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To study the potential relationship between circulating triacylglycerol (TAG) levels and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in the newborn rat liver, pups from undernourished or normal control mothers were nursed by normal dams, and studied at 0, 1, 15 or 30 days of age. Plasma TAG levels and liver TAG concentration increased more in pups from undernourished mothers than they did in controls. At birth, liver LPL activity was similarly high in both groups but, whereas in controls it decreased progressively after birth, in pups from undernourished mothers it remained stable until 15 days of age. Results suggest that the hypertriglyceridemia present in pups from undernourished mothers may be responsible for the sustained high LPL activity in their liver which may enhance the hepatic uptake of circulating TAG.  相似文献   

The acid lipase activity in the liver of neonatal (1-day-old) rats was studied. It was found that (i) in whole liver, the activity was 50% lower than in adult rats; (ii) in neonatal livers, the activity was 7.7-fold higher in hepatocytes than in hemopoietic cells; (iii) neonatal hepatocytes contained about 25% of the activity detected in adult hepatocytes; (iv) all the differences disappeared when expressed per mg of protein; and (v) starvation did not affect the activity either in adult or in neonatal rat liver.  相似文献   

Voluntary exercise of rats in freely rotating work wheels has been extensively used, but muscle adaptations that result from such exercise training are poorly documented. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the exercise performed by voluntarily active rats would increase succinate dehydrogenase or lipoprotein lipase activities in the soleus muscle (SM) or the red portion of the vastus lateralis muscle (RV). In SM the activities of these two enzymes were not increased after 7 or 16 wk of voluntary exercise. Succinate dehydrogenase activity in RV was moderately increased after 7 and 16 wk of voluntary activity (P less than 0.05). Substantial increases occurred in RV lipoprotein lipase activity (P less than 0.01). The increase in RV lipoprotein lipase activity was positively related to distance run by the rats. The results indicate that only small muscle-dependent increases in mitochondrial enzymes occur in rats allowed to exercise voluntarily in rodent work wheels. Voluntary exercise training induced a selective increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in a muscle containing a high percentage of fast-twitch red fibers, a response absent in a muscle containing a predominance of slow-twitch red fibers. It is unlikely that this differential response can be explained by exercise-induced changes in plasma hormone concentrations involved in the regulation of lipoprotein lipase.  相似文献   

The role of gemfibrozil, a hypotriglyceridemic drug, in synthesis, secretion and catabolism of triacylglycerols (TG) in rats was assessed. Chow diet-fed Sprague-Dawley rats were given various doses of gemfibrozil (10, 30 and 100 mg/kg body weight) for 2 weeks. Rats receiving the drug at the lowest dose significantly lowered the concentration of serum TG and apolipoprotein (apo) B in comparison with control rats. Synthesis of fatty acids from [14C]acetate and esterification of [14C]oleate to TG by the liver were not suppressed by the drug. Secretion rates of TG and apo B, measured by the Triton method, were suppressed at the highest dose. Lipoprotein lipase activity of the acetone powder prepared from adipose tissue was not influenced by the drug. These results indicate that the primary cause of hypotriglyceridemic action of gemfibrozil is not due to suppressing synthesis and secretion of TG by the liver or enhancing lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissues.  相似文献   

Copper deficiency results in alterations in lipid metabolism that include elevations in serum cholesterol and triglycerides and a decrease in whole-body respiratory quotient. Copper-deficient animals are also leaner even though electron micrographs of the myocardium present increased lipid droplet accumulation. To address whether a compromised copper status impacts triglyceride deposition in a tissue-specific manner, the activity of lipoprotein lipase was measured in adipose tissue and cardiac and skeletal muscle. Weanling rats fed a copper-restricted diet (<1 ppm) for 6 wk demonstrated a greater than twofold increase in cardiac lipoprotein lipase activity concomitant with a significant reduction in adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity. Skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity was not altered by the copper-deficient state. The results of this study suggest that copper deficiency may induce a tissue-specific alteration in lipoprotein lipase activity in rats, which may contribute to the notable deposition of lipid substance in myocardium and the concomitant general body leanness.  相似文献   

Adult male Wistar rats were continuously irradiated for 30 days on an experimental field from a 60Co source or radiation. Lipoprotein lipase activity was determined in their adipose tissue, heart and liver at intervals of 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days from the beginning of irradiation and triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, phospholipid and non-esterified fatty acid concentrations were determined in their serum. Throughout the whole of the study, lipoprotein lipase activity was lower in the adipose tissue and higher in the heart of irradiated rats than in the controls. In the liver it was low 3 days from the onset of irradiation; at the other intervals it was variable and differed only non-significantly from the controls. Serum lipid concentrations were raised in irradiated rats--triacylglycerol from the 7th day, phospholipids from the 14th day and non-esterified fatty acids throughout the whole period of irradiation. In keeping with the high triacylglycerol values in the serum of irradiated rats, lipoprotein lipase activity in their adipose tissue was low.  相似文献   

Using metabolic labelling and sucrose density fractionation we compared the synthesis of lysozyme and lysosomal enzymes in human monocytic U937 cells. In pulse-chase experiments in sucrose density gradients, the intracellular radioactively labelled lysozyme distributed similarly to cathepsin D and beta-hexosaminidase. With the aid of immunochemical detection in Western blots, the steady-state distribution of lysozyme was found to be slightly different from that of beta-hexosaminidase; relatively more lysozyme was present in fractions sedimenting between lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. The observed distribution of the lysozyme antigen with a prominent peak in the lysosomal fraction was in striking contrast to the broad distribution of the lysozyme activity. The difference was explained by a bias in the determination of the activity of lysozyme by the 'lysoplate' diffusion assay.  相似文献   

The activity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in the heart, diaphragm, and soleus muscles was markedly increased in cold-acclimated rats and it was even greater in rats treated with oxytetracycline (OTC) while exposed to cold. Other skeletal muscles studied had low and variable activities which were not significantly increased by cold acclimation or by cold plus OTC treatment. It appears therefore that, apart from the heart and the muscles involved in respiratory movements, LPL activity is primarily associated with those muscles which contain a predominance of slow-twitch oxidative fibers, and that the enzyme in muscle, heart, and diaphragm responds to cold acclimation and cold plus OTC treatment in a parallel fashion in these tissues.  相似文献   

In this study, a correlation was sought between the circulating lipoprotein lipase activity and nutritional state in the rat. In fed rats, the plasma lipoprotein lipase activity was between 30 and 120 munits/ml, whereas after an overnight fast in restraining cages, the lipoprotein lipase plasma levels were between 280 and 500 munits/ml. The plasma lipoprotein lipase activity was inhibited by a specific high titre goat antiserum to rat lipoprotein lipase. No effect of fasting was seen on the plasma hepatic triacylglycerol lipase. 6 h after fasting, adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase decreased maximally, but plasma lipoprotein lipase was not changed and rose only after 16 h. Thus, it seems that most of the lipoprotein lipase activity in the fasting plasma was related to the 3-fold rise in lipoprotein lipase activity in the heart, which may represent total muscle lipoprotein lipase. The increase in heart lipoprotein lipase was due in part to an increase in the t1/2 of the enzyme from 1.2 to 2.9 h. To determine whether the high plasma levels in the fasting rats might result from impaired clearance of the enzyme by the liver, functional hepatectomy was carried out. 15 min after hepatectomy, plasma lipoprotein lipase rose up to 20-fold in fed and about 6-fold in fasting rats. Lipoprotein lipase activity extracted by the liver was calculated to be 30-60 munits/ml in the fed and 171-247 munits/ml plasma per min in fasting rats. An increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in extrahepatic tissues (heart, lung, kidney, diaphragm and adrenal) occurred 30 min after hepatectomy in fed rats. The increase in heart lipoprotein lipase was due to an increase in heparin-releasable fraction. Since no impairment of hepatic clearance of circulating plasma lipoprotein lipase was found, the high fasting plasma lipoprotein lipase activity may be related to an increase in enzyme synthesis, decreased enzyme turnover and an expansion of the functional pool in tissues such as the heart and probably muscle. The present findings indicate that measurement of endogenous plasma lipoprotein lipase can provide information with respect to the size of the functional pool under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

SummaryLipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a major lipolytic enzyme in the intravascular metabolism of postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. This enzyme is synthesized and secreted by tissues and transported to the capillary endothelial surface. Decreased activity of this enzyme is suggested to be involved in arterial sequestration of lipoproteins and thus in the progression of atherosclerosis. Titanium salts are widely used in industry, medicine, and pharmacy for tablet coating, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products. In this study the effect of titanium on post-heparin LPL activity is reported in vivo and in vitro.MethodsGroups of Male Wistar rats were administered (i.p) with an acute dose of 2.5 mg/kg titanium chloride for 10 days and a chronic dose of 0.75 mg/kg for 30 and/or 60 days. Blood samples were then collected for LPL assay. For in vitro study, plasma aliquots were incubated in the presence of up to 50 mM titanium and the enzyme activity was measured.ResultsAnimals exposed to acute dose of titanium showed about 20% reduction in LPL activity, whereas 31% and 36% reductions were observed in animals chronically exposed for 30 and/or 60 days, respectively. Titanium in vitro also led to enzyme inhibition, so that a decrease of 28–53% was seen in the presence of 0.1–50 mM titanium. This inhibition by titanium was potentiated when citrate and/or bicarbonate was present.ConclusionAlthough the mechanism of titanium effect on LPL activity in vivo and in vitro demands more investigations, the inhibitory effect of titanium ion in vivo should be considered seriously in subjects exposed to this metal ion. Changes in LPL activity may affect whole body lipid metabolism, a condition favorable for development and progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

W S Thayer 《Life sciences》1985,36(7):635-641
Rats treated chronically with the anticancer agent adriamycin (1.5 mg/kg/week X 14 weeks) exhibited cardiac and renal lesions typical of anthracycline toxicity, and had serum hyperlipidemia characterized by 4 to 10 fold elevations in all lipoprotein classes. Heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase activity measured in perfused heart preparations was decreased 69% in adriamycin-treated rats compared to saline-treated controls. Residual (non-heparin-releasable) activity was not significantly different after adriamycin treatment. The decrease in functional cardiac lipoprotein lipase may account, at least in part, for the serum hyperlipidemia observed in adriamycin-treated rats, and might play a role in the development of heart muscle disease.  相似文献   

Injections of 5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB) for 5 days resulted in decreases in the rate of body weight gain in both lean (Fafa) and obese (fafa) Zucker rats. EB administration also resulted in significant induction of cytoplasmic progestin binding sites in both hypothalamic-preoptic area (H-POA) and adipose tissues from rats of both genotypes. However, EB treatment significantly decreased lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in adipose tissue from lean, but not obese, Zucker rats and the same treatment increased LPL activity in the uteri from lean, but not obese, Zucker rats. The data are discussed in terms of the metabolic and reproductive dysfunctions observed in the genetically obese rat.  相似文献   

Total plasma postheparin lipolytic activity as well as lipoprotein lipase activity in plasma was higher after heparin injection in thyroidectomized rats than in controls. In contrast, the activity of liver lipase was lower in thyroidectomized rats. Adipose tissue from thyroidectomized rats contained more lipoprotein lipase activity than adipose tissue from controls as measured both in extracts of tissue homogenates and medium from in vitro incubations of tissue pieces. There were no differences between control and hypothyroid rats in the disappearance of intravenously injected 125I-labeled lipoprotein lipase, but when a low dose of heparin was injected before the labeled enzyme, the disappearance of 125I-labeled lipoprotein lipase was more retarded in thyroidectomized rats. The elimination of heparin itself was slightly retarded by thyroidectomy.  相似文献   

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been shown to alter several neuroendocrine functions in neonatally treated rats. To evaluate possible alterations in lipogenesis rate and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, male and female rats were injected during the neonatal period with MSG or saline (controls). In male MSG rats, an increase in lipogenesis of liver and retroperitoneal adipose tissues was observed. Triton WR 1339 (an LPL inhibitor) administration decreased retroperitoneal lipogenesis in these animals. In female rats, MSG-treatment increased lipogenesis only in gonadal and retroperitoneal adipose tissues. No change was observed in hepatic lipogenesis and the Triton administration did not change retroperitoneal lipogenesis. LPL activity was increased in the gonadal and retroperitoneal adipose tissues in male and female MSG-treated rats. These data suggest that there is a specific sex-dependent response in the development of MSG-induced obesity.  相似文献   

After 16 h nocturnal deprivation of food, male Wistar rats were irradiated by a single whole body dose of 2.40 Gy X-rays. Both the irradiated and sham-irradiated (control) rats were pair-fed for the first six days after irradiation, but for the rest of the time they were fed ad libitum. Lipoprotein lipase activity (LPLA) in the adipose tissue fell between 24 and 48 h; LPLA in the heart fell at 24 h and 21 days and rose on the 14th days. The serum triacylglycerol concentration rose between 24 and 72 h. Comparison with the fed control group showed LPLA in adipose tissue to be reduced at 6 and 72 h and on the 28th day and raised between the 7th and the 14th day. In the heart it was raised at 1 h and between 72 h and the 14th day, it was reduced on the 21st day and rose on the 35th day. The triacylglycerol concentration was raised between 48 and 72 h and on the 28th day. Pair-feeding after non-lethal X-irradiation allowed more exact differentiation of the specific effect of ionizing radiation on LPLA in the adipose tissue and heart at the early post-irradiation intervals.  相似文献   

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