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Effective gene trapping and screening requires sensory and regulatory compatibility of both host and exogenous systems. The naturally competent bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 is able to efficiently take up and integrate exogenous DNA into the chromosome, making it an attractive host system for a wide range of metagenomic applications. To test the ability of A. baylyi ADP1 to express the XylR-regulated Pu promoter from Pseudomonas putida mt-2, we have constructed and examined an A. baylyi ADP1 strain, ADPWH- Pu-lux-xylR . The Pu promoter in ADPWH- Pu-lux-xylR was specifically induced by toluene, m -, p - and o- xylene. The substrate-induced Pu promoter was highly dependent on the growth medium: it was repressed in rich media until stationary phase, but was immediately induced in minimal medium with glucose as the sole carbon source (MMG). However, the Pu promoter was repressed in MMG when it was supplemented with 5 g l−1 yeast extract. Further investigation showed that the Pu promoter in MMG was repressed by 0.5 g l−1 aspartic acid or asparagine, but not repressed by glutamine. Changing the carbon/nitrogen ratios by addition of ammonia did not significantly affect the Pu promoter activity but addition of nitrate did. These results show that A. baylyi ADP1 reproduced characteristics of the XylR-regulated Pu promoter observed in its original host. It demonstrates that A. baylyi could provide an excellent genetic host for a wide range of functional metagenomic applications.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 is naturally competent and proficient at homologous recombination, so it can be transformed without restriction digests or ligation reactions. Expression vectors for this system, however, are not yet widely available. Here we describe the construction and characterization of inducible expression vectors that replicate as plasmids in A. baylyi or integrate into a nonessential part of its chromosome. These tools will facilitate the engineering of genes and genomes in this promising model organism.  相似文献   

The reason for genetic exchange remains a crucial question in evolutionary biology. Acinetobacter baylyi strain ADP1 is a highly competent and recombinogenic bacterium. We compared the parallel evolution of wild-type and engineered noncompetent lineages of A. baylyi in the laboratory. If transformability were to result in an evolutionary benefit, it was expected that competent lineages would adapt more rapidly than noncompetent lineages. Instead, regardless of competency, lineages adapted to the same extent under several laboratory conditions. Furthermore, competent lineages repeatedly evolved a much lower level of transformability. The loss of competency may be due to a selective advantage or the irreversible transfer of loss-of-function alleles of genes required for transformation within the competent population.  相似文献   

Bacteria containing spontaneous null mutations in pcaH and -G, structural genes for protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, were selected by exposure of an Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain to physiological conditions in which expression of the genes prevents growth. The parental bacterial strain exhibits high competence for natural transformation, and this procedure was used to characterize 94 independently isolated spontaneous mutations. Four of the mutations were caused by integration of a newly identified insertion sequence, IS1236. Many (22 of 94) of the mutations were lengthy deletions, the largest of which appeared to eliminate at least 17 kb of DNA containing most of the pca-qui-pob supraoperonic gene cluster. DNA sequence determination revealed that the endpoints of four smaller deletions (74 to 440 bp in length) contained DNA sequence repetitions aligned imprecisely with the sites of mutation. Analysis of direct and inverted DNA sequence repetitions associated with the sites of mutation suggested the existence of DNA slippage structures that make unhybridized nucleotides particularly susceptible to mutation.  相似文献   

Natural transformation in bacteria facilitates the uptake and genomic integration of exogenous DNA. This allows horizontal exchange of adaptive traits not easily achieved by point mutations, and has a major role in the acquisition of adaptive traits exemplified by antibiotic resistance determinants and vaccination escape. Mechanisms of DNA uptake and genomic integration are well described for several naturally transformable bacterial species; however, the selective forces responsible for its evolution and maintenance are still controversial. In this study we evolved transformation-proficient and -deficient Acinetobacter baylyi for 175 days in serial transfer cultures where stress was included. We found that natural transformation-proficient populations adapted better to active growth and early stationary phase. This advantage was offset by the reduced performance in the late stationary/death phase. We demonstrate fitness trade-offs between adaptation to active growth and survival in stationary/death phase caused by antagonistic pleiotropy. The presented data suggest that the widely held assumption that recombination speeds up adaptation by rapid accumulation of multiple adaptive mutations in the same genetic background is not sufficient to fully account for the maintenance of natural transformation in bacteria.  相似文献   

The bacterium Acinetobacter baylyi uses the branched β-ketoadipate pathway to metabolize aromatic compounds. Here, the multiple-level regulation of expression of the pca-qui operon encoding the enzymes for protocatechuate and quinate degradation was studied. It is shown that both activities of the IclR-type regulator protein PcaU at the structural gene promoter pcaIp, namely protocatechuate-dependent activation of pca-qui operon expression as well as repression in the absence of protocatechuate, can be observed in a different cellular background (Escherichia coli) and therefore are intrinsic to PcaU. The regulation of PcaU expression is demonstrated to be carbon source dependent according to the same pattern as the pca-qui operon. The increase of the pcaU gene copy number leads to a decrease of the basal expression at pcaIp, indicating that the occupancy of the PcaU binding site is well balanced and depends on the concentration of PcaU in the cell. Luciferase is used as a reporter to demonstrate strong repression of pcaIp when benzoate, a substrate of the catechol branch of the pathway, is present in addition to substrates of the protocatechuate branch (cross-regulation). The same repression pattern was observed for promoter pcaUp. Thus, three promoters involved in gene expression of enzymes of the protocatechuate branch (pobAp upstream of pobA, pcaIp, and pcaUp) are strongly repressed in the presence of benzoate. The negative effect of protocatechuate on pobA expression is not based on a direct sensing of the metabolite by PobR, the specific regulator of pobA expression.  相似文献   

Y Huang  Z Lu  M Ma  N Liu  Y Chen 《BMB reports》2012,45(8):452-457
Diketoreductase (DKR) from Acinetobacter baylyi contains two tryptophan residues at positions 149 and 222. Trp-149 and Trp-222 are located along the entry path of substrate into active site and at the dimer interface of DKR, respectively. Single and double substitutions of these positions were generated to probe the roles of tryptophan residues. After replacing Trp with Ala and Phe, biochemical and biophysical characteristics of the mutants were thoroughly investigated. Enzyme activity and substrate binding affinity of W149A and W149F were remarkably decreased, suggesting that Trp-149 regulates the position of substrate at the binding site. Meanwhile, enzyme activity of W222F was increased by 1.7-fold while W222A was completely inactive. In addition to lower thermostability of Trp-222 mutants, molecular modeling of the mutants revealed that Trp-222 is vital to protein folding and dimerization of the enzyme. [BMB Reports 2012; 45(8): 452-457].  相似文献   

Short nucleotide sequence repetitions in DNA can provide selective benefits and also can be a source of genetic instability arising from deletions guided by pairing between misaligned strands. These findings raise the question of how the frequency of deletion mutations is influenced by the length of sequence repetitions and by the distance between them. An experimental approach to this question was presented by the heat-sensitive phenotype conferred by pcaG1102, a 30-bp deletion in one of the structural genes for Acinetobacter baylyi protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, which is required for growth with quinate. The original pcaG1102 deletion appears to have been guided by pairing between slipped DNA strands from nearby repeated sequences in wild-type pcaG. Placement of an in-phase termination codon between the repeated sequences in pcaG prevents growth with quinate and permits selection of sequence-guided deletions that excise the codon and permit quinate to be used as a growth substrate at room temperature. Natural transformation facilitated introduction of 68 different variants of the wild-type repeat structure within pcaG into the A. baylyi chromosome, and the frequency of deletion between the repetitions was determined with a novel method, precision plating. The deletion frequency increases with repeat length, decreases with the distance between repeats, and requires a minimum amount of similarity to occur at measurable rates. Deletions occurred in a recA-deficient background. Their frequency was unaffected by deficiencies in mutS and was increased by inactivation of recG.  相似文献   

Short nucleotide sequence repetitions in DNA can provide selective benefits and also can be a source of genetic instability arising from deletions guided by pairing between misaligned strands. These findings raise the question of how the frequency of deletion mutations is influenced by the length of sequence repetitions and by the distance between them. An experimental approach to this question was presented by the heat-sensitive phenotype conferred by pcaG1102, a 30-bp deletion in one of the structural genes for Acinetobacter baylyi protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, which is required for growth with quinate. The original pcaG1102 deletion appears to have been guided by pairing between slipped DNA strands from nearby repeated sequences in wild-type pcaG. Placement of an in-phase termination codon between the repeated sequences in pcaG prevents growth with quinate and permits selection of sequence-guided deletions that excise the codon and permit quinate to be used as a growth substrate at room temperature. Natural transformation facilitated introduction of 68 different variants of the wild-type repeat structure within pcaG into the A. baylyi chromosome, and the frequency of deletion between the repetitions was determined with a novel method, precision plating. The deletion frequency increases with repeat length, decreases with the distance between repeats, and requires a minimum amount of similarity to occur at measurable rates. Deletions occurred in a recA-deficient background. Their frequency was unaffected by deficiencies in mutS and was increased by inactivation of recG.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter species encounter cycles of feast and famine in nature. We show that populations of Acinetobacter baylyi strain ADP1 remain dynamic for 6 weeks in batch culture. We created a library of lacZ reporters inserted into SalI sites in the genome and then isolated 30 genes with lacZ insertions whose expression was induced by starvation during long-term stationary phase compared with their expression during exponential growth. The genes encode metabolic, gene expression, DNA maintenance, envelope, and conserved hypothetical proteins.Acinetobacter species are ubiquitous soil organisms. Starvation during long-term stationary phase (LTSP) can serve as a laboratory model for natural competitive conditions such as those found in soils (4). This model has been used to study Escherichia coli, and here, we have applied it to Acinetobacter baylyi strain ADP1 (8).During long-term batch culture, an initially clonal population of Escherichia coli experiences five growth stages: lag, exponential, and stationary phases and then death phase and LTSP (4). Prior to LTSP, most of the cells die and serve as nutrition for starving survivors (6, 13). In LTSP, the cell population remains almost steady, declining slowly over years (reviewed in reference 4): for each newly dead cell, slightly less than one new cell is “born.”Much of what is known about starvation physiology during LTSP has been determined through study of the growth advantage in stationary phase (GASP) phenotype. The phenotype arises from genetic changes that occur when cells experience LTSP. During LTSP, the population may have a mutation frequency approaching 1 in 600 base pairs per genome (5).Some physiological changes that take place during LTSP have been described, as have some genes necessary for the development of GASP (13, reviewed in reference 12). Some mutant strains that exhibit GASP have mutations that enhance catabolic efficiency for processing amino acids (14-16). Another nutrient consumed is DNA, which requires genes homologous to strain ADP1''s competence genes (6). Additionally, mutations that knock out SOS polymerases interfere with the formation of GASP mutants (11).  相似文献   

A mutant derived from Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 was isolated from a screen for genes involved in the response to DNA damage. This derivative has an insertion in the mpl gene which encodes a peptidoglycan-recycling protein. We demonstrate that the insertion renders cells sensitive to mitomycin C and to UV.  相似文献   

Microbial production of intracellular compounds can be engineered by redirecting the carbon flux towards products and increasing the cell size. Potential engineering strategies include exploiting clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats interference (CRISPRi)-based tools for controlling gene expression. Here, we applied CRISPRi for engineering Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1, a model bacterium for synthesizing intracellular storage lipids, namely wax esters. We first established an inducible CRISPRi system for strain ADP1, which enables tightly controlled repression of target genes. We then targeted the glyoxylate shunt to redirect carbon flow towards wax esters. Second, we successfully employed CRISPRi for modifying cell morphology by repressing ftsZ, an essential gene required for cell division, in combination with targeted knock-outs to generate significantly enlarged filamentous or spherical cells respectively. The engineered cells sustained increased wax ester production metrics, demonstrating the potential of cell morphology engineering in the production of intracellular lipids.  相似文献   

A high growth rate in bacterial cultures is usually achieved by optimizing growth conditions, but metabolism of the bacterium limits the maximal growth rate attainable on the carbon source used. This limitation can be circumvented by engineering the metabolism of the bacterium. Acinetobacter baylyi has become a model organism for studies of bacterial metabolism and metabolic engineering due to its wide substrate spectrum and easy-to-engineer genome. It produces naturally storage lipids, such as wax esters, and has a unique gluconate catabolism as it lacks a gene for pyruvate kinase. We engineered the central metabolism of A. baylyi ADP1 more favorable for gluconate catabolism by expressing the pyruvate kinase gene (pykF) of Escherichia coli. This modification increased growth rate when cultivated on gluconate or glucose as a sole carbon source in a batch cultivation. The engineered cells reached stationary phase on these carbon sources approximately twice as fast as control cells carrying an empty plasmid and produced similar amount of biomass. Furthermore, when grown on either gluconate or glucose, pykF expression did not lead to significant accumulation of overflow metabolites and consumption of the substrate remained unaltered. Increased growth rate on glucose was not accompanied with decreased wax ester production, and the pykF-expressing cells accumulated significantly more of these storage lipids with respect to cultivation time.  相似文献   

Recombination between insertion sequence copies can cause genetic deletion, inversion, or duplication. However, it is difficult to assess the fraction of all genomic rearrangements that involve insertion sequences. In previous gene duplication and amplification studies of Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1, an insertion sequence was evident in approximately 2% of the characterized duplication sites. Gene amplification occurs frequently in all organisms and has a significant impact on evolution, adaptation, drug resistance, cancer, and various disorders. To understand the molecular details of this important process, a previously developed system was used to analyze gene amplification in selected mutants. The current study focused on amplification events in two chromosomal regions that are near one of six copies of the only transposable element in ADP1, IS1236 (an IS3 family member). Twenty-one independent mutants were analyzed, and in contrast to previous studies of a different chromosomal region, IS1236 was involved in 86% of these events. IS1236-mediated amplification could occur through homologous recombination between insertion sequences on both sides of a duplicated region. However, this mechanism presupposes that transposition generates an appropriately positioned additional copy of IS1236. To evaluate this possibility, PCR and Southern hybridization were used to determine the chromosomal configurations of amplification mutants involving IS1236. Surprisingly, the genomic patterns were inconsistent with the hypothesis that intramolecular homologous recombination occurred between insertion sequences following an initial transposition event. These results raise a novel possibility that the gene amplification events near the IS1236 elements arise from illegitimate recombination involving transposase-mediated DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

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