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I experimentally excluded ants from randomly selected spruce trees Picea abies near colonies of the wood ant Formica aquilonia. Foraging activity of birds in these trees was then compared to the foraging activity of birds in neighboring spruce trees, where ants were allowed to continue foraging. Birds which foraged in the foliage showed the effects of competition with ants: they visited the trees without ants more frequently, and for longer periods. In addition, the insects and spiders that they utilized as food were more abundant in the foliage of trees without ants. Cone-foraging birds, however, which fed on seeds in cones at the tops of the trees, did not show a preference for trees without ants. The differences of tree usage between foliage-gleaning and coneforaging birds can be explained by alteration of the birds' food supply by wood ants: ants did not feed on seeds in cones, and so did not compete with cone-foraging birds. However, foraging wood ants did feed on arthropods living in the foliage, thus reducing the amount of food available to birds there.  相似文献   

When social animals engage in inter-group contests, the outcome is determined by group sizes and individual masses, which together determine group resource-holding potential ('group RHP'). Individuals that perceive themselves as being in a group with high RHP may receive a motivational increase and increase their aggression levels. Alternatively, individuals in lower RHP groups may increase their aggression levels in an attempt to overcome the RHP deficit. We investigate how 'group RHP' influences agonistic tactics in red wood ants Formica rufa. Larger groups had higher total agonistic indices, but per capita agonistic indices were highest in the smallest groups, indicating that individuals in smaller groups fought harder. Agonistic indices were influenced by relative mean mass, focal group size, opponent group size and opponent group agonistic index. Focal group attrition rates decreased as focal group relative agonistic indices increased and there was a strong negative influence of relative mean mass. The highest focal attrition rates were received when opponent groups were numerically large and composed of large individuals. Thus, fight tactics in F. rufa seem to vary with both aspects of group RHP, group size and the individual attributes of group members, indicating that information on these are available to fighting ants.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this paper is to analyse fossil charcoal deposits, largely identified to the species level and spanning a sequence from the late Holocene to < 40,000 BP , in order to reconstruct Late Quaternary vegetation and climatic patterns in the western (winter-rainfall) fynbos biome of South Africa. Location The charcoals were excavated from the Elands Bay Cave (32°19S, 18°20E) on the semiarid (200–250 mmyr?1), winter-rainfall coastline of the western fynbos biome. Methods Patterns in the charcoal data set over time were sought by manual sorting of the charcoal×sample matrix, as well as by subjecting the data to multivariate analysis. Palaeoclimatic reconstruction was attempted by comparing the climatic controls on contemporary vegetation communities that resembled the fossil assemblages. Charcoal diversity was modelled using sample age and number of charcoal fragments as explanatory variables. Results The fossil assemblages ranged from xeric communities (similar to those presently occurring at the site) during the Holocene, to more mesic thicket and fynbos vegetation in the terminal Pleistocene, to Afromontane forest and riverine woodland communities after about 18,000 BP . Diversity of the charcoal samples increased monotonically with increasing sample age. Main conclusions The results suggest that, unlike the eastern fynbos biome, which is under fundamentally different climatic controls, soil moisture conditions in the western part of the biome were higher in the Last Glacial than during the Holocene. This scenario may help to explain the higher regional richness and associated diversification in the western than eastern part of the biome.  相似文献   

Summary Cycles of discontinuous gas exchange (DGCs) and abdominal ventilatory movements were studied in nurses of red wood ant, Formica polyctena, using an electrolytic respirometer and an infra-red (IR) gas analyser or flow-through respirometry. Both respirometry systems were combined with an IR actographic device based on IR-emitting and IR-sensor diodes. After recovering from handling and apparatus stress, lasting 1–3 h, completely motionless intact ants displayed regular DGC. After decapitation the ants displayed DGC whose frequency was somewhat lower than that of the intact individuals (7.17 ± 0.79 mHz and 10.43 ± 01.12 mHz, respectively). In headless ants, there occurred continuous slow movements of legs. Bursts of carbon dioxide in the intact and in the headless ants always coincided with a bout of telescoping movements (contractions) of abdominal segments, which was interpreted as active ventilation. During interburst periods, the headless ants exhibited telescoping movements characterised by rapid protraction, lasting 0.07–0.09 s, followed by a slow retraction of segments, suggesting passive ventilation. The intact ants were very sensitive to the flowing air and tended to be continuously active during flow-through respirometry. The decapitated ants, on the contrary, were insensitive to the air current.Received 26 March 2003; revised 30 July 2003; accepted 6 August 2003.  相似文献   

Queens of the slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps, take over nests of adult Formica workers when establishing new colonies. Although naïve to slave-maker brood, the usurped Formica rear Polyergus offspring and nests containing both host and parasite species forms. Host worker acceptance of parasite brood has been attributed to the similarity of brood tending signals between these closely related taxa and/or the presence of an attractive pheromone in the slave-maker brood. By presenting single-species groups of Formica occulta and Formica gnava (two host species of P. breviceps) with a choice of Formica pupae of both species or with a choice of P. breviceps pupae from both types of mixed-species nests, it seems that neither close phylogenetic relatedness nor an attractive brood odor alone can account for the propensity of host workers to adopt slave-maker pupae. Significantly greater numbers of P. breviceps pupae were adopted by enslaved workers than by free-living workers, and within the enslaved groups and the free-living F. gnava group, greater numbers of P. breviceps pupae were adopted if they were from nests where the host species was conspecific to workers used in tests. When presented with F. gnava and F. occulta pupae, Formica workers adopted conspecific pupae almost exclusively and ignored or consumed pupae of the other host species. Taken together, these results imply that P. breviceps pupae have both a species-specific odor and a general brood-tending pheromone, upon which a host odor may be imposed. The disparate requirements of immatures at different stages of development for cue specificity or generality in maintaining nest exclusivity and maximizing inclusive fitness are discussed.  相似文献   

Ants (Formicidae) perform two distinct search behaviors for resources: on the ground they use irregular, almost random alternating looping, and on branches and leaves they resort to outline-tracing (arboreal systematic search), whereby the individual systematically turns to one side at bifurcations and to the opposite side when turning about at end points. Experiments with searching Formica pallidefulva and Crematogaster cerasion artificial stick mazes under seminatural conditions demonstrated that bifurcations and end points only trigger turn decisions, whereas an intrinsic mechanism specifies the handedness of such turns. Arboreal homing differs from arboreal searching by a much stronger tendency to rectify paths by counterturning. The theory is advanced that searching on branches by outline-tracing is evolutionarily derived from ranging search by superposing a sustained intrinsic turn bias and by suppressing random turns.  相似文献   

Galen C 《Oecologia》2005,144(1):80-87
According to the distraction hypothesis, extrafloral nectaries (EFN) evolved under selection to entice ants away from floral nectaries, reducing ant-mediated damage to flowers and/or interference with pollinators. Predator-satiation, through production of nectar in either surplus flowers or EFN, provides an alternative mechanism for reducing the impact of ants as flower visitors. I tested these two hypotheses by experimentally adding EFN to flowering plants of the alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum, and by surveying the relationship between ant visitation and nectary number in nature. Plants of P. viscosum lack EFN and experience flower damage by ants of Formica neorufibarbus gelida. Ant behavior was compared on plants with five flowers and three experimental EFN and on controls with equal floral display, but no EFN. Addition of EFN increased flower visitation by ants. The effect of EFN on flower visitation did not depend on proximity of EFN to flowers or attractiveness of EFN to ants. Findings suggest that ants perceived patch quality on a whole plant basis, rather than responding to EFN and flowers as distinct nectar patches. Ant visitation did not keep pace with nectary number in nature. The relationship between ant visitation and nectary number per plant was weak and shallow as predicted under satiation. Ant foraging choices on experimental inflorescences showed that ants bypass flowers avoided by earlier ants, enhancing probability of escape via satiation. Results do not support the idea that EFN evolve to reduce flower visitation by ants, but show instead that nectar in surplus flowers can satiate ants and reduce their negative impacts on flower function and integrity.  相似文献   

Nested subset structure has been studied in archipelagoes and fragmented habitats, and has been attributed to differential colonization and extinction rates among species and nested environmental tolerances. In this experiment, we tested for nestedness in assemblages of mycophagous fly larvae. Twenty mushrooms in each of three size classes (4.8–6.0 g, 10–15 g, 21–32 g) were placed on moist potting soil in experimental cups. The cups were placed in oak and pine forests in Greenville, S.C., USA for 5 days, where they were available to ovipositing flies. Upon collection, the mushrooms were incubated in the laboratory for 3 weeks and all emerging flies were sorted by species, counted, and weighed. A random placement analysis was conducted to determine whether the species richness pattern was a sampling artifact of the species abundance distributions. The actual species richness pattern did not conform to the random placement model; most mushrooms contained significantly fewer species than predicted by random sampling. The communities were strongly nested as measured by two different indices, and the nestedness pattern was related to mushroom size. Small mushrooms usually produced no flies or a single species, Dohrniphora sp. (Phoridae). Medium and large mushrooms typically produced more species-rich communities that usually contained the phorid and Drosophila putrida, D. tripunctata, and Leucophenga varia. This core guild was nested within a more diverse assemblage that included D. falleni, Mycodrosophila dimidiata, a muscid, and two Leptocera sp. (sphaeroceridae). These patterns are tentatively explained in the context of nested desiccation tolerances, mediated by differences in mushroom size.  相似文献   

Foragers of the ant Formica schaufussi recruit nestmates to large anthropod prey and cooperatively transport the prey to the nest. The size of the group of ants retrieving prey is significantly correlated with the prey mass at the point at which the retrieval group reaches the nest entrance. To understand the mechanism involved in this size matching process, the regulation of retrieval group size was investigated by examining the modulatory role of trail pheromones in recruitment communication and the behavioral processes that might adjust retrieval group size to prey mass. Laboratory studies of hindgut, poison, and Dufour's gland extracts showed that the contents of the hindgut, which was determined to be the source of trail pheromone, induced recruitment and orientation behavior in ants and regulated the recruitment response of ants in the absence of any other communication signal. However, chemical mass communication alone did not appear to explain the regulation of retrieval group size. Scout ants assess whether to collect prey individually or recruit nestmates to group-retrieve 100-, 200-, or 400-mg prey but did not vary group size in relation to either the prey mass or the presence of interspecific competitors once the decision to initiate group retrieval was made. The number of recruits leaving the nest was independent of these factors and first matched prey mass during prey transport, possibly through a process of differential individual response to immobile versus mobile prey items. Unpredictable factors such as prey resistance to movement and rapidly changing degrees of interspecific competition may preclude scouts from fine-tuning the retrieval group size before it reaches the prey.  相似文献   

Desert ants (Cataglyphis fortis) navigate by a combination of path integration and landmark-based route memories. Their ability to correct sloped path segments to their ground distances enables them to orientate accurately even in undulating terrain. In this study, we tested whether or not ants incorporate vertical components of an itinerary into their route memory in similar ways as they do with visual landmarks and horizontal changes of direction. In two separate experiments, we trained desert ants to walk over artificial hills and later tested their acceptance of slopes within novel contexts. In the first paradigm, ants had to traverse a hill only on their outbound run, but not on their homebound trip. In a follow-up experiment, we confronted ramp-trained animals with descents in a completely new temporal and spatial context. The animals transferred their newly acquired acceptance of slopes from the outbound to the homebound run as well as to novel foraging trips. Cataglyphis obviously dissociates the experience of sloped path segments from the original context in which they appeared, thus reducing their significance as a navigational aid.  相似文献   

Numerous ant taxa naturally inhabit stems of live and dead Guadua bamboo (Bambusoidea, Poaceae) in western Amazonia. In an experiment at the onset of the wet season in Peru’s Manu National Park, we augmented potential nest sites in stems of live bamboo, dead bamboo and dead ca?a brava (Gynerium sagittatum, another woody grass) at five stations within each of ten bamboo patches and ten control areas outside those patches. Each experimental stem possessed three vacant and available internodes, pre-drilled with, respectively, large, small and linear holes, mimicking the range of forms of surveyed natural entrances. After 24 days, approximately 13% of 798 available internodes had been colonized, the majority by fragments of existing colonies. Ignoring entrance type, which did not affect colonization for any species or species group, and censoring non-independent internodes of the same stem, we used individual stems as independent sample units in other tests. One specialist in live bamboo (Camponotus longipilis), and a likely specialist in dead bamboo (Camponotus depressus), were identified based on overrepresentation in bamboo habitat and disproportionate occurrence in live or dead bamboo stems. A third species, Camponotus (Pseudocolobopsis sp.) was more abundant in bamboo areas but colonized both dead bamboo and dead ca?a. Relatively high abundance of standing dead stems in Guadua forests may account for the presence of a dead stem specialist. The experiment missed detecting specialization in one live culm specialist (Camponotus mirabilis), likely due to its failure to simulate conditions required for the species’ unique modes of colony establishment and spread into new culms. Most opportunistic stem nesters colonized dead bamboo at significantly greater rates than dead ca?a, but were either equally well represented in bamboo and control areas, or underrepresented in bamboo habitat. Given low colonization rates overall, underrepresentation in bamboo cannot be attributed to competition from bamboo specialists for nesting space. Rather, it may be due to combined effects of seasonal flooding of bamboo habitat, and greater importance of food limitation, relative to nest site limitation, in that habitat. Received 9 May 2005; revised 25 August 2005; accepted 29 August 2005.  相似文献   

We investigated in laboratory conditions how foragers of the tropical ant Gigantiops destructor develop individually distinctive landmark routes. Way-finding along a familiar route involved the recognition of at least two locations, nest and feeding site, and the representation of spatial relations between these places. Familiar visual landmarks were important both at the beginning and at the end of the foraging journey. A motor routine guided the ants at the start of their foraging path towards the first landmarks, which they learnt to pass consistently on the same side, before taking the next direction. At the last stage of the route, landmark recognition allowed them to pinpoint their preferred feeding site without using distant cues or odometric information. By contrast, ants en route to the goal were not systematically guided by a stereotyped sequence of snapshots recalled at each corresponding stage of the route. Each ant slalomed in an idiosyncratic distinctive way around different midway landmarks from a foraging excursion to the next, which induced a variability of the path shapes in their intermediate parts. By reducing the number of landmark recognition-triggered responses, this economical visuomotor strategy may be helpful in the Amazonian forest where many prominent landmarks are alike.  相似文献   

Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):243-256
The ant species inhabiting three remote Polynesian islands were censused by hand collecting techniques. Three commonly occurring species, which exhibited complementary distribution patterns, were numerically and behaviorally dominant to other species in the communities in which they occurred. Field observations and laboratory experiments showed that negative interspecific interactions were important in maintaining the exclusive territories of the dominant species. Habitat also played a role in determining the distribution of dominant species. Pairwise tests of association among all species revealed dominant species were commonly positively associated with their own non-overlapping group of subordinate species, forming a large-scale mosaic distribution pattern of dominant and subordinate species. Baiting experiments, conducted with and without the dominant species removed, demonstrated that the presence of the dominant species decreased: (1) the proportion of baits occupied by other species, and (2) overall ant species diversity, at rich food resources. In ant communities where one of the three recognized dominant species was present, the outcome of negative interspecific interactions among species was more predictable than in communities without a recognized dominant. The same patterns were evident regardless of which of the three dominant species was present in the community. These patterns of community organization observed in this relatively newly assembled fauna are very similar to those reported from studies of older ant communities in mainland areas.  相似文献   

Males of several insect species inflict wounds on female genitalia during copulation, but the significance of such copulatory wounds for males is not clear. I compared the genitalia of virgin and mated Formica japonica females and for the first time report the occurrence of copulatory wounds in this monandrous ant species. All inseminated females examined had two types of melanized patches, indicating wound repair, and the serrated penis valves and sharp-pointed volsellar digitus of male genitalia were the likely instruments of these wounds. Physically damaging mating in monandrous species supports the view that copulatory wounds do not necessarily contribute to postcopulatory fitness gains for males via advantages in sperm competition or cryptic female choice. Received 10 September 2007; revised 15 October 2007; accepted 16 October 2007.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of a detailed study on the behavioral ecology of slave raiding and foraging activity in the European blood-red ant, Formica sanguinea Latr. The field study was conducted over an unbroken period of 78 days, during which the activity of two dulotic colonies of this facultative slave-maker was observed for 10 h each day. It was possible to observe 26 raids distributed over 23 days, among which 18 were followed by the sacking of nests belonging to the species F. cunicularia, F. fusca, and Lasius emarginatus, whereas 8 failed. Simple, continuous, and simultaneous raids occurred. We recorded the timing, frequency, distance, and direction of slave raids, including the number of participants and the type of booty. Particular attention was devoted to the scouting behavior and raiding organization. Moreover, every day, we observed foraging and predatory behavior, during which adult insects (mainly ants), seeds, and berries were retrieved to the dulotic colonies. On the basis of our observations F. sanguinea seems to be a very efficient slave-maker and predatory species of the Raptiformica subgenus. Moreover, its dulotic behavior may be regarded as a continuation and an expansion of its foraging and predatory behavior, as predicted by Darwin's hypothesis for the origin and evolution of slavery in ants.  相似文献   

In leaf-cutting ants, workers are expected to excavate the nest at a soil depth that provides suitable temperatures, since the symbiotic fungus cultivated inside nest chambers is highly dependent on temperature for proper growth. We hypothesize that the different nesting habits observed in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants in the South American continent, i.e. superficial and subterranean nests, depend on the occurrence, across the soil profile, of the temperature range preferred by workers for digging. To test this hypothesis, we first explored whether the nesting habits in the genus Acromyrmex are correlated with the prevailing soil temperature regimes at the reported nest locations. Second, we experimentally investigated whether Acromyrmex workers engaged in digging use soil temperature as a cue to decide where to excavate the nest. A bibliographic survey of nesting habits of 21 South American Acromyrmex species indicated that nesting habits are correlated with the soil temperature regimes: the warmer the soil at the nesting site, the higher the number of species inhabiting subterranean nests, as compared to superficial nests. For those species showing nesting plasticity, subterranean nests occurred in hot soils, and superficial nests in cold ones. Experimental results indicated that Acromyrmex lundi workers use soil temperature as an orientation cue to decide where to start digging, and respond to rising and falling soil temperatures by moving to alternative digging places, or by stopping digging, respectively. The soil temperature range preferred for digging, between 20°C and maximally 30.6°C, matched the range at which colony growth would be maximized. It is suggested that temperature-sensitive digging guides digging workers towards their preferred range of soil temperature. Workers’ thermopreferences lead to a concentration of digging activity at the soil layers where the preferred range occurs, and therefore, to the construction of superficial nests in cold soils, and subterranean ones in hot soils. The adaptive value of the temperature-related nesting habits, and the temperature-sensitive digging, is further discussed.  相似文献   

Newly founded colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta compete intensely by brood raids, which result in a rapid reduction of colony density. Experimental plantings of colonies and analyses of sequential maps were used to examine the importance of spatial pattern in the dynamics of young populations. Colony positions were initially clumped in naturally founded cohorts, but were regular in most mature populations. Incipient colonies planted in clumped patterns were more likely to engage in brood raids than colonies planted in regular hexagonal patterns at the same average density. However, contrary to what would be expected if local crowding increased mortality, no significant increases in spatial regularity were observed during brood raiding either in the experimentally planted populations or in a natural population of more than 1200 incipient colonies. These results show that it may be difficult to infer the degree of past or current competition by passive analysis of spatial data even when field experiments show that the probability of mortality depends on local spacing.  相似文献   

According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) the development of bioindicators is extremely necessary to achieve the conservation targets by 2010, and insects are considered an effective group for this goal. Drosophilids are regarded as potential indicators, although this idea remains untested. Therefore, we followed up a protocol to test the drosophilid potential indicator for human disturbance in the Brazilian Savanna, one of the richest and most threatened tropical biomes in the world. Sampling was undertaken in one urban environment and two biological reserves, representing four habitat types (undisturbed gallery forest, disturbed gallery forest, undisturbed savanna, and urban environment). We examined differences in the drosophilid assemblages among habitat types and used the Indicator Value (IndVal) method to point out the indicator species. We also tested the two-stage indicator validation, a protocol recently proposed in the literature, to validate the indicator species for undisturbed gallery forest and savannas, in independent samples. The assemblage variables varied mainly in undisturbed gallery forests, and reflected changes from an undisturbed to a disturbed stage. The IndVal associated with the two-stage protocol showed reliable characteristic species, which are very helpful for diagnostic surveys. Likewise, species that can detect changes in the habitats were also found. We found a set of indicators, which together may be very efficient for both assessing and reflecting a variety of conditions, improving the confidence of the bioindication system, expanding the taxonomic options for bioindicators, and therefore, contributing to the conservation of this region.  相似文献   

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