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Seedling establishment as the life stage transition most sensitive to herbivory might be impossible even if the herbivory losses suffered by adult plants of the same species are tolerable. We tested the hypothesis that herbivory impedes seedling establishment of two montane Asteraceae species on their lower altitudinal distribution border.In a submontane meadow in the Harz Mountains, Germany, the montane grassland perennials Arnica montana and Centaurea pseudophrygia (Asteraceae) were sown into artificially created gaps of two different sizes, half of which were protected from slug grazing by molluscicide application in the initial phase of the experiments. The Arnica experiments started in spring and late summer of 1999 and in spring of 2000; whereas Centaurea was only sown in the spring of 2000. Seedling survival was monitored until the autumn of 2000.Ten weeks after sowing, mollusc exclusion resulted in significantly higher Arnica or Centaurea seedling numbers in all experiments; whereas grasses and dicotyledons that emerged from the seedbank were promoted by slug exclosure in only one experiment. Species diversity was not affected by molluscicide application. By the end of the second growing season, the survivorship of Arnica sown in the spring of 1999 was reduced to less than 1% of the number of sown seeds in the gaps with natural slug grazing, compared to 7–15% in the gaps with molluscicide treatment. Plant density of most species was higher in the small than in the large gaps, indicating a microclimatic shelter effect of the surrounding vegetation.The results show that slug herbivory might exert large effects on species composition in grassland; it does strongly influence the seedling establishment of the highly palatable, slow-growing A. montana, while the seedlings of C. pseudophrygia, although of similar palatability, are more able to tolerate slug feeding because of their higher growth rate.  相似文献   

A field insect feeding experiment was conducted with two species ofVernonia which produce the sesquiterpene lactone glaucolide-A, one species which does not contain this bitter compound, and two F1 hybrid combinations. Also, naturalVernonia populations were observed over a two year period for their degree of herbivory. Contrary to the pattern observed in laboratory feeding preference tests,Vernonia flaccidifolia, the species lacking sesquiterpene lactones, was consistently fed upon less by insects than wereV. gigantea andV. glauca. Even though glaucolide-A appears to adequately protect some Vernonias against herbivores, especially mammals,Vernonia flaccidifolia has lost this compound. ApparentlyV. flaccidifolia has evolved an alternative defensive mechanism which is more effective against insects but less effective against mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

中国菊科植物外来种概述   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
全面整理了中国菊科植物外来种,确认迄今为止共计有74属 148 种(含亚种),并根据外来种的类型和用途进行了归类,分析了菊科外来入侵种的生物学特性,中国菊科外来种引种原因和途径及对我国生态系统的影响,为全面研究我国外来种、消除外来入侵种提供参考。  相似文献   

报道寄生在菊科 Compositae 橐吾属 Ligularia sp. 植物上梗束链隔孢属的一个新种:王氏梗束链隔孢 Tandonella wangii F.Y. Zhai, Y.L. Guo & Y. Li。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、图及英文描述,模式标本、等模式标本分别保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HAMS)和吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

An altitudinal transect was studied at the montane level in a spruce forest, in order to describe changes in humus form dynamics. Whatever the elevation, the periodicity of humus form changes is copied on forest dynamics. Spruce regeneration is restricted both in space and time to favourable micro-site conditions accompanying tree fall gaps. One of these conditions is a shift from moder to mull humus form. As a result, this forest ecosystem shows a space-time mosaic pattern. The recovery of mull humus form takes more time as elevation increases and thus the ratio mull:moder progressively decreases. Simultaneously, burrowing earthworms become scarce. Nevertheless mull humus form does not change basically at increased elevation. On the other hand, moder has little organic matter at the lower montane level. At the mid montane level, accumulation of holorganic faeces into OH horizon is maximum. A mor-moder (few faunal traces) is observed during tree growth phase at the upper montane level. Lack of nutrient availability was hypothesized to explain the observed shift from mull to moder or mor-moder during the phase of intense tree growth. An increased independancy between the building of a moder humus profile and the actual accumulation of organic matter was the main change occurring with elevation. The transition to the subalpine level may thus be defined as the highest elevation up to which the forest ecosystem is able to reverse the mor-building process produced by tree growth. The discoupling between primary producers, plant debris accumulation and decomposers observed in the subalpine spruce forest leads to a breaking point in the carrying capability of humus for spruce seedlings. At high elevation spruce seedlings are mainly observed on rotten wood.The influence of humus form dynamics upon forest sustainability was discussed. The lack of humus biological activity at higher elevation was found to be a reason for the weakness of the forest ecosystem faced to the bilberry heath. Forest sustainability depends both on mull and moder. It was observed that moder failed to recover after mull along the forest cycle and turned to mor in harsh climate conditions. Consequences of management practices on the issue of competition between forest and heath were also discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of simulated herbivory (early or late defoliation and cutting of the flowering shoot) on the growth and reproduction of three species of monocarpic composite forbs (Crepis pulchra, Picris hieracioides and C. foetida) with different inflorescence architectures were studied in experimental plots. For the three species studied, early defoliation had no significant effect on subsequent growth. In contrast, late defoliation, occurring at the start of the season of drought, had a negative effect on growth and reproduction in the two Crepis species, particularly C. foetida, but had less effect on P. hieracioides. Sexual biomass was more clearly affected by late defoliation than was vegetative biomass, although the effects differed markedly among species possibly as a result of differences in phenology. Clipping the flowering shoot removed about 3 times less biomass than late defoliation and had little effect on vegetative biomass. It had much greater effects on the sexual biomass in P. hieracioides and C. pulchra, and resulted in the production of many shoots sprouting from the rosette, allowing the treated plants to regain a vegetative biomass close to that of control plants. Clipping did however lead to the production of shorter shoots and a reduction in the number of capitula formed. In C. foetida, much branching occurred even when the main shoot was not cut; the architecture of individual plants was therefore only slightly changed by clipping the apical bud and the sexual biomass of this species was not affected by ablation of the flowering shoot. Overcompensation was found in only two families of C. pulchra for vegetative biomass. No over-compensation was found for sexual biomass, despite an increase in the number of flowering shoots in C. pulchra and P. hieracioides following clipping. However situations close to compensation for the vegetative biomass in the three species and in P. hieracioides for the sexual biomass were recorded. The response of the three study species to simulated herbivory were related to their architecture and to the time of defoliation.  相似文献   

This study investigated bud burst and onset and cessation of radial growth (i.e., secondary xylem cell production by cambium) along an altitudinal gradient (1,600–2,800 m a.s.l.) in central Japan, to examine whether timing of the three phenological events are controlled by thermal conditions alone, irrespective of altitude. Measurement was done at biweekly intervals during 3 years (2006–2008) for four subalpine tree species at their upper and lower distribution limits, except for bud burst in 2006. Although bud burst and onset of radial growth were later at higher altitudes in the combined data of the four species, cessation of radial growth occurred in mid-August, irrespective of altitude. Coefficients of variation of timing of the phenological events decreased in the order bud burst, onset of radial growth, and cessation of radial growth in combined data of the four species. Growing degree days (GDD) for bud burst did not differ greatly along the altitudinal gradient for each species. However, GDD for the onset of radial growth was lower at higher altitude. This study suggests that the effects of thermal conditions on the phenological events along the altitudinal gradient might decrease in the order bud burst, onset of radial growth and cessation of radial growth. Probably not only temperature, but also other factors such as day length, may affect onset and cessation of radial growth. However, further research is necessary to examine the altitudinal differences in timing of the phenological events more accurately, by measurements at shorter time intervals than the biweekly intervals of this study.  相似文献   

Sampling distributions of species composition counts from four large data sets were collected by point techniques. Results show good agreement between observed and expected frequencies under binomial distributions for all species measured with the Tidmarsh wheel. However, with the Levy bridge where observations are not independent, greater variance occurred for species with low frequencies. The results were used to specify those sample sizes needed to achieve any pre-determined precision. The traditionally accepted sample size of 200 is adequate for detecting a change with 20% precision in only the dominant species (mean composition of over 25%). Detecting change in species with a frequency of less than 5% will require in excess of 1200 points to achieve a 20% precision.  相似文献   

In summer 2003 we recorded the presence and abundance of alien plant species at 232 sites (107 railway stations and 125 road sites) along mountain passes in the Swiss Alps. The altitudinal distribution of species was related to the current abundance of the species in Switzerland and time since introduction. A total of 155 alien taxa were recorded. Numbers of species per site declined exponentially with altitude, and only a few species were found in the alpine zone (>2000 m). In contrast, species richness among comparable native taxa appeared to be nearly independent of altitude over the range investigated. Maximum altitude reached by alien species was related positively to both total area occupied in Switzerland and to time since introduction. A comparison of the results with earlier records suggests that many species, particularly those previously restricted to low or intermediate altitudes, have advanced their altitudinal limits over the past few decades. Various hypotheses are presented to explain the declining abundance of alien species with altitude: low-altitude filter effects, low propagule pressure, and genetic swamping of peripheral populations at higher altitudes. However, at present we do not have sufficient evidence to determine the relative importance of these effects. We conclude that invasion into mountain areas such as the Swiss Alps tends to proceed rather slowly, though the process may be accelerated by climatic warming. For this reason, further research to investigate the processes determining how plants invade mountain areas is urgently needed. And more generally, investigations into the distribution of alien species along strong altitudinal gradients may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving the spread of alien organisms.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen substantial changes in patterns of biodiversity worldwide. Simultaneously, climate change is producing a widespread pattern of species’ range shifts to higher latitudes and higher elevations, potentially creating novel assemblages as species shift at different rates. However, the direct link between species’ turnover as a result of climate‐induced range shifts has not yet been empirically evaluated. We measured rates of species turnover associated with species’ range shifts in relatively undisturbed montane areas in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and the Indo‐Pacific. We show that species turnover is rapidly creating novel assemblages, and this can be explained by variable changes in species’ range limits following warming. Across all the areas we analyzed, mean species’ turnover was 12% per decade, which was nearly balanced between the loss of existing co‐occurrences and the gain of novel co‐occurrences. Turnover appears to be more rapid among ectothermic assemblages, and some evidence suggests tropical assemblages may be responding at more rapid rates than temperate assemblages.  相似文献   

中国海南岛13种菊科植物的细胞学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对海南岛13种菊科植物进行了染色体研究,对其中9种植物进行了核型分析,结果为: 树菊Tithoni-a diversifolia A.Gray,2n=34=26m+8sm(2sat);鳢肠Eclipta prostrata(L.)L.,2n=22=18m+4sm;金腰箭Synedrella nodiflora(L.)Gaertn.,2n=40=6m+30sm(2sat)+4st;三叶鬼针草黄花类型Bidens pilosa L.(yel-low flower),2n=72=46m+26sm(2sat);羽  相似文献   

哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林土壤氮转化的海拔效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用树脂芯法将哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林内土壤分别移植到中海拔的次生林和低海拔的人工林下培养,并以原地培养为对照,对土壤氮素转化的海拔效应进行了研究.土壤氮素的净矿化速率、净硝化速率和淋溶速率受季节和海拔的影响极为显著(P<0.01).海拔的影响在雨季前期最显著,高海拔土壤的净矿化和净硝化速率分别为-5.81和-4.18mg N·kg-1·60d-1,移植到中、低海拔培养后,净矿化速率分别为20.92和44.15 mgN·kg-1· 60 d-1,净硝化速率分别为17.07和20.38 mgN· kg-1 ·60d-1,淋溶量也分别增加了0.37倍和2.77倍.由于雨季中后期反硝化作用增加导致净矿化和净硝化速率降低,导致高、中海拔培养的土壤净氮矿化速率在雨季中期达到最高值,雨季后期降低.由此可推断,未来的气候变暖很可能会加快哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林土壤氮素的转化速率和气态损失量.  相似文献   

生于菊科植物上的两个链格孢新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道生于菊科植物上的两个链格孢新种:瘤链格孢Alternariatuberculata和莴苣链格孢Alternarialactucae。二者分生孢子隔膜均增厚,但瘤链格孢的分生孢子表面具瘤状突起,莴苣链格孢的分生孢子具长的假喙。模式标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

以泰山南北坡14块样方的调查资料为基础,分析了泰山植物物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明:在相同海拔范围内,南坡物种丰富度大于北坡,泰山物种丰富度随海拔的升高而减少。整个群落及不同层次的物种多样性沿海拔梯度在泰山南北坡呈现不同的分布格局。在人为干扰程度低的情况下,北坡的群落物种丰富度在各个层次均较高,而多样性指数在各个层次不一样,北坡乔木层的多样性指数较南坡低,但灌木层和草本层则是北坡明显大于南坡。整体上,物种多样性指数与海拔的相关性,北坡要比南坡好。  相似文献   

Species turnover and mobility on a scale of 25 m2 was studied in a montane meadow, which had been transplanted to a location 200 m away from the initial site in the Harz Mountains. The transplantation was performed to preserve this grassland area, which otherwise would have been destroyed by a road construction project. The frequency of 18 endangered species was recorded annually from 1992 to 1996 in 122 quadrats, having a size of 5 × 5 m and being arranged in a coherent block with a total area of 3,000 m2. Many species showed considerable dynamics in settling in the quadrats.  相似文献   

Breeding experiments were carried out inCalendula species. In the annuals, which are selfers, rarely some outcrossing was observed only in the most peripheral flowers. In experimental crosses fruit was produced in all combinations. Fertile F1 and F2 hybrids could be grown from crosses between parents with similar chromosome numbers:C. palaestina ×C. pachysperma and crosses of different morphological forms ofC. arvensis. In crosses of species with different chromosome numbers at least partly fertile F1 hybrids were obtained fromC. tripterocarpa ×C. stellata andC. tripterocarpa ×C. arvensis and crosses of the latter withC. palaestina. Fertile F2 plants were grown from the combination ofC. arvensis ×C. tripterocarpa. Considering this information and previously obtained data, a scheme is proposed for explaining speciation in the genusCalendula.  相似文献   

菊科12种外来植物的有性繁殖特征和入侵风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊科植物具有极强的有性繁殖能力,对外来菊科观赏植物的引进存在极高的入侵风险。本研究以武汉常见的菊科12种外来观赏植物为对象,通过有性繁殖特征调查,研究植株的花部特征、花粉活力、传粉系统、种子产量,分析各物种有性繁殖能力的差异,评估其入侵能力。结果显示,多数物种可在隔绝传粉者情况下结实;访花昆虫类型多样,共观察到26种访花昆虫,其中膜翅目蜂类是主要的传粉者;结实情况具有一定差异。综合考虑花粉活力、传粉情况和结实情况,认为黑心金光菊(Rudbeckia hirta L.)、松果菊(Echinacea purpurea(L.)Moench)、大花金鸡菊(Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg.)、蛇目菊(Sanvitalia procumbens Lam.)的有性繁殖竞争力较高,对本地传粉环境可能有较大影响。本研究对近缘物种有性繁殖特征的综合分析结果可为评估外来物种的入侵风险提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

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