   

褐飞虱表皮蛋白基因NlICP的克隆及功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马艳  郝培应  陆潮峰  俞晓平 《昆虫学报》2013,56(11):1244-1251
表皮蛋白与几丁质结合构成抵御外界不良环境的昆虫角质层, 在昆虫的生长发育及蜕皮硬化中具有重要的作用。为了探讨表皮蛋白基因在褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens生长发育中的功能, 本研究根据褐飞虱转录组测序信息, 对其中1个预测为编码表皮蛋白的Unigene36450序列进行了克隆, 并应用荧光定量PCR和RNA干扰(RNAi)技术分别对该基因的表达规律和功能进行了研究。结果表明: 克隆的 Unigene36450全长cDNA开放阅读框长585 bp, 编码的蛋白含194个氨基酸, 具有典型的表皮蛋白R&R保守结构域, 命名为NlICP。转录水平的时序表达分析发现, NlICP仅在褐飞虱若虫期表达, 且在3龄若虫体内表达量最高, 提示该基因编码的蛋白属于幼虫表皮蛋白。RNA干扰结果显示, 取食dsNlICP的1龄末2龄初(孵化后第3 天)若虫在干扰6 d和8 d时, NlICP基因的表达量分别较取食dsGFP的对照组下降58.8%和45.6%, 差异极显著(P<0.01); 干扰后部分褐飞虱若虫因蜕皮不完全死亡, 干扰5 d的存活率较对照下降26.7%。本研究结果提示, NlICP与褐飞虱若虫的生长发育及蜕皮相关, 可以作为褐飞虱防治的潜在靶标基因。  相似文献   

An on-line fluorescence sensor prototype was constructed to monitor the production of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) by 293S cells infected with a recombinant adenovirus vector (rAdV) containing the GFP gene. Fluorescence was correlated to GFP concentration and therefore to viral protein expression, but not to rAdV production. The sensor signal can also be used to compute the GFP production rate, which predicts well the occurrence of maximum viral titer.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been proposed as an ideal choice for a protein-based biological indicator for use in the validation of decontamination or disinfection treatments. In this article, we present a potentially scalable and cost-effective way to purify recombinant GFP, produced by fermentation in Escherichia coli, by affinity-enhanced extraction in a two-phase aqueous micellar system. Affinity-enhanced partitioning, which improves the specificity and yield of the target protein by specific bioaffinity interactions, has been demonstrated. A novel affinity tag, family 9 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM9) is fused to GFP, and the resulting fusion protein is affinity-extracted in a decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (C10G1) two-phase aqueous micellar system. In this system, C10G1 acts as phase forming and as affinity surfactant. We will further demonstrate the implementation of this concept to attain partial recovery of affinity-tagged GFP from a clarified E. coli cell lysate, including the simultaneous removal of other contaminating proteins. The cell lysate was partitioned at three levels of dilution (5x, 10x, and 40x). Irrespective of the dilution level, CBM9-GFP was found to partition preferentially to the micelle-rich phase, with the same partition coefficient value as that found in the absence of the cell lysate. The host cell proteins from the cell lysate were found to partition preferentially to the micelle-poor phase, where they experience less excluded-volume interactions. The demonstration of proof-of-principle of the direct affinity-enhanced extraction of CBM9-GFP from the cell lysate represents an important first step towards developing a cost-effective separation method for GFP, and more generally, for other proteins of interest.  相似文献   

An expression vector for Lactobacillus casei has been constructed containing the inducible lac promoter and the gene encoding ultraviolet visible green fluorescent protein (GFP(UV)) as reporter. Different conditions to grow L. casei were assayed and fluorescence as well as total protein synthesized were quantified. The maintenance of neutral pH had the greatest incidence on GFP(UV) expression, followed by aeration and a temperature of 30 degrees C. Environmental factors favoring GFP(UV) accumulation did not exactly correlate with those enhancing fluorescence. Therefore, oxygenation, by stirring the culture, had the greatest influence on the proportion of fluorescent protein, which is in accordance with the structural requirements of this protein. The highest yield obtained was 1.3 microg of GFP per mg of total protein, from which 55% was fluorescent.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker during pollen development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The transient expression of three mutant forms of green fluorescent protein (GFP) genes, GFP4, GFP5ER, and GFP4S65C, under several constitutive and pollenspecific promoters throughout pollen development in Nicotianatabacum, thaliana and Antirrhinummajus is described. Immature pollen of tobacco, Arabidopsis and snapdragon, isolated at different developmental stages, were bombarded with plasmids containing the GFP and cultured in vitro for several days until maturity. The expression of GFP was monitored every day during in vitro maturation, germination and pollination, as well as after in situ pollination. The expression pattern of each construct was compared in parallel experiments to that of ßglucuronidase (GUS) constructs expressed by the same promoters. The results show that the expression level of all three GFP mutant forms was dependent on the strength of the promoter used. The strongest promoter was the DC3 promoter, and no notable differences in the intensity and brightness of all three versions of GFP were observed. GFPexpressing pollen from tobacco and snapdragon developed in vitro for several days until maturity and germinated in vitro as well as on the surface of stigmata, strongly suggesting that all three GFPs are not toxic for the development of functional pollen. Furthermore, stably transformed tobacco plants expressing GFP under the control of the strong pollenexpressed DC3 and LAT52 promoters were not impaired in reproductive function, confirming that GFP can be used as a nondestructive marker for plant reproductive biology and development.  相似文献   

 An engineered green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequora victoria was used to develop a facile and rapid rice transformation system using particle bombardment of immature embryos. The mgfp4 gene under the control of the 35s Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter produced bright-green fluorescence easily detectable and screenable in rice tissue 12–22 days after bombardment. Visual screening of transformed rice tissue, associated with a low level of antibiotic selection, drastically reduced the quantity of tissue to be handled and the time required for the recovery of transformed plants. GFP expression was observed in primary transformed rice plants (T0) and their progeny (T1). We describe various techniques to observe GFP in vitro and in vivo. The advantages of this new screenable marker in rice genetic engineering programmes are discussed. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

To develop a rapid reporter system for the screening of stationary-phase promoters in Escherichia coli, the expression pattern of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) during bacterial cultivation was compared with that of the commonly used β-galactosidase. Using GFP with enhanced fluorescence, the expression pattern of both reporter systems GFP and β-galactosidase were similar and showed a typical induction of gene activity of the reporter genes, i.e. increase of expression at the transition from exponential to stationary phase. The expression was affected by the culture medium, i.e. in contrast to the complex medium (LB medium), the stationary-phase specific induction was only observed in synthetic medium (M9) when amino acids were added, whereas there was generally no induction in MOPS medium. To develop a rapid screening method on agar plates for stationary-phase promoters, a photographic approach was used, continued with computational image treatment. A screening method is presented which enables an on-line monitoring of gene activity.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria has rapidly become a standard reporter in many biological systems. However, the use of GFP in higher plants has been limited by aberrant splicing of the corresponding mRNA and by protein insolubility. It has been shown that GFP can be expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana after altering the codon usage in the region that is incorrectly spliced, but the fluorescence signal is weak, possibly due to aggregation of the encoded protein. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we have generated a more soluble version of the codon-modified GFP called soluble-modified GFP (smGFP). The excitation and emission spectra for this protein are nearly identical to wild-type GFP. When introduced into A. thaliana, greater fluorescence was observed compared to the codon-modified GFP, implying that smGFP is brighter because more of it is present in a soluble and functional form. Using the smGFP template, two spectral variants were created, a soluble-modified red-shifted GFP (smRS-GFP) and a soluble-modified blue-fluorescent protein (smBFP). The increased fluorescence output of smGFP will further the use of this reporter in higher plants. In addition, the distinct spectral characters of smRS-GFP and smBFP should allow for dual monitoring of gene expression, protein localization, and detection of in vivo protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

To determine the optimum conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, peach explants including cotyledons, embryonic axes and hypocotyl slices from non-germinated seeds and epicotyl internode slices from germinating seeds were exposed to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation treatments. The GUS (uidA) marker gene was tested using two different A. tumefaciens strains, three plasmids and four promoters [CaMV35s, (Aocs)3AmasPmas (“super-promoter”), mas-CaMV35s, and CAB]. GFP was tested with six A.␣tumefaciens strains, one plasmid (pLC101) and the doubleCaMV35s (dCaMV35s) promoter. The CaMV35s promoter produced more GUS expression than the CAB promoter. A. tumefaciens strains EHA105 and LBA4404 harboring the same plasmid (pBIN19) differed in their effects on GUS expression suggesting an interaction between A. tumefaciens strain and plasmid. A combination of A. tumefaciens EHA105, plasmid pBIN19 and the CaMV35s promoter produced the highest rates of transformation in peach epicotyl internodes (56.8%), cotyledons (52.7%), leaves (20%), and embryonic axes (46.7%) as evaluated by the percentage of explants expressing GUS 14 days after co-cultivation. GFP expression under the control of the dCaMV35s promoter was highest for internode explants but only reached levels of 18–19%. When GFP-containing plasmid pCL101 was combined with each of five A. tumefaciens strains the highest levels of transformation were 20–21% (internode and cotyledons, respectively). When nine peach genotypes were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 and GFP-containing plasmid pCL101 the highest levels of transformation were 26–28% (cotyledons and internodes, respectively). While GFP represents a potentially useful transformation marker that allows the non-destructive evaluation of transformation, rates of GFP transformation under the conditions of this study were low. It will be necessary to optimize expression of this marker gene in peach.  相似文献   

The ozone in an air sample was trapped by H3BO3‐LK solution to produce iodine (I2) that interacted with excess I to form I3. In pH 4.0 acetate buffer solutions, the I3 reacted with acridine red to form acridine red–I3 ion association particles that resulted in the fluorescence peak decreased at 553 nm. The decreased value ΔF553 nm is linear to the O3 concentration in the range 0.08–53.3 × 10–6 mol/L, with a detection limit of 4 × 10–8 mol/L. This fluorescence method was used to determine ozone in air samples, and the results were in agreement with that of indigo carmine spectrophotometry. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pleurotus salmoneostramineus is a pink mushroom. This pink color is a protein and forms a complex with 3H-indol-3-one. The gene encoding the pink-colored protein from P. salmoneostramineus (PsPCP) was cloned, and its sequence was elucidated as a 681-bp. The ORF encodes 226 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the protein did not show any significant homology in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases. Recombinant PsPCP was expressed as the soluble form in E. coli. The reaction mixture of purified recombinant PsPCP and 3H-indol-3-one showed a pink color as the native pigment. A real-time PCR analysis revealed the strong expression of PsPCP in the primordium formation stage of the life cycle of the fungus; however, its expression decreased with the maturation of the fruit body. A comparison of PsPCP gene expression profiles between two strains revealed high levels in the dark-colored strain.  相似文献   

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